IT - OT Convergenvce

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The Difference Between IT

and OT
IT refers to any systems that store and communicate data electronically. IT
systems can operate within physical, cloud, or hybrid environments, and they’re
connected to a network with other IT devices. Computers, servers, applications,
and other IT devices are some of the most crucial parts of any business

OT — short for operational technology — gathers information from real-world

events, and logs data to provide actionable insights. OT is commonly used in
industries where sensors and other equipment take measurements, then
communicate their OT data for internal analytics. 

Traditionally, IT uses digital venues to communicate data with other members of

the IT network. OT, on the other hand, often involves singular measurements
that are recorded and monitored all in one place. When IT and OT are combined,
it can open up a whole new world of possibilities opens for your business.

What is the IT/OT

When OT systems are plugged into IT networks, the emerging technology is
called IT OT convergence. IT OT convergence isn’t a brand new concept —
convergence has been around for many years, as long as industries have
gathered data from external sources for internal processing. But, as IT and OT
convergence becomes more sophisticated, a wide range of industries are seeing
new opportunities for growth. 

In practice, IT OT convergence uses inputs from sensors and other OT

measurement devices to deliver practical results. Today’s cars make extensive
use of IT OT convergence for automated features that increase safety, and
improve the passenger experience. For example, when a car’s backup sensor
(OT) detects an approaching bicycle, it can communicate with the car’s internal
IT system to quickly activate the brakes. 

Automated brakes aren’t the only use for IT OT technology. As IT OT systems

continue to expand across new industries, organizations need to understand how
to implement and manage new IT OT technologies. New technology is only
effective when employees know how to use it. With proper training, planning, and
integration, IT OT convergence offers many enterprises an exciting new
opportunity for growth and innovation.
Different Types of IT/OT
IT OT convergence allows businesses to connect their OT devices to IT
networks. With machine-to-machine communication, IT OT convergence has the
potential to help with automation and improve both efficiency and security. 

Within the world of IT OT convergence, there are several unique types of

convergence worth discussing. Broadly, different types of convergence can be
categorized into three different groups — physical convergence, software
convergence, and organizational convergence. 

 Physical convergence. Physical convergence is the most basic type of

convergence, with little IT assembly required. With physical convergence, two
processes are literally connected through physical means — usually when an
existing OT device becomes connected to a new IT network. Physical
convergence tends to be most commonly used to modernize older OT
 Software convergence. The goal of software convergence is to link OT data
with IT systems. Software convergence allows businesses to collect OT data
digitally, to view input from OT systems, then use OT data to improve external
 Organizational convergence. Organizational convergence (also known as
process convergence) uses external data for internal purposes. With
organizational convergence, IT and OT teams operate separately, but they
will need to continually exchange information to create an effective
operational system.

Examples of IT/OT
IT OT convergence is an abstract concept with real-life applications. To
understand the broad scope of application for IT OT systems, it’s important to
understand exactly where IT OT systems are used. From industry to retail, IT OT
systems can make a wide variety of business operations more efficient and more

Some of the most common applications of IT OT technology are: 

 Industry. IT OT convergence continues to create innovative new technologies

in industry and manufacturing. From factory production to inventory
management and emissions management, IT OT systems are at the forefront
of today’s industry landscape. 
 Retail. Retail uses IT OT technology to identify which products are popular
where — and who’s buying them. With OT devices set to measure product
performance and revenue, retailers can analyze data from across locations to
optimize inventory levels, goods production, and even store hours. 
 Pharmaceuticals. With data available from medical trials, pharmaceutical
companies can adjust medications with patients in mind. In this case, OT
devices are used to collect medical data from healthcare providers and
observe the effects of drugs to assess their success. Fast and reliable
medical data helps pharmaceutical companies to get the information they
need to optimize drug effectiveness. 
 Transportation. In the shipping industry, data from vehicles is collected to
identify the most efficient routes and the ineffective vehicles within shipping
fleets. To facilitate getting goods from point A to point B, shippers can use IT
OT technology to observe the effectiveness of delivery, and to adjust
transportation methods accordingly.

IT/OT Convergence
There are plenty of IoT and OT security challenges that may arise with IT OT
convergence — especially when low-tech OT devices are retrofitted to a newer
IoT system. When devices aren’t accustomed to network connection, they often
do not have the privileged access credentials necessary to keep information
safe. Effective access management, as well as data encryption, are necessary
for any secure IoT infrastructure. 

Implementation is a major challenge associated with IT OT systems since OT

devices need to be integrated with IT infrastructure securely and effectively.
Physical convergence requires trained IoT professionals and network admins
need to understand how to manage both IT and OT devices. In addition to setup
challenges, enterprises will also need to ensure both employees and IoT admins
are properly trained in how to use their new IT OT infrastructure.

IT/OT Convergence
Despite a handful of challenges, IT OT convergence offers lasting benefits for
businesses across industries. With an effective implementation, management,
and security plan, IT OT systems have the potential to significantly improve
efficiency and productivity. 

Because IT OT allows for accurate and rapid monitoring of OT conditions,

enterprises that use IoT systems can quickly analyze and improve their
performance based on OT data. For effective OT monitoring, organizations need
to have a secure and efficient IoT infrastructure, with the capability for
centralized analytics. With real-time OT data, a business can improve all kinds of
performance indicators — from resource utilization to regulatory compliance to
safety measures. 

Aside from directly improving the output of products and services, IT OT

convergence can greatly improve internal business processes, too. When IT OT
infrastructure is running smoothly, businesses can expect less disjointed
operations, less downtime, and more efficient internal communications.

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