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Prepared by Ms.


* PRACTICE EXERCISE: choose one of the two following tables

Question 1

The table compares the outlay for advertisements among four car companies in the UK in 2002.
Looking at the graph from an overall perspective, it is clear that four car companies surveyed
allocated financial resources to TV advertising the most, whilst the opposite was true for cinema.
Additionally, Renault spent the largest amount of money on advertising during 2002.
When it comes to TV advertisements, Certirizine allocated 70 million dollars, higher than those
of Vauxhall, Renault and Rover with just 65, 59 and 45 million dollars respectively. Expenditure
on press advertising was the second most invested with Renault and Rover spending 45 and 38
million, whereas Cetirizine and Vauxhall only put in 12 and 8 million. It is also notable that
budget for radio advertising by all car manufacturers was similar, at $15 million each.
Cinema was a less favored form of advertising as Rover and Cetirizine completely quit it, while
Renault and Vauxhall spent 5 to 6 million on it. Meanwhile, 7 million was given to outdoor
advertising by Renault and Vauxhall, as opposed to 2 and 3 million spent by Rover and

Prepared by Ms. Trang Le HOMEWORK [Dolphin] IELTS LCS_WRITING

Question 2
The table below gives data on the hour of leisure time per year for people in Someland.

The table shows how people in different age groups spend their leisure duration in Someland
over the course of a year.
It is clear that the amount of leisure time available varies considerably across the age brackets.
Additionally, watching TV is a prevalent form of free-time activity for Somelanders.
In terms of the more favored activities, watching TV is a common recreation when teenagers and
elder people spend over a thousand hours per year watching different TV programmes, and the
figures range from 400 to 700 hours among others. As for socialising with 4 or more people,
Teens spend as much as 350 hours while it is only 25 to 50 hours for adults and elders. While
group exercise is more popular among teenagers (450), elder people mostly refrain from doing
exercises in their free time.
Regarding the remaining recreations, going to the cinema is the least chosen leisure activity
among Somelanders, with teenagers spend 100 hours doing this, which is higher than time spent
in this pursuit by citizens of other ages, receiving from 25-75 hours. People in their thirties spend
the highest time socializing with fewer people (300). Individual exercise is preferred by people
in their 30s and 40s with 200 hours being recorded.

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