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Name: ______________________Date: _______________________

Media Studies 20: Viewing The Simpsons


You will be viewing an episode of the popular cartoon The Simpsons.

You will be viewing for a purpose (other than entertainment); meaning that
you will be watching for certain things in the show. As you watch the show,
answer the following questions:

1. How are the following groups of people portrayed? If there are many
characters for each, choose one specific character to discuss.

a) Men – Homer – very stupid and childish

b) Women – emotional

c) Children – Bart – stupid, Lisa - smart

d) Single People – Sad and alone

e) Elderly People – they're like children and they're grouchy

f) Minorities – only want money????????

g) Traditional Families – Christian families – prude and innocent???

h) Others - bro I do not know

2. Is there any violence in the show? Explain.

Sometimes, there is not much blood. My one example is that one episode
where the Simpsons survive a nuclear missile from France that kills almost
everyone, but it has some humor in it
Name: ______________________Date: _______________________

3. What is the basic plot of the episode?

I forgot the episode name but it’s the football episode and Bart’s parents sign
him up for football because he is gaining weight???

4. In what ways is the episode appealing for adults?

The language and the jokes

5. In what ways in the episode appealing to children?

The art style and the childish jokes

Media Log Entry:

Answer ONE of the following questions in one or two fully developed


If you were a parent, would you allow your child (approximate ages 6-
12) to watch The Simpsons on a regular basis?


Why do you think The Simpsons attracts such a large and diverse group
of viewers and has retained its popularity?

Be sure to provide specific evidence to back up your response. You may

choose to refer to the episode you just watched or other episodes you have
seen in the past. You may want to compare this show to other programs on
television. Be creative and personal in your response!

“If you were a parent, would you allow your child (approximate ages 6-
12) to watch The Simpsons on a regular basis?”
Name: ______________________Date: _______________________

It really depends on what they love to watch as they grow up, I might
introduce it to them (the show) when they’re around 10 years old, and if they
don’t like it, they don’t have to continue watching it. Though if they like it,
then I'll allow them to watch it.

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