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Haylie Dawson

Period 5

1. 1. Peace and order returned 2. Eygptian pharaohs required tribute for conquered land 3.
Prevent scarcity and increase crops being grown 4. They constructed a canal between
the Nile river and the red sea 5. They showed them as ordinary humans and not gods.
2. Their architectural advances lead to stop building pyramids and start the valley of the
3. The Egyptians learned how to steer horse-drawn chariots and use Hyksos weapons, this
most likely helped them over through the Hyksos because they could use the same tools
as the Hyksos and fight fair, but they were stronger.
4. Hatspepsut wanted all of her accomplishments because she didn't want to be forgotten.
They had few They had a lot of
trees/wood and purple wheat, paper, gold,
dye ect.

They needed a lot of They didn’t need as

trees and purple dye much as they had
So she traded the items she had a lot of for items she needed more of.
6. 1. South East 2. North East 3. 600 miles
7. Aton cared for all the creatures and created for the people and countries.
8. 7x+3= the number of years Ramses ruled or 7(9)+3=66
9. The constant wars were very expensive that led to the government to weaken leaving
room for an attack of outside invaders.

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