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Pros and cons essay

Artificial intelligence
Kalina Krusteva
1. Introduction-PARA 1
-What is artificial intelligence? The community and AI these days. Do we prefer AI
in front of people in different aspects?
2. Main body-PARA 2 AND PARA 3
-Pros-There are a lot of benefits in favour of AI. Firstly, it can increase the security
levels of information. /For instance. Secondly, with AI employees can be more
productive in variety of tasks.
-Cons-Although there are so many advantages, a lot of people are against the idea
of AI in their lives. The first disadvantage is that AI will replace the employees in
some tasks and that will lead to loss of jobs. The second point of view is that AI is
very expensive solution for the employers.
3.Conclusion-PARA 4
-To sum up, AI definitely is one of the most interesting and modern inventions of
these days, but its use should be done for specific purposes and when it is
absolutely necessary.
Pros and cons essay
Artificial intelligence
Kalina Krusteva
Artificial intelligence is the study of how to make computers do intelligent things
that people can do, such as think and make decisions. These days very big part of
the society says that AI will replace human work in many aspects in near future. AI
is controversial question and it definitely has its opponents and supporters.
There are a lot of benefits in favour of AI. Firstly, it can increase the security
levels of information. In this way people will be surer for their private
information, not only for everyday issues, but also for company’s secrets.
Secondly, with AI employees can be more productive in variety of tasks. For
example, AI can do simple and boring job and workers can expand their creativity
and motivation.
Although there are so many advantages, a lot of people are against the idea of AI
in their lives. The first disadvantage is that AI will replace the employees in some
work places and that will lead to loss of jobs. In this way AI will have more
negative effect than positive and this new innovation will lose its idea to be useful
for the society and to make people’s life easier. The second point of view is that
AI is very expensive solution for the employers. These times very few companies
in middle developed countries can afford this revolutionary technology and their
investment can be disastrous.
To sum up, AI definitely is one of the most interesting and modern inventions of
our world, but its usage should be done for specific purposes and when it is
absolutely necessary. If we want to move the world forward, we should find the
golden mean.

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