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BREAK-EVEN ANALYSTS © Total selling cost(G.) = Total costtte) + Profit Je Tofal cost (Te) = Fixed cost (Fe) + variable cost) le ao Fixed cost eae SAME Henk VHC want . ° S Variable cost Nawtable Annual purchase cost: =o foo =eh= |= Production @s) Buildup model Tie = Setup cost.) + holding cost he) Y be p> Prod? sate qre= Pe @ : att S$ > Consumption pred? factor vate Economic. prod quant(EP@)= e +e ret = [ansch: 2 Hi:shortage tom Back odes model ?~ Jo TEC = Oc He + shortage |Back order cost (be) Je TICs Pe BSH he + St xbe 7 3g ag y VY CSaxg) Aug-Ent year Ayg no-of unit Back order S? oof usit Back odes: ‘cogs ota [2D0., bathe Re, be trek = aoore( PEE) ‘optimyen no. oF unit Sho cter (S*)= Man Tay. bevel (ME) = me 2D, be he be +he _LINE BALANCING _ Element > Job Ti = task time Work station time(Tsi) = £7) cycle time (Te) = Wimax Total Work content (THe) = STei won) Total fob flow Time Total Available time at work station = pee No of Work stat Je Tale tiene = Auaitable(MKTe)- Total Hork contest Time (Tey OxTe = THe OTe le aalance delay (en) = line efficiency (Q) = 1-@p = THe RTE Min No.of Work station(Aminy= THe “SUMIT kR? max” inv. level = 2s) Scanned with CamScanner Hs eighted_ moving ayg~ Amunsty =n wo =A fons FORECASTING 4H simple moving Angi & eng= DatDgtD, 4 Exponential smoothing +~ \k = Fetter Fad] . 4 Forecast exrori- a © Mean absslute deviation (Hay =, | RAH ARIS +3HtG eS 3 © mean forecast exrox(MFES bx) gias © Mean s9-enros(msey = 2 (I-A Mean Abs. “aye error = . Running sum forecast evox = PERT $ CPM © Total float = U-Ei-Tit © free floah = Ef- Et-TiF i © Todependent= GF-Ui-Tt co & o_o a © variancelee)=( Slopeton caeshingeastl29 CF QL JENCIN a eslack> Si Sis © Expected timelte) = © standard deviationioy= p= to. tos File fos} wo € fled & to. z © sup = [oth abs -- 400 © cost time =. C¥ash Cost — Normal Cosh Bite of pesiod Peried| Demand n 9 PACoD ot Atm + tp Normal time — Crash Hime G > fivg. Ne-of Tob in systern = Sum of oll Tob FT. 44 MST cy 2 ug Toidingss = Total Tardiness «8. No of fob) - incr. order of dye date} Due date processing Fime slag time Remaining ule(st®) = Duedete~ OT ® Eadliest due date ( Eva) Qcsitical ratio tule R): 3 ost eh mice « © Tle tine: sT-Hskng _ QUEUING THEORY _ © Utilisation factor (ry channdl eff-01) clearing satio onTraffic intensity factor lon 7 age time server is busy (on Prob. that a customed has to Wait —_ =p hasival sate > poisson's distribution [Ae sake => Exponential Tote fesival vate > Exponential» Totes service vate> Poisson's» IH Queue Related opesation:- © Ayerage to of Customer en) expected length(or) fig line tength im quenet|tg = 6 © yg: Halting time or expected Waiting time = =o e A= R= HR3) = Sefnp= t= S| eanse {fs ah SA XB) | igeasucten Uitte law > We-Wq = 4 [# Probabilities Related opesation:. @_Tob ayteltc Processing time| 3 | 3 [+ [9 medae [a [el + fie shores processing Heme (SPT): ner. over of PT Teb | PT| febtlewtime| aD tardiness a)? | o=3 ef e cf 4] see fe] 2 ef se ] aay ww] oo a3] urs af os Cy Je Prob. of no ynit in system iveystem is idel)Ory Prob that customer has no Wait{P)) = 4-¢] Jo Robe exactly 0 customer in system[n= 8%] J@ Prob. of atleast ‘n? cust: in systern = gh © 1g length of non-empty quene ox fg: length of auene Gntaining at leash one ach lg'= te aul notation~ lalbjc) : lel F3scanin se Kendont notations” Talley lel Bacsing es} arial Sewice Noof Sevvice *system pate Tate sewer wle lea: Scanned with CamScanner

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