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O This document contains
playtest materials.

These are mostly untested

and might be poorly balanced.

Fabula Ultima is being published by Need Games.

Find more at:
Below you can find the latest updates to the contents of this file.

Last Updated: February 22nd, 2023

w Camp Activites: Camp Forge has been modified.

w Technospheres: NPCs cannot Use Equipment, but humanoids gain +1 Skill for it; all spheres and items
that contain them are protected from destruction, theft etc. See page 51, Equipment Rules Changes.
Rewrote the section on Troubleshooting, which is now located before the Hoplosphere list.

w Esper: several changes to multiple skills and gifts. Read carefully.

w Gourmet: the healing effect and damage effect from delicacies have been changed; damage effects can
now stack on the same delicacy, instead of being limited to 1 per delicacy.

w Invoker: Elemental Harmony has max SL 2. Wellspring Expansion lasts until end of the scene (or until
the skill is used again) and affects all damage sources. Ripples works a bit differently and has a max
SL of 3.

w Merchant: Winds of Trade has max SL 3, but each SL offers better benefits and the max TP cap has been
adjusted. Private Stock now only applies to a single Player Character at a time.

w Mutant: Therioforms Amphibia, Dynamotheria, Tachyteria have changed. Macrosmida replaced with
Arpaktida. Genoclepsis doesn't improve Accuracy or Magic Checks, but grants more damage.

w Heroic Skills: Decoy Bait costs 10 Mind Points. Nebulization has been streamlined. Quantum
Magicannon has been improved. Side by Side only restores MP, not HP. Added Auramancer's Mastery.
Soulweaver has become Ephemeral Tranquility. Removed Equitable Division and Just a Humble
Merchant, added For a Better Future.

Previously Updated: January 12th, 2023

w Quirks: Neo-human has been significantly toned down, while still being rather explosive.

w Camp Activities: Fixed a mistake with Camp Forge (it should have only allowed for the crafting of base

w Esper: Modified the mechanics of Gifts, as well as the scaling for some of their effects. Espers can no
longer use gifts while at full Brainwave, and the first gift already costs 5 MP.

w Merchant: the class received a rather extensive rework. Read carefully.

w Mutant: Akromorphosis no longer requires Hit Points, but does not combine with Triple Slash when in
dagger/sword mode. It has better scaling.
w Pilot: Added the flexible plating option, which does not count as martial armor. Expanded Plating
now only applies to martial armor modules. Improved the Shield Module. Mounted Warrior is SL+1
and max SL 4.

w Heroic Skills: Inner Wellspring and Strength of Five Wellsprings have been modified, making them
a bit more flexible. Added Hit the Nerve. Quick Scan has become Full Scan. Arcane Soldier no longer
requires spells with target "one creature". Power Nap is accessible to Merchant, but its recovery has been
reduced. Royalties replaced by Just a Humble Merchant!.

w Additional Notes: Changed the group transport's Substitution to distribute HP and MP gains and losses
among all PCs in the crew.

Previously Updated: December 16th, 2022

w Custom Weapons: The section containing the base rules for custom weapons was brought back, to allow
use and playtest of some Quirks and optional rules that require the use of a custom weapon.

w Esper: Psychic Warrior has become Psychokinesis. The Brainwave Clock can no longer be emptied
without the Brainwave Discharge Skill or the Guard action. Cognitive Amplifier applies to psychic gifts.
The list of gifts has been modified, with some gifts being bundled into one and others being added.

w Invoker: Ripples' damage scales at SL x2 and its wording has been further clarified.

w Mutant: Akromorphosis is max SL5 and scales at SL+5. Theriomorphosis is no longer limited to once
per scene, costs 1/3 of your current HP, and the transformation rules have been modified. Genoclepsis
has been modified as well. Added the Neurophagoida Therioform.

w Pilot: Flexible Configuration now requires Mind Points and can be used with Guard. Compression Tech
lets you hide the vehicle at any time and costs 1 Inventory Point. The class now allows you to use martial
melee and ranged weapons. Stealth Module was replaced by Magistatic Module. Mounted Warrior
only applies to specific Categories.

w Heroic Skills: Nebulization has been rewritten and now applies to any damage dealt through potions;
Psy Veil has been replaced by Psychic Field. Brainwave Discharge is now restricted to having a full
Brainwave Clock, but deals more damage to a single target and relies on hearing (thus Cognitive
Amplifier will apply). Bullet Time now relies on both Entropist and Rogue. Added Steel Witch,
Mimeoclepsis, Greater Akromorphosis.

w Additional Notes: Rules on the group's transport have been refined and completed.
Quirks are an advanced optional rule that provides strong thematic and mechanical
options for Player Characters. The Quirks presented in these pages were written with
a Natural Fantasy assumption, but may be used in any campaign; you may also use
them as reference to create your own Quirks - but you should only use those if the
rest of your group agrees to it.

w A Player Character may only ever have one Quirk.

w If you use Quirks in your game, it is strongly suggested that each Player Character
begins play with one; additionally, no two characters in the same group should have
identical Quirks.
w On average, a group of Player Characters with access to Quirks will be able to tackle
more challenging situations than what would be normal for their level.
w If it makes sense in the story, a character may lose their current Quirk and gain a
different one - discuss this with the group.


Quirks should be seen as a mechanical and narrative reinforcement of your characters'
unique nature. Keep the following in mind:

w Quirks shape the game. Even the less impactful Quirk is a powerful statement about
your character and their role in the story. If you pick Ancient Weapon, that item will
surely have narrative implications; if you go with The Long Dream, you are inviting
the Game Master to create situations in which you'll be pressed to use your powers.
Quirks will take the already heroic Player Characters and kick them up a notch, which
can be prove a bit overwhelming. Think carefully before you use them!
w Freedom of choice. You don't need a Quirk for your character concept to be valid.
If your Identity is "Barkville's Firstborn", you shouldn't feel forced to pick Stubborn
Scion for that Identity to be relevant to the story.
w What you should use Quirks for: bringing interesting situations into play, giving your
character unique issues to confront, providing additional mechanical support to your
character's Traits.
w What you should never use Quirks for: making your character stronger than the
rest of the group, stealing the spotlight, bringing sensitive topics that make others
W uncomfortable into play.

You don't fear delving deep in the ancient ruins; from their cold tunnels you have
retrieved an unusual weapon, which saved your life in more than one occasion. Where
did you find it? When did you stumble upon a similar weapon, and who carried it?
Together with the rest of your group, create a rare custom weapon (page XXX) worth
1200 zenit or less.

This weapons should have an especially unusual and technological appearance; it can
be a good idea to make it a firearm weapon and determine that similar items are rare
and mysterious in your world.

Once per session (approximately four hours of play), the Game Master may give you
1 Fabula Point in order to have sudden complications arise due to the unique nature
of the weapon (such as strange machines reacting to its presence, or monsters drawn
to the special energy it emits). However, the weapon cannot be destroyed, damaged,
lost or stolen without your permission as a Player.

You are a sentient plant creature, with humanoid intelligence. Do you belong to a
particular species, or are you one of a kind? How does your life cycle function? Do you
resemble a specific type of plant, flower, or tree?
Choose a status effect: dazed, enraged, or shaken. You are immune to the chosen
status effect. However, you also become Vulnerable to a damage type of your choice:
air, bolt, earth, fire, or ice.
You also learn one NPC spell (pages 310-311 of the Core Book; you cannot choose
Devastation; if a Magic Check is required, use【INS + WLP】): customize the spell as
needed (name, damage type, status effects etc.). When you cast this spell while in
sunlight, its total MP cost is reduced by 5 (to a minimum of 0 Mind Points).


Your travel companions know they can rely on you when it's time to make camp and
catch a precious breath among the constant pressure of your adventure. Who taught
you to care for others? Is there anyone among the other Player Characters you see as
a younger brother or sister? What special promise did you make them?
If your group's campaign does not make use of the optional rule Camp Activities (see
page XXX), your character still gains access to it.
Your character gains access to three Camp Activities instead of only two.

If your character gains this Quirk during a campaign that already makes use of Camp
Activities, you simply gain access to a single new Camp Activity of your choice.

When you choose to perform Camp Activities during a Rest, choose one option: you
perform two different Camp Activities, whose effects cannot be applied to the same
creature; or you perform the same Camp Activity twice, applying its effects to two
different creatures.

You bear the burden of a strange curse. Through which supernatural effects does it
manifest? How did you become cursed? Did you bother a magical creature or explore
a forbidden place? Who might tell you how to break it?
When you acquire this Quirk, describe the nature of your curse and tie it to one of
the threats present in your world. Once this threat is resolved, you will finally have a
chance to break free from the curse - describe how you expect this to happen.

Examples: nearby animals become aggressive; waters become treacherous when you
swim or sail; invisible sprites misplace your belongings.

When you are about to perform a Check, you may instead describe how your curse
gets in the way and automatically roll a fumble (both dice are treated as if you had
rolled a 1 on them). If you do, you receive 2 Fabula Points instead of 1, and generate
an opportunity as normal.
If you ever manage to break the curse, immediately gain a Heroic Skill of your choice
(you may even choose a Heroic Skill whose requirements you do not satisfy, unless
they include a Skill you don't have). This includes choosing a Heroic Skill for a Class
W you do not have.

You are deeply infused with the power of a natural element. Who among your forebears
first received this magical spark? What troubles has it caused you?
Choose your elemental damage type: air, bolt, earth, fire, or ice. You gain Resistance
to the chosen damage type; additionally, whenever you deal damage, you may change
its type so that it matches your elemental damage type. However, you also become
Vulnerable to a different damage type chosen among those five.
You also gain the ability to perform Rituals of the Elementalism discipline, but only if
those Rituals manipulate your chosen element (respectively air, electricity, earth/rock,
fire, and ice/water).

You belong to a unique heritage of humanoids who have the ability to fly or levitate.
How does this work? Is it magical, or do you have wings? How did this particular
advantage shape the history and society of your people? How do people usually react
to seeing you?
You are able to fly. In addition to the obvious advantage in mobility, your melee attacks
can target flying creatures and you cannot be targeted by melee attacks unless the
attacker is flying or is somehow able to reach flying targets.
While in Crisis or unable to fly freely (such as when you're inside a vehicle designed
for human-sized creatures or in a narrow corridor), you lose all benefits granted by this
Quirk. Additionally, when you suffer air, bolt or ice damage during a conflict scene, you
lose the benefits of this Quirk until the start of your next turn.


You came into possession of an old and hefty magical tome; sometimes, scribbles and
advice appear on its pages, helping you in your adventures. Where did you find it?
What kind of personality emerges from the text's style and tone?
As long as you have this Quirk, your grimoire is an indestructible artifact that cannot
be lost or stolen unless as a consequence of Surrender.
When your group stumbles upon a danger or discovery after a travel roll, you may ask
the Game Master a single question concerning that danger or discovery (you may ask
it immediately or save it for later); the Game Master answers truthfully and describes
how the answer appears on your grimoire.
Once your grimoire has answered 10 questions, it almost shared all of its knowledge
with you: choose one of the following options.
w Awakened Consciousness: you lose this Quirk and the grimoire turns into a Non-
Player Character; create this NPC together with the rest of your group, giving them
a name and describing their appearance. They do not have an NPC profile and do not
take part in Checks or conflicts, but they learn one spell of your choice among
those in the lists for the Elementalist, Entropist and Spiritist Classes in the Core
Rulebook. The NPC may cast this spell up to twice per conflict, at the end of any
Player Character's turn if requested. Spells cast this way require no Mind Points and
use 2d10 for the Magic Check (if needed).
w Hidden magic: you lose this Quirk, but your grimoire will still share a final and most
powerful secret. You acquire a Heroic Skill of your choice among Comet, Extra Spells,
Hope, and Volcano (see Core Rulebook; you may choose a Skill whose requirements
you do not fulfill).

You could also use this Quirk to introduce a new Player Character (and Player) in your
group; if you do, the character who had taken this Quirk should receive the benefits
listed by hidden magic instead of those in awakened conscience. Suggested Quirks for
a Player Character brought into a campaign this way are Arboreal, Robot, The Beast
Who Spoke, and The Long Dream.

Whatever your choice, the grimoire goes back to being a completely normal book and
the Game Master chooses one option: the grimoire provides a key clue regarding a
threat that is present in your world; or the grimoire reveals the existence of a new
threat and provides a key clue about it.
Once upon a time, you lived with your kin in the Realm of Fairies, in close contact with
the stream of souls... but it has been long since you last visited. What went wrong?
What is the state of the Realm at the moment? Who governs it?
You may verbally communicate with any creature belonging to the beast, elemental,
and plant Species.
You learn one spell of your choice among those in the lists for the Elementalist,
Entropist and Spiritist Classes in the Core Rulebook; additionally, you gain the ability
to perform Rituals of the Ritualism discipline, and you may use these Rituals to
transport creatures in and out of the Realm of Fairies.
However, you also possess a unique weakness typical of fairies: decide it together with
your group. Once per session (approximately four hours of play), the Game Master
may give you 1 Fabula Point in order to have sudden complications arise due to this
weakness or to have you automatically fail a Check (they must do so before the Check
is performed; the Check's Result and High Roll are both treated as being 0).

Examples: you are allergic to iron; you must count all poured grains of sand or salt; if
you see someone perform a specific gesture, you must do the same.

You are an artificial body in which a mysterious life shines, lone descendant of an age
lost to time. Do you look organic or mechanical? What prevents you from perceiving or
communicating like a normal human would? What fragmented memories do you still
hold from the time you were created?
You are not considered a living creature and gain Immunity to poison damage and
Resistance to earth damage. You are also immune to the poisoned status effect.
You do not need to breathe, eat or drink, but you still follow the normal rules for
resting; you also recover Hit Points and recover from status effects as normal.
You gain a +2 bonus to all Checks you perform to examine or interact with machines,
technology and constructs (except for Accuracy Checks and Magic Checks).


You hail from the wealthiest, most influential family in this region. On what do they
base their fortune and reputation? Are you the only heir? What is it about your family
you really can't stand, and why did it lead you to join the other characters?
If you choose this Quirk during character creation, increase your initial savings by
1000 zenit.
Additionally, you are accompanied by two fiercely loyal bodyguards: give them a name
and describe their appearance. They do not have an NPC profile and never take part in
Checks or conflicts, but you are inseparable and they somehow appear whenever you
need their help. They offer the following benefits:
w Be careful! When you suffer damage, you may halve it.
w Here is the information you previously requested. During a Rest, you may ask the
Game Master one question; they will answer truthfully.
w Stay down, I'll take care of this! When you create an elemental shard, you may
have it deal extra damage equal to【5 + half your level】.
Whenever you make use of one of these benefits, your bodyguards suffer 1d6 Fatigue;
as long as they have 10 or more Fatigue, you cannot rely on them.

Fatigue is shared between bodyguards; it is not tracked individually.

At the end of each session (approximately four hours of play), your bodyguards recover
1d6 Fatigue (to a minimum of zero).

Many Quirks bring complex themes to your table: for instance, The Long Dream
presents a dynamic that can be dangerously close to that of a terminal illness;
Robot, Outcast Fairy, The Beast Who Spoke and Underchild will likely lead to
the character being seen as an anomaly or even as a threat; Stubborn Scion
can involve generational conflict and toxic family pressure; Cursed or Survivor
imply seriously traumatic experiences. When you choose and customize your
Quirks, commit to respecting the personal boundaries of those who play with
you. Use lines and veils (page 140 of the Core Rulebook) and be ready to pause
the game if a scene is making someone uncomfortable. Be kind to each other,
W and be kind to yourselves.

You are among the few who survived a natural catastrophe or the attack of a dreadful
creature. Do you believe someone is responsible for this? Were you able to keep in
contact with any other survivors? Do you think it possible to rebuild?
Permanently increase your maximum Hit Points and maximum Mind Points by 5.
Choose one option: gain the ability to equip martial melee and ranged weapons,
martial armor, and martial shields; or learn any one spell from the Elementalist or
Spiritist lists; or permanently increase your maximum Inventory Points by 2.


You belong to a long line of magical beasts who protected human villages over the
centuries; nowadays, however, humanity has forgotten your role. Where do you make
your nest? Do you know of any of your kind who are still alive? Who, among the other
Player Characters, has shown interest or respect towards your nature?
You may not equip any item, with the exception of accessories. However, you gain a
permanent +2 bonus to Defense and a permanent +2 bonus to Magic Defense.
You also gain two benefits of your choice among the following:
w You may also equip custom weapons (provided you are using this optional rule; see
page XXX for more).
w You learn one NPC spell (pages 310-311 of the Core Book; you cannot choose the
spell Devastation; if a Magic Check is required, use【MIG + WLP】): customize the
spell as needed (name, damage type, status effects etc.).
w Your attacks with unarmed strikes deal 6 extra damage. This amount increases to
10 extra damage if you are level 30 or higher.



Long ago, your spirit dwelled in nature; then, something brought you to take on a
human form, but it won't be forever. Was it a prayer or some kind of magic? What part
of your appearance betrays your origin? Do you fear that last goodbye?
At the end of each session (approximately four hours of play), before assigning XP, roll
2d20. If you roll equal to or lower than your current character level, the last farewell
grows closer.
When a rule or ability requires you to spend Hit Points, Mind Points, or Fabula Points,
you may instead ignore that cost. If you do, the last farewell grows closer; after you
ignore a cost this way, if the last farewell has grown closer at least 10 times, the
moment has come to leave the world of humans. At the end of the current scene, you
will forever return to be a natural and inanimate object: together with your group, take
your time to roleplay one last bittersweet moment before you go.

Examples: you might turn into a great guardian tree, into a visage on the side of a cliff,
into a uniquely shaped rock, or into the brightest star there is.

The same happens if you Sacrifice yourself; in both cases, your character is considered
dead and cannot be brought back in any way. However, from now on all Player
Characters in the campaign (including your new character) will receive 1 additional
Fabula Point at the start of each session (approximately four hours of play).

You own a transport that also acts as your shop and laboratory. How did you obtain it?
How does it move, and what energy fuels it? What makes it extremely recognizable?
Normally, how do people react to its passage?
You may only choose this Quirk if your character has acquired one or more Classes
among Gourmet and Tinkerer.
You obtain a land vehicle (see page 125 of the Core Rulebook). This vehicle is big
enough to accommodate you and the rest of your group, plus two or three guests, but
unfit for combat.
If a Project requires a special ingredient or material, you may spend 1 Fabula Point to
suddenly stumble upon something similar in your workshop; if you do, the invention
must have a terrible flaw (see page XXX of the Core Book).
There isn't much you remember about your past, but upon awakening you found
yourself in the depths. Once you reached the surface, you realized you weren't exactly
like everyone else... you are spontaneously attuned to ancient technology, and boast a
strange power reserve you can draw from. Who was the first person you encountered?
What items did you have with you? Are you afraid of regaining your memories?
When a rule or ability requires you to spend Hit Points, Mind Points, or Inventory
Points during a conflict, you may instead ignore that cost. If you do, you cannot ignore
a cost this way again until the end of your next Rest. Describe where this intense but
ephemeral energy stems from!

Esempi: a magic gem hidden in your left eye; a power generator grafted to your arm;
an arcane circuit that resembles an intricate tattoo.

Additionally, when you encounter a contraption or creature connected to ancient

technology or to a ruins' past, you may choose one option: ask the Game Master
its purpose; or ask the Game Master what can activate it; or ask the Game Master
what can deactivate it. The Game Master answers truthfully and you describe a brief
flashback that reveals the answer.
After you receive an answer this way for the sixth time, you remember the real reason
why you had been left dormant underground, and the Game Master chooses one
option: you remember a key clue regarding a threat that is present in your world; or
you remember the existence of a new threat and receive a key clue about it.

Note that you will keep all benefits from this Quirk after this revelation (both the
ability to ignore costs and to ask questions).

Quirks are an advanced optional rule that provides strong thematic and mechanical
options for Player Characters. The Quirks presented in these pages were written with a
Techno Fantasy assumption, but may be used in any campaign; you may also use them
as reference to create your own Quirks - but you should only use those if the rest of
your group agrees to it.

w A Player Character may only ever have one Quirk.

w If you use Quirks in your game, it is strongly suggested that each Player Character
begins play with one; additionally, no two characters in the same group should have
identical Quirks.
w On average, a group of Player Characters with access to Quirks will be able to tackle
more challenging situations than what would be normal for their level.
w If it makes sense in the story, a character may lose their current Quirk and gain a
different one - discuss this with the group.


Quirks should be seen as a mechanical and narrative reinforcement of your characters'
unique nature. Keep the following in mind:

w Quirks shape the game. Even the less impactful Quirk is a powerful statement about
your character and their role in the story. If you pick Fugitive Experiment, you are a
lifeform no one has ever seen before; if you pick Cognitive Specter, the Soul Network
and the creauters inhabiting it will become an important part of the game. Quirks
will take the already heroic Player Characters and kick them up a notch, which can be
prove a bit overwhelming. Think carefully before you use them!
w Freedom of choice. You don't need a Quirk for your character concept to be valid. If
your Identity is that of a "World-famous Inventor", you shouldn't feel forced to pick
Inventor Prodigy for that Identity to be relevant to the story.
w What you should use Quirks for: bringing interesting situations into play, giving your
character unique issues to confront, providing additional mechanical support to your
character's Traits.
w What you should never use Quirks for: making your character stronger than the
rest of the group, stealing the spotlight, bringing sensitive topics that make others
W uncomfortable into play.

You have been riling up people to fight against oppressors for years, perhaps for
justice, perhaps for vengeance. Who is your current main target? Who or what did you
lose because of your insubordination? Who or what is hunting you down?
When you rest inside or near a settlement, you may choose one option: you learn what
the locals are mainly angry about or afraid of; or you create a contact that lives and
operates in this area, give them a name and specialty, and the Game Master tells you
what they request as payment, or why they are in trouble and need help.

Examples: Miqe the Witch, an expert ritualist willing to help in exchange for rare
materials; Two-fingers, a weapon dealer currently held prisoner by the Planetary
Security Corps.

You are a presence born within the depths of the Soul Network, straddling the line
between demons and humans. Do you remember your earliest moments? What belief,
memory or emotion do you embody? How did that shape your appearance?
Choose two damage types among air, bolt, dark, earth, fire, ice, and light. You gain
Resistance to the chosen damage types. However, you also gain Vulnerability to a third
damage type chosen from the list above.
You gain the ability to perform Rituals of the Ritualism discipline, and you may use
these Rituals to transport creatures in and out of the Soul Network, as well as to gain
information and track entities while inside the Soul Network.


You have access to a unique talent or device that lets you shape the energies of the
Soul Network into a demonic familiar. How did you obtain this power, and what price
did you pay? What does your familiar look like, and what does this say about you?
Together with the rest of your group, design a level 5 demon creature (see page 302
of the Core Book); this creature becomes your familiar. The familiar has no Initiative
score and does not level up, can have up to two basic attacks, and gains a +3 bonus
to Accuracy Checks and Magic Checks. Your familiar's maximum Hit Points are equal to
【five times their base Might die size + half your level】.
If you are level 20 or higher, your familiar gains an additional Skill. If you are level 40
or higher, your familiar gains another additional Skill. Make sure to discuss these Skill
choises together with the rest of your group.
When a non-Villain NPC you can see that belongs to the demon Species falls to 0 Hit
Points, if you are present on the scene, you may spend 20 Mind Points. If you do, the
Game Master reveals that creature's entire profile, and you may replace one of your
familiar's Skills with one of that creature's Skills (the GM has final say on which Skills
are eligible and how they will apply to your familiar). Describe the transformation!

If you have this Quirk, you may not acquire the Faithful Companion Skill from the
Wayfarer Class (page XXX of the Core Book).

Your familiar doesn't get a turn during conflicts, but on your turn you can use an action
to have the familiar perform an action (only once per turn). If you leave a scene, your
familiar leaves with you.
If your familiar falls to 0 Hit Points, they vanish and reform at your side you at the start
of the next scene in which you are present, with HP equal to their Crisis score.
When you rest, your familiar also gains the full benefits of resting.

Your presence here is an anomaly, and sometimes you really do seem to follow your
own rules. Do you come from a far away planet, or perhaps a different timeline? How
did you get here, and when? Do you think you still have a chance to go back, and
would you do so? What terrible threat followed you?
When you participate in a conflict scene, you automatically gain 1 Fabula Point.
Additionally, you can invoke a Trait to reroll dice even if you fumbled your Check (if
you do so, you do not receive a Fabula Point for the fumble).

Engineered within a secluded laboratory, you are a being with no precedents. The
world is not ready for you, and neither were your creators. How did you escape? What
are you searching for? Who was the first person to show you kindness?
When a rule or ability requires you to spend Hit Points, Mind Points, or Inventory
Points, you may suffer 1d8 Instability to instead completely ignore that cost.
At the end of each session (approximately four hours of play), lose 1d6 Instability (to
a minimum of zero).
If your Instability ever reaches 10 or higher, you are immediately reduced to 0 Hit
Points and must surrender; the consequences of this surrender should be closely tied
to your loss of control over your abilities. Then, reduce your Instability to 0.

d HUNDRED FACES (inspired by Nitro's Assassin fanmade Class)

You can disguise yourself as pretty much anybody else. Does this ability come from
special gadgets, psychic powers, or a unique physiology? Who was the first person to
see through your deception? Whose trust did you lose because of it? Who tried to hire
you for an unsavory operation, and how did you respond?
If you are away from unwanted eyes, you may use an action and spend 1 Fabula Point
to disguise yourself as another creature of humanoid size and shape; if the creature
is someone you had a chance to meet, observe or research, you may also adopt their
voice and mannerism.
Your disguise will reliably fool any soldier-rank creature, while elite and champion-
rank creatures might see through it due to a failed Check or opportunity. If a Villain
is present on the scene with you, they may spend 1 Ultima Point to reveal your true
identity through sheer coincidence or superior intuition. W

You have a burning passion for technology and strange devices. What innovative yet
dangerous discovery have you made, and which shady company is trying to steal that
information from you? How do they plan on using it?
Once per conflict scene, if you need to spend Inventory Points, you may reduce that
Inventory Point cost to 0.
You may initiate Projects. If a Project requires a special ingredient or material, you
may spend 1 Fabula Point to declare you have that item with you; if you do, the
invention must have a terrible flaw (see page XXX of the Core Book).

You represent the next evolutionary stage of humanity (or at least one possibility).
What gives away your nature? Do you conceal it? Do you have a mentor or someone
you deeply respect? Which entity or organization is keeping a close eye on you?
When you acquire this Quirk, choose one Attribute among Dexterity, Insight, Might,
and Willpower.
When you join a conflict, you may increase the chosen Attribute by one die size until
the end of the scene; this increase may bring that Attribute to a current die size of d20,
instead of the normal upper limit of d12.
At the end of your turn during a conflict, if at least one of your Attributes has a current
die size of d20, you lose an amount of Hit Points and Mind Points equal to half your
level (minimum 5).

The stream of souls itself speaks through your mouth, its suffering carved in centuries-
old scars caused by pollution and ruthless experimentation. How does that pain
manifest before your eyes? Does this fill you with despair, or does it fuel your anger?
How was this connection formed?
Choose a damage type: dark or light. You gain Resistance to the chosen damage type;
additionally, whenever you deal damage, you may change its type so that it matches
your chosen damage type. However, you also become Vulnerable to the damage type
you did not choose.
You also gain the ability to perform Rituals of the Spiritism discipline.
You were part of a gang, armed group, police force or military unit; your hands and
heart are stained with the blood of innocents. What shocking event led to your
defection? Who do you believe will never forgive you, and why are they right?
You may acquire this Quirk only if your character's Theme is Guilt, and your Theme
cannot be changed in any way as long as you have this Quirk.
When you acquire this Quirk, describe the organization you worked for, name the
Villain who leads it, and list their three main strategies. That organization becomes
a threat for your world.

Examples: the Galaxy Crossroad Corporation (led by Aaron Felgrance; they seize
natural resources from planets, diminish worker rights and colonize outer space);
the Deluvian Security Forces (led by Natalia Caiden; they use excessive force, traffic
prototype magitech armaments and spread disinformation).

You did manage to steal something from the organization: you obtain a single rare
item worth 1000 zenit or less. You may choose this item from the available lists or
design it together with the rest of your group.
At the end of each session (approximately four hours of play), if you hindered one or
more of the organization's strategies, or if you repaired some of the harm they have
done, gain 1 Subversion.

If you're ever unsure whether this happened during a given session, it is you who
always have final say. Be as honest and sincere as you can.

When you need to spend Fabula Points, you may instead spend 1 Subversion
(regardless of the amount of Fabula Points required).
Once the Villain leading the organization is defeated and surrenders, you lose this
Quirk, permanently increase your maximum Hit Points and Mind Points by 10, and
change your Theme to one of the following: Belonging, Duty, or Justice.


You are a humanoid creature with partially or fully mechanical components. Do you
know who created you, and why? Are there any creatures similar to you, and if yes,
which unique trait do you possess compared to them? When did your divergent
personality first manifest, and what were the consequences?
You are not considered a living creature and gain Immunity to poison damage and
Resistance to earth damage. You are also immune to the poisoned status effect.
You do not need to breathe, eat or drink, but you still follow the normal rules for
resting; you also recover Hit Points and recover from status effects as normal.
You gain a +2 bonus to all Checks you perform to examine or interact with machines,
technology and constructs (except for Accuracy Checks and Magic Checks).

You own a reliable transport that's gotten you out of trouble quite a few times. Problem
is, you kinda... borrowed it. What makes it unique? What kind of fuel does it run on?
Who was the original owner, and why do they really want it back?
You obtain a transport of your choice from the Core Rulebook (page 125), such as a
land vehicle, a ship, or even an airship; or you obtain a spaceship (see page XXX). The
size of this transport can be medium or large (see Additional Notes at the end of this
document); it is enough to accommodate you and the rest of your group plus a dozen
guests, and it is fitted with armaments that allow for transport combat.
Once per session (approximately four hours of play), the Game Master can give you
2 Fabula Points to introduce a narrative complication related to the nature of the
transport or to its original owner. However, the transport can never be destroyed
without your permission.

You are among the few who survived a catastrophic event, military attack or corporate
raid. Who was responsible for that event? Were you able to keep in touch with any
other survivors? Do you believe it possible to rebuild?
Permanently increase your maximum Hit Points and maximum Mind Points by 5.
Choose one option: gain the ability to equip martial melee and ranged weapons,
martial armor, and martial shields; or learn any one spell from the Elementalist or
W Spiritist lists; or permanently increase your maximum Inventory Points by 2.
You are the last remnant (or so it seems) of an ancient species of highly intelligent
beasts, betrayed and hunted down by humans. What do you look like, and what unique
ability do you possess? Who led you to trust others once more, and what would you do
if something bad happened to that person?
You may not equip any item, with the exception of accessories. However, you gain a
permanent +2 bonus to Defense and a permanent +2 bonus to Magic Defense.
You also gain two benefits of your choice among the following:
w You may also equip custom weapons (provided you are using this optional rule; see
page XXX for more).
w You learn one NPC spell (pages 310-311 of the Core Book; you cannot choose the
spell Devastation; if a Magic Check is required, use【MIG + WLP】): customize the
spell as needed (name, damage type, status effects etc.).
w Your attacks with unarmed strikes deal 6 extra damage. This amount increases to
10 extra damage if you are level 30 or higher.

Many Quirks bring complex themes to your table: for instance, Repentant
Enforcer and Survivor revolve around topics of exploitation and oppression;
Fugitive Experiment, Robot and The Beast Who Spoke lead to characters that
are viewed as threats or anomalies; and even the much simpler Hundred Faces
implies the character will likely face mistrust and suspicion. When you choose
and customize your Quirks, commit to respecting the personal boundaries of
those who play with you. Use lines and veils (page 140 of the Core Rulebook)
and be ready to pause the game if a scene is making someone uncomfortable.
Be kind to each other, and be kind to yourselves. W


You possess a strange weapon capable of shaping the weave of reality, an artifact from
a forgotten past (or perhaps even a far away future). How did you obtain it, and how
did you discover the basics of its functioning? Who is trying to take the relic from you?
Together with the rest of your group, create a rare custom weapon (page XXX) worth
1200 zenit or less. This weapon is an artifact, may only be destroyed through a PC's
Sacrifice, and may only be lost or stolen from you as a consequence of Surrender.
As long as a Player Character or Villain has the relic equipped, they may perform the
Skill action to have it manifest one of the following powers:
w Ask the Game Master a single question. The Game Master answers truthfully and
describes the visions shown by the relic.
w Choose a discipline among Chimerism, Elementalism, Entropism, Ritualism, and
Spiritism. Until the end of the scene, any character who has the relic equipped may
perform Rituals of that discipline and their MP cost is halved.
w Until the end of the scene, all attacks with the relic deal 5 extra damage, and all
damage they deal ignores Absorptions, Immunities and Resistances. Additionally,
the character may immediately perform a free attack with the relic.

The second and third option are cumulative with themselves; for instance, using
the second option thrice and choosing Chimerism each time will make it so that
Chimerism Rituals cost 1/8th of the normal MP.

After the relic manifests a power while in the hands of a Player Character, it gathers
1d6 Anomaly. If the relic's Anomaly ever reaches 10 or higher, it immediately resets
to 0 and you roll a d6:
w 1-4: the relic becomes completely inert until a specific condition is fulfilled; the
Game Master will tell you what it is.
w 5-6: the relic unleashes a terrible and unprecedented force, causing death and
destruction, a serious alteration of time and space, or even the advent of a new
threat for the world (Game Master's choice).

When a Villain uses the relic's power, it never generates Anomaly. Strange...

If you die and the relic is not destroyed as part of your Sacrifice, the relic remains a
part of the campaign with all the above rules intact, but can now be lost or stolen like
W any other object (it can still only be destroyed through a Sacrifice).

Your ability to manifest a physical body is tied to a weapon, which must be wielded
by another person. How were you created? Do many like you exist? Is this your first
sheath? Who did you refuse to join forces with? Do you crave freedom?
When you acquire this Quirk, choose another Player Character to act as your sheath.
You both immediately create a Bond towards each other; this Bond has 1 emotion
chosen among admiration, inferiority, loyalty, and mistrust.

Make sure whoever controls the sheath is okay with this relationship and looks
forward to exploring the unique nature of this Quirk with you.

Together with the rest of your group, create a rare custom weapon (page XXX) worth
1200 zenit or less; this is your weapon core and it has the following rules: "This
weapon cannot be lost, stolen or destroyed by external means, but it automatically
disintegrates if the character who uses it as their core Sacrifices themselves. It is
never considered martial (E); a character with this weapon equipped may perform
the Skill action to change its Accuracy Check's Attributes into any combination of two
different Attributes (if it is a transforming weapon, apply the change to both forms)."

As long as you have this Quirk, only your sheath may equip your weapon core.

Your current Hit Points may never go below 1; any excess loss of Hit Points is instead
suffered by your sheath (this happens regardless of distance).
When your sheath Surrenders, you immediately vanish and retreat within the weapon
core (regardless of distance), becoming dormant; the Game Master may impose the
consequences of the Surrender on you or on your sheath (GM's choice). You reform
near the weapon core as soon as the sheath regains consciousness.
When your sheath Sacrifices themselves, choose one option:
w Awakening (only if the total strength of your Bonds is 8 or higher): you lose this
Quirk and the weapon core appears in your hands; you immediately perform the
Equipment action for free and equip it.
w Legacy (only if another willing PC you can see is present on the scene): that PC
becomes your new sheath and your weapon core appears inside their backpack.
w Shatter: you Sacrifice yourself in place of the sheath, who immediately recovers HP
equal to their Crisis score and no longer needs to Surrender or Sacrifice themselves.
When you gain a level, if your Bonds have a total strength of 10 or higher, you may W
trigger an awakening as described above (no Sacrifice needed).
A majority of JRPG protagonists wield unique weapons that reflect their style and
are an expression of their personality - from battle umbrellas to gun axes, nothing
should be considered too impractical!
The following rules allow you to create a custom weapon for your hero during character
creation; later on, the Game Master can create rare versions of these weapons as per
the normal rules in the Core Rulebook (page 268; you can find sample rare custom
weapons in the following pages).
Custom weapons aren't strictly better than normal basic weapons; choose what to use
based on what fits your personal vision of the character.


A custom weapon starts with the following characteristics:

w It belongs to one Category of your choice (arcane, bow, brawling, dagger, firearm,
flail, heavy, spear, sword or thrown).
w It is not a martial weapon (E), but might become one depending on the customizations
that are chosen for it (see below).
w It is a two-handed weapon and cannot benefit from the Monkey Grip Heroic Skill (in
short, a custom weapon will always occupy both hand slots).
w It is a melee weapon or a ranged weapon (your choice, and regardless of the Category
you previously chose for it).
w It has a cost of 300 zenit.
w Its Accuracy Check relies on【DEX + INS】or【DEX + MIG】(your choice).
w It deals physical damage equal to【HR + 5】.

A custom weapon also receives three customizations from the list on the right.

w Each customization can only be chosen once for the same custom weapon.
w Choosing a customization marked with E turns the weapon into a martial weapon.
w If a customization says "you", it refers to the character who has the weapon equipped.
w Some especially powerful customizations count as two customizations or increase the
W cost of the custom weapon.

c Custom weapons have been released officially as part of the High Fantasy book in
Italian; they are still in this playtest document to allow international users to use them.

Adds a +2 bonus to the weapon's Accuracy Check formula.

Defense Boost
You gain a +2 bonus to Defense, and you are treated as having a shield equipped for
the sake of your Skills (for instance, Defensive Mastery or Dodge).

Choose air, bolt, dark, earth, fire, ice, light or poison. The weapon now deals damage
of the chosen type instead of physical, and also deals 2 extra damage.

Magic Defense Boost E

You gain a +2 bonus to Magic Defense.

Powerful E
The weapon deals 5 extra damage, or 7 extra damage if it is a heavy weapon.
This customization is not available for arcane and dagger weapons, or for weapons
with the quick customization (see below).

Quick (counts as two customizations) E

When you perform the Attack action and choose to attack with this weapon, you may
perform two attacks (against the same target or against different targets). If you do,
both attacks follow the rules for two-weapon fighting (no multi, HR equal to 0).

Transforming (increases the custom weapon's cost by 100 zenit)

This weapon has a second form: this second form must be designed as its own
separate custom weapon, but it must also have the transforming customization and
doesn't cost you any additional zenit.
While you have one of the two forms equipped, you can equip the other form whenever
you want; during a conflict scene, you can only do so during your turn, before or after
an action, and only once per turn.
If one or both the forms are martial (E), remember that you must have the appropriate
Classes to equip them. Additionally, a transforming weapon can still only have one W
Special Ability (the Special Ability applies to both forms).

Custom weapons allow you to create the most bizarre armaments you can imagine:
and at the same time, I did my best to keep them somewhat balanced. For instance,
you might argue that a quick and accurate custom weapon is always better than a pair
of steel daggers, but you lose the flexibility of combining that dagger with a different
weapon - there's pros and cons to each choice.

The transforming customization is by far the most complex option provided by custom
weapons. One important note, however: if one form of your weapon is a melee weapon
and the other is a ranged weapon, or if they belong to different Categories, you only
gain the benefits of one form at the same time.

For instance, if you use a weapon with a melee form and a ranged form, you won't be
able to add both Powerful Shot and Powerful Strike to damage, or to Counterattack
while simultaneously having Crossfire available.

A character wielding a transforming weapon is always free to decide which form they
start with at the beginning of a conflict.


The following pages showcase a few examples of High Fantasy-style custom weapons,
accompanied by possible rare evolutions.

w You may never wield a custom weapon in a single hand, not even decreasing its
damage by 4 as indicated on page 268 of the Core Rulebook.
w When it comes to transforming weapons, any modification (extra damage, Special
Abilities, Accuracy bonuses...) is automatically applied to both forms.

Sometimes, a Player Character's custom weapon will also be something they hold dear
(especially if it was obtained through the Heirloom Quirk, found on page XXX). In that
case, it can be a good idea to describe later rare variants as "upgrades" of the initial
weapon, instead of completely different items (for instance, they might be described
as gems slotted inside a sword, or unique cartridges for a firearm). However, the rules
and mechanics that govern items and equipment should not be altered.
Oh, these?
How I got them
is a mighty fine tale!

This is the iconic weapon wielded by Eryon, the Dancer. It is a transforming weapon,
and both forms are martial weapons: thus, a character must be able to equip both
martial melee weapons and martial ranged weapons to use this item.

The weapon's basic form, worth 400 zenit.

Form I E Accuracy:【DEX + MIG】 Damage:【HR + 5】physical

Two-handed w Melee w No Special Ability; this form belongs to the dagger Category
and has the quick and transforming customizations.

Form II E Accuracy:【DEX + MIG】+2 Damage:【HR + 10】physical

Two-handed w Ranged w No Special Ability; this form belongs to the flail Category
and has the accurate, powerful and transforming customizations.

A possible rare evolution, worth 1200 zenit.

Form I E Accuracy:【DEX + MIG】 Damage:【HR + 9】fire

Two-handed w Melee w Deals 5 extra damage to demons and undead; this form
belongs to the dagger Category and has the quick and transforming customizations.

Form II E Accuracy:【DEX + MIG】+2 Damage:【HR + 14】fire

Two-handed w Ranged w Deals 5 extra damage to demons and undead; this form
belongs to the flail Category and has the accurate, powerful and transforming W

Camp Activities are an optional rule designed to give greater spotlight to resting
scenes (page 91 of the Core Rulebook) and provide more options in addition to just
increasing or modifying Bonds. While they have been created with a Natural Fantasy
tone in mind, they can be used in any campaign.

Using this rule will not make Player Characters especially more powerful than normal,
but surely offers an improvement in flexibility.


If you use this optional rule, each Player Character gains access to two different Camp
Activities, chosen during character creation from the list in the following pages.

Make sure to avoid redundant Camp Activities within the same group, and to choose
Activities that fit your Player Character's concept and Identity.


When Player Characters play a resting scene (be while inside a settlement or in the
wilderness), each Player Character who takes part in it may perform one among the
Camp Activities they have access to, describing it and applying its benefits to the
chosen target.

It should be noted that each character may choose how to employ the resting scene,
independently from everyone else.

Example: Brandon, Martha, and Ylua pause to rest in the city, spending 20 zenit each.
They decide to play a resting scene inside the tavern; Brandon sleeps soundly to gain
an additional action in the future, while Martha prepares a double portion for Ylua,
who is often the target of the party's healing spells. Seeing Martha's kindness, Ylua
decides to use this scene to gather a few useful ingredients for the cook... hoping not
to get into any trouble!

Whether they perform a Camp Activity or not, characters may still use the resting scene
to adjust their Bonds (see page 91 of the Core Rulebook).

Many Camp Activities provide a benefit that
can be used only once before the next rest; to
make sure you easily remember which characters
have access to each specific benefits, you could use
tokens, counters, or other small objects that express
the personality of whatever Player Character performed
the corresponding Camp Activity.

Example: Brandon's player keeps track of sleep soundly

using a pink plastic button; on the other hand, Martha's
player gives a little badge portraying a slice of cake to
anyone who benefits from her double portion.

If the benefit carries over from one session to another,

instead, you can simply take not of it in a clearly visibile
area on your character sheet!


Camp Forge Yourself
Choose one option: you repair a damaged item owned by the group; or you create
a single basic weapon, armor, or shield of your choice (pages 130-133 of the Core
Rulebook); or you destroy a single piece of equipment owned by the group and obtain
a material whose value is equal to the cost of the destroyed item.

Cartography Yourself
Once before the next rest, after your group makes a travel roll, you may reroll the die
and keep the new result.

Combat Lesson One ally

Once before the next rest, after making an Accuracy Check or a Magic Check for an
offensive spell (r), the target may add a bonus of +4 to the Result of the Check.



Daydream Yourself
Once before the next rest, when you lose Hit Points for whatever reason, you may
choose to halve that HP loss.

Double Portion One ally

Once before the next rest, if the target is about to recover Hit Points, they may double
the amount of Hit Points recovered.

Exploration Yourself or one ally

You spend your time looking for useful items; describe how, then roll 1d6.
w 1. Ouch! You do not recover Hit Points and Mind Points during this rest.
w 2. Not what I was looking for... The target regains 1 Inventory Point.
w 3-5. Hoho, this can be useful! The target regains 3 Inventory Points.
w 6. Jackpot! You find an amount of zenit equal to【your character level × 50】.

Gathering A character with the Gourmet Class

You look for ingredients in the area; describe how, then roll 1d6.
w 1. H-help! At the end of this rest, the entire group will be caught in an easy conflict
against a threat whose level is equal to the group level.
w 2. Will these be okay... The target receives 2 ingredients with random tastes.
w 3-5. Looks tasty! The target receives 3 ingredients with random tastes.
w 6. Ah, these! The target receives 3 ingredients, each with a taste of their choice.

Martial Practice Yourself

Once before the next rest, when you perform an attack, you may grant that attack
multi (2) or increase its multi property by one point.

Magic Lesson One ally

Choose a single spell among those you know. Once before the next rest, the target may
perform the Spell action to cast the spell you chose (they must still pay its MP cost and
perform any Magic Checks as needed).
Massage One ally
Once before the next rest, if the target is about to pay a Mind Point cost, they may
halve that MP cost. This benefit cannot be applied to a Ritual's MP cost.

Midnight Oil Yourself

You generate 2 points of progress for a single Project of your choice.

Pep Talk One ally

Once before the next rest, if the target is about to recover Mind Points, they may
double the amount of Mind Points recovered.

Planning One ally

Once before the next rest, after making an Initiative Check as leader or a Check to
examine someone or something, the target may add a bonus of +4 to the Result of
the Check.

Sleep Soundly Yourself

Once before the next rest, you may perform an additional action on your turn during
a conflict scene. This action must be used to perform the Equipment, Hinder, or
Inventory action.

Training Yourself
Once before the next rest, if you are about to suffer one or more status effects from
the same source, you may instead choose not to suffer any of those status effects.


You might create new Camp Activities for your characters; if you do so, try to
keep them on the same power level as these. Then again, if your group has a
passion for fantasy cooking, you might change this rule so that each Activity is
instead a special dish created by your character, and always has one ally as the
target - sharing is caring, after all! W
Technospheres (from Greek téchne, "ability, art, proficiency") are crystals in which
a variable quantity of energy from the worldwide stream souls has coalesced and
stabilized. If placed within specially constructed equipment, these gems react and
alter its characteristics, perhaps even granting new powers to the user.

Technospheres are actually a group of optional rules which deeply modifies many
systems present in the Core Book, with the goal of replacing part of the complexity
instead of merely adding to it. If you use this rule, all Player Characters in the group
must follow it, without exceptions.

In rules terms, Technospheres take many of the features that make up characters and
equipment and turn them into modular options: Classes, Skills, Qualities and more can
be swapped freely. While this rule fits Techno Fantasy campaigns especially well, it
can be used within any game.

In general, this rule does not make characters stronger than normal; one could say it
makes them strong in different ways.

Technospheres are broadly divided in two groups: Mnemospheres and Hoplospheres.

w Mnemospheres (from Greek mnéme, "memory") are generated by the accumulation of

thoughts, emotions and knowledge present within the stream of souls, and respond
to the stimulus of new events and experiences.
In gameplay terms, each Mnemosphere is associated with a Class and grants its user
access to some of the corresponding Skills.
w Hoplospheres (from Greek óplon, "tool, weapon") are quite literally "clots" of soul
energy tied to a specific element (such as fire or earth) or concept (such as healing or
the casting of spells).
In gameplay terms, Hoplospheres reinforce the items in which they are placed or the
abilities of those who equip them; similar Hoplospheres may also coagulate into
more powerful effects.

The following pages include all the rules needed to apply the Technosphere system
to your campaign; they are fairly complex, so it's important for the whole group to try
and memorize them to the best of their ability.
Introducing Technospheres in your game also means deciding what role they play in
the setting. Here are some questions you should consider:

w What do Technospheres look like? How do Mnemospheres and an Hoplospheres differ?

w How does a Technosphere form naturally? Can this process be "forced"?
w Is there a faction with monopoly over Technospheres?
w Which hypothetical or legendary Technosphere might change the world's fate?


If you use Technospheres, equipment follows a set of special rules:

w The only available equipments in the game are: custom weapons (page XXX), armors,
and accessories, plus weapon and armor modules for the Pilot Class (page XXX).
w Custom weapons and armors cannot have Qualities outside those detailed in the
chart below, which offer slots in which Technospheres can be placed.
On the contrary, accessories and rare modules for Pilots (page XXX) follow the
normal rules for rare items and cannot have the Qualities described below.
w To lighten the GM's workload, NPCs cannot have the Use Equipment Skill (page XXX
of the Core Rulebook); their abilities may be described as coming from weapons or
armors, but they are not treated as such in terms of rules. To compensate, NPCs of the
humanoid Species receive one additional Skill.
w Technospheres (both Mnemospheres and Hoplospheres) and the items that contain
them cannot be destroyed, lost or stolen without the owner's permission.


Offers 1 Technosphere slot. This Quality is present on any
α slot -
weapon and armor with no other Qualities.
β slot +600 z Offers 2 Technosphere slots (max 1 Mnemosphere).
γ slot +1200 z Offers 3 Technosphere slots (max 2 Mnemospheres).
Offers 4 Technosphere slots (max 3 Mnemospheres).
δ slot +1800 z W
This Quality is only available on weapons.


The following rules apply to Player Character creation:

w Each Player Character is created at level 5 following the normal rules, but must
distribute those levels among exactly two Classes.
The Classes chosen this way are considered Innate Classes for that PC.
w The following Classes are only available as Innate Classes, never in the form of
Mnemospheres: Arcanist, Mutant, Pilot, Tinkerer, and Wayfarer.
w Upon creation, each Player Character receives a permanent increase of 10 maximum
Hit Points and 10 maximum Mind Points, and also gains the ability to equip martial
armors and weapons.
w Each Player Character also receives a Mnemosphere of a Class of their choice upon
creation. This Mnemosphere is at level 0.

Example: a Player Character might enter play with 1 level in Elementalist and 4
levels in Spiritist as Innate Classes, plus a level 0 Loremaster Mnemosphere.


The following special rules apply to Player Character advancement:

w When a Player Character gains a level, they raise their character level by 1 and invest
1 level into an Innate Class or into a Mnemosphere available to the group.
w The character may invest levels in their Innate Classes as per the normal rules, but
cannot acquire new Classes, not even after mastering both Innate Classes.

The character's maximum Hit Points and Mind Points, as well as the Attribute size
increase at levels 20 and 40 and any other effects whose power varies based on level,
are calculated using character level, which is thus separate from the total levels in
Innate Classes and equipped Mnemospheres.

Example: a Player Character might reach level 20 even though both their Innate
Classes are still only level 5, but having invested 10 levels in a variety of different
Mnemospheres; that character still increases an Attribute by one die size and is
treated as a level 20 character for the sake of calculating maximum HP and MP, as
W well as any effect based on the character's level.

A Player Character who already reached level 50 cannot further increase their
character level, but they may still receive Experience Points and invest any levels
obtained this way into mnemospheres.

Technospheres can be freely placed within weapons and armors fitted with the proper
slots; this way, anyone who equips the item in question will receive the benefits of all
Technospheres within it.

w Placing Technospheres within an item is a task that demands calm and attention, so
it cannot be done during a conflict.
w The same piece of equipment may contain both Mnemospheres and Hoplospheres,
provided you stay within the slot limit. For instance, a β slot can contain two
Technospheres at most, only one of which can be a Mnemosphere.
w The same item cannot contain two or more Mnemospheres that have one or more
Skills or Heroic Skills in common.
w A character may never equip an item containing a Mnemosphere that grants a Skill
or Heroic Skill they already have access to (regardless if they do so by way of an
Innate Class or through a different Mnemosphere present in their equipped items).
w Non-Player Characters cannot equip items containing Mnemospheres.
w Some Hoplospheres require and occupy more than one slot.
w Two or more identical Hoplospheres may be placed within the same item; sometimes
this will trigger a coagulation effect (see page XXX).


Each Mnemosphere is tied to a specific Class and can increase in level and become
stronger, absorbing memories and experiences. The following rules apply:

w For the sake of simplicity and balance, there are no Mnemospheres for the following
Classes: Arcanist, Mutant, Pilot, Tinkerer and Wayfarer.
w When a character invests a level in a Mnemosphere (page XXX), that Mnemosphere
develops a new Skill of the corresponding Class or increases the Skill Level of a
preexisting Skill, just like what would happen with normal Class advancement.
w A Mnemosphere may contain 5 levels at most; once it reaches level 5, that
Mnemosphere is mastered and develops a Heroic Skill of the corresponding Class, or
a generic Heroic Skill (the Players decide).
Mnemospheres cannot develop Heroic Skills that require you to have reached a
specific level or that require mastery of two or more Classes.
w As long as a Player Character has an armor or weapon containing Mnemospheres
equipped, they gain access to all Skills (normal and Heroic) inside them.
As soon as the character no longer has a Mnemosphere equipped, they lose all of
its benefits and abilities (including, for instance, spells learned through a Chimerist
Mnemosphere; those spells are part of the Mnemosphere, not of the character).
w However, Mnemospheres do not grant access to the free benefits of their Classes,
nor do they allow characters to start Projects or perform Rituals (Skills tied to these
aspect, if present, cannot be invested in). Characters who wish to obtain these abilities
must do so through Innate Classes.

Example: let's say a newly created level 5 character equips a level 5 Guardian
Mnemosphere (Defensive Mastery 3; Fortress 2; Bastion) and a level 3 Elementalist
Mnemosphere (Elemental Magic 2: Flare, Ignis; Magical Artillery); that character
would have access to Skills on par with a level 13 PC, including a Heroic Skill.
However, those Mnemospheres will not grant the character any of those Classes' free
benefits (additional HP, MP, use of martial armors and shields, and ability to perform
Ritualism Rituals). That said, the additional HP granted by Fortress would still apply!

It can be a good idea to use Mnemosphere sheets in order to keep track of each
Mnemosphere's advancement and let the group swap them easily between different
W characters (see page XXX).

Hoplospheres are simpler and more immediate than Mnemospheres, but definitely no
less important. They follow a few specific rules:

w Hoplospheres replace the normal Quality system of rare items, and allow Player
Characters to frequently reconfigure their equipment.
w When placed within a piece of equipment, a Hoplosfere will infuse it with its power in
a way that is unique to that specific type of Hoplosphere.
Several sample Hoplospheres can be found starting on the next page.
w Many Hoplospheres feature coagulation (Coag.) effects, which are added to the
Hoplosphere's normal effect if other Hoplospheres of the same type are placed within
the same item.

Example: if you place two Arctic Hoplospheres within the same weapon, each will
change the weapon's damage type to ice and will grant Resistance and Immunity to
ice (thus resulting in Immunity). If you place three Gladiator Hoplospheres inside it,
however, the weapon will deal 6 extra damage to humanoids (2 from each sphere) and
also increase your Defense score by 3.

Similarly to Mnemospheres, Hoplospheres work better if handled through a digital

support or with memo cards that let Players swap them easily (see page XXX).

Technospheres work best when the group has a good quantity and variety of them
available: because of this, the basic premise is that these crystal will spontaneously
appear in the game world. This makes sure that "it always makes sense" to stumble
upon one of them during a session (such as a Fury Mnemosphere generated by the
wrath of a rampaging monster, for instance).

A particularly interesting option is to have each Technosphere offer a brief vision of

what generated it upon touch: a sound, a memory, an emotion, or some kind of clue.

Each Technosphere is worth approximately 500 zenit, and each already-present level
inside a Mnemosphere increases its value by 300 zenit for the sake of determining
rewards or selling the item.
A list of ready-to-use Hoplospheres can be found starting on page XXX. W


The rules governing Technospheres are robust but, as is often the case when a rule has
such a profound impact, they can require some adjustments.

For instance, a character based on the Akromorphosis Skill (page XXX) or that often
relies on weapon and armor modules (page XXX) might find themselves partially or
completely without their Mnemospheres and Oplospheres; not only that, but some
groups will likely desire to implement Technospheres only partially.

Below you can find a list of suggestions that allow you to solve most of these issues
in simple enough ways. It should be remarked that the limitations added by these
options are due to the fact that, normally, both Hoplospheres and Mnemospheres
compete for the same slots and thus balance each other out; if you remove one or
the other from the equation, you endanger that very balance.


In this case, which is especially common for Mutants and Pilots, the character may
place a number of Mnemospheres equal to or lower than【1 + (the PC's level,
divided by 15)】inside some kind of device, armband or other contraption that offers
a narrative justification and allows them to keep the Classes in those Mnemospheres
always available; however, the character cannot equip items with γ or δ slots, and
can only use their equipment's Technosphere slots for Hoplospheres.

If the group decides to use Mnemospheres but would rather keep the normal rules
that govern equipment, they may implement a variant of the rule described above:
each PC can maintain a number of Mnemospheres equal to or lower than【1 + (the
PC's level, divided by 15)】active, and equipment simply follows the rules provided
by the Core Rulebook. In this case, Hoplospheres do not exist.

Finally, if the group wishes to customize their equipment through Hoplospheres
but prefers not to tie Classes and levels to Mnemospheres, you need to apply all
Technosphere rules for equipment, but the δ slot Quality is not available. In this case,
W Mnemospheres do not exist.

To randomly generate a Hoplosphere from the list, the Game Master may roll two d6s
and use one die for the tens digit and the other for the unit digit.

w Hoplospheres marked with an asterisk (*) can only be placed within weapons, never
within armors.
w The same weapon cannot contain different Hoplospheres among those tied to a
damage type (for instance, a weapon may contain three Toxic Hoplospheres, but not
a Toxic Hoplosphere and a Voltaic Hoplosphere).
This limitation does not apply to armor.

Obviously these are only a few examples of Hoplospheres; the Game Master is free to
create more using these as reference, and Players may propose them through a survey
or wishlist (page 123 of the Core Book).

Roll Hoplosphere Effect (while the item is equipped)
Accuracy Checks with this weapon gain a +1 bonus.
11 Sharpening*
u Coag. 2: This weapon deals 2 extra damage.

You treat your Dexterity as if it were one die size higher (up to
12 Agile a maximum of d12).
This Hoplosphere occupies 2 slots.
You gain Resistance to ice damage. If this item is a weapon, all
damage it deals becomes ice.
13 Arctic u Coag. 2: You gain Immunity to ice damage.
u Coag. 3: Any ice damage you deal ignores Resistances. When
you deal damage, you may change its type to ice.
This weapon deals 2 extra damage to undead.
14 Blessed*
u Coag. 2: You gain a +1 bonus to Magic Defense.

You treat your Willpower as if it were one die size higher (up to
15 Brave a maximum of d12).
This Hoplosphere occupies 2 slots. W

Roll Hoplosphere Effect (while the item is equipped)
You are immune to dazed.
16 Crystalline u Coag. 2: You gain a +2 bonus to Open Checks made to
examine creatures, items, and locations.
You gain Resistance to air damage. If this item is a weapon, all
damage it deals becomes air.
21 Cyclonic u Coag. 2: You gain Immunity to air damage.
u Coag. 3: Any air damage you deal ignores Resistances. When
you deal damage, you may change its type to ice.
You gain Resistance to dark damage. If this item is a weapon, all
damage it deals becomes dark.
22 Dark u Coag. 2: You gain Immunity to dark damage.
u Coag. 3: Any dark damage you deal ignores Resistances. When
you deal damage, you may change its type to dark.


When you create a character with a level higher than 5 in a campaign that uses
Technospheres, the following special rules apply:

w Starting budget. The character receives initial zenit as per page 229 of the
Core Book, but may spend them on custom weapons, armor, accessories,
and Hoplospheres (500 zenit each).

w Mnemospheres. The character receives an additional level 0 Mnemosphere

for every 10 levels beyond 5 (for instance, a level 23 character will receive
one additional Mnemosphere, for a total of two initial Mnemospheres).

w Levels. The character may distribute their levels as they wish between their
Innate Classes and initial Mnemospheres, but must invest at least 5 levels
W among two or more Innate Classes.

Roll Hoplosphere Effect (while the item is equipped)
Each target hit by this weapon suffers dazed.
23 Dazing*
This Hoplosphere occupies 2 slots.
This weapon deals 2 extra damage to constructs.
24 Disrupting*
u Coag. 2: You gain a +1 bonus to Defense.

When you hit one or more creatures with this weapon, you may
25 Draining*
recover 3 Hit Points and 3 Mind Points.
You are immune to weak.
26 Energizing u Coag. 2: When you recover Hit Points, you recover
2 additional Hit Points.
Attacks with this weapon gain the multi (2) property.
31 Expansive*
This Hoplosphere occupies 2 slots.
Each target hit by this weapon suffers shaken.
32 Ghastly*
This Hoplosphere occupies 2 slots.
This weapon deals 2 extra damage to humanoids.
33 Gladiator*
u Coag. 2: You gain a +1 bonus to Defense.

This weapon deals 2 extra damage to monsters.

34 Knightly*
u Coag. 2: You gain a +1 bonus to Magic Defense.

When you cause one or more creatures to recover Hit Points

and/or Mind Points with a potion, that potion causes them to
35 Medical recover 2 extra HP and/or MP, respectively.
u Coag. 2: When you cause one or more creatures to recover
Hit Points and/or Mind Points with a potion, that potion
causes them to recover 1 extra HP and/or MP, respectively.
You treat your Might as if it were one die size higher (up to a
36 Mighty maximum of d12).
This Hoplosphere occupies 2 slots.
This weapon deals 2 extra damage to elementals.
41 Occult*
u Coag. 2: You gain a +1 bonus to Magic Defense. W

Roll Hoplosphere Effect (while the item is equipped)
Damage dealt by this weapon ignores Resistances.
42 Piercing* u Coag. 2: Damage dealt by this weapon ignores Resistances
and Immunities.
You gain Resistance to poison damage. If this item is a weapon,
all damage it deals becomes poison.
43 Poisonous u Coag. 2: You gain Immunity to poison damage.
u Coag. 3: Any poison damage you deal ignores Resistances.
When you deal damage, you may change its type to poison.
This weapon deals 2 extra damage to beasts.
44 Predator*
u Coag. 2: You gain a +1 bonus to Defense.

You are immune to slow.

45 Quick
u Coag. 2: You gain a +2 bonus to your Initiative Modifier.

You gain Resistance to light damage. If this item is a weapon, all

damage it deals becomes light.
46 Radiant u Coag. 2: You gain Immunity to light damage.
u Coag. 3: Any light damage you deal ignores Resistances. When
you deal damage, you may change its type to light.
This weapon deals 2 extra damage to plants.
51 Reaping*
u Coag. 2: You gain a +1 bonus to Defense.

You treat your Insight as if it were one die size higher (up to a
52 Revealing maximum of d12).
This Hoplosphere occupies 2 slots.
Each target hit by this weapon suffers enraged.
53 Scornful*
This Hoplosphere occupies 2 slots.
You gain Resistance to earth damage. If this item is a weapon, all
damage it deals becomes earth.
54 Seismic u Coag. 2: You gain Immunity to earth damage.
u Coag. 3: Any earth damage you deal ignores Resistances.
W When you deal damage, you may change its type to earth.

Roll Hoplosphere Effect (while the item is equipped)
This weapon deals 2 extra damage to demons.
55 Skeptical*
u Coag. 2: You gain a +1 bonus to Magic Defense.

Each target hit by this weapon suffers slow.

56 Snaring*
This Hoplosphere occupies 2 slots.
Attacks with this weapon target Magic Defense.
61 Sorcerous* u Coag. 2: Spells you cast deal 2 extra damage, and spells you
cast that cause creatures to recover Hit Points cause them to
recover 2 extra Hit Points.
You are immune to shaken.
62 Steadfast u Coag. 2: When you recover Mind Points, you recover
2 additional Mind Points.
Each target hit by this weapon suffers weak.
63 Tiring*
This Hoplosphere occupies 2 slots.
Each target hit by this weapon suffers poisoned.
64 Toxic*
This Hoplosphere occupies 2 slots.
You gain Resistance to fire damage. If this item is a weapon, all
damage it deals becomes fire.
65 Volcanic u Coag. 2: You gain Immunity to fire damage.
u Coag. 3: Any fire damage you deal ignores Resistances.
When you deal damage, you may change its type to fire.
You gain Resistance to bolt damage. If this item is a weapon, all
damage it deals becomes bolt.
66 Voltaic u Coag. 2: You gain Immunity to bolt damage.
u Coag. 3: Any bolt damage you deal ignores Resistances.
When you deal damage, you may change its type to bolt.

on a 13+ when examining a creature, item or location,
ask up to 2 questions







+10 MAX MP (+20 IF LEVEL 40+)

This page presents two good options for keeping track of Mnemospheres and
Hoplospheres: Mnemosphere sheets and Hoplosphere cards.
You can find blank versions of these at;
afterwards, all you need to do is print and cut them.

w When developing a Mnemosphere, it can be a good idea to give it a custom name

independent of its Class: for instance, an Entropist Mnemosphere built to provide
spells that support allies and hinder enemies might be renamed "Controller", while
a Rogue Mnemosphere containing nothing but Cheap Shot levels might be renamed
"Dirty Fighter".
w Cards are an effective way of keeping track of Hoplospheres, but you might end up
with quite a lot of them: a fun and interesting option is coloring the circle behind the
sphere's name in a way that reminds you of its general use and effects. For instance,
Hoplospheres granting offensive effects might be colored red, while those granting
some sort of healing or immunity might be colored green, and so on.

This way, when a Player Character places Technospheres inside a weapon or armor, the
Player can simply note down the names of those spheres and grab the correspinding
cards or sheets; coagulating Hoplospheres may be put in a stack, as shown below.


sorcerous medical

+2 to hp and mp
weapon only.
recovery you
target m.def.
with potions.
c2: +2 to damage
and hp healing
c2: +1 to hp and
you do with
mp recovery
you cause with

ALSO: Empath, Psion, Soul Hacker

Like an open book.

Thought, desire and emotion
are powerful forces, whose
echoes influence the stream
of souls that flows throughout
the world.
Espers have developed the
ability to connect with this
spiritual web of sensations,
which scientists have dubbed
"Soul Network" (see page XXX
for more details), and rely on
it to transmit information
and improve their physical
and mental abilities. Because
of this, each Esper will apply
their powers in remarkably

different ways.
w How did you develop your psychic abilities? Did someone train you?
w Which of your abilities can you strengthen with your psychic arts?
w Are your abilities relatively common, or are you the exception?
w Which unsettling or unusual quality do your powers possess?


w Permanently increase your maximum Mind Points by 5.

When you deal damage to your cognitive focus for the first time during a turn, you deal
additional damage to them equal to【SL + the strength of your Bond towards your
cognitive focus, if any】and they lose【SL × 2】Mind Points.


At the start of your turn during a conflict, you may choose one enemy you can see that
is suffering from two or more status effects among dazed, enraged, and shaken. Until
the start of your next turn, that enemy becomes your cognitive focus.
You gain a bonus equal to【SL】to Opposed Checks and Checks for Hinder actions
against your cognitive focus, as well as Tests you perform to examine them. The total
MP cost of your spells and verses (High Fantasy Sourcebook, page XXX) that include
your cognitive focus among their targets is reduced by【SL + 2】(to a minimum of 0).

You and any non-unconscious ally within 1 travel day of you may comunicate
telepathically; you are able to hear each other for the sake of Skills and effects.
You gain the ability to perform Rituals of the Ritualism discipline; additionally, you
may use Ritualism to transport creatures in and out of the Soul Network, as well as
to gain information and track entities while inside the Soul Network.


Each time you take this Skill, you gain a psychic gift. The rules for psychic gifts and for
the brainwave clock can be found in the next page.

When you perform an Accuracy Check, you may replace one of the Attribute dice with
Willpower (such as【DEX + WLP】for a shortbow). Additionally, your attacks with W
weapons belonging to the arcane or sword category may target flying creatures.
Each gift may be used when a specific event takes place. When this happens, if your
Brainwave Clock is not full (see below), you may spend an amount of Mind Points
equal to【5 + (the number of filled sections in your Brainwave Clock, multiplied by
5)】in order to apply the effects of that gift to that event.

w You may only use a single gift per event, and the same gift can only be used once
per event.
w If a gift causes HP or MP recovery, or if it causes MP loss, the amounts increase by 10
if you are level 20 or higher, or by 20 if you are level 40 or higher.


When you first acquire the Psychic Gifts Skill, you receive a Brainwave Clock.

w Your Brainwave Clock has 4 sections, and it begins each scene empty.
w After you resolve one of your gifts, fill 1 section of your Brainwave Clock (you do so
after the effects of the Gift have been calculated and applied).
w Your Brainwave Clock determines your gifts' cost in Mind Points, as well as their
effectiveness (see above).
w Sections of your Brainwave Clock may not be filled in any way other than described
above, and they may only be erased through a change of scene or through the
Brainwave Discharge Heroic Skill (page XXX).

Atmokinesis When you deal damage
That damage becomes air or bolt, and its source deals extra damage equal to【2 + the
number of filled sections in your Brainwave Clock】.

When an NPC becomes your cognitive focus

or when you create a Bond towards an NPC
You ask the Game Master a single question about that NPC, and the Game Master
answers truthfully; then, you describe what sensation revealed this information to you.
W You may only use this gift once on the same NPC.
Energy Transference When your cognitive focus loses Hit Points
Choose yourself or one ally you can see that you have a Bond towards: the chosen
creature recovers an amount of Hit Points equal to【5 + (the number of filled sections
in your Brainwave Clock, multiplied by 5)】.

Gravitokinesis When you deal damage

That damage becomes earth or physical, and its source deals extra damage equal to
【2 + the number of filled sections in your Brainwave Clock】. If the source deals
damage to one or more flying creatures, they are forced to land immediately.

Photokinesis When you deal damage

That damage becomes dark or light, and its source deals extra damage equal to【2 +
the number of filled sections in your Brainwave Clock】.

After an enemy succeeds on an Opposed Check

Psychic Backlash
against you or causes you to lose Hit Points
That enemy loses an amount of Mind Points equal to【5 + (the number of filled
sections in your Brainwave Clock, multiplied by 5)】. Then, choose one option: that
enemy suffers dazed; or that enemy suffers shaken.

When an enemy you can see performs an

Psychic Shield
attack or casts an offensive (r) spell
You treat your Defense and Magic Defense as being equal to【your current Willpower
die size + (the number of filled sections in your Brainwave Clock, multiplied by 2)】
against that single attack or offensive spell.

After you perform the Guard action and

Reassuring Presence
choose to cover an ally
That ally recovers an amount of Mind Points equal to【10 + (the number of filled
sections in your Brainwave Clock, multiplied by 5)】.

Thermokinesis When you deal damage

That damage becomes fire or ice, and its source deals extra damage equal to【2 + the
number of filled sections in your Brainwave Clock】. W

ALSO: Herbalist, Gardener, Witch of the Woods

There is no rose
without thorns.

Spiritual energy flows strongly
within plants, thanks to their
direct connection to earth.
From this encounter grow
magiseeds, gifted with the
unique ability to thrive on
natural and magical stimuli;
eventually, they blossom into
a majestic yet ephemeral
triumph of magic.
Floralists can identify and
cultivate these strange seeds,
which grant a large variety
of benefits and combine with
several different disciplines.

w When did you first discover a magiseed, and where?
w Who taught you how to tend to plants and flowers?
w How did you implement magiseeds in your combat style?
w Are there many practicing your art, or are you the exception?


w Permanently increase your maximum Hit Points by 5.

After you plant a magiseed, you may choose one option: you perform a free attack with
an equipped weapon; or you immediately perform the Spell action for free, casting an
offensive spell (r) with a total Mind Point cost equal to or lower than【SL × 5】(you
must still pay its MP cost).
If the attack or spell deals damage, treat your High Roll (HR) as being equal to 0 when
determining damage; if it hits all of its targets, fill 1 section of the Growth Clock of the
magiseed you just planted.

Each time you acquire this Skill, you discover a new type of magiseed.
During a conflict, you may use an action and spend 5 Mind Points to plant a magiseed
you have discovered in your garden. The rules for the garden and for discovering and
cultivating magiseeds can be found in the following pages.

You gain the ability to perform Rituals of the Ritualism discipline; additionally, you
may use Ritualism to create smell-based illusions.


After a creature hits you with a melee attack, you may deal an amount of poison
damage to that creature equal to【(SL × (2 + the number of blossomed magiseeds in
your garden)】(after the attack has been resolved).


When you plant a magiseed, you may spend up to【SL × 5】Hit Points. If you do, fill
1 section of that magiseed's Growth Clock for every 5 Hit Points spent this way. You
cannot use this Skill if doing so would reduce you to 0 Hit Points. W
When you plant a magiseed, you also create a Growth Clock tied to it.

w The Growth Clock has 6 sections, and its sections can only be filled or erased through
that magiseed's growth condition (see below), through opportunities, or through the
Battle Gardening, Green Thumb, and Tree of Life Skills.
w Some magiseeds require a choice at the moment of sowing: you must make this
choice whenever you plant that type of magiseed.
w Each magiseed features a growth condition; whenever this condition takes place, fill
1 section of that magiseed's Growth Clock.
w As soon as a magiseed's Growth Clock is full, that Clock is removed from the scene and
the magiseed's blossom effect begins to apply.

At the end of each scene, all magiseeds in your garden (see below) vanish alongside
their respective Growth Clocks and blossom effects.

For instance, if you plant a grave asphodel and use the Battle Gardening Skill to
perform a successful attack that deals dark damage, the seed's Growth Clock will end
up having 2 filled sections out of 6.

All magiseeds you planted during a scene, be they growing or already in blossom, are
treated as being in your garden.

w Your garden may contain a number of magiseeeds up to【(half your Skill Level in
Chloromancy) + 1】at the same time.
w Your garden can never contain two or more magiseeds of the same type.

For instance, if the garden of a Floralist with Chloromancy at Skill Level 2 already
contains a golden ginkgo, that Floralist may plant a second magiseed, provided it is
not a second golden ginkgo.

Despite these limitations, the Heroic Skill Cycle of Harvest (see page XXX) allows you
to remove some magiseeds from your garden during a scene, thus making room for
W different types of magiseed if needed.

Whenever you discover a new type of magiseed, choose it from the list below; the
Game Master may also include magiseeds as rewards (thus going above the normal
limit of 6 magiseeds discovered through Chloromancy).

If your group agrees to it, you can also invent new types of magiseeds beyond what is
included below; if you do, try to keep these new magiseeds on the same power level
with the others, so as to avoid making old magiseeds obsolete.

Remember that once a Floralist discovers a type of magiseed, they may repeatedly use
it any number of times; thus, there is no need to discover several copies of the same
magiseed (doing so would be useless, since you can only plant one copy of a given
magiseed in your garden).

It grows tall and thick enough to darken the sky.
Growth: when a source deals fire or light damage, or when a creature performs the
Guard action.

Blossom: at the start of your turn, if this magiseed is in your garden, choose a creature
you can see. That creature suffers shaken. If that creature was already suffering from
shaken, instead they lose 10 Mind Points. This amount increases to 15 Mind Points if
you are level 20 or higher, or to 20 Mind Points if you are level 40 or higher.

Its blood-red berries secrete deadly poison.
Growth: when a creature performs the Hinder or Skill action.

Blossom: as long as this magiseed is in your garden, all damage you deal becomes
poison; additionally, when you deal poison damage, you deal 5 extra damage.


A soft plant whose presence warms heart and spirit.
Growth: when a creature performs the Objective or Skill action.

Blossom: when you or an ally present on the scene succeed on a Check and that
Check allows you or that ally to advance or turn back a Clock, if this magiseed is in
your garden, you or that ally may fill or erase an additional section of that Clock.

Its vibrantly colored leaves represent tenacity.
Growth: when a creature performs the Skill or Spell action.

Blossom: at the start of your turn, if this magiseed is in your garden, you and every
ally present on the scene recover 5 Mind Points. This amount increases to 10 Mind
Points if you are level 20 or higher, or to 15 Mind Points if you are level 40 or higher.

Solemn and elegant, it embodies death's inevitable embrace.
Growth: when a source deals dark or poison damage to one or more creatures, or
when a creature performs the Attack action.

Blossom: as long as this magiseed is in your garden, all sources of dark and poison
damage ignore Absorption and Immunity.

Its rustling tranquility conceals immortal regeneration.
Growth: when one or more creatures suffer damage.

Blossom: at the start of your turn, if this magiseed is in your garden, you and every
ally present on the scene recover 5 Hit Points. This amount increases to 10 Hit Points
if you are level 20 or higher, or to 15 Hit Points if you are level 40 or higher.
"Are you seriously telling me that
seed became a tree upon hearing my song?!"

Its sturdy, elegant internodes have many uses.
Growth: when a source deals air or ice damage, or when a creature performs the
Inventory action.

Blossom: when this magiseed blossoms, choose a Player Character you can see. That
character regains 4 Inventory Points.

It emits nauseating puffs from its central maw.
Growth: when a creature performs the Attack or Hinder action.

Blossom: at the start of your turn, if this magiseed is in your garden, choose a creature
you can see. That creature suffers weak. If that creature was already suffering from
weak, instead you deal 15 poison damage to them. This effect deals 5 extra damage
if you are level 20 or higher, or 10 extra damage if you are level 40 or higher.

Its wide petals absorb elemental energy.
Sowing: whenever you plant this magiseed, choose a damage type among air, bolt,
earth, fire, and ice.

Growth: when a source deals damage of the type chosen during sowing to one or
more creatures, or when a creature performs the Spell action.

Blossom: as long as this magiseed is in your garden, you and every ally present on
the scene gain Resistance to the damage type chosen during sowing.


Its leaves carry whispers of ancient counsel.
Growth: when a creature performs the Objective or Study action.

Blossom: when this magiseed blossoms, you may ask the Game Master a single
question concerning a creature, object or location present on the scene; the GM will
answer truthfully.
Additionally, as long as this magiseed is in your garden, you and every ally present
on the scene may treat your Magic Defense scores as being equal to 12 (you may still
use your normal scores if it is higher than 12).

It silently gazes into celestial depths.
Growth: when a creature performs the Guard or Spell action.

Blossom: at the start of your turn, if this magiseed is in your garden, choose a creature
you can see. That creature suffers dazed. If that creature was already suffering from
dazed, instead they lose 10 Mind Points. This amount increases to 15 Mind Points if
you are level 20 or higher, or to 20 Mind Points if you are level 40 or higher.

Its majestic flowers filter and purify spiritual energy.
Growth: when one or more creatures suffer a status effect (does not apply if all of
those creatures were already affected by that status effect and/or immune to it).

Blossom: at the start of your turn, if this magiseed is in your garden, choose a
creature you can see. That creature heals from all status effects.

Its thick, long thorns create an impenetrable maze.
Growth: when a creature performs the Attack or Hinder action.

Blossom: at the start of your turn, if this magiseed is in your garden, choose a
creature you can see. That creature suffers slow. If that creature was already suffering
from dazed, instead you deal 10 physical damage to them. This effect deals 5 extra
damage if you are level 20 or higher, or 10 extra damage if you are level 40 or

A rare fern that enhances elemental effects.
Sowing: whenever you plant this magiseed, choose a damage type among air, bolt,
earth, fire, and ice.

Growth: when a source deals damage of the type chosen during sowing to one or
more creatures, or when a creature performs the Skill action.

Blossom: as long as this magiseed is in your garden, all sources that deal damage of
the type chosen during sowing deal 5 extra damage.


ALSO: Brewer, Chef, Patissier


? A true chef respects

the nature of that
which they transform.

Cooking may be considered a
common skill, but Gourmets
refine their knowledge of
foodstuffs to a level that is
nothing short of supernatural:
they refine the art of extracting
spiritual energies from every
ingredient, infusing meals
with powerful magical effects!
While most Gourmets are
content with simply settling
down in a town or village
and making a living off their
skills, some wander the world
in a lifelong search for new

w Who taught you how to cook? What is your relationship with your teacher?
w Is your craft something revolutionary, or is it an established field of work?
w What does your cooking look like? Which tools do you use?
w What legendary recipe or ingredient are you looking for?


w Permanently increase your maximum Inventory Points by 2.
w You may start Projects to create unique foods and drinks; they are always consumable
and their area is based on the number and type of creatures you need to nourish.

When you rest inside a settlement, you gain【SL】ingredients (see next page).
You may use an action and combine two to three ingredients to prepare a delicacy
(see next page) and choose one option: you receive the delicacy's effects; or an ally
you can see receives the delicacy's effects; or perform a free attack with a weapon you
have equipped. This attack deals no damage, but you apply the delicacy's effects to
each enemy hit by the attack.
You may carry up to 10 +【SL × 5】ingredients, and they do not spoil; if you take this
Skill during character creation, begin play with ten ingredients with random tastes.


When you perform the free attack granted by the Cooking Skill, you may have the
attack deal damage as normal. If you do, you treat your High Roll (HR) as 0 when
calculating damage dealt by this attack, unless the weapon is a dagger.


When you use the Cooking Skill and choose the second option, you may spend 10
Mind Points: if you do, apply the delicacy's effects to up to【SL】additional allies you
can see.


When you prepare a delicacy, you may spend 2 Inventory Points: if you do, change the
taste of one ingredient to a different taste of your choice.


After each travel roll, if you acquired the Cooking Skill, you gain【SL × 2】ingredients. W
When you gain an ingredient, you're not sure what you'll get - roll a d6 to determine
the ingredient's taste (see below), then describe what it looks like and give it a name.
Always record the name and taste of each ingredient you find.

1. Bitter 2. Salty 3. Sour 4. Sweet 5. Umami 6. Your choice

Example: you gain two ingredients after traveling through the Petrified Forest. You
roll a 1 and 5 for taste, which means one is bitter and the other is umami.
You decide to call the first ingredient "Fossil Honey" and the second ingredient
"Stonebark Slime". You record both ingredients and their tastes.

You may also purchase ingredients from shops: the price is 10 zenit for an ingredient
with a random taste, or 20 zenit for an ingredient with a taste of your choice.


When you use the Cooking Skill, you create a delicacy with powerful effects.

w Every different combination of two tastes (even if it's the same taste twice!) will add
an effect to the delicacy.
w When you combine two tastes you never combined before, determine the effect of
that combination by rolling a d10 and consulting the chart on the right.
Then, record the result you rolled in your Cookbook - from now on, that specific
combination of tastes will always produce that specific effect.
w When completed, your Cookbook will have a total of 15 combinations.

Example: you combine three ingredients, one of them salty and two of them bitter.
The resulting delicacy has two combinations (bitter + bitter and salty + bitter), which
means it will have two different effects.
You previously combined bitter + bitter and rolled a 4, choosing MP recovery for the
effect; but you never combined salty + bitter, so you need to determine its effect
rolling dice. You now roll a 1, and choose dazed. Thus, the resulting delicacy will allow
W the target to recover from the dazed status effect and also recover 30 Mind Points.

The Temple of Five Spices is rumored to hold the recipe
for a dish that can summon the soul of the deceased.

1. The target recovers from (choose one: dazed; enraged; poisoned; shaken; slow; weak).

2. The target suffers (choose one: dazed; shaken; slow; weak).

The target recovers 40 (choose one: Hit Points; Mind Points). This amount increases to 50
if you are level 30 or higher.

The target suffers 15 (choose one: air; bolt; earth; fire; ice; poison) damage. This amount
increases to 20 if you are level 30 or higher.

Until the end of your next turn, the target suffers 5 extra damage from all sources that deal
(choose one: air; bolt; earth; fire; ice; poison) damage.

7. The target cannot perform the (choose one: Guard; Spell; Skill) action on their next turn.

The target gains Resistance to (choose one: air; bolt; earth; fire; ice; poison) damage until
the end of your next turn.

The target treats their (choose one: Dexterity; Insight; Might; Willpower) as if it were one
die size higher (up to a maximum of d12) until the end of your next turn.

During the target's next turn, all damage they deal becomes (choose one: air; bolt; earth;
fire; ice; poison) and its type cannot change.

w When preparing a delicacy you will obtain 2 or 3 effects, depending on which

ingredient combinations you use (the effects may also be 4 or 6 when using the All
You Can Eat Heroic Skill, on page XXX); you decide in which order to apply these
effects, and may choose to forgo any number of them.
w Effects 5 to 10 can only be applied during conflict scenes.
w Record your choice for each particular combination of tastes in your Cookbook. If you
create that same combination in the future, it will retain that specific version of the
effect (for instance, if you roll an 8 for sour + sweet and choose earth, your future
uses of the sour + sweet combination will always grant Resistance to earth damage).
No two combinations of tastes in your Cookbook may have the same effect: when
you determine the effect of a combination you never tried before, make your choice
in such a way as to create an effect with no precedents; if you can't, reroll the d10.
w Delicacies are created, used and destroyed within the same action.

ALSO: Channeler, Five-Soul Master, Onmyōji

Do not wish for control;
wish for understanding.

Invokers research the innate
energy of souls and the way
it spontaneously flows and
manifests throughout their
surroundings. Even if their
art relies on calling upon the
power of the elements, they
adapt to the existing power
sources rather than force an
unnatural outcome and upset
the flow of spirits.
That said, Invokers remain
formidable adventurers: they
boast great flexibility and a
unique affinity for elemental

w How did you develop the art of invocation?
w Is there a spirit or elemental creature you have a special bond towards?
w How do your invocations manifest?
w Are your abilities relatively common, or are you the exception?


w Permanently increase your maximum Hit Points or Mind Points by 5 (your choice).

You may verbally communicate with creatures of the elemental Species.
When you restore a creature's Hit Points with an invocation or spell, if an elemental is
present on the scene, the restored amount is increased by【SL × 5】.

You may use an action and spend 5 Mind Points to perform an invocation, drawing
energy from one of the wellsprings present on the scene (see next page). Your【SL】in
this Skill determines which invocations you have access to.


When you perform an invocation, you may spend up to【SL × 10】additional Mind
Points. For every 10 Mind Points you spend this way, the invocation may target an
additional creature you can see.

After an enemy loses Hit Points due to damage dealt by one of your allies, if that
damage was increased by one or more "hex" invocations, you may end all "hex"
invocations present on that enemy. If you do, perform a free attack with a weapon
you have equipped; this attack may only target that enemy. If this attack is successful,
all damage dealt by it becomes of the same type that was dealt by your ally, and you
recover【SL × 2】Mind Points.


When another creature deals air, bolt, earth, fire, or ice damage, if you have an
arcane weapon equipped, you may spend 10 Mind Points. If you do, you now treat the
wellspring corresponding to that damage type as being present on the scene, and all
sources that deal damage of that type deal【SL × 2】extra damage. These effects last W
until the end of the scene, or until you use this Skill again.


During each scene, your surroundings grant you two different wellsprings: the Game
Master tells you what they are. Remember to describe how wellsprings manifest in the
scene; they may be natural features, objects, or even creatures.

Example: during a battle taking place on a steam-powered airship amidst stormy

clouds, any two of air, fire, lightning and water would make sense.

When you perform an invocation, choose one option you have access to among those
in the table below (provided the corresponding wellspring is available in the scene);
then, apply its effects to one creature you can see.

Your Skill Level in the Invocation Skill determines which invocations you have access
to:【SL 1】enables "blast" invocations,【SL 2】enables "blast" and "hex" invocations,
and【SL 3】gives you access to all invocations.

Example: if air and earth wellsprings are available and your Skill Level is 2, you have
access to Aero Blast, Aero Hex, Geo Blast, and Geo Hex.

If an invocation deals damage, it will deal 5 extra damage if you are level 20 or
higher, or 10 extra damage if you are level 40 or higher.
Similarly, if an invocation causes the target to recover Hit Points or lose Mind Points,
the amount will increase by 10 if you are level 20 or higher, or by 20 if you are level
40 or higher.


Air wellspring (damage type: air)
Aero Blast The target suffers 20 air damage.
Until the start of your next turn, the target suffers 5 extra damage
Aero Hex
from all sources that deal bolt and fire damage.
Breeze The target recovers 30 Hit Points.

W Twister The target suffers 10 air damage and also suffers dazed.

Earth wellspring (damage type: earth)
Geo Blast The target suffers 20 earth damage.
Until the start of your next turn, the target suffers 5 extra damage
Geo Hex
from all sources that deal air and ice damage.
Growth The target recovers 30 Hit Points.
Quicksand The target suffers 10 earth damage and also suffers slow.

Fire wellspring (damage type: fire)

Pyro Blast The target suffers 20 fire damage.
Until the start of your next turn, the target suffers 5 extra damage
Pyro Hex
from all sources that deal earth and ice damage.
Burst The target suffers 10 fire damage and also suffers shaken.
Smoke The target loses 20 Mind Points and also suffers weak.

Lightning wellspring (damage type: bolt)

Electro Blast The target suffers 20 bolt damage.
Until the start of your next turn, the target suffers 5 extra damage
Electro Hex
from all sources that deal earth and fire damage.
Static The target suffers 10 bolt damage and also suffers slow.
Thunder The target loses 20 Mind Points and also suffers dazed.

Water wellspring (damage type: ice)

Hydro Blast The target suffers 20 ice damage.
Until the start of your next turn, the target suffers 5 extra damage
Hydro Hex
from all sources that deal air and bolt damage.
Chill The target loses 20 Mind Points and also suffers shaken.
Frostbite The target suffers 10 ice damage and also suffers weak.

ALSO: Artisan, Collector, Pharmacist

Wealth's the mean,
certainly not the end!

Even in worlds rife with great
magic, wealth and money are
very influential. Trade and
commerce are one key aspect
to the development of nations
and kingdoms, and Merchants
are quite aware of this power.
It might seem strange for a
Merchant to be treated on par
with a hero: and yet, those
who resist the temptation of
greed and rely on commerce
to foster exchanges of ideas
and dialogue between distant
people truly are fighting their
very own revolution.

w Who introduced you to the art of commerce? Is it a family business?
w Would this world be better without money? If so, why are you still a merchant?
w What do you love about commerce? And what do you despise about it?
w Do you have a business rival? What is your relationship with them?


w Permanently increase your maximum Inventory Points by 2.

When you restore the Hit Points of one or more creatures with a potion or delicacy
(page XXX) that does not deal damage, you may instead have each of those creatures
suffer poison damage equal to【SL × 2, plus half the amount of HP they would have
recovered】; you must apply all sources of extra HP recovery (halved), and apply all
sources of extra damage. The type of this damage cannot change, and any other effects
of the delicacy or potion are unchanged.


When you or an ally who is able to hear and understand you perform a Check to
examine a creature, item, or location, you may spend 1 Trade Point to grant a bonus
equal to【SL × 2】to the Result of that Check.


At the start of your turn during a conflict scene, you may spend 1 Trade Point. If you do,
one Player Character you can see regains【SL × 2】Inventory Points.

Once per session, when you help an NPC or community defeat greed and corruption,
improve their quality of life, or coexist with other creatures, if you have acquired the
Winds of Trade Skill, gain 2 Trade Points.


After you rest in an area where commerce is possible, you gain【SL × 200】zenit and
【SL + 1】Trade Points. You may never have more than【SL + 3】Trade Points; if you
acquire this Skill during character creation, begin play with 2 Trade Points.
During a non-conflict scene, you may spend 2 Trade Points to create an NPC that lives
and operates in the nearby area, giving them a name and occupation; you describe how W
you met them, and the GM tells you what they require in exchange for their services.

ALSO: Abomination, Experiment, Lycanthrope


Look at me, coward!
Behold what your
silence allowed
them to create.

Some say no progress can be
achieved without sacrifice;
conveniently enough, these
sacrifices are rarely made
by those in power. Mutants
are living testaments to this
ruthless arrogance: people
whose souls and bodies bear
the signs of technological or
magical pollution.
Each Mutant is a unique being
capable of altering their body
in strange and unprecedented
ways; however, their powers
come at a painful price and
can prove a dreadful sight to

w Were your mutations caused by a scientific experiment or by some kind of magic?
w Who is responsible for your mutations? What are your feelings towards them?
w Who was the first person to show kindness to you? What did it cost them?
w How do your mutations manifest? What makes them eerily beautiful?


w Permanently increase your maximum Hit Points by 5.

Your unarmed strikes deal【4 + (SL × 2)】extra damage.
At the start of your turn during a conflict, you may choose one among dagger, firearm,
flail, heavy, spear, sword, or thrown; if you do, your unarmed strikes belong to the
chosen Category until the start of your next turn. While changed to firearm or thrown,
your unarmed strikes become ranged weapons; if changed to dagger or sword, they
cannot be used with Triple Slash (page XXX of the High Fantasy Sourcebook).

After one of your attacks or offensive spells (r) causes one or more enemies to lose
Hit Points, if you are in Crisis, you may recover【SL × 5】Hit Points.

After you lose Hit Points due to damage, if that damage had a type other than physical,
you may spend 10 Hit Points to gain Resistance to that damage type until you use this
Skill again. You cannot use this Skill if doing so would reduce you to 0 HP.

When one or more nearby creatures lose Hit Points, you may spend 10 Mind Points to
choose one of them. If you do, you learn the chosen creature's Species and gain the
following benefits until you use this Skill again: you deal【SL + 2】extra damage to
creatures of that Species, and you gain a bonus equal to【SL】to Checks you perform
to examine them.

Each time you acquire this Skill, you learn a therioform (see next page).
You may use an action and spend one third of your current Hit Points (rounded down)
to manifest the effects of up to two therioforms you have learned: the details of this W
transformation are explained on the next page.
Therioforms are mutations that grant powerful abilities; the way they manifest on
your character is completely up to you - pterotheria, for instance, might turn you
into a person-sized bat or simply give you feathered wings.

w Once you use the Theriomorphosis Skill, the effects of your therioform(s) last until
the end of the scene; these effects also end if you die or fall unconscious, if you
perform the Guard action, or if you use the Theriomorphosis Skill again.
w You may end the effects of your Theriomorphosis at any time, but during a conflict
you can only do so on your turn, before or after an action.
w When the scene ends, if you are under the effects of your Theriomorphosis, you may
spend 10 Mind Points to extend your current therioform(s) to the next scene you will
be a part of.

Amphibia Frogs, newts, salamanders.
You may breathe underwater and your eyes can see perfectly in dim light.
When you recover Hit Points, you recover 5 additional Hit Points and you may
immediately recover from a single status effect of your choice.

Arpaktida Birds of prey, sharks, wolves.

You treat your Insight as if it were one die size higher (to a maximum of d12).
When you deal damage to one or more creatures for the first time during a turn, if
at least one of them is in Crisis, you deal 5 extra damage to each of those creatures.

Dynamotheria Bears, elephants, rhinoceros beetles.

You treat your Might as if it were one die size higher (to a maximum of d12).
When you succeed on a Check that includes Might and that Check allows you to
advance or turn back a Clock, you may fill or erase an additional section of that Clock.

Electrophora Electric eels, electric rays.

When you deal damage with an attack, you may have all damage dealt by that attack
become bolt. If you do and the attack is made with an unarmed strike, any target that
loses 15 or more Hit Points this way also suffers slow.
"This is gonna hurt you a lot more than it hurts me.
And trust me, I'm hurting A WHOLE LOT."

Neurophagoida Amoebas, nematodes.
When you use the Biophagy Skill, you also recover 5 Mind Points.

Placophora Crabs, lobsters, turtles.

You may treat your Defense score as being equal to 13 (you may still use your normal
score if it is higher than 13).

Polypoda Cuttlefishes, octopuses, squids.

Your attacks with unarmed strikes gain multi (3).

Pterotheria Bats, birds, winged insects.

You are able to fly. In addition to the obvious advantages in mobility, your melee
attacks can target flying creatures and you cannot be targeted by melee attacks
unless the attacker is flying or is somehow able to reach flying targets.
These benefits do not apply while you are unable to fly freely (such as when inside a
vehicle designed for human-sized creatures, or inside a narrow corridor). Additionally,
when you suffer air, bolt or ice damage during a conflict scene, you lose these benefits
until the start of your next turn.

Pyrophora Bombardier beetle, pistol shrimp.

When you deal damage with an attack, you may have all damage dealt by that attack
become fire. If you do and the attack is made with an unarmed strike, any target that
loses 15 or more Hit Points this way also suffers dazed.

Tachytheria Cats, gazelles, hares.

You treat your Dexterity as if it were one die size higher (to a maximum of d12).
When you succeed on a Check that includes Dexterity and that Check allows you to
advance or turn back a Clock, you may fill or erase an additional section of that Clock.

Toxicophora Jellifishes, snakes, spiders.

When you deal damage with an attack, you may have all damage dealt by that attack
become poison. If you do and the attack is made with an unarmed strike, any target
that loses 15 or more Hit Points this way also suffers poisoned.

ALSO: Biker, Mech Pilot, Sky Pirate

Within this steel beat the
hearts and hopes of all of
Colony Thirteen. The Empire
has already lost, they just

don't know it yet.

Be they boastful racers, trained
soldiers or elegant chaffeurs,
Pilots develop a special bond
with a vehicle - in a way, it
becomes an extension of their
body, which they can rely on
for battle and travel.
While transports of all sorts
are frequently seen in every
Fabula Ultima world, a Pilot's
vehicle is something unique
and irreplaceable: it could be
the very mech their mother
piloted in battle, a jury-rigged
aviobike that shouln't even
be able to fly, or some sort of

technological marvel.
w Where did you learn to pilot? Is your teacher still alive?
w How did you obtain your vehicle? Did you build it yourself? Did you inherit it?
w What personal touch makes your vehicle stand out from the rest?
w Who or what would you never allow aboard your vehicle?


w Permanently increase your maximum Hit Points by 5.
w Gain the ability to equip martial melee weapons and martial ranged weapons.

If your personal vehicle is not present on the scene and you are in a space big enough
to contain it, you may perform the Inventory action and spend 1 Inventory Point to
have the vehicle appear near you and enter it for free.
While there is no one aboard your personal vehicle, you may have it safely disappear
from the scene at any time. What magic or technology allows this?


When you perform the Equipment or Guard action while driving your personal vehicle,
you may spend 10 MP. If you do, choose up to【SL】of its active modules and make them
inactive; then, choose an equal amount of its inactive modules and make them active.


While driving a personal vehicle with a Steed frame, your attacks with weapons
belonging to the bow, firearm, heavy, spear, and sword Category deal【SL + 1】extra
damage. This extra damage does not apply to weapon modules.


When you acquire this Skill, you gain a personal vehicle with a frame of your choice
and two different modules of your choice (see next page).
Whenever you acquire this Skill again, you acquire two modules of your choice.
Your vehicle can only have a maximum of【SL + 2】total active modules at the same
time. You may freely reassign your vehicle's active and inactive modules during rests.

When you perform an Accuracy Check with a weapon module, you may replace one of
the Attributes with Might (such as【MIG + WLP】for an Arcane module). W
A Pilot's personal vehicle follows a set of special rules.

w Entering the vehicle during a conflict requires the Objective action; normally there
is no Check required, but the Game Master may introduce a Clock in case of serious
dangers or obstacles. If the vehicle is accessible when the conflict begins, characters
may enter it immediately (during step 2 on page 59 of the Core Rulebook).
w Leaving the vehicle doesn't require an action, but during a conflict it can only be done
on your turn, before or after an action.
w The vehicle can hold a variable number of human-sized creatures depending on its
frame and modules.
w While anyone can enter the vehicle, only its Pilot may drive it; additionally, the other
passengers cannot cover creatures when they perform the Guard action.

A Pilot's vehicle always has one frame and a variable number of modules active at
the same time. The standard frames and modules are listed in the upcoming pages.

Example: you might create an armored motorbike by combining the Steed frame with
the Shield and Turbo modules; or create a flying combat armor by combining an
Exoskeleton frame with the Aerial, Heavy Plating, Rifle and Sword modules.

Note that whenever a module's text mentions "you", it is referring to the Pilot that the
module's vehicle belongs to.

While driving a vehicle with an active armor module, a Pilot does not have access to
the normal contents of their armor slot. Instead, that slot is considered occupied by
the vehicle's armor module. If the vehicle has no active armor modules, the Pilot can
keep using their equipped armor as normal.

w As soon as the Pilot is no longer driving a vehicle with an active armor module, they
immediately regain access to their normal equipped armor.
w Armor modules marked with E are considered martial armors for the sake of Skills
and other effects, and they set the Pilot's Defense and Magic Defense to fixed scores
(bonuses from shields and other effects still apply). Note that a Pilot can still equip
W these modules even if they normally lack the ability to equip martial armors.

For instance, a Pilot with the Guardian Class can gain the benefits of Defensive
Mastery while driving a vehicle with an active Heavy Plating module; at the same
time, that Pilot would not be able to benefit from the Rogue's Dodge Skill.

While driving a vehicle with one or more active weapon modules, a Pilot does
not have access to the normal contents of their hand slots. Instead, those slots are
considered occupied by the vehicle's weapon modules. If the vehicle has no active
weapon modules, the Pilot can keep using their equipped items as normal.

w As soon as the Pilot is no longer driving a vehicle with active weapon modules, they
immediately regain access to their normal equipped weapons and shields.
w Each weapon module counts as a one-handed weapon for the sake of character Skills
and effects (with the exception of the Shield module, which is treated as a shield).
When you set up your vehicle's weapon modules, declare which module will occupy
your main hand slot and which module will occupy your off-hand slot.
w Some weapon modules are particularly complex or cumbersome and prevent you
from having any other weapon modules active on the same vehicle.

For instance, an Axe module can be used to Counterattack, and a Rifle module can be
used for Crossfire (pages XXX and XXX of the Core Rulebook).

Because each weapon module is treated as a one-handed weapon, a Pilot driving a

vehicle with two active weapon modules that share the same Category benefits from
the rules for two-weapon fighting - and if they have the Ambidexterous Heroic Skill,
this can be done with any two weapon modules!

Support modules provide a variety of miscellaneous benefits; these benefits often
apply to the vehicle's passengers in addition to the Pilot themselves.

w A vehicle cannot have two or more active support modules with the same name.
w Some support modules are particularly complex or cumbersome and count as two
modules towards the limit on active modules imposed by the Personal Vehicle Skill.


A Pilot's vehicle doesn't have its own separate stats and is treated as an extension
of the Pilot themselves. It can be damaged or rendered temporarily unusable as a
narrative consequence of the Pilot's surrender, but cannot be destroyed unless the
Player agrees to it.
Repairing a narratively damaged vehicle requires an amount of zenit equal to the
Pilot's Skill Level in Personal Vehicle, multiplied by 100; on the other hand, rebuilding
a destroyed vehicle should be achieved as part of the Pilot's narrative arc (which is
why it should only be done if the Player is okay with it).


The Game Master should include new modules (or upgraded versions of existing
modules) among rewards for the Pilot player. They can create these rare modules
using the rules for rare items in the Core Rulebook (starting on page 266).

w Each weapon and armor module presented in the following pages should be treated
as having a base cost of 500 zenit. Furthermore, you may not increase a weapon
module's damage by 4 points by making it a two-handed weapon (but you may do
so by increasing its cost by 200 zenit).
w Each support module presented in the following pages should be treated as having a
cost of roughly 1000 zenit. If you create custom support modules, compare them with
the existing ones in order to establish their cost in zenit.

As a general rule, a Pilot should never have access to two or more support modules
with different names whose effects are similar and/or cumulative.

A character with the Tinkerer Class might wish to use the Upgrade Heroic Skill and
the rules for Projects (pages XXX and 134 of the Core Rulebook) to improve modules
or invent new and unique customizations for a Pilot's vehicle; for instance, they might
install a reactor to enable space flight, or an antenna emitting anti-magic waves.
When it comes to special modules created through Projects, the group as a whole
should make sure these do not impede on other characters' strengths and roles. It can
be a good idea to give such modules a limited number of uses, or have them include
W interesting flaws that can lead to difficult choices and memorable scenes.

Exoskeleton None No modifier
This vehicle may have up to 2 active weapon modules, up to 1 active armor module,
and any number of active support modules.
If you use the Compression Tech Skill with this vehicle, it costs no Inventory Points.

Mecha None ×2
This vehicle may have up to 2 active weapon modules, up to 1 active armor module,
and any number of active support modules.

Steed Up to one ×2
This vehicle may have up to 1 active weapon module, up to 1 active armor module,
and any number of active support modules.

Important: "passengers" indicates human-sized creatures transported in addition to

the Pilot; "distance" refers to the distance traveled during a travel day.
Remember that the maximum number of active modules on your vehicle is based on
your Skill Level in Personal Vehicle.


Flexible Plating Module DEX die +2 INS die +1
Heavy Plating Module E 12 8
Runic Plating Module E 10 11
Standard Plating Module E 11 10

Important: these benefits only apply to the Pilot who is driving the vehicle; the
scores granted by the Heavy, Runic, and Standard Plating modules can be extended
to passengers through the Expanded Plating module (page XXX).


Arcane Module 【DEX + WLP】 【HR + 8】physical
Melee w This weapon belongs to the arcane Category.
Axe Module 【DEX + INS】 【HR + 12】physical
Melee w This weapon belongs to the heavy Category.
Blade Module 【DEX + INS】+1 【HR + 6】physical
Melee w This weapon belongs to the dagger Category.
Bow Module 【DEX + INS】+1 【HR + 12】physical
Ranged w This weapon belongs to the bow Category. While this module is
active on a vehicle, that vehicle may have no other active weapon modules.
Cannon Module 【DEX + INS】 【HR + 14】physical
Ranged w This weapon belongs to the firearm Category. While this module is
active on a vehicle, that vehicle may have no other active weapon modules.
Claw Module 【DEX + INS】 【HR + 8】physical
Melee w This weapon belongs to the brawling Category and can be used to
interact with the scene as if it were an empty hand.
Claymore Module 【DEX + INS】+1 【HR + 14】physical
Melee w This weapon belongs to the sword Category. While this module is
active on a vehicle, that vehicle may have no other active weapon modules.
Esoteric Module 【DEX + WLP】 【HR + 12】physical
Melee w This weapon belongs to the arcane Category. While this module is
active on a vehicle, that vehicle may have no other active weapon modules.
Flail Module 【DEX + INS】 【HR + 10】physical
Melee w This weapon belongs to the flail Category.
Flamer Module 【DEX + INS】 【HR + 8】fire
Ranged w This weapon belongs to the firearm Category.
Machine Gun Module 【DEX + INS】 【HR + 10】physical
Ranged w This weapon belongs to the firearm Category. While this module is
active on a vehicle, that vehicle may have no other active weapon modules.
When you perform the Attack action and attack with this weapon module, you
may perform two separate attacks instead of one (against the same target
or against different targets). If you do, both attacks follow the rules for two-
weapon fighting: each attack loses the multi property and cannot gain it,
and you treat the High Roll of each Accuracy Check as being equal to 0 when
determining damage.
Rifle Module 【DEX + INS】 【HR + 10】physical
Ranged w This weapon belongs to the firearm Category.
Scythe Module 【DEX + INS】 【HR + 16】physical
Melee w This weapon belongs to the heavy Category. While this module is
active on a vehicle, that vehicle may have no other active weapon modules.
Shield Module - -
While driving this vehicle, you gain a +2 bonus to Defense and a +2 bonus to
Magic Defense.
This module does not count as a weapon: instead, it counts as an equipped
shield for the sake of Skills and effects. It cannot be equipped in your main
hand slot, unless you have acquired the Dual Shieldbearer Skill (page XXX of
the Core Rulebook); if you have acquired that Skill, your Twin Shields deal 2
extra damage (this is cumulative if you have two active Shield modules).
Spear Module 【DEX + INS】 【HR + 10】physical
Melee w This weapon belongs to the spear Category.
Sword Module 【DEX + INS】+1 【HR + 8】physical
Melee w This weapon belongs to the sword Category.
Trident Module 【DEX + INS】+1 【HR + 14】physical
Melee w This weapon belongs to the spear Category. While this module is
active on a vehicle, that vehicle may have no other active weapon modules. W


Aerial Module (counts as two active modules)
This vehicle can fly, and its "distance" becomes ×3.
While you are driving this vehicle, your melee attacks can target flying creatures,
and all creatures inside the vehicle cannot be targeted by melee attacks (unless the
attacker is flying or is somehow able to reach flying targets).
These benefits do not apply while the vehicle is inactive or grounded, while you are in
Crisis, or while you are covering another creature with the Guard action. Additionally,
if a creature aboard this vehicle suffers air, bolt or ice damage during a conflict scene,
the benefits of this module cease until the start of your next turn.

Anti-Element Module
When you make this module active on your vehicle, choose a damage type: air, bolt,
earth, fire or ice. Creatures aboard this vehicle are treated as being Resistant to the
chosen damage type until this module remains active.

Aquatic Module
This vehicle can travel on water and underwater.

Counterstrike Module
After a creature aboard this vehicle is hit by a ranged attack, if you are driving this
vehicle, you may spend 1 Inventory Point. If you do, the attacker suffers 10 physical
damage (after their attack has been resolved). This amount increases by 5 damage if
you are level 20 or higher, or by 10 damage if you are level 40 or higher.

Excavation Module
This vehicle can burrow through the ground and is equipped with powerful lights.

Expanded Plating Module (only Steed frames)

While you are driving this vehicle, if it has an active Heavy, Runic, or Standard Plating
module, all passengers aboard may treat their Defense and Magic Defense scores as
being equal to those provided by the armor module in question (they may still use
W their normal scores if those would be better).

Improved Targeting Module
While driving this vehicle, you gain a +2 bonus to Accuracy Checks with weapon
modules and a +2 bonus to Magic Checks for offensive (r) spells you cast.

Magistatic Module (counts as two active modules)

After you resolve one of your spells or Skills with a total MP cost equal to or higher
than 5, if you are driving this vehicle and have an arcane weapon equipped, you
recover 5 Mind Points; you instead recover 10 Mind Points if the total MP cost of that
spell or Skill was equal to or higher than 30.

Power Module
While driving this vehicle, you gain a +2 bonus to all Opposed Checks that rely on
brute force or physical resistance.

Rapid Interface Module

When you perform the Objective action to enter your vehicle on your turn during a
conflict, you may immediately perform an additional action.

Seat Module (only Steed frames)

This vehicle can transport an additional human-sized passenger.

Sensor Module
While driving this vehicle, you gain a +2 bonus to Open Checks made to examine
nearby creatures, items and locations.

Turbo Module
While driving this vehicle, you gain a +2 bonus to all Opposed Checks that rely on
speed and rapid maneuvers.

Weapon Slot Module (only Steed frames)

You can have a second weapon module active on this vehicle.

The following Heroic Skills are added to the list in the Core Rulebook; all these Skills
require mastery of a Class in order to be acquired.


Heroic Skills with a Class mastery requirement
Combine four ingredients into
All you can Eat Gourmet
a delicacy.
Improve Aura and Barrier and
Auramancer's Mastery Arcanist, Spiritist
recover MP with them.
React to enemy spells with
Bend Magic Invoker
your invocations.
Delicacies, potions and spells
Gourmet, Loremaster,
Careful Dosage heal targets beyond maximum
HP and MP.
My Trust in You improves the
Cheer Up! Orator
target's Attributes.
Casting Chimerist spells grant
Chimeric Soul Chimerist
benefits based on the Species.
Harvest magiseeds to recover
Cycle of Harvest Floralist
Hit Points.
Improve Hallucination and
Ephemeral Tranquility Rogue, Spiritist Torpor, and turn status effects
into massive HP loss.
Use Trade Points instead of
For a Better
Future Merchant Fabula Points and donate to
settlements to improve them.
Improve magiseed growth and
Green Thumb Floralist
control vegetation.
Carry an elemental wellspring of
Inner Wellspring Invoker
your choice within yourself.
W Pay to Win Merchant Pay a foe so they leave.

Heroic Skills with a Class mastery requirement
Guardian, Merchant, Take a little nap during a
Power Nap
Wayfarer conflict to regain your energies.
Improve your synergy with your
Side by Side Wayfarer
Faithful Companion.
Improve High Speed with bows
Silent Hunter Rogue, Sharpshooter and thrown weapons, and avoid
triggering reactions with them.
Strength of
Invoker Invocations improve Attributes.
Five Wellsprings
Your Support Checks grant
Wise Counsel Loremaster, Orator
extra benefits to the leader.


Requirements: you must have mastered the Gourmet Class.
When you use the Cooking Skill, you may spend 1 Fabula Point to combine four
ingredients into a delicacy (thus ignoring the normal limit of three ingredients). Other
than that, the delicacy follows the normal rules.

Requirements: you must have mastered one or more Classes among Arcanist and
Spiritist, and must have learned the Aura spell and/or the Barrier spell.
Aura and Barrier spells you cast allow targets to respectively treat their Magic Defense
and Defense scores as being equal to 13, instead of 12. This number increases to 14 if
you are level 20 or higher, or to 15 if you are level 40 or higher.
Additionally, when one or more creatures affected by an Aura and/or Barrier spell you
cast suffer damage, you regain 5 Mind Points.


Requirements: you must have mastered the Invoker Class, and must have acquired
the Invocation Skill.
After an enemy you can see hits or misses you with an offensive spell (r), if the Result
of their Magic Check was an even number, you may immediately use the Invocation
Skill for free (after the spell has been fully resolved) to perform an invocation you
have access to against that enemy; this invocation must not be a "hex". You must still
pay the MP cost for this invocation, and it may target only that enemy (you cannot use
Linked Invocation with it).

Requirements: you must have mastered one or more Classes among Gourmet,
Loremaster, and Tinkerer.
Potions and delicacies you create, as well as spells you cast, can now cause creatures
to recover Hit Points and Mind Points beyond their Maximum HP and MP scores, up to
150% of the respective scores. At the end of each scene, if the Current Hit Points and/
or Mind Points of the creatures in question are still above the Maximum scores, they
become equal to the Maximum score.

Requirements: you must have mastered the Orator Class, and must have acquired the
My Trust in You Skill.
When you use My Trust in You on another Player Character, that character chooses
Dexterity, Insight, Might, or Willpower: they treat the chosen Attribute as being
increased by one die size (up to a maximum of d12) until the end of the scene or until
you use My Trust in You on them again.

Requirements: you must have mastered the Chimerist Class.
When you cast one of your Chimerist spells, you gain a benefit based on the Species
of the creature you originally learned that spell from. Choose one option: you gain
Resistance to both damage types associated with that Species; or when you deal
damage of a type associated with that Species, you deal 5 extra damage. The chosen
benefit lasts until the end of the scene, or until you cast a Chimerist spell again.
The damage types associated to each Species are beast (air, ice), construct (earth,
poison), demon (fire, ice), elemental (air, bolt), monster (bolt, fire), plant (earth,
light), and undead (dark, poison).

Requirements: you must have mastered the Floralist Class.
Once per conflict scene, if there are two or more magiseeds in your garden, you may
use an action to remove all magiseeds from your garden (this also removes their
Growth Clocks and blossom effects from the scene). If you do, you may immediately
plant a magiseed in your garden; additionally, for each magiseed in blossom removed
this way, you and every ally present on the scene recover 20 Hit Points and Mind
Points. Both amounts increase to 30 if you are level 20 or higher, or to 40 if you are
level 40 or higher.

Requirements: you must have mastered one or more Classes among Rogue and
Spiritist, and must have learned the Hallucination spell and/or the Torpor spell.
When you cast the Hallucination spell or the Torpor spell, you may apply both status
effects to each target hit by the spell instead of having to choose one.
If you have an arcane, flail, spear, or sword weapon equipped, you may use an action to
choose one enemy you can see who is in Crisis and is suffering from four or more status
effects. If you do, that enemy recovers from all status effects, then loses an amount of
Hit Points equal to【half your level + (the number of status effects recovered from
this way, multiplied by 10)】. If this reduces that enemy to 0 Hit Points, you recover
an amount of Mind Points equal to【the number of status effects recovered from this
way, multiplied by 10】.


Requirements: you must have mastered the Merchant Class, and must have acquired
the Real Treasure and Winds of Trade Skills.
When you need to spend one or more Fabula Points, you may spend twice as many
Trade Points instead. When you do so, describe which memories of your trades and
journeys give you renewed strength.
When you gain zenit through the Winds of Trade Skill after resting inside a settlement,
you may choose not to gain those zenit and instead donate them to that settlement;
this donation triggers Real Treasure (thus granting you 2 Trade Points), but does not
count towards that Skill's limit of once per session.
The chart below indicates the effects of your donations on the settlement and on
anything within 1 travel day of it.

Total donated Effects within 1 travel day of the settlement

People gladly accommodate you and up to five allies: you can
500 or more
rest without spending zenit.
When you or an ally need to pay a cost in zenit, whatever the
1000 or more
reason, that cost is reduced by 25%.
Travel rolls made by your group in this area may never use a die
1500 or more
greater than d8.
When a Villain in this area spends Ultima Points, they must spend
2000 or more
1 additional Ultima Point.

Requirements: you must have mastered the Floralist Class.
At the end of your turn during a conflict scene, you may fill 1 section of a Growth Clock;
then, if one or more creatures belonging to the plant Species are present on the scene,
you may fill 1 section of a Growth Clock (the same or a different one).
Additionally, if you have acquired the Flowery Aroma Skill, you may perform Rituals of
the Ritualism discipline to animate plants and vegetation present on the scene and
control their movements (including creatures belonging to the plant Species).
Requirements: you must have mastered the Invoker Class.
After you rest, you may choose one wellspring: air, earth, fire, lightning, or water. Until
you rest again, you gain the following benefits:
w The chosen wellspring will always be available during each scene, in addition to
whatever wellsprings are already available.
w You gain resistance to the damage type corresponding to the chosen wellspring.
w When you deal damage, you may change its type to the one corresponding to the
chosen wellspring. If you do, that damage ignores Resistances.

Requirements: you must have mastered the Merchant Class, and must have acquired
the Winds of Trade Skill.
You may use an action and spend 1 Trade Point to offer an amount of zenit equal
to【your level, multiplied by 20】to a soldier-rank creature present on the scene,
provided that said creature is interested in money (the Game Master must tell you
who is a valid target). If you do, that creature immediately abandons the scene without
further resistance.

Requirements: you must have mastered one or more Classes among Guardian,
Merchant, and Wayfarer.
On your turn during a conflict, you may use an action to recover an amount of Hit Points
and Mind Points equal to【10 + half your level】and recover from all status effects;
if you do, your turn ends immediately, you lose the ability to see and hear, and your
Defense and Magic Defense scores become equal to 5 and cannot be modified in any
way. These effects last until the start of your next turn, until after you suffer damage,
or until after you are hit by an attack or offensive spell (r).


Requirements: you must have mastered the Wayfarer Class, and must have acquired
the Faithful Companion Skill.
After you use the Faithful Companion Skill to have your companion perform an action
during your turn, choose one option: you gain a bonus equal to【your Skill Level in
Faithful Companion, divided by 2】to the next Check you perform during this scene;
or the next time you or your companion deal damage during this scene, extra damage
equal to【your Skill Level in Faithful Companion, multiplied by 2】is dealt; or you
and your companion recover an amount of Mind Points equal to【your Skill Level in
Faithful Companion, multiplied by 2】.
Additionally, after your companion performs a Check, you may spend 1 Fabula Point
and invoke one of their Traits in order to let them reroll one or both dice (following
the normal rules).

Requirements: you must have mastered one or more Classes among Rogue and
Sharpshooter, and must have acquired the High Speed Skill.
When you use High Speed to perform a free attack with a weapon belonging to the
bow or thrown Category, the attack deals extra damage equal to【your Skill Level in
the High Speed Skill, multiplied by 5】.
Additionally, when you hit one or more creatures with an attack using a weapon that
belongs to the bow or thrown Category, you do not trigger any Reaction Skills (see
page XXX of the Core Rulebook) or other special rule (see page 323 of the Core
Rulebook) that would normally be triggered by your attack. The Game Master has
final say on which reactions and special rules this benefit applies to, but should be as
generous as possible.

Example: if you hit a creature with a special rule that says "When an enemy hits this
creature with an attack, this creature recovers 5 Mind Points", that creature will instead
recover no Mind Points.

Requirements: you must have mastered the Invoker Class.
After you perform an invocation during a conflict, you may choose yourself or one
of that invocation's targets. If you do, the chosen creature increases one of their
Attributes' die sizes by one (up to a maximum of d12). This increase lasts until the
end of your next turn or until you use this Skill again, and the Attribute is based on
the wellspring you invoked: air (Insight), earth (one Attribute of your choice), fire
(Dexterity), lightning (Might), or water (Willpower).

Requirements: you must have mastered one or more Classes among Loremaster and
When you perform a Support Check and the leader can hear and understand you, you
may use【INS + WLP】instead of the normal Attributes based on the Check that the
leader will perform. Describe how you offer your advice!
Additionally, when you succeed on a Support Check, if the leader can hear and
understand you, you may choose one of the following benefits:
w The leader recovers 20 Mind Points.
w The leader recovers from dazed, enraged and shaken.
w If the leader succeeds on their Check and that Check allows them to fill or erase one
or more sections of a Clock, the leader may fill or erase 1 additional section of it.


The following Heroic Skills are added to the list in the Core Rulebook; all these Skills
require mastery of a Class in order to be acquired.


Heroic Skills with a Class mastery requirement
Sharpshooter, Attack a target, then cast an
Arcane Soldier
Weaponmaster offensive spell against them.
Erase your Brainwave Clock
Brainwave Discharge Esper
and deal damage.
Gain several benefits from
Bullet Time Entropist, Rogue
Dodge and Stolen Time.
Hawkeye creates a decoy and
Decoy Bait Sharpshooter
grants a punishing attack.
Shadow Strike reduces MP and
Dreamslice Darkblade, Esper
causes action loss with swords.
Dynamic Synchronize with another pilot
Synchronization or passenger to join forces.
Full Scan Loremaster Examine multiple creatures.
Gain different benefits based on
Greater Akromorphosis Mutant
your unarmed strikes' Category.
Ecdysis allows you to end
Greater Ecdysis Mutant
status effects and spells.
Greater Theriomorphosis Mutant Act after Theriomorphosis.
Use Condemn to inflict enraged
Hit the Nerve Orator and gain benefits against
enraged creatures.
Double the HR of an attack but
Make it or Break it Darkblade, Fury
risk damaging the weapon.
Learn spells through the
Mimeoclepsis Chimerist
W Mutant's Genoclepsis.

Heroic Skills with a Class mastery requirement
Your potions are strengthened
Nebulization Tinkerer
by repeated use.
Perform an additional action,
Overload Pilot
then leave the vehicle.
Extend some of your psychic
Psychic Field Esper
gifts to your allies.
Improve your magicannon and
Quantum Magicannon Tinkerer
use it for an explosive attack.
Gain benefits when you cast
Steel Witch Pilot
spells aboard your vehicle.

Requirements: you must have mastered one or more Classes among Sharpshooter
and Weaponmaster, and must know at least two offensive (r) spells.
You may use an action to perform a free attack with a weapon you have equipped;
this attack must target a single enemy. If the attack is successful, treat your High Roll
(HR) as 0 when determining damage dealt by it. After the attack has been resolved,
if it was successful, you may immediately perform the Spell action for free: the spell
you cast this way must be an offensive (r) spell, and it may only target the enemy
you attacked (you must still spend the appropriate Mind Points and perform the Magic
Check). Treat your Magic Check's High Roll (HR) as 0 when determing damage or other
effects caused by this spell.

Requirements: you must have mastered the Esper Class.
While your Brainwave Clock is full, you may use an action to erase all of its sections. If
you do, you may choose one option: you deal 20 physical damage to every enemy that
is able to hear you; or you deal 30 physical damage to a single enemy you can see that
is able to hear you. This amount increases by 5 if you are level 20 or higher, or by 10
if you are level 40 or higher. W

Requirements: you must have mastered one or more Classes among Entropist and
Rogue, and must have acquired one or more Skills among Dodge and Stolen Time.
You gain a bonus to your Initiative modifier equal to【your Skill Level in Dodge + your
Skill Level in Stolen Time】.
As long as you have no shields and no martial armor equipped, all damage you suffer
is reduced by an amount equal to【your Skill Level in Dodge】(applied before damage
Affinities) and you deal extra damage equal to【your Skill Level in Stolen Time】.

Requirements: you must have mastered the Sharpshooter Class, and must have
acquired the Hawkeye Skill.
When you use your Hawkeye Skill and choose the first option, if no decoy bait is
present on the scene, you may spend 10 Mind Points. If you do, you create a decoy bait
with Hit Points equal to【5 + (your Skill Level in Hawkeye, multiplied by 5)】.
When an enemy who can see your decoy bait deals damage to one or more creatures,
your decoy bait automatically suffers damage in place of one of those creatures,
chosen randomly (your decoy bait is always treated as having neutral Affinity towards
all damage types, and cannot gain any other Affinity).
When an enemy reduces your decoy bait to 0 Hit Points, your decoy bait is automatically
destroyed and you may immediately perform a free attack with a ranged weapon you
have equipped. This attack may only target that enemy, gains a bonus equal to【your
Skill Level in Hawkeye】to its Accuracy Check, and its damage ignores Resistances,
Immunities, and Absorption.
Your decoy bait cannot recover Hit Points, and is automatically destroyed at the end of
the scene. Make sure to describe what it looks like!

Requirements: you must have mastered one or more Classes among Darkblade and
Esper, and must have acquired the Shadow Strike Skill.
When you hit one or more creatures with an attack from your Shadow Strike Skill using
a weapon that belows to the sword Category, each of those creatures loses an amount
of Mind Points equal to【the number you rolled on your Might die for Shadow
Strike】. Then, if【the number you rolled on your Might die for Shadow Strike】was 8
or higher and you have a Bond towards each creature hit by the attack, those creatures
will perform one fewer action during their next turn (to a minimum of zero actions).

Requirements: you must have mastered the Pilot Class.
While driving your personal vehicle, you may use an action to choose one option:
you synchronize with another nearby Player Character who is also driving their own
personal vehicle and is present on the scene; or you synchronize with another Player
Character who is aboard your personal vehicle. If you do, you and that character join
forces (describe how this cooperation manifests!); until this synchronization is active,
you and the chosen Player Character both receive the following benefits:
w When you perform a Check, you may use the other Player Character's current Attri-
bute die sizes in place of yours. You may do so for one or both dice, your choice.
w You may spend Fabula Points in place of the other Player Character (if you do so, the
other Player Character is treated as the one spending the Fabula Point for the sake
of Skills and other effects).
This synchronization lasts until the end of the scene, until you or the other Player
Character die, fall unconscious or leave the scene, or until you or the other Player
Character become synchronized with someone else.

Requirements: you must have mastered the Loremaster Class.
When you perform the Study action during a conflict, you may use it to examine the
profiles of all enemies taking part in the conflict. If you do, perform a single【INS +
INS】Open Check and apply the Result separately to each enemy (see page 319 of the
Core Rulebook). W

Requirements: you must have mastered the Mutant Class, and must have acquired the
Akromorphosis Skill.
You gain the following benefits based on the current Category of your unarmed strikes.
w Brawling, dagger, thrown: your attacks with unarmed strikes treat the Defense of
each target as being equal to their current Insight die size.
w Firearm, heavy: your unarmed strikes deal 5 extra damage to constructs, and deal
5 extra damage to non-construct creatures who have at least one shield and/or
martial armor equipped.
w Flail, spear: you gain a +2 bonus to Defense, and your attacks with unarmed strikes
may target flying creatures.
w Sword: your attacks with unarmed strikes that target two or more creatures deal
5 extra damage.
If your unarmed strikes are treated as belonging to more than one Category (for
instance due to the Blade Adept Heroic Skill, on page XXX of the High Fantasy
Sourcebook), you gain all the benefits of the corresponding Categories.

Requirements: you must have mastered the Mutant Class, and must have acquired
the Ecdysis Skill.
When you use the Ecdysis Skill, you may also choose one or both options: you recover
from all status effects; and/or if you are affected by one or more spells with a duration
of "Scene", instead you are no longer affected by any of those spells.

Requirements: you must have mastered the Mutant Class, and must have acquired the
Theriomorphosis Skill.
After you use the Theriomorphosis Skill on your turn during a conflict scene, you may
immediately perform an additional action.

Requirements: you must have mastered the Orator Class, and must have acquired the
Condemn Skill.
When you use the Condemn Skill against a creature, if you know one or more of that
creature's Traits and your Check is successful, you recover an amount of Mind Points
equal to half the amount of Mind Points lost by the target, and you may have the target
suffer enraged instead of dazed or shaken.
Additionally, when you perform an Opposed Check against an enraged creature, or an
Accuracy Check or Magic Check for an attack or offensive spell (r) that includes one
or more enraged creatures among its targets, you trigger a critical success when both
dice show the same number (as long as the Check is not a fumble).

Requirements: you must have mastered one or more Classes among Darkblade and
When you attack with a custom weapon (page XXX) that has the transforming
customization, you may push its functions to the limit (you must declare this before
the Accuracy Check). If you do, the Accuracy Check's High Roll (HR) is doubled for this
attack when calculating damage and other effects; however, if the Result of the Check
was an even number, the following penalties apply until the end of the current scene:
w The weapon immediately switches to its other form, and can no longer switch forms.
w This Skill cannot be used with that weapon.

Requirements: you must have mastered the Chimerist Class, and must have acquired
the Genoclepsis Skill from the Mutant Class.
When you use the Genoclepsis Skill on a creature, if their Species is among the ones
you can learn spells from with the Spell Mimic Skill (page XXX of the Core Rulebook),
the Game Master must reveal all spells known by that creature. Then, if that creature
knows one or more spell, you may learn one of those spells as a Chimerist spell of
your own.


Requirements: you must have mastered the Tinkerer Class, and must have acquired
the advanced Alchemy benefit from the Gadget Skill.
When you create a potion, you gain 1 Nebulization Point, or 2 Nebulization Points if
that potion was created via the Gadget: Alchemy Skill.
Potions you create that deal damage deal extra damage equal to your current
Nebulization Points.
Potions you create that restore Hit Points and/or Mind Points restore additional Hit
Points and/or Mind Points equal to twice your current Nebulization Points.
You may never have more than 10 Nebulization Points, and you lose all of them at the
end of each scene.

Requirements: you must have mastered the Esper Class.
Your psychic gifts with event "When you deal damage" can also be used "When an ally
who is able to hear you deals damage".
Your psychic shield gift, if you have acquired it, has its effect changed to "All targets
of that attack or offensive spell may treat their Defense and Magic Defense as being
equal to【your current Willpower die size + (the number of filled sections in your
Brainwave Clock, multiplied by 2)】against that single attack or offensive spell."

Requirements: you must have mastered the Pilot Class.
While driving your personal vehicle, if you are in Crisis during a conflict scene, you
may perform an additional action during your turn. If you do, after resolving that action
you and any of the vehicle's passengers immediately leave the vehicle, which then
becomes inoperable until the end of the scene (if you have the Compression Tech Skill,
you may still have the vehicle vanish from the scene).

Requirements: you must have mastered the Tinkerer Class, and must have acquired
the advanced Magitech benefit from the Gadget Skill.
Your attacks with the magicannon deal 5 extra damage.
When you perform the Attack action with your magicannon, you may choose one
option: destroy the magicannon and immediately create a new one for free, equipping
it and using it for the attack; or the attack gains multi (3); or you perform two separate
attacks instead of one (against the same target or different targets) and these attacks
follow the rules for two-weapon fighting (see Core Rulebook, page 69).

Requirements: you must have mastered the Pilot Class, and must have acquired the
Flexible Configuration Skill.
After you cast a spell while driving your personal vehicle, you may choose one option
(after the spell has been resolved): choose one active module and make it inactive,
then choose one inactive module and make it active; or the next spell you cast before
the end of this scene that deals damage will deal 5 extra damage; or the next spell
you cast before the end of this scene that restores Hit Points to one or more creatures
will restore 10 additional Hit Points to each of those creatures.

In Techno Fantasy campaigns, some combat situations might involve vehicles,
transports, and mechas (this is especially frequent if the group includes Pilots and/or
the Stolen Transport Quirk, on page XXX). The following rules can be used to handle
this situations without overcomplicating things.

Creatures and transports are broadly divided into three sizes:

w Small size includes single characters and the majority of creatures, as well as Pilots
driving vehicles with an exoskeleton frame.
w Medium size includes most land vehicles, boats, army tanks, jet fighters, and Pilots
driving vehicles with a mecha or steed frame (note that passengers are still treated
as small); it also includes creatures such as dragons and giants.
w Large size includes galleons, airships, spaceships, moving fortresses, and some rare
colossal creatures such as space whales or titans.

Any entities bigger than large, such as planet-sized weapons, are treated as an
environment and not as a participant in the conflict (but a portion of them, such as a
massive antimatter cannon, might be confronted in combat).

When fighting each other, the three sizes interact as follows:

w Small entities interact normally with small and medium entities; however, they can
only affect large entities through dedicated Clocks, Projects, or Rituals, unless the
large entity is the group's transport (see next page).
w Medium entities interact normally with all sizes.
w Large entities interact normally with medium and large entities; however, if a large
entity causes a small entity to lose any amount of Hit Points, if this loss was not due
to a transport's substitution rule (see next page), that small entity is automatically
reduced to 0 Hit Points instead.

W The expectation is that small and large entities will almost never interact directly,
since one would quickly annihilate the other.
If a full profile is required for a transport during a conflict scene, design it as a creature
of the construct Species; if the transport is operated by a Villain, it should be treated
as one of that Villain's possible forms and benefit from their Ultima Points.

w If the passengers can keep fighting after the transport is defeated, use their normal
Species and treat them as a second phase of the battle.
w In a battle where Player Characters aboard vehicles face normal troops, describing
them as swarms (page 297 of the Core Rulebook) can give a sense of scale.

(see next page for the rules about the group's transport)



If the group gains access to a medium or large transport fitted for combat, they can
create it collaboratively as a soldier-Rank creature of the construct Species, which
takes part in conflicts as an ally and has the following additional rules:

w Creation rules. The transport's level is always equal to the highest level among
Player Characters in the group, and its profile can be updated or rewritten as this
level increases. The transport can have up to three basic attacks, has three more
Skills than a construct of its level, deals 5 extra damage with attacks and spells, and
cannot gain the Crisis Effect, Final Act, Improved Hit Points, Improved Initiative, and
Use Equipment Skills.
w The crew. Any character who participates in the conflict aboard the transport is
part of its crew: each crew member can interact with the transport as if it were a
normal creature (regardless of its size), but cannot use the Protect Skill to protect the
transport (see page XXX of the Core Rulebook), nor cover it with the Guard action.
w Initiative, turns, and actions. The transport has no Initiative and does not get any
turns during conflicts, but crew members can perform the Skill action to have the
transport perform an action, using its profile and abilities.
w Sight and hearing. Those inside the transport can see the transport itself, those
inside of it, and the outside; creatures outside the transport can see transport but
not what is inside of it. Any actions in the transport's profile that would require sight
towards the target are based on the crew's field of vision.
w Protections. When the transport suffers damage from attacks or environmental
dangers, that damage is reduced by an amount equal to half its current Might die
size; when it suffers damage from any other source, that damage is reduced by an
amount equal to half its current Willpower die size.
w Substitution. The transport has no Hit Points or Mind Points; if it would gain, lose
or spend HP and/or MP, instead the Players distribute that gain, loss or expense as
evenly as possible among all Player Characters that are part of the crew.
w Recovery. The transport recovers from all status effects at the end of each scene.
w Surrendering. When a Player Character that is part of the crew surrenders, the
consequence applied by the Game Master may involve the transport. If all Player
Characters in the crew lose consciousness, the transport becomes inactive until one
W or more Player Characters regain control of it.

An Esper who acquired Navigator and relies on support Skills from Classes such
as Chanter and Orator can essentially take part in conflict scenes from a long
distance - while it's true that they can only contribute through support effects
based on hearing, they are also protected from most of the danger posed by the
scene. This might seem unfair, but you need to keep in mind that if the Esper's
allies are defeated, the Esper will also lose the ability to influence the conflict
(since they were doing so through those very same allies); similarly, a Player
Character's safety is actually always guaranteed in Fabula Ultima: the true
consequence of defeat lies in losing what you hold dear or watching helplessly
as your allies get captured.
With all of this said, if the idea of a character being frequently "away" from the
rest of the group rubs your group the wrong way, avoid creating this particular
type of Esper.


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