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Submit all Lesson Plans by 5:00 PM Sunday the week of your observation.

Email me that they are complete and place them in our shared folder.

Unit Overview The unit we have been working on revolves around Ancient China.
We are discovering the achievements and events that contributed
to the ancient dynasties of China.

Unit Goal Our goal for this unit is for students to understand the significance
and achievements of Ancient China.

Learning Goal SWBAT Demonstrate the impact the silk road had on connecting

Standards Met 7 – W3.1.7 Use a case study to describe how trade integrated
cultures and influenced the economy within empires.

HLTP(s) - Explaining and Modeling Content- I will begin the lesson by

launching into an explaining and modeling about the silk road. This
should take about 10-15 minutes. It will look at how the silk road
started, the paths and routes that it took, the goods, cultures, and
diseases that spread among it, and lastly the impact. This will set up
the ground for the simulation the students will be partaking in.
Formative Assessment- Formally, they will be assessed by answering
4-6 questions on schoology reflecting on our simulation and the impact
the silk road had.

Launch I will begin class by asking students how the internet has changed
the world. This discussion will help us launch into our lecture for
the day about the silk road. The internet has revolutionized
everything we know in society. The Silk Road had similar impacts
for regions at the time.

Visuals ● I will have lecture slides posted about the Silk Road as I
● Maps will be posted to show the significance of the Silk
routes and where in the world this trade expanded.
● We will use trading cards to simulate trade on the Silk Road

Analogies I compare trading on the Silk Road to a relay race. In a relay race
you rely on the help of your teammates to get the baton to the
finish line. On the Silk Road oftentimes merchants would pass off
their goods to other merchants to carry on the journey for them.
Rarely did one merchant travel the whole distance of the Silk Road.

Progress Checks After each round of trading, I will pause and ask guiding questions
to students about what they have experienced. Also, each trading
card stack has required discussion questions for students to talk
about at their table. I will be walking around and listening to them
as they answer these questions.

Conclusion To wrap up the class, we will have a discussion about how the
simulation went. I will prompt students to talk about what they
experienced and what was challenging. They will be required to
answer questions on schoology to reflect on the significance of the
Silk Road.

Anticipated I expect students to struggle with the rules of the simulation. In

Challenges order to combat this I will both verbally explain the rules and they
are written on the trading cards for each group to have.

Adaptations/ ● I do not have any students with modifications in this class.

Modifications for
Special Populations

Assessment Again, since this is a review day and the students have had a lot of
work over our winter break and ice day, I will not be giving a formal
assessment. However, as stated above there are many
opportunities during the period for me to check where students are
at informally.

Materials ● Silk road PowerPoint

● Silk road simulation cards

● Final Questions

Previous Day’s Before this, students have been doing research on the different
Lesson Plan Summary dynasties of China. This lesson fits in as it specifically looks at one
with Objective of the major developments of the Han dynasty.

SWBAT: research specific Chinese dynasties along with their


Next Day’s Lesson In the next class, we will continue presentations of our dynasty
Plan Summary with projects. We will be especially highlighting the dynasties that had
Objective large impacts along the Silk Road
SWBAT: Present the major highlights and takeaways of their

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