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GRADE -08 - 2022

(Tutorial no-09)

Unit -09

Human Organ System.

Prepared by:
1. Human Organ Systems-Grade08 (unit-09)…..

Human excretory system

◙.It continues large number of bio-chemical reactions in living cells to maintain them alive. All those
bio- chemical reactions takes place only in living cells until they alive.
◙. When it takes place bio chemical reactions in the living cells of living bodies it produces different
◙. Some of those products are useful in different biological activities in our body.

1.Synthesis of …………………using simple materials.
2.Formation of ………….……..using simple materials

◙.Some of those products are not useless and make harm to the our body

1. ……………………………………………………… gas produced in the living process respiration..
2. ……………………………….. produced in digestion of food.

♦.Those useful products produced in the body is consumed by the cells for the continuity of the body.
♦.Those useless materials that may make harm effects to the living body is removed from the body.
♦.Those useless products produced as result of the bio chemical reactions in the cells are known as
. ……………………………….

What are excretory materials / excretory products?


Ex-1.Carbon dioxide gas and water in ………………..……….

2.Urea ,Uric acid ,Salts and water in ……………….…
3.Urea ,Uric acid salts and water in ……….…………...

♦.Excretory products can make damages to the living cells and tissues when accumulated in cells and
♦.Some excretory materials may be toxic.
♦.Therefore it is needed to be removed the harmful excretory materials from the body.
This process of removal of excretory materials from the body is …………………..


☻.If the waste substances are not removed, they would toxic to cells and living tissues or slows down
the rate of bio chemical reactions happened in the body.

☻.Excretion is an extremely important process in animal body as it helps to maintain homeostasis,

because the process excretion removes excretory materials produced I our body.

Science for tomorrow C.Priyantha

2. Human Organ Systems-Grade08 (unit-09)…

What is excretion?

There three main organs or organ systems that participate in the process of the excretion of human
body and they excrete different substances as illustrated follow.

Excretory organ Excretory products The form they are excreted

1. Kidney



Why does faecal matter is not an excretory materials?

Useless materials produced as due to bio chemical reactions happened in living cells are excretory
Faecal matter is a un-digested or non-absorbed food materials and are not resultant products of
biological reactions.
Therefore faecal material is not excretory matter.

Kidneys and Urinary system-

☻It produces nitrogenous excretory materials in case of bio chemical reactions of (metabolism)
☻Those excretory materials produced in cells and tissues are removed through the Excretory system.
(Urinary system)
☻It is the main system of organs that participate in removal of excretory materials that produced in
biological functions carried out in living bodies.

It has composed with following structures.


Science for tomorrow C.Priyantha

3. Human Organ Systems-Grade08 (unit-09)…





Shape - Bean seed shaped (Bean shape)
Size - 13 cm long and 6 cm wide.
Number of kidneys- Two as right and left
Position- ♦.…………………………………………………………


Arteries and veins connected for blood supply-

♦.Renal artery-……………………………………………………………………..
♦.Renal artery-……………………………………………………………………..

Science for tomorrow C.Priyantha

4. Human Organ Systems-Grade08 (unit-09)…

Structure of the kidney-



☻.Human kidney consists of two main parts as,


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5. Human Organ Systems-Grade08 (unit-09)…
Renal cortex-
♦.Renal cortex consists of lot of …………………………………………
♦.The cortex of the kidney is in reddish brown colour because………………………………………

Renal medulla-
♦.Renal medulla consists of triangular structures called …………………………………………………
♦.Tips of these renal pyramids directed to the …………………………………………………………………
♦.Renal pelvis gradually narrows and open into the upper end of the ..………………………………
♦.The medulla of the kidney is seen in light colour because ………………………..……………….

♣.The basic functional unit of the kidney is nephron.

----Formation of urine-----------.
Excretory products in blood is filtered in ………………….…………
Filtered excretory products are transported by………………………to the ………………………………
This filtered fluid is called ………………………………
Urine transported to the bladder is temporary stored in the bladder.
When the bladder is full, a person urinates to eliminate urine.

Name the components that present in urine ?.


Composition of Urine- * The PH Value of urine is….………. normal range is between 4.5 -8)
* A healthy adult passes …………………………. of urine per a day.
………………. - 96%

………………. - 2%
………………. - 2%

Diseases of kidneys-
The rate of filtration of urine decreases by 50% when a person reaches the age of 70 years. When the
functioning of kidney become poor due to several reasons , called malfunctioning of kidney.

There are several diseases associated with kidneys which cause malfunctioning of kidneys.

If the kidneys are damaged due to different reasons, the process of……………………………………..……

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6. Human Organ Systems-Grade08 (unit-09)…

1. Kidney stones / Renal calculi - (Stones kidneys.)

Salts like ……………………………………deposit in kidney that make crystals.
These salt crystals are called as kidney stones.

Reasons for kidney stones-

1. Not drinking ………………………………………
2. Taking ………………………….…………………
3. Not passing ………………………………………

2. Kidney failure / Renal failure -

Getting the kidney function ……………………… called as kidney failure.

Reasons for kidney faliures-

1. Not drinking ………………………………………
2. Taking ………………………….…………………
3. Not passing ………………………………………

3. Kidney infections-/ Renal infections

Urethra , urinary track and the kidney get infected by micro-organisms.

Reasons for kidney infections -

1. Not maintaining good health and cleanliness of the surrounding area of the urethra.

▀.It is very important to maintain healthy kidneys for efficient excretory process for a
healthy life.

There are some steps to be taken to maintain healthy kidneys. Some of them are,
♦.Drinking enough …………………………………………………………
♦.Limiting of much consumption of ………………………………………
♦.Quit ……………………………..………………………………………
♦. Maintaining a controlled ………………………………………………
(Specially advisable for the diabetes patients)
♦. Maintaining a controlled ………………………………………………
(Specially advisable for the patients with high blood pressure.)
♦.People who regular medications for a long period must make regular tests to check kidneys.
(Specially advisable for the patients who suffer from diseases for prolonged periods or life time)
♦. All people should concern about their ………………………………….of the surrounding area of urethra .

Science for tomorrow C.Priyantha

7. Human Organ Systems-Grade08 (unit-09)…

The skin
Skin is the ………………….organ in our body.
The weight of the human skin is about 4.5 kg.
The thickness of the human skin is about 1 mm-2 mm.
Human skin has made with two main layers. They are,

Name the parts of the skin given below.

1. 9.




Science for tomorrow C.Priyantha

8. Human Organ Systems-Grade08 (unit-09)…

♦.The outermost layer of the skin is the …………………
♦. Epidermis is made with number of ……..………………
♦. Epidermis heeding thousands of …………cells and make new cells regularly. ( replenishing)
♦. Epidermis produce a pigment called …………..that gives colour to the skin.

♦. Dermis is beneath the ………………..
♦. Epidermis contains ,
♦.The dermis is …………………than the epidermis.

♦. Hypodermis is beneath the dermis.

Functions of the human skin-

Human skin performs several important functions.
1. …………………………………………….…….

1.Skin acts as the protective layer of the body-

♦.Secretion of sebaceous glands in the skin acts as a barrier against micro-organism infections.
♦.Melanin (pigment) in the skin protect us from Ultra-Violet rays (UV rays).
♦.Epidermis minimize water loss from the body and it helps to protect the body from dehydration.

2. Skin helps to regulate the body temperature.

♦.When the environmental temperature is higher than the body temperature ,it secretes more sweat
and release more heat from the body.
Then it reduces body temperature to the normal body temperature 36.90C.
♦.When the environmental temperature is lower than the body temperature ,it reduces the blood supply
to the surface of the body minimizing loss of heat from the body.
Then it maintains body temperature at the normal body temperature 36.90C.
♦. It means skin helps to regulate our body temperature at the constant level 36.9 0C.

3. Skin acts as a sensory organ.

♦. Dermis contains more sensory nerve endings that detect pressure, touch and temperature.
It means skin helps to identify senses from the environment.
Science for tomorrow C.Priyantha
9. Human Organ Systems-Grade08 (unit-09)…

4. Skin synthesis Vitamin – D.

♦.Human skin cells can synthesize Vitamin D in presence sunlight. (morning sunlight)

5.Skin acts as a excretory organ. (minor excretory organ)

♦.Sweat gland secretes sweat containing excretory materials like Urea , Uric acid , Ammonium salts ,
Salts etc;
Therefore it is clear that skin acts as an excretory organ. (minor excretory organ)

Lungs as an excretory organ-

It produces carbon dioxide gas (CO2 ) and water in the process cellular respiration.

Produced excretory materials, CO2 gas and water are removed by lungs .
So lungs acts as a ………………………………….

Human nervous system-

When you drive a vehicle it maintain proper co-ordination of different organs like,
Eyes, Ears, Neck , Hands , Legs etc,
When you put a thread to a hole of a needle, it maintain proper co-ordination of different organs like,
Eyes, Neck , Hands , fingers etc,
When you run, it maintain proper co-ordination of different organs like,
Eyes , ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..

When the organs that are responsible for a function are co-ordinated well the respective function
completes well.

►How does it co-ordinates the hitting a ball by a cricketer.

Seeing the ball (Eye) Maintain proper co-ordination Hitting the ball using
among the organs Muscles in hand,neck
and leg

►How does it co-ordinates putting a thread to the hole of the needle.

Science for tomorrow C.Priyantha

10 Human Organ Systems-Grade08 (unit-09)…
►How does it co-ordinates the opening of a bottle with perfume.

The organs that receive the sense is the …………………….

There are 5 receptors (sensory organs).
Ex- 1……………………..
After the change of the environment (……………….) is grabbed by the ………………It is transmitted as an
………………………………….to the ………………………( motor organ)

There are 2 kinds of effectors (motor organs)

Ex- 1……………………..

A stimulus (plural stimuli) is a detectable change in the internal or external environment.
The ability of an organism or organ to respond to external stimuli is called sensitivity.
An organ or cell able to respond to light, heat, or other external stimulus and transmit a signal to
a sensory nerve.
A muscle, gland, or organ capable of responding to a stimulus, especially a nerve impulse.

Maintaining a good inter-relationship among stimulus , Receptors, effectors and other respective organs
is the coordination.

What is co-ordination in our body?


Co-ordination can be grouped in to two as,


Science for tomorrow C.Priyantha

11. Human Organ Systems-Grade08 (unit-09)…

Nervous co-ordination

Nervous co-ordination carry out by brain ,spinal; cord and their branches nerves.
All the parts that belong to the nervous system can be grouped in to two as follow.

1.Central nervous system

◙.Central nervous system is the main part that play main role for
Nervous co-ordination.
◙.Central nervous system has made with two main organs.

◙.Brain is housed and protected by the bony structure called………….

while the spinal cord is housed and protected by ………………………
◙.Both brain and spinal cord are further protected by three layers
of special connective tissues called …………………………………

There are three meninges,


◙.There is a special viscous fluid in the spaces among meninges.

This fluid is called as ……………………………………………

Science for tomorrow C.Priyantha

12. Human Organ Systems-Grade08 (unit-09)…

Functions of Cerebro Spinal Fluid (CSF).


Brain has three main parts -




♦. It is the largest part of the human brain and has two hemispheres.

♦. Cerebrum controls higher brain functions like. ………………………………………………………
♦. Cerebrum recognize different ……………………..…………………………………………………
♦. Cerebrum controls movements of ………………..and control ..……………………………………

♦. It is located just below the cerebrum. It has also made with two hemispheres.

♦. Cerebellum helps for the regulation and co-ordination of the .………………………………………

♦. It is located anteriorly interior to cerebellum.

♦. Medulla controls the automatic functions (Non-voluntary functions ) like …………………………

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13. Human Organ Systems-Grade08 (unit-09)…

2.Peripharal nervous system

♦.Peripharal nervous system has composed with the nerves come out from Brain and the spinal cord.

♦.Nerves come out from the brain are called as…………………………………….…………………

There are ……….couples of cranial nerves that come out from the brain.

♦.Nerves come out from the spinal cord are called as…………………………………………………
There are ……….couples of spinal nerves (sacral nerves) that come out from the brain.

►Functions of peripheral nervous system-

♦.Transmitting impulses from …………………………………….…………………………………….…………………

♦.Transmitting impulses from …………………………………….…………………………………….…………………

It passes messages as electrical signals that called nervous impulses through nerves.

What is an impulse?

Science for tomorrow C.Priyantha

14. Human Organ Systems-Grade08 (unit-09)…

♦.The most important parts of our body are ……………..and …………………..

So it is very important to protect them.
♦.We can take necessary protective measures in our day today activities to protect the ……………….
and ………………….

Followings are some of those protective measures.

1.Mothers should get proper nourishment in their pregnancy ,considering …….…..….and …….…..…
Development of the baby.

2.Mothers should maintain nutrition of people from their ………………………………………………

3. Adults and guardians must take steps to prevent children from ……………………………………

4. We must control the………………………………………………………..……………………………

5. We should avoid ………………………………………………………….………………………………

6. People must engage in …………………….…………………………………from childhood.

7. Be sure to maintain ……………………………………………..during sports , exercises and day to

day work.

8. Do not bend or twist the people who has spinal injury and they must keep absolutely still and safe.
It is better to keep such people on a wooden flat surface until to the nearest hospital.

Human nervous system

Central nervous Peripheral nervous

system system

Brain Spinal cord Cranial nerves Spinal (Sacral) nerves

(12 couples) (31 couples)

Cerebrum Cerebellum Medulla

Science for tomorrow C.Priyantha

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