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1. Jitlọk- Plantation planting.

2. Jāāk- overeat on fruitful land.

3. Jọkden- ten pairs, fish of copra.

4. Jọṃwin- old form on iuṃwin

5. kabkūbjer- advise someone to lead a conventionally good clean life.

6. Kapi- old form of kapin.

7. Katoḷọk- divest of all property

8. Kerara- erra

9. Kiloottōr- make perfume

10. Kiwāl- end of an islet

11. Ad: Cloud formation or star; associated with storm

12. Anil: Area from which soil has been taking
13. Añjarjar: Gusty wind ; talk that hurts the feelings
14. Arot: A game similar to drop the handkerchief
15. Atanijo: Work together
16. Iie: Another word for “ien”
17. Jabok: part
18. Jao:light birthmark
19. Jikut: One hundred pairs of fish or copra
20. Paaj: small earthoven
21.Jabok- Ṃōttan
22.Mādo- kōṃṃan
23.Ṃaelọk- distinct
24.Addemlōkmej- our land belong to use until death
25.Adik- first quarter of the month
26.Bad- place for divination
27.Bōbtowa- perceive correctly
28.Ejjeḷā- to anchor
29.ṃa- crying sound
30.māl- thing creature
31. bōn- a place where member of the ripako clan exercise their power to controls
32. 2.bōbtowa- perceive correctly . ibōbtowa kiiō. Oh, now I see.
33. 3.Bōraṃṃaanō- your hand , by my sacredmale relative exclamation.
34. 4.ijo- good soil
35. 5.bwinimjaadi – forbidden; taboo. Bwinjimaad popoṃanit. Do not go ashore on
island that do not belong to you .
36. 6.bati- hill of ; old construct form of bat ; modern form , batin.
37. 7.bad- place for divination.
38. 8.ākor – forty pairs fish or copra.
39. 9.wōja- formant in place name ; abode ; site ; scene ; possession.
40. 10.nakwōpe- namo of navigational sign; near wōja islet, ailinglaplap. Kōṃṃakūtkūt
ke dikdik ko ilikun nakwōpe eṃṃan o.
41.Ajerre / ajerrā- jerbal make iaan

42.Addemlōkmej- (inalienable rights of property)

43.Aden / Addi

44.Aewanlik – ṃōkade ilo eeọñōd

45.Aikne- epād ilo eañ. (on the north side)

46.Bokwā- naan in rej kijoñ kōjerbale nan bok ilo an ejaak.

47.Bōbtowa (perceive correctly)

48.Būke- būkie

49.Bwinimjaad- Jab wōnāne nan āne eo ejjab am.

50.Tōborọñ (Shell)

51.Out- juon jikin eo elōñ armej rej jokwe ie.

52.Ṃōḷōbbā (keep piling up)

53.Lōkōk (be prepared for task at hand)

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