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They might have chosen poseidon so he could protect them from the ocean that
surrounds them.
2. The Greeks practiced polytheism and had festivals to celebrate all their gods.
3. The people bowing are visiting a shrine where priests speak for the gods and they were
bowing because they were praying.
4. The Greeks wouldn’t have been able to build a giant wooden horse and when people
lose they don’t usually give the winners gifts. B. The Iliad teaches historians about the
trojan war and defining conflict of that era.
5. Greek families would tell the story of the tortoise and the hare to teach their children that
slow and steady wins the race.
6. Aeschylus, sophocles, euripides, and aristophanes
7. 1.dramas were part of religious festivals 2. Both used singing and dancing 3. Both use
stories about way of life
8. Parthenon in athens, petaluma in california, temple of athena in athens

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