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What are 10 effects of deforestation?

The loss of trees and other vegetation can cause climate change,
desertification, soil erosion, fewer crops, flooding, increased
greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and a host of problems for
Indigenous people.

What is the most harmful effect of deforestation?

As companies cut down more and more of our forests to make room for
agriculture and industry, the whole planet suffers the consequences.
Deforestation threatens our environment, impacts human lives, and kills
millions of animals every year. Deforestation destroys ecosystems that
are vital to wildlife and humans alike.

Causes of deforestation
 Urbanization. ...
 Desertification of Land. ...
 Mining. ...
 Forest Fires. ...
 Paper
What are the effects of bush encroachment?
The general opinion is that bush encroachment impacts negatively on
soil water hydrology and on groundwater recharge. However, there
is a lack of scientific evidence on the topic.

The exclusion of occasional hot veld fires, the replacement of most of

the indigenous browsers and grazers by livestock, injudicious stocking
rates, poor rangeland management practices, and artificial water points
are regarded as the major causes of bush encroachment.

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