Nayelly Coronado - PT 8

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PT 8.

3: Respiration in Color

Learning Target
(HS-LS1-7) Use a model to illustrate that cellular respiration is a chemical process whereby the
bonds of food molecules and oxygen molecules are broken and the bonds in new compounds are
formed resulting in a net transfer of energy.

Cellular respiration uses glucose and oxygen and produces carbon dioxide, water, and energy stored in ATP
molecules. The energy stored in ATP is used to power an organism’s life activities such as circulation,
excretion, movement, and synthesis. Here is the chemical equation for the cell respiration:

As oxygen is consumed during respiration, carbon dioxide is produced. Measuring respiration by oxygen
consumption requires elaborate equipment, so we will measure the carbon dioxide released rather than the
oxygen taken in. Carbon dioxide, when dissolved in water (e.g. blood plasma), forms an acid, carbonic acid.

Carbon dioxide production can be measured by breathing through a straw into a solution of bromothymol
blue (BTB). BTB is an acid indicator; when it reacts with acid it turns from blue to yellow. When carbon
dioxide reacts with water, a weak acid (carbonic acid) is formed.

The first part will address how to model the rearrangement of food and oxygen molecules and the energy

Part one will use pop beads to represent the molecules found in respiration reaction. While analyzing the
reaction you will encounter the following molecules: CO2 (carbon dioxide), H2O (water), C6H12O6 (glucose),
and O2 (oxygen).

In your own words, what are we analyzing in this lab activity?

We’re analyzing the chemical process of cellular respiration.

What are the limitations in using a model to represent cellular respiration?

The limitations for this model could be the beads since there’s only a certain amount we can use for this

Guiding Questions
What happens to the food and oxygen consumed by an organism?

Task 1

Modeling Cellular Respiration

To answer the guiding question, you will be provided pop beads to create a model for cellular respiration

Here are the steps that you will need to do in this investigation:

1. Decide what color pop bead you are going to use to represent each kind of atom from cellular
2. Make a color key and chart that identify the products and reactants of the equations.
3. Place the correct color and number of pop beads you chose for the reactants of cellular respiration.
(For example, if you chose red pop beads to represent oxygen, place one red skittle or pop bead for each
atom of oxygen on the reactants side).
4. Arrange them in the correct order so they represent the molecules on the reactants side.
5. Draw a colored picture of your pop bead representation of the cellular respiration reaction (both the
reactants and the products).

Record your lab procedures below:

Column 1 Column 2
Pop Bead Color Molecule represented # of Pop Beads needed #of Pop Beads needed
to model reactants to model product
White Oxygen 18 18
Purple carbon 6 6
BLue hydrogen 12 12

Task 1
Draw a picture of your model here (you may also print a photo of your model):

Writing Prompt orGoogle Slides Presentation

Directions: Answer the following writing prompt below. Make sure you write using complete sentences. 2-3 paragraphs
should be 7-8 sentences each or create an 8-10 page slide show showing the process of cellular respiration from when food
and oxygen enters your body (you will have to research this) . The presentation and essay must include the following
● Chemical formula of cellular respiration (1 slide)
● Mention what food is broken down into (1 slide)
● Discuss the three steps of cellular respiration (1 slide for each)
● Discuss what ATP is and does for an organism (1 slide)
● Briefly discuss the similarities and differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration. (1 slide)
● Make sure to include title page with a unique name for presentation and your group member names
Prompt: What happens to the food and oxygen consumed by an organism?

Mastery Rubric
Section Beginning Mastery (1) Near Mastery (2) Mastery (3)
Learning Target:
(HS-LS1-7) Use a model to illustrate that cellular respiration is a chemical process whereby the bonds of food
molecules and oxygen molecules are broken and the bonds in new compounds are formed resulting in a net
transfer of energy.
Topic and Report lacks an understanding of Report demonstrates an Report demonstrates a
Content how the model represents how understanding of how the model knowledgeable and thoughtful
organisms break down food and represents how organisms break understanding of how the model
oxygen molecules to release down food and oxygen molecules represents how organisms break
energy for the cells. to release energy for the cells. down food and oxygen molecules to
release energy for the cells.

Use of Report lacks relevant evidence to Report shows some evidence to Report cites substantial and valid
Evidence and support argument for how the support argument for how the evidence to support argument for
model illustrates how organisms model illustrates how organisms how the model illustrates how
break down food and oxygen break down food and oxygen organisms break down food and
molecules to release energy for molecules to release energy for oxygen molecules to release energy
the cells. the cells. for the cells.
Coherence Report lacks organized evidence Report requires further Report uses coherent reasoning
and and coherent reasoning to support organization of evidence and and organized evidence to
Organization claims about how the model clarification of reasoning to effectively support claims about
illustrates how organisms break support claims about how the how the model illustrates how
down food and oxygen molecules model illustrates how organisms organisms break down food and
to release energy for the cells. break down food and oxygen oxygen molecules to release energy
molecules to release energy for for the cells.
the cells.

Vocabulary Report shows little use of Report contains academic and Report consistently makes use of
and academic and domain language domain language but also has accurate academic and domain
which hinders the development of non-academic language when language so that evidence and
evidence and analysis. needed to support evidence or analysis is strengthened.
Language -APA format is not used. analysis. -APA format is used appropriately.
-An attempt is made to use APA

Exceeding Mastery (4)

In addition to mastery in all categories above, the report also includes 3 of the following elements: A connection to a local
scientist or community, a counter-argument, an explanation of how the content from this report is related to content from
another unit, a relationship to real-world examples or applications, additional sources, use of advanced appropriate scientific

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