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March 18, 2023
Zoom Meeting

Present: Domanie Schadek, Chairperson Karen Lagadi, Vice-Chair

Anneliese (Lisa) Fritz, Treasurer Jo-Ann Park, Secretary
Gwen Donohoe, Sagehill Stables Joan Bernardin
Becky Bernardi Kris Bhattacharya
Adi Dorge Robert McConomy

Regrets: Shannon Matthews Liz McCandless

Michelle McConomy Jeannine Huber-Taylor, 4-H Liaison
Florence van Dijk

1 - Adoption of Minutes - March 11, 2023

Moved by Karen Lagadi,

That the minutes of the March 11, 2023 meeting be approved as submitted.


2 - Think Spring Fundraiser Event

The Members of Connecting Through Horses received verbal updates on the status of the
planning and preparations underway, and discussion ensued on the following:

Set up/Take down List - Volunteer Assignments, Event Days

Review of Volunteer Schedule, as prepared by Jeannine Huber-Taylor.

• Confirmation that the Front Door Greeter would also distribute and facilitate signatures on
waiver forms by visitors. Visitors to submit signed waivers upon check-in at Tickets Table.
The intent being to avoid congestion in the entrance area and at the front desk/Tickets Table.

• Question on the number of tables and chairs available for use, including their respective
placement for the two-day event. Mention of tables needed for vendors, signing waivers, etc.
• Confirmation to set up a full row of chairs in Arena 1 for seating during the Drill Team
performance, acknowledging the remaining audience would be standing.
Connecting Through Horses - - Minutes - March 18, 2023

• Question on set up of upstairs Equus Hall, including a Volunteer assigned to monitor activity.
• Consensus not to use Equus Hall, but rather set up all tables and chairs on the main floor.

Farmers’ Market Guidelines

Manitoba Health prefers to issue a Temporary Food Permit in lieu of allowing Sagehill Stables
to operate as a Market Coordinator under the Farmers’ Market Guidelines. Permit approval
still in progress.
• All food safety concepts outlined in the Farmers’ Market Guidelines remain applicable.

Raffles Prizes Update

Mention that the Prize Procurement List outlines donations from approximately twenty (20)
individuals and businesses for door prizes and raffle baskets.
• Assembly of Raffle Baskets to take place during the week for those donations received.
• Recognition that some raffle items will be delivered on Friday during the set up process.
• Request for specifics on donations for inclusion on the Prize List displays / documents.

Baking and Book Donations

Mention that book donations have been received from (via) CTH members, as well as drop-off
times have been established (times posted on the bulletin board) for Thursday and Friday.
• Volunteers are sorting books into categories on Monday and Wednesday.
• Books to be transferred from storage to Appaloosa Room on Friday during set-up.
• Following the event, unsold books to be boxed up and delivered to a local Firehall accepting
book donations for another charitable cause. Volunteer designated.

Mention that requests have gone out for baking donations, in addition to being advertised on
the bulletin board adjacent to the front desk at Sagehill Stables. The Bake Sale table is to be
operated in keeping with the food safety concepts outlined in the Farmers’ Market Guidelines.
• Upon receipt, including before/after the event, all baking will be stored in sealed bins.
• CTH Members are encouraged to bring their baking donations in sealed bins, so as to
provide adequate storage for all donations received.
• Question on disposition of unsold baking items. Suggestion to donate. Suggestion to
distribute amongst volunteers.

Hot Dog Table

Overview provided on the assembly of food and supplies required. Preliminary set-up to take
place by Volunteers during the day on the Friday prior to the event.
• The Hot Dog table is to be operated in keeping with the food safety concepts outlined in the
Farmers’ Market Guidelines.

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Connecting Through Horses - - Minutes - March 18, 2023


Confirmation that the Entry Tickets for the four 2-hour time slots on the Friday and Saturday
are sold out. Support tickets continue to be sold.
• The event on the Eventbrite marketing site has been amended to reflect that Support tickets
are intended only for those not attending the event, but who still wish to support CTH.

Staff / Barn Activities

Overview on the staffing arrangements for the pony rides, grooming stations and drill team
components. Staff and volunteers still being assembled.

Volunteer designated to Welcome Guests prior to the Drill Team Performance.

Confirmation that a volunteer will be an Outdoor Greeter and coordinate traffic within the SHS
parking lot, as well as, ensure people are not interacting with the horses outside.

Question on parking lot capacity, and whether or not volunteers should park towards the rear
of the property to allow for visitors to use the main parking lot.
• Suggestion to park along side the building and towards the rear of the stable.

Question on crowd control, and merit of hiring a Security Guard. Dismissed.


Overview provided on the signed Memorandums of Understandings from the Vendors -

Jennifer LaBella and Velocity Sport Jewelry. Acknowledgement that arrangements for third
vendor - Shannon Matthew Photography, was still in progress.
• Update on donations for Raffle Baskets - One received, one awaiting pick up.
• Confirmation that two vendors in Brumby Room require one table each for set-up on Friday.
• Photography artwork would be displayed in SHS Hallway Cabinet with glass doors.

Information Booths

Overview provided on the status of the Memorandums of Understandings with TOBA Centre
for Youth and Children, and the Manitoba Great Pyrenees Rescue.
• Arrangements are still in progress.
• Respective donations to the Raffle Baskets anticipated on Friday upon their arrival.

Mention that the signed Memorandum of Understanding with Allan Parker, Palms Music
Studio, is also forthcoming. Donation confirmed; delivery later this week.

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Connecting Through Horses - - Minutes - March 18, 2023

Bulletin Boards

Verbal explanation provided on the bulletin board displays planned for the Fundraiser Event.
• 1 - The bulletin board opposite the SHS front desk was assembled to advertise the various
aspects of the Think Spring Fundraiser, including a feature on Meet The Drill Team.
• The Winners of the Door Prizes, 50/50 and the Raffle Baskets are to be posted on this
bulletin board following the event, as well as, a Thank You to all those who contributed /

• 2 - The whiteboard in the Appaloosa Room would focus on recognizing the donors
(individuals and businesses) as well as additional information on CTH.

Prize Draws

Following the daily draw of the 50/50, the Door Prize, and the designated Raffle Baskets, the
results would be posted on the SHS Bulletin Board as well as the CTH website.
• Question on timing of the Draws. Suggestion for Friday 7:30 p.m., Saturday 2:30 p.m.

Prize Pick Up

Volunteer designated for contacting the Draw Winners, including coordination for picking up
the various items.
• Questions on the process.

Thank You to Donors

Suggestion that all Donors (individuals and businesses) receive a “Thank You” for their
donation and support of Connecting Through Horses.
• Mention that the communication could be email.
• Prize Procurement List contains information on donations as well as contact information.
• Volunteer designated.

3 - Next Meeting Date

Consensus that the next meeting date should be a debriefing on the Fundraiser Event, as well
as consideration of a submission (invoice) from Sagehill Stables on their costs incurred for
facilitating this event.
• Saturday, April 1, 2023 at 3:00 p.m.
• In person at Sagehill Stables vs Zoom meeting to be determined.

Meeting adjourned.

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