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Your company is going to host a corporate event in the next six months.

As a
managing director, write an email (120-140 words) to your staff to inform
them about plans to organize this upcoming event. Your email contents should
include the following information:
- What type of event are you going to host?
- Are you going to host it in-house or outsource it? Why?
- Who are you going to invite to the event?
- Where are you going to host the event?
- How long is the event going to last?
- What activities are going to take place in the event?


From :
To :
Subject: Plans to organize the upcoming event.
Dear Staff Department,
I’m Irene – Managing Director of ABC Company. I am sending this email to
inform you guys that our company is going to host a company foundation
anniversary in the next six months.
Hosting in-house is not a bad idea. We intend to host the event at the conference
hall of our company. That brings a feeling of familiarity and coziness.
We will send invitations to all of our employees and strategic partners. It will last
for one day from morning to midnight.
There are lots of activities proposed to be included in this event. First, we are going
to have a sweet party. After that, there will be a wine party and some entertaining
games to connect colleagues. Finally, the event will end with awarding and
gratitude to individuals who have made great contributions to our company over
the years.
I am sending you a list of tasks that team members need to prepare for the event in
the attachment.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reply to this email or contact
Ms.Irene – Managing Director.

Yours sincerely
Irene Scott

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