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Education is a fundamental right of all people and the key to building

fairer and more equitable societies. It is also one of the most influential
factors in the advancement and progress of individuals and societies. In
addition to providing knowledge, education enriches culture, spirit,
values and everything that characterizes us as human beings.
Education is necessary in every sense. To achieve better levels of social
welfare and economic growth; to level economic and social inequalities;
to promote social mobility; to access better levels of employment; to
raise the cultural conditions of the population; to expand opportunities for
young people; to invigorate civic and secular values that strengthen the
relationships of societies; to advance democracy and strengthen the rule
of law; to promote science, technology and innovation.
Globally, education is considered a factor of production, as it allows us to
put an end to many of a nation's economic problems. The societies that
have advanced the most economically and socially are those that have
managed to base their progress on knowledge, both that which is
transmitted through schooling and that which is generated through
research. Economic productivity and competitiveness, as well as a large
part of the social and cultural development of nations, increasingly
depend on education, science and technological innovation.
Education is therefore a process of lifelong learning and socialization
throughout life. This position is based on four pillars that show education
as a whole, since they cultivate the essence of the human being, form
him, develop him, train him in each of the aspects of his personality,
making him more productive both personally and professionally.
These pillars are: learning to know, learning to do, learning to live
together and learning to be, and their purpose is to create an educated
human being, autonomous, with leadership, able to transcend, to love
himself and, therefore, to love others, thus contributing to relationships
full of interaction and harmony necessary for their effective integration
into society.
The pillars of education
- Learning to know, this type of learning is more related to the mastery of
the tools to acquire knowledge than to knowledge per se. It enables
people to understand the world around them in order to live in dignity,
develop their professional potential and communicate effectively.
- Learning to do, is the ability transmitted to students to put into practice
the learning acquired in the classroom. It also has to do with the way in
which teaching is adapted to the labor market.
- Learning to live together, this is one of the most important challenges
for society and has to do with the respect and harmony that should exist
between people.
- Learning to be, has to do with developing oneself in an integral way. It
encompasses aspects such as body, mind, intelligence, sensitivity and
personal responsibility. The objective of this learning is for each human
being to develop through education his or her own critical thinking and
In conclusion, the role of education is to train people with moral,
intellectual and ethical qualities to make society a better place in which
to live and develop; and also to ensure that such people are productive
for society and successful.


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Importancia de la Educación: El Camino Para Una Mejor sociedad.

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Unesco. (1970, January 1). La Educación Transforma Vidas. UNESCO.
Retrieved December 7, 2022, from

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