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Thermal Analysis User

Information for Users

Dear Customer, Contents 1/2013

The market for mobile communication is growing rapidly. More and more people want to be reached any-
where, at any time, and can in fact be reached with all the well-known advantages and disadvantages. The TA Tip
STARe System keeps pace with developments and now offers you a number of interesting new communica- - Sorption experiments
tion possibilities. These new options are presented in detail in the News section. with the TGA/DSC 1 1
We now offer e-Training courses on DSC curve interpretation ( ). These Internet-
New in our Sales Program
based, online courses begin with an e-Learning course that you can work through whenever you want. After
you have completed the course, you will receive an invitation to a live Webinar on curve interpretation dur- - Mobile communication
ing which you can discuss outstanding questions with experts. possibilities with the STARe System 6
micro and ultramicro balances 7
- Complete deformulation
of your sample 8

Sorption experiments with the TGA/DSC 1 Applications

- The strange behavior of
a bouncing modeling putty 9
Dr. Markus Schubnell, Dr. Angela Hammer
- Study of the curing behavior
of a trifunctional epoxy resin 12
- New methodology developed
The moisture content of a material has a large influence on its melting behavior, glass
for DSC for the analysis of phase
transition temperature, stability, and other properties. Sorption behavior also allows con- change materials 16
clusions to be drawn about amorphous regions in a product. Knowledge of the moisture
- Thermoanalytical characterization
uptake and drying behavior of materials is particularly important in the food and pharma-
of oxo-biodegradable polymers 19
ceutical industries, for example to optimize production processes with regard to product
quality or to define suitable storage conditions. In this article, we will show how such Dates
investigations can be performed using a TGA/DSC 1. - Exhibitions 22
- Courses and Seminars 23
Introduction croorganisms such as molds or bacteria, higher than the condensation tempera-
The influence of relative humidity on the and so on. ture of the humidified gas generated by
behavior of materials can be investigated the humidity generator.
by exposing a sample isothermally to a For example, foodstuffs are not affected
defined level of relative humidity (RH) by microbial attack until the water activ- For this reason, we recommend the use of
TA Tip

for a certain time and continuously mea- ity is greater than about 0.7. The mois- two thermostats. One is used to thermo-
suring its mass using a balance. ture content that corresponds to a water stat the balance and to cool the furnace
activity of 0.7 can vary between a few flange and furnace jacket, the other to
The measurement time should be long percent and several tens of percent de- thermostat the humidity interface.
enough for the mass of the sample to pending on the product. A sorption curve
reach a constant value. The RH is then allows the corresponding water content METTLER TOLEDO offers two humid-
increased in steps keeping the tempera- in a product to be determined for a par- ity generators that can be coupled to the
ture constant and allowing sufficient ticular water activity. TGA/DSC 1. The two humidity generators
time for the sample mass to stabilize differ mainly in the way the RH is con-
each time at the new RH level. The equi- Experimental details trolled. Both types of humidity genera-
librium moisture content of the sample is Sorption isotherms can be measured by tor were used for the measurements de-
determined for the different values of RH attaching a specially designed humidity scribed in this article.
and plotted as a function of the RH. generator to a TGA/DSC 1 (Figure 1).
Temperature dependence
This yields a so-called sorption isotherm. The humidity generator produces a well- of relative humidity
Under these conditions (equilibrium), the defined gas flow with a precise RH. The The relative humidity depends strongly
RH corresponds to the water activity (aw) gas flow from the humidity generator on temperature because the vapor pres-
of the water in the sample. Water activity passes into the furnace chamber of the sure of water is very temperature depen-
is related to the partial pressure of water TGA/DSC 1 through a humidity interface dent. This is illustrated in Figure 2, which
above the sample and is not the same as attached to the outlet of the TGA furnace. shows the corresponding RH levels at dif-
the water content. It is a measure of the ferent temperatures for initial RH levels
relatively free or unbound water present T he f low rat e is t y pica lly about of 30%, 40%, 60% and 80% at 40 °C.
in a raw material, food or product that 100 mL/min. About 5 mL/min dry gas
is available to support processes such as is also required as protective gas for the If, for example, the RH of air at 40 °C is
non-enzymatic browning (Maillard re- balance. To prevent condensation, the 40% (red curve), the RH of the same air
action), fat oxidation, the growth of mi- temperature of the interface must be at 30 °C is 68% (see the horizontal red
arrow). At about 23 °C, the RH of this air
Figure 1.
Schematic diagram Temperature and Humidity Sensors is 100%. This means that at lower tem-
Control Unit
of a system for peratures part of the water vapor would
measuring sorption
condense (dotted red line) – which ex-
isotherms by TGA.
plains why drops of water form in the
Dry Flow
refrigerator (after opening it) or on cold
Protective Gas

Mixing Unit

Water water pipes in the cellar when the weath-

Dry Gas

Humid Gas Reservoir Flow

Con- er is humid.
TGA Sensor trollers
Wet Flow

The pronounced temperature depen-
TGA Furnace Humidity Generator dence of RH means that a small un-
certainty in temperature leads to a
Gas Outlet
large uncertainty in the RH. This is
demonstrated in Figure 3. It shows the
Table 1. temperature dependence of the relative
Temperature LiCl MgCl26 H2O Mg(NO3)26 H2O NaCl
Deliquescence uncertainty of the RH for a temperature
relative humidity for in °C in % in % in % in %
uncertainty of 1 K.
different salts at dif-
ferent temperatures.
20 11.3 33.1 54.4 75.5
30 11.3 32.4 51.4 75.1 Example: Let us assume that the RH
40 11.2 31.6 48.4 74.7 at 60 °C is 50%. An uncertainty of the
50 11.1 30.5 45.4 temperature of 1 K (i.e. the tempera-
ture is 60 ± 1 °C) results in a relative
60 11.0 29.3
uncertainty of RH of 4.6% (see arrows in
70 10.8 27.8 Figure 3).

This gives a value of 50 ± 2.3% for the Figure 2.
Dependence of the
RH. Small uncertainties in the tem- relative humidity on
perature (in this example 1 K) therefore temperature.
cause large uncertainties in the RH. This
effect is more pronounced at low temper-
atures than at high temperatures.

Calibration of relative humidity

The calibration of the RH in the fur-
nace chamber of the TGA/DSC 1 makes
use of the deliquescence of certain inor-
ganic salts. Deliquescence is the process
in which the salt absorbs water vapor
from the air from a critical RH onward
at a particular temperature to form a
solution. This property can be used to
calibrate the RH generated by a humidity

Figure 3.
Table 1 lists some of the salts used as cal- Relative change of
ibration substances together with the cor- RH at a particular
responding values of the deliquescence temperature when
the temperature is
relative humidity at different tempera- changed by 1 K.
tures. There are two possible experimen-
tal approaches.

Method 1:
The sample is exposed to a relative hu-
midity in the TGA/DSC 1 that is higher
than the deliquescence relative humidity
of the substance used. Under these cir-
cumstances, the sample absorbs water
and the sample mass increases. The RH
in the furnace chamber is then reduced
in steps. When it reaches the deliques-
cence relative humidity, the sample be-
gins to lose water and the sample mass
decreases. Figure 4.
Determination of
The maximum in the TGA curve is the deliquescence
relative humidity
therefore reached when the RH in the of MgCl26 H2O
furnace chamber corresponds to the at 27.5 °C using
Method 1 (see text
deliquescence relative humidity of the
for details).
sample. This is illustrated in Figure
4, which shows results obtained using
MgCl26 H2O.

Method 2:
The sample is exposed to a relative hu-
midity in the TGA/DSC 1 that is lower
than the deliquescence relative humidity
of the material used. Under these condi-
tions, the sample does not absorb water
and the sample mass remains constant.
The RH in the furnace chamber is then

increased in steps. When it reaches the
deliquescence relative humidity, the
sample begins to absorb water and the
sample mass increases.
TA Tipp

The onset of the increase therefore cor-

responds to the deliquescence relative
humidity. This is illustrated in Figure 5,
which again shows results obtained us-
ing MgCl 26 H 2 O. Comparison of Fig-
ures 4 and 5 shows that both methods
yield equivalent results.
Figure 5.
Measurement of Application 1: Sorption
the deliquescence
of MgCl26 H2O
behavior of wheat starch
at 27.5 °C using A plant stores water-soluble glucose
Method 2 (see text produced during photosynthesis by
for details).
transforming it into starch. Starch is a
polysaccharide, 25% of which consists
Figure 6.
Sorption and de- of linear polymer chains with a helical
sorption measure- structure (amylose) and 75% of strongly
ments of wheat branched structures (amylopectin).

Starch is used in the food industry,

mainly in the production of confection-
ery, milk products and bread, cakes and
pastries. There are also an increasing
number of applications in the chemical-
technical industry, in particular the pa-
per industry. Because of the wide number
of possible uses, the sorption behavior of
starch is of great practical importance.

Figure 6 shows the results of a sorption

experiment performed at 30 °C using
wheat starch. The blue curve corresponds
to the relative humidity, and the red
Figure 7. curve to the TGA signal. At the beginning
Sorption and de- of the measurement, the starch loses
sorption isotherms its residual water and is practically dry.
for wheat starch at
30 °C. The starch then absorbs more and more

A plot of the relative increase in weight

with respect to the dry weight of the sam-
ple (this corresponds to its moisture con-
tent, W) as a function of the RH (= water
activity, aw) yields the sorption isotherm
shown in Figure 7.

This presentation shows that a water ac-

tivity of 0.7 (the value, according to the
literature, at which microbial attack of
the starch is expected) is reached at a
moisture content of about 15% (see blue

arrow). Figure 7 also shows that a hys- Formula 1
aw k 1  2 1  2 1
teresis effect occurs between the sorption =  –1 + 1– a + = α · a2w + β · aw + γ
and desorption processes. Sorption hys-
w m0  c  aw m0  c w m0· k · c
teresis is in fact a phenomenon that oc-
curs quite generally; the reason for this is Formula 2

not yet fully understood. β – 4αγ – β β 1
, c= + 2, m0 =
2γ γ⋅k γ⋅k⋅c
Different models are used to describe
sorption isotherms (for details see the
Figure 8.
books listed under Literature). In prac- GAB fit for the mea-
tice, the Guggenheim–Anderson–de sured sorption data
Boer (GAB) model is often used. In its of wheat starch.

polynomial form, it describes the rela-

tionship between the water activity (aw)
normalized with respect to the moisture
content (W) and water activity accord-
ing to Formula 1, where k, c and m0 are
parameters determined from the experi-
mental data.

This is done as follows: the water activity

determined from the sorption isotherm
normalized with respect to the moisture
content (aw/W) is plotted as a function
of aw (see Figure 8) and fitted to Formula
1 using a second order polynomial (this
yields values for the coefficients ,  and
, red curve in Figure 8). Typically, a water activity between 0.2 tive humidity corresponds to the water
and 0.4 corresponds to the monolayer activity of the water present in the prod-
The GAB parameters can then be deter- moisture content. For the wheat starch uct. The sorption isotherm can be used
mined from the coefficients ,  and  investigated, a monolayer moisture con- to estimate the optimum water content
according to the formulas given in For- tent of 7.45% was obtained. for storing a product. Knowledge of the
mula 2. relationship between water content and
Conclusions water activity is particularly important in
The most important result of the GAB The TGA/DSC 1 combined with a hu- the food and pharmaceutical industries
analysis is the value for the monolayer midity generator is an inexpensive way in order to optimize production processes
moisture content (m0). This is of great to study the sorption and desorption be- for product quality or to define suitable
practical importance. If the moisture havior of different materials and prod- storage conditions.
content, for example of a foodstuff, is be- ucts. To do this, the relative humidity in
low m0, then usually no changes in the the furnace chamber of the TGA/DSC 1 Literature
product are to be expected. The mono- is varied in steps or continuously under [1] L. N. Bell, Th. P. Labuza, Moisture
Sorption, American Association of
layer moisture content therefore repre- isothermal conditions by means of a hu- Cereal Chemists, 2000,
sents a type of maximum (and in certain midity generator. ISBN 1-891127-18-7.
[2] G. V. Barbosa-Canovas, A. J. Fon-
cases an optimum) moisture content that
tana, S. J. Schmidt, Th. P. Labuza,
a product may exhibit if it is to be stored In the equilibrium state (the sample Water Activity in Foods, Blackwell
for a longer period of time without loss mass reaches a constant value at a cer- Publishing, 2007,
ISBN-13: 978-0-08138-2408-6.
of quality. tain relative humidity level), the rela-

Mobile communication
possibilities with the STARe System
New in our Sales Program

E-mail notification
In the last issue of UserCom, we introduced the new e-mail and
SMS functionality that informs you about the status of your in-
strument. You know whether your measurement series has been
completed without having to look in the laboratory. You define
in advance the events you want to be informed about. The fol-
lowing information can be transmitted:
• Measurement completed
• Error on TA module during the experiment,
measurement stopped
• Warning on TA module during the experiment,
possible malfunction
• Waiting for sample insertion
• Waiting for sample removal

Figure 1. Possible settings in the Experiment memory. Each experi-

ment can contain other settings.

Figure 2. TA Analysis App and online access

TA Analysis App
with News, User-
There are now two new mobile applications:
Com, On-Demand • “TA Analysis” App (for iOS and Android):
Webinars and Video This new App is free and allows you to access UserCom,
On-Demand webinars, and other interesting services when-
ever you like using your mobile device. You can search
through previously published issues of UserCom or study
an On-Demand webinar on your way home by bus or train
(Figure 2).
• Online access to the measuring module from a mobile device:
You can now access the instrument or just check the status
of the instrument on an intranet using a VNC viewer
(Figure 3).

Figure 3. DMA 1 remotely controlled via a mobile telephone.

micro and ultramicro balances

The METTLER TOLEDO XP2U and XP6U ly structured customizable user interface
ultramicro balances set new standards in for easy, fast, and error-free operation.
terms of weighing accuracy and speed. Numerous quality management func-
The balances are designed to boost effi- tions support regulatory requirements.
ciency and reliability as well as support Even sample sizes of less than 1  mg
network compatibility. conform to the strict process tolerances
and satisfy the current international USP
Excellent repeatability standards.
Thanks to an improved weighing cell,
new electronics and optimized signal Built-in safety functions
processing, the ultramicro balances Together with extensive antistatic mea-
combine excellent reproducibility, higher sures and the optional LabX balance
capacity and a short stabilization time. software for reliable and safe data man-
The XP2U and XP6U offer unsurpassed agement, the XP2U and XP6U ultramicro
repeatability of up to 0.15 µg; reduction balances provide a complete weighing
of sample weight requirements allows solution that satisfies the highest user
considerable cost reductions. requirements.

Short stabilization time

In addition, the XP6U has an unparal-
leled capacity of 6  g and unmatched Functions and
61 million digits resolution. This leads to advantages at a glance:
• Excellent repeatability helps to
an increased spectrum of possible appli- reduce sample weight and saves
cations and usable sample weights. The costs.
average settling time has been reduced • Short stabilization time maxi-
to about ten seconds to accelerate the mizes sample throughput and
weighing process. improves efficiency. For further information visit:
• Customizable color touch screen
Configurable, and infrared sensors for hands-
For further information about
free operation ensure simple, fast,
color touch screen and error-free use. METTLER TOLEDO, please contact:
All the high performance XP balances METTLER TOLEDO AG,
• Inbuilt safety functions such as
are equipped with a color TFT touch Laboratory & Weighing Technologies,
password protection and mini-
screen and IR sensors for hands-free op- mum weight control make the Im Langacher, 8606 Greifensee, Schweiz
eration. Users profit from intuitive and XP2U and XP6U ideal instruments T +41 44 944 2211, F +41 44 944 3320
convenient handling provided by a clear- for regulated environments.

Maximum Settling Draft

Model Readability Repeatability Terminal User settings
capacity time shield operation
XP2U 2.1 g 0.1 μg 0.25 μg ∼10 s color automatic yes
XP6U 6.1 g 0.1 μg 0.4 μg ∼15 s color automatic yes
XP6 6.1 g 1 μg 0.8 μg ∼8s color automatic yes
XS3DU 0.8 g / 1 μg / 5 μg / ∼10 s monochrome manual no
3g 10 μg 6 μg

Complete deformulation of your sample

Procedures like failure analysis, process • Right-click functionality for simple The OMNIC Mercury software extracts

validation and competitive investigations searches everything – what and when – giving
often require that a sample be deformu- • Transfer to an OMNIC™ Specta™ for you a full profile of your sample:
lated to identify components and to un- multi-component mixture searching • Total gas evolution profile showing the
derstand processing differences. • One-Click analysis of the entire data overall IR signal
set through Mercury TGA software • Component search results plus re-
• Extensive gas phase spectral libraries sidual
for searching • Time profiles for each component re-
vealing underlying chemistry
Ideally, deformulation via TGA-IR entails • Visual comparison window permitting
getting three pieces of information: the analyst to determine completeness
• Weight loss for quantitation of the result
• Identification of off-gassing material • Total analysis time reduced from 30 to
for compositional analysis 60 minutes to less than 2 minutes
• Time profiles for component evolution • Consistent results from user to user
to probe processing conditions • Makes TGA-IR a practical tool

The first item is extracted from the TGA Mercury TGA: One Click and Done Defor-
data through weight loss curves. The se- mulation Analysis.
cond is extracted by searching the spect-
ra, while the third comes from profiling
a particular component in time.
The Thermo Scientific™ Nicolet™ iS™50
FT-IR provides excellent tools for this Critically, the TGA-IR gas evolutions Nicolet iS™50 Modules
application: do not occur one at a time. Individual The Nicolet iS™50 modules expand
the materials analysis capability
• Excellent quality spectra across the components can be evolved severely over-
mid-IR lapped with other gases, and the compo-
• Simple linkage to Thermal Gravimetric nents do not evolve with the same time • Built-in, diamond mid/far-IR ATR
Analysis (TGA) systems profile. - Bulk material analysis before
the TGA experiment
• Optimized gas cell providing rapid re-
- Residue analysis after TGA-IR
sponse to off-gassing materials This can provide crucial information
for inorganics, ash
• 3-Dimensional graphic viewing of about processing, like heat treating of a
time-based data sets for manual review rubber. • iS™50 Raman module
- Mount the TGA-IR module in
Figure 1. an external sample com-
Mercury TGA reveals partment iS™50 AEM
what (lower right) - Gain morphology insights and
and when (lower
complementary search results
left) and offers a
visual comparison to FTIR
tool (upper right) – • iS™50 ABX Automatic Beamsplit-
everything you can
ter Exchanger
get from your data
in one click! - Automate multi-range: Raman,
mid-far IR-ATR with one touch

For further information

about iS™50 FTIR visit:

The strange behavior of a bouncing modeling putty
Nicolas Fedelich

“Horst die Hüpfknete” is the German name for a make of bouncing modeling putty used as a toy for children.
The material exhibits two quite different types of behavior at room temperature: On the one hand, it can be
easily shaped and stretched and flows like a viscous liquid. In contrast, if it is rolled into a ball and allowed
to fall to the ground, it behaves elastically and bounces back up like a tennis ball.

Introduction performed in the shear mode using the Figure 1.

“Horst die Hüpf­
How can this most unusual behavior be shear sample holder for liquids. The sam- knete”– the German
explained? – In this article, we will try to ple thickness was 1 mm. name for a make of
answer this question. bouncing modeling
Temperature scan at 1 Hz
DSC measurements Figure 4 shows a temperature scan mea-
The putty was first measured by DSC us- sured at a heating rate of 3 K/min and
ing a METTLER TOLEDO DSC 1 equipped a frequency of 1  Hz. Below –120  °C,
with an FRS5 sensor and a liquid nitro- the putty is in the glassy state at this
gen cooling system. The measurement frequency. The decrease in the storage
results are shown in Figure 3. modulus (G') and the peak in the loss
modulus (G'') at –110 °C as well as the
The DSC heating curve shows a step- peak in tan delta at –105 °C are due to
like change at about –120 °C, which we the glass transition of the silicone con- The putty is soft and at this frequency
interpret as a glass transition. At about tent of the putty. flows better with increasing temperature.
–79 °C, there is a small exothermic peak
followed by an equally large endothermic The rather weak effects due to cold The results obtained from the DSC and
peak at –54 °C. crystallization (increase of the storage DMA measurements are summarized in
modulus, G', at –75 °C) and melting (de- Table 1.
These two effects correspond to the crease of G' at –45 °C) are also clearly
crystallization and melting of part of visible in the curve. Frequency measurements
the sample. This behavior is typical for To confirm the interpretation of the
silicone rubber. Comparison of the step Following this, the G'' and tan delta curves shown in Figure 4, a DMA mea-
height of the glass transition of the putty curves exhibit broad peaks with maxima surement was performed at several differ-
with the step height of pure silicone rub- at about –10 °C and 40 °C respectively. ent frequencies (0.2, 1.5, 5, 10, 100 Hz).
ber (see small inset diagram) shows a We interpret this as being due to the glass
difference of about 10%. transition of the second component in The measurement curves are displayed in
the putty, which we suspected from the Figure 5. They demonstrate the expected
This indicates that the putty consists not DSC measurements. frequency dependence of the two glass
only of silicone rubber but also contains transitions. In contrast, the effects due to
another compound that does not produce After the glass transition, G'' becomes cold crystallization and the melting pro-
any detectable effects on the DSC curve. increasingly larger than G' from about cess are independent of the measurement
–10 °C onward. frequency.
The DSC experiment does not of course
provide any information about the me- Figure 2.
chanical behavior of the putty. For this The unusual be-
havior of the putty:
reason, we decided to perform several
If it is rolled into a
different DMA experiments. ball and left on a
flat surface (right)
it gradually flows.
DMA measurements If it is allowed to
The viscoelastic behavior of the putty fall to the ground,
was investigated using a METTLER TO- it bounces back up
like a tennis ball
LEDO DMA/SDTA861e dynamic mechani- (left).
cal analyzer. The measurements were

The second glass transition exhibits very
strong frequency dependence: the peak
temperature of G'' in the measured fre-
quency range shifts by more than 8 K.

Figure 5 can be used to explain the un-

usual behavior of the putty at room tem-
perature (see the crosses marked at about
25 °C). In an experiment in which the
characteristic time is of the order of sev-
eral minutes (the putty rolled to a ball
flows within minutes), the typical fre-
quencies are less than 0.1 Hz and G'' is
significantly greater than G', so the putty
Figure 3.
DSC heating run of In contrast, if the characteristic time
the bouncing putty.
is much shorter (when the ball of putty
bounces on the floor, the contact time is
Figure 4.
DMA temperature merely several milliseconds), the typical
scan showing the frequencies are higher than 100 Hz and
shear storage mod- G' is significantly greater than G'' and
ulus (G'), loss mod-
ulus (G'') and tan the ball bounces back up. The reason
delta of the putty for the unusual behavior of the putty is
measured at 1 Hz therefore the marked frequency depen-
between –150 °C
and +100 °C. dence of its complex modulus at room

The frequency dependence of the storage

and loss moduli can also be directly mea-
sured in an isothermal experiment using
a frequency sweep. Figure 6 displays the
resulting G' and G'' curves at 25 °C.

The curves show that at frequencies

above about 8 Hz the viscoelastic be-
havior of the putty is determined by the
Figure 5. storage modulus (the putty behaves more
DMA measure- and more elastically with increasing fre-
ments performed quency). At frequencies below 8 Hz, G''
at a series of fre-
quencies showing is increasingly larger than G', which ex-
the shear storage plains the flow properties of the putty at
modulus (G’) and
room temperature.
loss modulus (G’’)
of the putty at dif-
ferent frequencies The values for the storage modulus ob-
between –150 °C
and +90 °C.
tained from the multifrequency mea-
surement (see Figure 5) are also plotted
in the diagram as circles.

Summary and conclusions

In this article, we studied the strange
behavior of a bouncing modeling putty.
At room temperature, the putty exhibits
both flow properties and excellent elastic

A DSC measurement indicated that the Table 1.
Effect DSC DMA at 1 Hz
Summary of the
putty consisted of silicone rubber (about
Onset G’ Peak G’’ DSC and DMA mea-
90%) and another component (about 10%). surements of the
Glass transition 1 in °C –121.2 –116.2 –114.6 putty.
This second material was directly de- Crystallization in °C –78.6 –84.6 –84.2
tected by DMA measurements and had Melting in °C –53.8 –50.9 –50.2
an unusually broad glass transition of Glass transition 2 in °C Not observed –15.6 –13.6
about 40 K. DMA measurements at differ-
ent frequencies clearly demonstrated why Figure 6.
the putty exhibits both elastic and flow Isothermal frequen-
cy sweep show-
properties at room temperature. ing the frequency
dependence of the
The measurements showed that, at low shear storage mod-
ulus (G') and loss
frequencies, the loss modulus was signif- modulus (G'') of the
icantly greater than the storage modulus. putty at 25 °C.
This explains the flow properties of the
putty. At higher frequencies, the storage
modulus was considerably greater than
the loss modulus and the putty behaves

The pronounced frequency dependence

of the complex modulus can be easily be
measured using a DMA/SDTA861e and is
crucial for understanding of the behavior
of the material.

Study of the curing behavior
of a trifunctional epoxy resin

J. M. Hutchinson, F. Shiravand, Y. Calventus, I. Fraga Departament de Màquines i Motors Tèrmics, ETSEIAT,

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Colom 11, 08222 Terrassa, Spain

This article describes how the curing behavior of a highly crosslinked epoxy resin system was investigated
using conventional DSC and TOPEM® measurements. The results showed that the curing behavior is much
easier to study by TOPEM® than by conventional DSC. Furthermore, the glass transition temperature of the
completely cured material can only be determined by TOPEM®.

Introduction The resulting rigid, three-dimensional curing process as efficiently as pos-

Epoxy resins are thermosetting polymers crosslinked polymer has a higher net- sible, the vitrification time (the time
that are used for many different applica- work density, a correspondingly high taken by the material to vitrify at a
tions, for example, as adhesives, surface glass transition temperature, and better certain temperature) has to be known.
coatings, matrix materials for fiber-rein- thermal stability compared with DGE- However, the determination of the
forced composites or for polymer-layered BA. Conventional differential scanning vitrification time by conventional DSC
silicate nanocomposites (PLS). calorimetry (DSC) is a technique widely requires considerable experimental
used to investigate the curing behavior time and work.
One of the most frequently used ep- of crosslinking systems. Both isothermal • The glass transition of the fully cured
oxy resins for these applications is the and dynamic methods are employed. TGAP/DDS thermoset cannot be mea-
bifunctional epoxy diglycidyl ether of sured by conventional DSC. The net-
bisphenol-A (DGEBA). However, many Nevertheless, the technique has certain work density is so high that the change
high-performance applications, for ex- disadvantages when used to character- in heat capacity at the final glass tran-
ample in the aerospace industry, put ize the curing reaction of TGAP with a sition is too small to detect. The glass
greater demands on the properties of the diamine: transition temperatures given in the
resin and require very highly crosslinked • Due to the large reaction enthalpy literature for this system are therefore
composites that are stable up to tempera- involved in the curing reaction, the usually determined by DMA [1, 2].
tures of 250 °C. curing of TGAP is usually performed
in several isothermal steps at tempera- In this article, we will show how these
One resin that is suitable for producing tures below the final glass transition difficulties can be elegantly solved using
such materials is the trifunctional epoxy temperature. In this process, the mate- TOPEM® .
triglycidyl p-aminophenol (TGAP). The rial vitrifies during each individual
resin is cured with a diamine. curing step. To perform the multistep Experimental details
Figure 1.
Above: isothermal Sample
curing of a TGAP/ TGAP epoxy resin (Araldit MY0510) and
DDS sample at
150 °C (curing time 4,4-diamino diphenyl sulphone, DDS
3 hours). Below: (Aradur 976-1) as the curing agent from
the following first Huntsman Advanced Materials were used
and second heating
runs. The heating without further purification.
rate was 10 K/min.
The TGAP and DDS were mixed to-
gether with a slight excess of the epoxy
(TGAP to DDS ratio (1:0.9 molar ratio
or 1:0.52 mass ratio). Samples weighing
about 15 mg were measured in 40 µL alu-
minum crucibles.

The conventional DSC experiments were
performed using a METTLER TOLEDO

DSC821e and theTOPEM ® measure- Table 1.
Curing time 0.5 1 1.5 2 3 5 6
Glass transition
ments with a DSC823e. TOPEM® is an in h temperatures after
advanced temperature-modulated DSC Tg in °C 23.3 94.5 139.2 158 175.8 194.2 198.1 curing for different
technique in which stochastic tempera- times at 150 °C.
Vitrification no no no yes yes yes yes
ture pulses are superimposed on the un-
derlying DSC temperature program. The The postcuring reaction was completed The heating runs are shown in Figure 2.
amplitude of these temperature pulses is by about 280 °C. The exothermic in- Table 1 presents an overview of the iso-
constant (typically 0.1 K). crease of the heat flow above 280 °C thermal curing times used and the mea-
indicates that the sample begins to de- sured glass transition temperatures. The
The duration of the pulses is varied ran- grade. In principle, it should now be pos- results in the table indicate that the vit-
domly within a certain range (typically sible to determine the glass transition of rification time at 150 °C is between 1.5
10 to 40 seconds) [3]. This technique has the completely cured sample from the and 2 hours.
been used with great success in applica- second heating run (blue). The curve
tions involving glass transitions [3], solid- however shows no indication of a glass This data is also presented graphically
solid transitions [3], the aging behavior of transition. in Figure 3. It shows the relationship be-
polymers [4], the thermal degradation of tween the glass transition temperature
polystyrene [5] and the vitrification and The reason for this is that the network and the curing time. The vitrification
devitrification of thermosets (see User- density of the completely cured sample time of about 102 minutes at the curing
Coms 29 and 30 [6, 7], and [8–12]). is so high that it is not possible to detect temperature (here 150 °C) can be read
the glass transition by DSC. The curve off from the graph (see the black ar-
Procedure shows that degradation begins at about rows). Several measurements are there-
The investigation of the curing behavior of 260 °C. fore needed to determine the vitrification
TGAP was carried out in several steps: time by conventional DSC.
• Isothermal curing for 3 hours at 150 °C The vitrification time of the material at
• Rapid cooling 150 °C was determined by conventional Results from the TOPEM®
• First heating run (DSC: 50 to 300 °C DSC by performing a series of isothermal measurements
at 10 K/min; TOPEM® : 100 to 290 °C curing experiments. Identical samples TOPEM ® is a temperature-modulated
at 2 K/min) were first cured isothermally for differ- DSC technique in which the heat flow
• Second heating run after cooling the ent times and then cooled. The glass and the specific heat capacity of a sample
sample rapidly (only by conventional transition temperature of each precured can be simultaneously measured. The
DSC, same conditions as for the first sample was then measured in a series of method is therefore ideal for monitoring
heating run) separate heating runs. the vitrification and curing process of a
material [3].
Results of the conventional Vitrification occurs when the glass
DSC measurements transition temperature of the material Figure 4 displays the results for the iso-
Figure 1 displays the DSC curves ob- reaches and exceeds the curing tempera- thermal curing of a sample of TGAP/DDS
tained from the isothermal curing of a ture (in this case 150 °C). at 150 °C. The upper diagram shows the
TGAP sample at 150 °C (above) and the Figure 2.
first and second heating runs that fol- Heat flow curves for
lowed (below). The isothermal curing samples of TGAP/
DDS cured for differ-
curve (red) shows that at this tempera- ent times at 150 °C
ture the curing reaction is completed and then heated at
after about 160 minutes but there are no 10 K/min.

signs that vitrification of the material


The first heating run (green curve), how-

ever, shows that vitrification did in fact
occur because the curve exhibits a glass
transition at about 175 °C as well as a
strongly exothermic postcuring peak im-
mediately afterward. The material must
have vitrified during isothermal curing
because otherwise there would be no post-
curing peak.

modulated heat flow curve (blue) from low heating rate, curves such as those tinues while the sample is slowly heated.
which the total heat flow curve (red) is displayed in Figure 5 are obtained. The This leads to the exothermic heat flow
obtained. This curve corresponds to the upper diagram shows the total heat flow (red curve in the upper diagram of
heat flow curve of a conventional DSC curve and the lower diagram the specific Figure 5).
measurement. heat capacity curve, cp0.

The momentary glass transition tem-

The total heat flow curve once again The first event observed on the cp0 curve perature of the material continues to
gives no indication that vitrification of at about 181 °C corresponds to the glass increase due to the on-going curing re-
the sample has occurred. The strongly transition of the sample after curing action. If the heating rate is sufficiently
exothermic curing reaction is however isothermally at 150 °C for 3 hours. Nor- low (here 2 K/min), the sample again
observed just like in a conventional DSC mally the glass transition temperature vitrifies. As a result, the reaction rate
experiment. of an isothermally cured material is slows down and the total heat flow de-
only a slightly above the curing tem- creases.
The lower curve shows the specific heat perature.
capacity curve cp0 (green). This is calcu- However, because the sample is still be-
lated from the amplitude of the modulat- During the curing process, the momen- ing heated, the curing reaction continues
ed heat flow. As a result of the crosslink- tary glass transition temperature of slowly and leads to a broad exothermic
ing process, cp0 first gradually increases. the material steadily increases. When effect in the total heat flow curve. The
Then, during vitrification, the sample it reaches the curing temperature, the curing temperature and the glass tran-
changes from an initially viscous liq- material vitrifies and the reaction rate sition temperature are almost the same
uid to an amorphous solid and the spe- of curing drastically decreases; curing – curing practically takes place in the
cific heat capacity decreases (vitrifica- more or less stops. As a result, the glass glassy state. When the degree of cure of
tion). The vitrification time corresponds transition temperature remains only the sample is almost complete, the total
roughly to the midpoint of the change of slightly above the curing temperature heat flow decreases.
the heat capacity. (typically 10 K).
At the same time, the curing tempera-
In the example, this is about 100.4 min- In the case of TGAP/DDS, our measure- ture then exceeds the glass transition
utes, which agrees well with the value ment yields a difference of 31 K between temperature. This leads to an increase
of 102 minutes estimated from the con- the curing temperature and the glass in the specific heat capacity as in a glass
ventional DSC measurements. TOPEM® transition temperature after curing. transition (devitrification). The increase
however has the advantage that the vit- Other authors have even observed dif- can be clearly seen on the cp0 curve with
rification time can be determined from ferences of up to 50 K for the TGAP/DDS a midpoint at about 257 °C.
just one measurement. system [1, 2].
To a good approximation, this tempera-
If the partially cured sample is then Due to the increased molecular mobility ture therefore corresponds to the glass
cooled rapidly and measured by TOPEM® of the reactants after the glass transi- transition temperature of the completely
in a second heating run at a sufficiently tion at 181 °C, the curing reaction con- cured material [9, 10].
Figure 3.
Graph showing If the heating experiment is performed
the relationship at a lower heating rate, the agreement
between the glass
is better, although for this particular
transition tempera-
ture and the curing system an experiment performed at a
time at 150 °C. The heating rate von 0.5 K/min gave no sig-
vitrification time
corresponds to the
nificant increase of the glass transition
curing time at which temperature. DMA measurements of the
the glass transi- same TGAP/DDS system yielded a glass
tion temperature
reaches the curing
transition temperature of 264 °C.
temperature (see
the black arrows). This temperature agrees well with the
glass transition temperature of 257 °C
that we found. However, glass transi-
tions measured by DMA and DSC cannot
always be directly compared because of
the frequency dependence of the glass

Conclusions Figure 4.
Isothermal mea-
If the isothermal curing behavior is in- surement of TGAP/
vestigated using conventional DSC, the DDS for three hours
measured isothermal DSC curves show at 150 °C using
TOPEM®. Above:
no indication of possible vitrification. the modulated heat
flow curve (blue)
Vitrification during isothermal curing scaled with a factor
of 0.15 and total
can only be identified by measuring the heat flow curve
glass transition of the cured material in (red). Below: the
a second dynamic measurement – in this specific heat capac-
ity curve (green).
case, a postcuring peak occurs immedi-
ately after the glass transition.

Estimation of the vitrification time by

conventional DSC is only possible with
considerable experimental time and ef-
fort: several isothermal and dynamic
measurements have to be performed each
time with new samples. In this case, the
Figure 5.
glass transition of the completely cured Dynamic TOPEM®
TGAP/DDS system could not be deter- measurement of a
sample of TGAP/
mined by conventional DSC.
DDS at 2 K/min that
had previously been
In contrast, in a TOPEM® measurement, cured for 3 hours
at 150 °C. Above:
vitrification can be easily identified in the total heat flow
an isothermal curing experiment due to curve. Below: the
the change in the specific heat capacity specific heat capac-
ity cp0 curve.

The vitrification time can therefore be

directly determined. TOPEM® also al-
lows the glass transition temperature of
the completely cured resin to be mea-

In this method, one takes advantage of

the fact that if the heating rate is suffi-
ciently low, complete curing of the resin References [5] Chen, K.; Harris, K.; Vyazovkin, S.:
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son of theoretical simulations with comparison with calorimetric experi- 925–929.

New methodology developed for DSC

for the analysis of phase change materials
Camilla Barreneche 1,2, Aran Solé 1, Laia Miró 1, Ingrid Martorell 1, A. Inés Fernández 2, Luisa F. Cabeza 1
1) Universitat de Lleida y 2) Universitat de Barcelona, Spain

The level of thermal comfort nowadays needed in buildings has led to an increase in energy consumption in
the residential and service sectors. Thermal energy storage (TES) is an important alternative for reducing
high energy consumption. Phase change materials (PCMs) have been studied as suitable materials for stor-
ing thermal energy due to their high heat storage capacity.

Introduction released again below the temperature of of the materials. For this reason, thermal
The authors of this article have devel- the phase change. analysis of PCMs is necessary at an early
oped and tested a phase change mate- stage of the design of building because it
rial (PCM) incorporated in a polymer Paraffin materials can be used as PCMs is a key point for the thermal character-
matrix. Unexpected difficulties however to climatize rooms due to their heat stor- ization of the building envelope.
arose in the measurement of the thermal age capacity of about 130 kJ/kg and their
properties of this material using differ- melting temperature of 15 to 30 °C [1]. In DSC
ential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The most countries, this temperature range Differential thermal analysis (DSC) is
thermal effects of the polymer matrix is accepted as being optimal for thermal one of the most powerful techniques [3]
and the PCM overlapped. comfort in buildings. for measuring thermal properties such
as the specific heat capacity (cp), and the
A new method was therefore developed Consequently, PCMs based on paraffin enthalpy and temperature of phase tran-
to overcome this problem. This consist- materials are integrated as composite sitions. This has been discussed by Cas-
ed of using a reference crucible contain- materials in thermal insulation systems. tellón et al. [4]. The main limitations of
ing the polymer matrix as a blank in- These materials increase the thermal in- the technique when used for this particu-
stead of the usual empty crucible. This ertia of the building envelope and com- lar application are the sample require-
enabled a clear signal of the PCM to be bined with insulation material reduce ments, namely small size, purity, and
obtained. energy consumption and temperature homogeneity [5]. These are important
fluctuations [2]. limitations because many PCM samples
PCM are mixtures of different components.
Phase change materials (PCMs) are The thermal behavior of composite ma-
ideal for storing thermal energy due to terials normally used in building enve- Paraffinic PCMs
their large heat storage capacity at the lopes is difficult to characterize due to The authors have developed a new mate-
phase change: The thermal energy is the large dimensions and heterogeneity rial for the building envelope [6]. The

composite material is a shape-stabilized Table 1.
Components Characteristics Percentage weight Material compo-
paraffinic PCM containing 10 to 12 nents and composi-
Polymer matrix (PM) Ethylene/octene 20
weight percent PCM in a polymer ma- copolymer + EVA tion of the compos-
trix. To determine the concentration ite material studied.
Filler (EAFD) Inorganic residue from 70
of the PCM in the polymer matrix, the
electric arc furnace dust
material was analyzed by DSC using
the conventional measurement method Paraffin (PCM) RT-21: Tm = 20.14 °C; 10
∆Hm = 96.22 kJ/kg
with an empty crucible as the reference
Table 2.
Experiment Reference sample Experiments and
The main goal of this study was to design Run 1 Empty crucible runs performed in
and evaluate a new experimental DSC this study and the
Run 2 Empty crucible different reference
method to separate the PCM signal from samples.
that of the polymer matrix. More infor- Run 3 Polymer matrix
mation on this work has been published Run 4 Polymer matrix with EAFD
by Barreneche et al. [7].
the sample material. This improved the Furthermore, the values for the enthalpy
Experimental details PCM signal; the peaks were sharper and of fusion from Runs 1 and 2 listed in
better defined at the phase transition and Table 3 do not correspond to the esti-
Materials the matrix overlap in the DSC curve was mated values. A value between 9.6 and
The samples investigated were composite reduced. 11.5 kJ/kg is expected for the composite
materials consisting of a polymer matrix, material investigated if an enthalpy of
an inorganic filler and a PCM in different Measurements and resultats fusion of 96.22 kJ/kg and a melting tem-
formulations. Details of the samples are Table 2 summarizes the experiments perature of 20.14 °C is assumed for the
presented in Table 1. performed and the corresponding blank PCM investigated.
samples. Two measurements were first
The composite material was manu- performed with empty crucibles as refer- As can be seen in the DSC curves in
factured on a large scale. An internal ence samples as is usual in conventional Figure 1, the inaccurate values obtained
Banbury mixer was used to obtain ho- DSC analysis (Runs 1 and 2, repeat mea- for the enthalpy of fusion could have to
mogeneous material. The material was surements). do with the unclear peak shape leading
laminated at room temperature using a to incorrect integration values. Since the
two-roll mill. The heat flow curves are shown in results obtained were unsatisfactory, two
Figure  1. The curves were not clearly further experiments were performed in
Due to its complex composition, it was defined and indicated that the melting which non-conventional reference sam-
difficult to analyze and understand the process took place between 11 and 30 °C. ples were used. Figure 2 shows the DSC
thermal properties of the material using This is not in agreement with the expect- curves of the two samples measured us-
DSC. The expected enthalpy of fusion due ed behavior (between 18 and 24 °C). ing different reference samples, namely
to the PCM content was about 10 kJ/kg Figure 1.
but the PCM peak was overlapped by ther- DSC curves of two
mal effects of the matrix and filler. heating runs of the
composite material.
Empty crucibles
Methodology were used as ref-
Samples weighing about 15  mg were erence samples
(Run 1 and 2).
measured in 100  μL aluminum cru-
cibles in nitrogen using a flow rate of
80  mL/min. The DSC measurements
were performed in the temperature range
10 to 35 °C at heating and cooling rates
of 0.5 K/min [3].

Conventional DSC measurements use

empty reference crucibles [8]. The new
method developed for this work is based
on the subtraction of different blank
samples from the measurement curve of

the polymer matrix in Run 3 and the The peaks of the phase change transition curve response signal. To eliminate the
polymer matrix with EAFD in Run 4. The are sharper and better defined and the overlap due to the matrix signal, two
DSC signal was clearly improved by the PCM measurement signal is improved. different blank reference samples were
use of these unconventional reference An optimization of the DSC curves was used; one was the pure polymer matrix,
samples. observed when the new reference samples the second the polymer matrix and the

were used (Figure 2). EAFD filler.

The effect of overlap was significantly re- Thanks to this new methodology, well-
duced. Furthermore, it is clear that this defined peaks were obtained and the The first important result of this study is
is due to subtraction of the effect of the PCM signal was separated from the ma- that DSC curves were improved through
polymer matrix because the result was trix contribution. This new methodology the use of the new blank samples. Thanks
the same when the reference sample con- can be used to analyze complex samples to the new methodology, the peaks were
taining EAFD (an additive of the formu- in which the signal from the matrix over- better defined and the PCM peak was
lation) is used. However, conventional laps the signal of interest. This allows separated from the matrix signal.
DSC methodology should be used to mea- composite materials containing PCM to
sure the enthalpy of fusion of the PCM be analyzed by DSC. Another important conclusion is that the
polymer composite as a whole. overlap of the signals is due to the poly-
Results and conclusions mer matrix because there was no sig-
The results obtained using the different Composite materials were first analyzed nificant difference in the result when the
reference samples (Runs 3 and 4) are by DSC in the conventional way using an polymer matrix or the polymer matrix
presented in Table 3. The values of the empty crucible as the reference sample. with EAFD was used as the reference.
enthalpy of fusion are in the expected The initial results showed rather poorly
range, proportional to the percentage defined DSC curves (Figure 1). To sum up, a new experimental method-
weight of the PCM. ology for analyzing composite materials
In addition, the measured thermal containing PCM by DSC has been devel-
The new blank reference methodology properties of the PCMs did not corre- oped and tested. Improvements in the
led to an important improvement of the spond to the expected values. This was signal and hence accurate curve evalua-
DSC results. The new methodology de- attributed to the overlap of contribu- tion have been achieved.
scribed in the article has been successful. tions of the matrix and PCM in the DSC
This is a very important point because
Figure 2. the method allows signals to be differ-
DSC curves of the
composite material entiated when composite materials are
using two different used. This methodology is strongly rec-
types of reference ommended for applications in which the
samples: Run 3:
polymer matrix, matrix signal has to be separated from
Run 4: polymer ma- signals of other components.
trix with EAFD.

This work was partially funded by
the Spanish government (ENE2011-
28269-C03-02), the European Union
(COST Action TU0802) and the Program
“PPV University de Barcelona-Santand-
er”. The authors would like to thank the
Catalan Government for the quality ac-
creditation given to their research group
GREA (2009 SGR 534) and research
group DIOPMA (2009 SGR 645).
Table 3.
Evaluation of the
Enthalpy of fusion Melting Type of References
enthalpy of fu- in kJ/kg temperature in °C reference used [1] Cabeza L.F, Castell A, Barreneche C,
sion and melting de Gracia A, Fernández A. I. Materials
temperature of the
Run 1 6.16 21.44 Conventional used as PCM in thermal energy sto-
composite using Run 2 5.85 21.49 Conventional rage in buildings: A review. Renewable
different types of & Sustainable Energy Reviews 2011;
reference samples. Run 3 10.03 20.92 Polymer matrix 15: 1675–1695.
[2] Cabeza L.F, Castell A, Medrano M,
Run 4 9.89 21.04 Polymer matrix/EAFD Martorell I, Pérez G, Fernández A.I. Ex-

perimental study on the performance national Journal of Energy Research ración estabilizante en un material de
of insulation materials in Mediterrane- 2008; 32(13): 1258–1265. construcción]. P201131272. 2011.
an construction. Energy & Buildings [5] Lázaro A, Günther E, Mehling H, Hieb- [7] Barreneche C., Solé A., Miró M.,
2010; 42(5): 630–636. ler M, Marín M.M, Zalba B. Verification Martorell I, Fernández A.I., Cabeza
[3] Mehling H, Cabeza L. F. Heat and cold of a T-history installation to measure L.F. New methodology developed for
storage with PCM. An up to date intro- enthalpy versus temperature curves the differential scanning calorimetry
duction into basics and applications. of phase change materials. Measure- analysis of polymeric matrixes in-
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg; ment Science & Technology 2006; 17: corporating phase change materials.
Berlin (Germany), 2008. 2168–2174. Measurement Science and Technolo-
ISBN: 978-3-540-68556-2. [6] Fernández A.I, Cabeza L.F, Barreneche gy. 2012; 23: 085606, 5 pp.
[4] Castellón C, Günther E, Mehling H, C, Chimenos J.M,Espiell F, Segarra [8] Höhne G. W. H, Hemminger W.F,
Hiebler S, Cabeza L.F. Determination M, Solé C. Waste removal of EAFD by Flammersheim H.J. Differential scan-
of the enthalpy of PCM as a function means of its stabilization integrating it ning calorimetry, Springer–Verlag
of temperature using a heat-flux DSC into a building material [Inertización Berlin Heidelberg. Berlin (Germany),
– A study of different measurement de polvo de acería mediante su integ- 2003. ISBN: 3-540-00467-x.
procedures and their accuracy. Inter-

Thermoanalytical characterization
of oxo-biodegradable polymers
Dr. Melanie Nijman

One of the major problems of the plastics we use today is their great stability – they impact the environment
for years without undergoing decomposition. Recently, a number of research projects have been started to
develop plastics that degrade within a short time in the environment.

Introduction lysts and promote oxidization of the oxo-biodegradable packaging film was
Up until now, two different approaches polymer chains. Since oxidation can only determined from its melting curve. Pure
have been followed for making biologi- take place when oxygen is present, this PE-LD in the form of pellets was mea-
cally degradable polymers. type of decomposition only works when sured for comparison.
the plastic is exposed to an open-air en-
The first approach is to produce plastics vironment. If the plastic is disposed of in Small pieces were cut out from the film
from biomaterials such as maize (corn) a landfill under anaerobic conditions, and placed in the DSC or TGA crucibles. A
or wheat, which rapidly decompose to decomposition is no faster that with or- PE-LD pellet was cut into thin slices. The
smaller, biologically degradable com- dinary plastics. sample mass used for the DSC measure-
pounds after use. ments was approximately 3 mg. Appre-
The metal salts added are only present ciably more (approx. 30 mg) was used for
The other approach is to modify com- in catalytic amounts and do not have a the TGA measurements because only very
monly used polymers such as polyeth- negative effect on the environment. They small residues were expected.
ylene so that they degrade more quickly are salts of iron, magnesium, manga-
and can then be digested by microorgan- nese, zinc or nickel, which are in any DSC experiments were performed on both
isms. This article deals with this second case present in nature, for example in materials to measure the OOT (Oxidation
category of polymers, also referred to as metalloproteins. Onset Temperature). The onset of oxida-
oxo-biodegradable polymers. tion is determined by the stability of the
Experimental details polymers. If the stability of a polymer is
The degradation of such polymers is The polymers were investigated by per- artificially decreased, as in an oxo-bio-
accelerated by the addition of small forming DSC and TGA/DSC measure- degradable polymer, one expects a lower
amounts of metal salts that act as cata- ments. The polymeric composition of an oxidation temperature.

Results and discussion OOT (Oxidation Onset Temperature) yielded an oxidation onset temperature
measurements were then performed to of 201.3 °C for the oxo-biodegradable
DSC measurements compare the stability of the two materi- film and 214.7 °C for the PE-LD pellet.
Figure 1 shows the DSC melting curves of als. The curves obtained are displayed The temperature difference is significant
the two materials. Both samples have very in Figure 2. Care was taken to make sure and very reproducible. The onset of oxi-

similar melting temperatures. The oxo- that the samples had about the same dation of the oxo-biodegradable PE film
biodegradable film is however a blend of mass and that they rested flat on the is in fact about 13 K lower than that of
PE-LD and PE-LLD. It exhibits two clear bottom of the crucible. the pure PE-LD pellet and indicates that
melting peaks at 112 °C and 121 °C. The it is much less stable.
mean degree of crystallinity is compa- The measurements were performed in
rable with the values usual for PE-(L)LD. oxygen (50 mL/min) and with no lid on TGA measurements
the crucible. The same heating rate of TGA measurements were also performed
The curves shown in Figure 1 are second 10 K/min was used as before. The mea- in addition to the DSC measurements.
heating runs of the individual samples surements were automatically stopped The resulting curves for the two mate-
in order to eliminate the effects of pro- when an exothermic heat flow of 5 W/g rials are displayed in Figure 3. A large
duction and storage history on the DSC was reached in order to protect the DSC difference can be seen between the de-
curves. The heating rate was 10 K/min furnace from decomposition products. composition of the two materials. The
with a gas flow of 50 mL/min nitrogen. Evaluation of the OOT measurements first part of the curves was measured in
nitrogen up to 600 °C.
Figure 1.
DSC measurements
(second heating The pure PE-LD sample is completely py-
runs) of an oxo-bio- rolyzed in nitrogen, with a characteristic
degradable (OBD)
film and a pure PE-
onset at 457 °C (extrapolated onset). At
LD pellet. 600 °C, the purge gas was switched from
nitrogen to air: oxidation of polymer
residues began immediately. All the TGA
measurements were performed at a heat-
ing rate of 20 K/min.

Pyrolysis of the oxo-biodegradable film

begins a bit later at 472 °C. On switching
to air, there was a slight loss of weight.
It seems that the sample still contained
something that was not completely pyro-
lyzed or that in air showed a weight loss.
In the DSC curve, this process is surpris-
ingly endothermic. With the PE-LD sam-
Figure 2.
ple, no further weight loss is observed.
Repeat measure-
ments showing the Table 1 summarizes the results of the
OOT (Oxidation
Onset Tempera- evaluations. The melting enthalpies of
ture) curves of an the DSC curves shown in Figure 3 in-
oxo-biodegradable dicate a degree of crystallinity of about
(OBD) film and a
PE-LD pellet. Gas 40%. Both materials were also measured
flow: oxygen at by TGA/DSC in air at 50 mL/min. The
50 mL/min. measurements are shown in Figure 4.
Smaller samples (about 5 mg) were used
compared with those in the measure-
ments shown in Figure 3 (about 30 mg)
because oxidation generates much more
heat than pyrolysis.

In this measurement in air, as in Fig-

ure 3 in nitrogen, it seems that decom-
position of the PE-LD pellets begins at

a lower temperature than for the film. Table 1.
Onset Pyrolysis Oxidation Residue
Overview of the TGA
However, close examination of the simul- in °C in % in % in % weight losses of the
taneously measured DSC curves shows Oxo-biodegradable film, 471.4 91.73 0.60 7.67 oxo-biodegradable
that oxidation of the oxo-biodegradable sample 1 film and the PE-LD
film begins earlier. Oxo-biodegradable film, 472.2 91.73 0.61 7.67
sample 2
The DSC measurements are much more PE-LD pellet, sample 1 457.6 99.99 – 0.01
sensitive to the onset of oxidation than the PE-LD pellet, sample 2 457.7 100.0 – –
TGA measurements. The rate of decompo-
sition in air is greater for PE-LD compared Figure 3.
with for the oxo-biodegradable film; in ni- TGA/DSC curves
of an oxo-biode-
trogen, the rates are about the same.
gradable film and a
PE-LD pellet mea-
The measurements in air also show that sured in nitrogen
to 600 °C and then
the oxo-biodegradable film leaves a resi- in air to 900 °C, at
due whereas the PE-LD pellets burn com- 50 mL/min.
pletely. In addition, the oxo-biodegradable
film still exhibits the endothermic effect
at about 600 °C in air. This effect is also
visible in the measurements in Figure 3.

The enthalpy of the decomposition reac-

tion of the pure PE-LD sample is about
25% larger than that of the oxo-biode-
gradable film; the smaller enthalpy can
be partly explained by the inorganic filler
content of the oxo-biodegradable film
and partly by the overlap with the endo-
thermic reaction at 600 °C. Figure 4.
TGA/DSC curves of
an oxo-biodegrad-
Conclusions able film and a PE-
LD pellet measured
The oxidation behavior of the oxo-bio-
in air at 50 mL/min.
degradable film is significantly different
compared with that of a normal PE film.
The behavior confirms that the films de-
grade more rapidly in an air atmosphere.
Anaerobic decomposition under nitrogen
is not accelerated by the added salts;
their presence might even be a disadvan-
tage for decomposition.

The TGA curves show that the oxo-biode-

gradable films more contain inorganic
additives and that the amounts can be
easily determined.

[2] Assessing the Environmental Impacts
of Oxo-degradable Plastics Across
Their Life Cycle, Loughborough
University (document EV0422) /
Department for Environment, Food
and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), UK.

Exhibitions, Conferences,
Seminars and Training Courses

Exhibitions, Conferences and Seminars − Veranstaltungen, Konferenzen und Seminare

PPS-29 (Polymer Processing Society) July 15–19, 2013 Nürnberg, Germany
BPS Bayreuth Polymer Symposium September 15–17, 2013 Bayreuth, Germany
K 2013 Trade Fair October 16–23, 2013 Düsseldorf, Germany
Technomer 2013 November 14–16, 2013 Chemnitz, Germany

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Autumn: Kurse / Courses

Course TAK47 SW Basic (Deutsch) 18. November 2013 Course TAK48 SW Basic (English) November 25, 2013
Course TAK47 TMA (Deutsch) 18. November 2013 Course TAK48 TMA (English) November 25, 2013
Course TAK47 DMA Basic (Deutsch) 18. November 2013 Course TAK48 DMA Basic (English) November 25, 2013
Course TAK47 DMA Advanced (Deutsch) 19. November 2013 Course TAK48 DMA Advanced (English) November 26, 2013
Course TAK47 TGA Basic (Deutsch) 19. November 2013 Course TAK48 TGA Basic (English) November 26, 2013
Course TAK47 TGA Advanced (Deutsch) 20. November 2013 Course TAK48 TGA Advanced (English) November 27, 2013
Course TAK47 DSC Basic (Deutsch) 20. November 2013 Course TAK48 DSC Basic (English) November 27, 2013
Course TAK47 DSC Advanced (Deutsch) 21. November 2013 Course TAK48 DSC Advanced (English) November 28, 2013
Course TAK47 TGA-FTIR (Deutsch) 21. November 2013 Course TAK48 TGA-FTIR (English) November 28, 2013
Course TAK47 SW Advanced (Deutsch) 22. November 2013 Course TAK48 SW Advanced (English) November 29, 2013
Course TAK47 TGA-MS (Deutsch) 22. November 2013 Course TAK48 TGA-MS (English) November 29, 2013
Course TAK47 Kinetics / TMDSC (Deutsch) 22. November 2013 Course TAK48 Kinetics / TMDSC (English) November 29, 2013

Local TA Customer Courses:
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Online-Seminare zu div. Theme div. Termine

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Benelux Seminar “New Trends in Thermogravimetry” October 2, 2013 Brussels, Belgium
Seminar “New Trends in Thermogravimetry” October 4, 2013 Tiel, Netherlands

Cours et Renseignements et inscriptions par Christine Fauvarque, Mettler-Toledo S.A., Tél: ++33 1 3097 1439, e-mail:
séminaires Congrès National du GFP 18–21 Novembre 2013 Lille (France)
d’Analyse Principe de la TMA/DMA 25 novembre 2013 Viroflay (France)
Thermique en
DSC: notions de base 26 novembre 2012 Viroflay (France)
DSC: perfectionnement 27 novembre 2013 Viroflay (France)
Principe de la TGA 28 novembre 2013 Viroflay (France)
Logiciel STARe: perfectionnement 29 novembre 2013 Viroflay (France)

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Formación Usuarios TA 9 de octubre 2013 Barcelona
Aplicaciones del Análisis Térmico 23 de octubre 2013 Sevilla

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