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Haylie Dawson

1. Greece’s climate made it easy to grow crops and then could easily trade because of the
many islands with no resources.
2. A. underground earthquakes caused a huge wave to form and wipe out minoan cities or
they are destroyed by the Mycenaeans. B. these are reasonable because tsunamis can
form and destroy buildings and the Mcenaeans were around in 1450 b.c.
3. They adopted it because the Minoans was a strong modern civilization so they took their
ideas to become better.
4. The new alphabet improved record keeping for traders and farmers and the stories
passed down for generations orally were written down.
5. The use of money allowed people with no resources to trade instead of people having to
find something others needed.
6. I cant do this i dont have the questions
7. I cant do this i dont have the questions

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