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Social Work Fields

Complete the blanks with suitable words.

If there is a word in brackets use it to make a new one.
If you have a list of words, choose the correct one to complete the blanks. (Adapted)


An important function carried 1………………… by social workers in this field is

to link the individual, the group, the family or the community with
resources. The student will get 2……………………………… (know) of the physical
and 3…………………………… (psychology) aspects of the aging process, the
needs and conditions of the elderly and the complex legislation and
programs for this population. Issues 4…………………… as bereavement,
5…………………… (lose) of independence and preparation for 6………………… (die)
are central to work in this field.


Child Welfare as a field of social work practice has traditionally dealt

1……………………… the needs of children and their families when
2……………………… (parents) functioning is 3……………………… (pair) or when the
child, because 4……………… 5…………………………… (develop), emotional, or
6…………………………… (behave) problems, may not be able to function
7……………………… (with) their family environment. There is a focus
8……………… strengthening the family in order to maintain the child
9……………………… (with) the family. Services are divided between those
provided to children in their own homes and those provided to children
removed from their parents' care and 10……………………… (place) in other


Services can be focused on those individuals within or at risk 1………………

becoming involved in the 2………………………… (crime) justice system. An
important function is to help the court in 3…………………………… (assess),
determination of sentencing, and during the legal process, in the steps from
arrest 4…………………… trial, imprisonment and release. The focus of
intervention within the jail system is to offer educational training,
entertaining activities, and contact with others. The assessment for
5…………………………… (grant) of parole, recommendations for work, release
programs and halfway houses are aspects of the social worker role.


Concern for the effects of addiction 1………………… individuals and their family
is the focus of this field. This focus centres on the study of 2………………………
(addict) 3…………………………… (behave) and how to intervene to break the
cycle of addiction. 4………………………… (Prime) prevention in the form of
education is an important aspect of this field of practice.


Traditionally, this field of practice is carried 1…………………… together

2…………………… schools. Social work was introduced to this environment in
response to the fact that emotional factors often stop children from
3………………………… (learn). Attention is paid to compulsory school
4…………..………………… (attend), 5…………………………… (adjust) to the
classroom, 6…………………………… (prevent) interventions in socialization,
substance abuse, teen suicide, etc.


This field includes services 1………………………… (address) directly to families

and children. This field has had a more preventive focus. Goals are aimed
2……………… 3…………………………… (strong) family life. Services may be in
the form of counselling or education dealing with problems of personal and
family 4…………………………… (grow) and development.

1………………………… (Tradition), the focus has been on different aspects of

2………………………… (ill) such as assisting in diagnosis, the assessment of the
patient in his/her social situation and interpreting this information to the
3………………………… (medicine) team. More recently this emphasis is in terms
of a holistic concept of 4………………………… (well) and prevention.

Unlike the specializations of medicine, social work does not organize around
specific illnesses although some hospitals organize their social workers
within specific services such 5……………………: Alzheimer’s patients, paediatric
oncology, AIDS, etc.


Social work has answered the growing problem of 1………………………………

(home) by helping individuals and families who are victims of this
phenomenon. Primary prevention is an important service and aims at
2………………………… (protect) individuals and families at risk of
3…………………………… (evict) and identifying 4…………………………… (afford)
housing opportunities.


Psychiatric social work has developed from in-patient settings to include a

variety of services in the community for prevention and aftercare. Mental
health clinics are characterized by their focus on five levels: a) emergency
service which is designed to respond to a crisis 1………………………… requires
immediate attention such as a suicide attempt, an acute psychotic episode,
or a serious family problem; b) out-patient service which offers treatment
services to people who have emotional problems but 2………………………… can
remain in the community and continue to function in other areas of their
3……………………… (life); c) the partial hospitalization service which is an
alternative to full-time hospital care; d) the in-patient service which is
available 4…………………… those who have a psychiatric crisis of such
5……………………… (severe) that they cannot be maintained in the community;
e) community education which is not a direct client service.
The worker acts a part of the treatment team which includes psychiatrists
and psychologists. The social worker also assumes a controlling function in
the client's 6…………………………… (charge) and 7………………………… (adjust) to
the community.


Services and programs designed 1………………… meet the special 2…………………

of women.

Typical settings: Women's centres, women's health programs, programs for

pregnant teens, and programs serving victims of domestic violence.


Services and programs designed 1……………… meet the special 2……………………

of this population are often aimed 3………………… prevention and interventions
whose focus is 4…………………… help young people achieve their
developmental potentials. They often focus on educationally oriented
entertainment, handicrafts and sports activities designed to help youngsters
keep physically fit and emotionally healthy while 5………………………… (learn)
social skills and moral conduct.

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