Essay More Students Should Choose To Do Voluntary Work During The Long Holidays Rather Than Work For Money

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More students should choose to do voluntary work during the long holidays rather than work for money.

Some people maintain that during long holidays students should prioritize doing voluntary work over paid
work. While there are benefits to both, volunteering can provide valuable experience and opportunities for
personal development, while paid work can offer financial stability.

One argument in favor of voluntary work is that it provides an opportunity for students to develop
important skills. For example, volunteering can help students improve their communication, problem-
solving, and leadership skills, which they can use in their future work. Furthermore, volunteering can
provide an opportunity for personal development and self-discovery.

Another advantage of volunteering is the opportunity to help the planet, country or local community
depending on where students are volunteering. Simple litter cleanup could help the animals and our planet
Earth. All that work can make students happier and more enthusiastic.

On the other hand, it is important to know that some students may need to work for financial reasons also
paid work can provide valuable skills and experience that can be useful in their future careers. But paid
work attracted more attention from students because you are not working for free or for the easier life of

In conclusion, while both voluntary work and paid work have their advantages, I believe that students
should consider prioritizing volunteering during long holidays. The benefits of practical experience, personal
development and happiness outweigh the financial benefits of paid work but the decision should be based
on what is best for each student.

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