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Travelers came from all around the world to obtain knowledge of any kind
because there were so many scrolls they could do their research and
2. The odyssey is like Jason and the argonauts people liked them because it had
many unexpected events.
3. Golden age: comedies about poking fun at political leaders /
hellenistic era: comedies about love between ordinary people
4. Epicureanism is better because instead of stuck living a boring life doing the
same job every day you could be happy living a simple life with no worries.
5. A lever is a mechanism that allows you to lift heavy things with less force. A
catapult is a tool that launches a heavy object in the air with less force.
6. Euclid would map a small town and archimedes would build a column.
7. Conquered: syracuse, italian peninsula, greek city-states, greek mainland. /
Influenced by : the greeks and etruscans
Effected: creation of law and development of the democraic government

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