Between A Rock and A Hard Place Anthology GCSE English

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How does the writer use language and structure to create tension throughout

the extract?

The writer uses multiple structural and language techniques to create tension
through the extract as can be seen in the following quotations.

Ralston uses many structural techniques to establish a sense of tension, for

example, the use of extensive description within his autobiography can be seen
through the quotation “stemming across the canyon at the lip of the drop-off,
with one foot and one hand on each of the walls, I traverse out to the
chockstone.” It allows the reader to visualize the scene consequently allowing
them to further understand the context. The quotations “short fall”, “to test how
stuck it was” and “jammed tightly enough” are all foreshadowing words which
creates tension by hinting at the awaiting danger he is about to find himself in. It
is also ironic that he is testing how “stuck” the boulder is as a safety precaution,
when this causes his near demise. The writer chooses to write in the present
tense: “As I dangle, I feel the stone respond to my adjusting grip with a scraping
quake as my body’s weight applies enough torque to disturb it from its position.”
This makes it seem as though the event is unfolding currently, and it creates a
sense of tension. It gives the reader the impression that it is happening in real
time which increases sense of immediacy and urgency.

To create tension, the writer uses multiple language techniques such as

personification which can be see in the quotation “time dilates” implying that
time is slowing down. “Fear shoots my hands over my head” converts violence
and intensity of feeling rushing through him creating a sense of danger and on-
edge for the reader. The use of metaphors establishes a powerful visual image as
can be seen in the hyperbolic metaphor “consumes the sky”. The removal of light
can be interpreted as a loss of hope and imagery of the foreshadowing potentially
fatal consequences. Implying danger thus producing a worrying atmosphere for
the reader. “Flaring agony” “searing hot pain shoots” are sensory images which
are associated with heat creating a sense of intensity along with the use of
sibilance. As there are no people around Ralston, he feels isolate and trapped
therefore personifies the things around him making the readers pity and feel for

To conclude, the structural and language technique have a great effect on the
reader as each technique portrays a different emotion towards the reader.

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