Transition Game

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Link to Kahoot Game: https://create.kahoot.




 Players must use their own device to play.

 Players must answer questions within the time limit in order to potentially gain


 Players must enter appropriate nicknames when joining and playing the game.


1. Each player must use their own device (Whether that be a personal device such

as a phone of laptop or a classroom/school provided iPad/Laptop)

2. Players will go to the Kahoot website ( ) Or app and must type

in the unique game pin to join.

3. After entering the game pin, players will type in their name in the ‘nickname’ box,

so the host knows who is in the game and who is not.

4. Once all of the players have joined the game and are in the game lobby, click


5. The players will then read questions from a main screen and answer them from

their personal devices.


1. Self-Determination is...
a. Correct answer: having the skills to steer one’s own life in personally

meaningful ways.

b. Rationale: This is the definition of self-determination

2. Which is not an example of self-determination?

a. Correct answer: learned helplessness

b. Rationale: The other three answers are examples of self-determination

3. What is the primary goal throughout transition?

a. Correct answer: To enable students to experience a rich and satisfying

quality of life

b. Rationale: Throughout a student's transition, this is the most important

goal for educators to focus on.

4. Students can self-advocate by actively participating in...

a. Correct answer: IEP meetings

b. Rationale: There are many ways for students to self-advocate but

participating in IEP meetings is extremely important

5. Transition services were federally mandated in the Education for All

Handicapped Children Act of 1975.

a. Correct answer: False

b. Rationale: This relates to transition because transition services were not

federally mandated until 1990.

6. What is the most important aspect of transition planning?

a. Correct answer: Collaboration with the family and agencies that support

b. Rationale: This relates to transition because collaborating with the family

and agencies that support students is part of transition planning and is the

most important part.

7. Self-advocacy can increase self-esteem.

a. Correct answer: True

b. Rationale: Self-advocacy helps a person to have a stronger self-image

and realization of their capabilities.

8. Who can support students in self-advocating?

a. Correct answer: All of the above (Teachers, Parents/Family, Community


b. Rationale: This relates to self-advocacy because is the job of everyone in

the student’s life to support them.

9. Individuals must exhibit four essential characteristics for self-determination to

occur. Which is not a characteristic?

a. Correct answer: Choice making

b. Rationale: This relates to self-determination because the four

characteristics are self-regulation, autonomy, psychological

empowerment, and self-realization.

10. At what age must transition services be included in an IEP?

a. Correct answer: 14

b. Rationale: This relates to transition services because they must start when

the student turns 14.

11. Students with severe disabilities can NOT learn skills that enhance self-


a. Correct answer: False

b. Rationale: This relates to self-determination because people of ALL

abilities have the capability and right to learn these skills.

12. An example of self-advocacy is...

a. Correct answer: Self-disclosing a disability

b. Rationale: This relates to self-advocacy because it is one of many ways

that students can advocate for their needs within day-to-day life.

13. The definition of quality of life can vary from one person to the next.

a. Correct answer: True

b. Rationale: This relates to transition services because quality of life refers

to the standard of health, comfort, and happiness experienced by an

individual or group. Working toward a student’s own health, comfort, and

happiness is part of transition.

14. Research suggests utilizing natural supports may be more _____ than traditional

approaches of specialized support

a. Correct answer: All of the above (Effective, cost-efficient, socially valid)

b. Rationale: This relates to transition because using natural supports is a

strategy for teaching important skills necessary to help students transition

after graduation.

15. What is not an example of an accommodation students in post-secondary school

could self-advocate for?

a. Correct answer: Not taking any exams

b. Rationale: This relates to self-advocacy because students should

advocate for things they need while being reasonable. Some requests

from students may be unreasonable.

16. What is the definition of self-advocacy?

a. Correct answer: A person's ability to effectively communicate and assert

his or her needs

b. Rationale: This relates to self-advocacy because it is the definition of self-


17. Self-determined behavior is always successful behavior.

a. Correct answer: False

b. Rationale: This relates to self-determination because student’s may show

self-determination and work toward their own goals, however their goals

may not be reasonable.

18. Self-determination can lead to...

a. Correct answer: Achieving your specific goals for the future

b. Rationale: This relates to self-determination because when students are

self-determined, they can work toward goals that they personally set for

themselves and would like to achieve.

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