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Mechanical Engineering 4R03 Mechanical Controls Midterm Test III - 2018 100 Marks, 15% of Final Grade Student Name: Student ID #: idterm II] Examination Instructor: Dr, $, Habil 2 Hours This examination paper includes 7 pages and 3 questions. You are responsible for ensuring that your copy is complete. Please bring any discrepancies to the attention of your invigilator. Special Instructions: I- Use of Casio FX-991 calculator only is allowed. 2. Answer all questions. 3- Students may bring up to 1 letter-sized pages of notes (2-sides) 4- Percentage mark for each question is as indicated 5- Please provide sufficient detail in your solution as a correct answer is not necessarily worth full marks! Summary of Grades: Question 1 (20) Question 2 (40) Question 3 (40) Final, Page 1 of 7 Quotient Rule: fo) 50 1 . . I Roots of a Quadratic Function: 2 w(t) 5 \ For: as? +bs +ce=0 3 u(t) = _ —b F VBP 4ac * u(t) in 2a . 5 out) 6 sin etu(t) 1 cos tnd) TABLE 2.2 Laplace transform theorems Laplace transform table Item no. Theorem Name I. LIP(O] = Fs) = fr Sloe “dt Definition 2. LK (0) = kP(s) Linearity theorem a, YF (0) + fal] = Fils) + Fals) Linearity theorem 4. lef] = Fls +a) Frequency shift theorem 5. Y(f(t—T) =e 'F(s) ‘Time shift theorem 6. ¢\ flan) = Scaling theorem a 7. F] sF(s) ~ f0-) Differentiation theorem a 8 i = 8F(s) —sf(0-) — f"(0-) Differentiation theorem V@l np So yok pd Differentia eore 9 pall =s"F ~ = ifferentiation theorem 9, of] s"F(s) ye fr '(0-) 10, {f ser)ar] = 22 Integration theorem Wl flo) = lim sF(s) Final value theorem! 12. {(0+) = lim sF(s) Initial value theorem” 'For this theorem to yield correct finite results, all roots of the denominator of F(s) must have negative real parts, and no more than one can be at the origin, *For this theorem to be valid, f(r’) must be continuous or have a step discontinuity at r 0 (that is, no. impulses or their derivatives at ¢— 0). Page 2 of 7 Question 1 (15) Describe how the following PID gains impact a closed loop control system and its step response: + Proportional gain © Integral gain >) + Derivative gain Fropottien sa) a aw i = \ ap duces chee dy stale ervor @ (7) em Ubinéasad speed of vespge (ay —» ton pesulbua oveys hoot Leen f osclehan, 4) > Mel syslenn’s shakey pe Ta legrl Gave —v uted Pa e clinumatng ¢ teacly sh she evra 1 (2 va ctlp. veepense (4) b > Can Conse ove rshou J ! affects s —» sdvergely derivative Gave —p use! to Waeate cloenp tus, 2) effet. b “3 Pp ve shilpa Page 3 of 8 Question? ~~ 4s) Construct the root locus diagram for the following open Joop transfer function, Calculate the break in/out points, the asymptotes (angles and intersect location), crossing point on the real-axis, and the angles of departure, Show these in your root locus plot Note:(s + 1)3 = s% + 3s* + 35+ 1). a , | s(s+1+ jI(s+1- sls +2) “(S425\(s4 264 2) \ ‘sty 4s 4 Os2 ths seesl vag Nisyet BES ey dn) chtamed by sews NEED vine, G(s) 0) W) Break w/euk porwle nis)=1 ANG) 20° (5 ds DMs)e oq 45% 687 FuS (2) a : : A BG) _ 8p (25412 8 +h = $54 35 + Ne (SH) ds z) So been’ mfouk pet oceur al (0) 2) There me Y assymploles ae _Zzews - = poles w Zeros - Hpeles = (4/4) -1-J-2 --l (2) “4 wnghs (shee) F 7 ket Oa,23 (2) y (2) kez & 22 base Sop Page 4 of & keg G. a7 - 1H) 3) rts) se = k 7KE Sirus bs york 3) sh 1 6 Kil) 5? 4 4 Ow Hewce on S* J HYleteS ww 4,5 obbawed “a ~~ 5 -he(yk- 90) Ow 2-bk=o op dee ST & k ! Rus enuctar 1g me . : §st4G=20 (2) brag axiS Crossug Poul iS +) gy $< =) =+5() @) Gaye - 135 -2D-y5 = 94 j 3 pe 180-135 -2®-95 = 945 fa. Sz -l4t 8) Oily, 2 1 $0- 295-40 315° 2-90 yey Vyit va t a Ory / “Page $ of Z : Question 3 (40) Design a controller for the following open loop transfer function to achieve a damping ratio of 0.707, a settling time of 0.5 secs, and zero steady state error given a step input. Gone 4 = ¥ (2) 1 = Ts - 7 OO) = Cte je +1 se 2) desived pole| poses 81, Hore ae +e | -2 @y (2) @ | tat! - - 125 e\totan 9 |B =/forter oS ae 4, Soe epee = 129.9 ~ nynb-a & Keuage [-\te-0-08) wv Gabel 9 a Zero al Ol fa ky provide angle 2-13, ye of & . 0- ten Zo Bit, , (4) Oke z . : (4) Poke 2-190 - G7 Op + bp. + vA +p, = 2102 ee i) Nee 2 Zerws, place 4 Zero ob =2 theg provides 127.9 denvees, /h) cunae de(wien ey at $2,3° peste of 2, ge 8 - Ss dl AVI) tn (4) Page 6 of 7 The steuchare 4 tte cotveller 15 Ge > K(S+0+1) (5+ 2)\(s+9+1) “Tee K G we Fle tp lag Seals Usl[ sei+5 | [sai-il bse] |srot[| self | s+2l 7 senTHY Ij06 Hence Cont aller py 7-4 (B+9-1) (S+ 2)lset THE END. (2) iN Page 7 of 7

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