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Ballot from page 1 Council approves rezoning

We s t e r n C o m m i s -
Rezoning to RS-2 will al- $9,650.00 and a Viking
sioner Darrell Pol- STEVE SMITH
low them to build more MW36R10 for a dump
pathized with tax The Lebanon City residential dwellings truck for $8,690.70. Both
entities that could Council on Monday com- on smaller lots, he said. purchases will be from
be affected by the tax pleted action to rezone Berkich said that some Viking-Cives Midwest,
cut and understood property at 1615 Beck neighbors of the proper- Inc through the Source-
both sides. Lane. ty opposed the rezoning. well cooperative for a
He said business- The property owner He told the council it total purchase price of
es had also been requested rezoning from had been found that oth- $18,340.70.
through a rough RS-1 to RS-2. The vote er area properties were The Council also au-
time for the past two to approve it on second also zoned RS-2. thorized asphalt and
years. reading was approved The rezoning received concrete improvements
Presiding Com- with Councilman Jona- approval from the city at the Wastewater Treat-
missioner Randy than Reagan voting no. zoning and planning ment Plant.
Angst said he had LCR Photo/Steve Smith
commission at its July The city says the plant
The Laclede County Commissioners voted to The Council had ap-
attempted to give 14 meeting. recently underwent an
approve the November ballot question at their Tues- proved the first reading
everyone a chance to In other business, upgrade to increase ef-
speak on the issue. day meeting. at an earlier meeting.
City Code Adminis- the Council approved ficiency and capacity.
“If this goes on cussion will create be able to have their the purchase of a 9-foot This improvement, part
the ballot then the trator Joe Berkich said
more discussion in thoughts shared the owner wanted to plow assembly with of the final stage of the
community will have the community and and ultimately the snow deflector and project, is designed to.
their voice heard as rezone to build a future
I hope that will be citizens of Laclede power unit including improve paved areas at
well,” he said. housing development.
amicable and all in- County will decide vendor installation for the plant. 
“I think this dis- terested parties will this issue,” he said.

Specialty ice cream

Poster contest provides sweet funding
seeking entries

FROM BENNETT SPRING mission requirements There will be prize Contributed photo
STATE PARK will be posted at the money awarded by A portion of the proceeds from the Ice Cream Factory’s Lebanon Yellowjacket
Bennett Spring Na- the Federation Gar-
The Lebanon Sun- Ice Cream was donated back to the school district earlier this week. Pictured is CEO
ture Center. den Club for the four
bonnet Federated of the Ice Cream Factory Shannon Imler presenting a check for $2,500 to Lebanon
Wo o d s y O w l i s a national winners and Superintendent David Schmitz.
Garden Club and the
conservation icon the national grand
Bennett Spring Nature
whose message is to prize winner will get
Center invite children
to participate in their
annual Smokey Bear
“Lend a Hand, Care
for the Land!”
a trip to Washington,
D.C. Co-Op elects board of directors
Bennett Spring An owl program
& Woodsy Owl 2023
State Park would like will be presented on STEVE SMITH votes for GlenWilliams. Winner of a Nintendo
Poster Contest.
to use the contest to October 15th at 1 pm SSMITH@LACLEDERECORD.COM In District 3, Mike Rouse switch was James Becker.
Children in grades
support the commu- at the nature center in The Laclede Electric was elected without op- Winners of $500 Walmart
1 s t t h ro u g h 5 t h a re
nities efforts in recy- the park as part of the Cooperative elected position. A total, 1,558 gift cards were Rebecca
invited to the Nature
cling, reusing, and contest event. members to its board of cooperatives members Starner and Bobby Mc-
Center from October
reducing waste. Supervision and directors at the annual registered at the meeting. Guire.
13th through 31st.
Using resources supplies will be membership meeting Members winning In a message to mem-
The Nature Cen-
wisely and not litter- available for those Friday. $100 energy gift cer- bers, the Cooperative
ter will have an area
ing is appreciated at needing guidance in In District 1, Jack Har- tificates were Stephen said, “We want to thank
available for partici-
Bennett Spring State submitting an entry. ris was elected unop- Piercy, Jim Pierotti, Da- all our members who
pants to utilize sup-
Park. Certificates will For more informa- posed. In District 2, Mel- v i d A d a m s , Wi l l i a m attended this year’s an-
plies and to create a
b e a w a rd e d t o e a c h tion contact Bennett vin Hoffman was elected Shamel and Melbourne nual meeting and look
11 ” x 1 7 ” p o s t e r. T h e
poster dropped off for Spring Nature Center with 987 votes to 448 Fletchall. Winner of an forward to seeing you
official rules and sub-
contest entry. at 417-532-3925. iPad was Patricia Puglisi. next year.”

Meat of your choice, potatoes,

fresh vegetables and a roll

The Lunch Box Cafe

Mon.-Sat. 6am-2pm • Closed Sundays
Now open
until 7PM on
417-532-2044 • 106. E. Commercial, Lebanon Thur. & Fri.


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