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VGB/BAW Standard

Corrosion Protection for

Offshore Wind Structures
Part 2: Requirements for
Corrosion Protection Systems

3rd edition, 2018

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VGB/BAW Standard
Corrosion Protection for
Offshore Wind Structures
Part 2: Requirements for
Corrosion Protection Systems
(3rd edition, 2018)

VGB PowerTech e.V.

Publishing house:
VGB PowerTech Service GmbH
Verlag technisch-wissenschaftlicher Schriften
Deilbachtal 173, 45257 Essen, Germany

Phone: +49 201 8128-200

Fax: +49 201 8128-302
ISBN 978-3-96284-056-3 (eBook)
VGB PowerTech - Public License Document - © 2018

All rights reserved, VGB PowerTech.

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The growing number of wind turbines in Europe and the world raise new chal-
lenges to operators. To reduce the cost of installation and operation and to in-
crease operating reliability, a coordinated and joint analysis of operating experi-
ence is an absolute necessity. Apart from exchanging information and experi-
ence, the participating companies mainly strive to promote standardisation (best
practice). To this end, VGB PowerTech e.V. and Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau
(BAW – Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute) have decided
jointly to draw up a VGB/BAW Standard on corrosion protection for offshore
structures (e.g. offshore stations).
The aim of this standard is to ensure that the considerable investments in off-
shore structures are safeguarded by appropriate corrosion protection systems. In
this context, coating systems, for instance, are to protect the steel structures of
offshore units from corrosion damage, during their entire service life – which is
normally at least 25 years – and without requiring any expensive repair work.
Robust systems are therefore required which, while involving calculable manu-
facturing costs (CAPEX), can keep the operating costs (OPEX) at a predictable
and low level in the long term. Repair work at sea is to be avoided, as the cost of
such offshore repair work can exceed the cost of onshore repairs by a factor of
as much as 100.
VGB/BAW Standard VGB-S-021-02-2017-06-EN, published in June 2017, is re-
placed by the VGB/BAW Standard published in April 2018:

 VGB-S-021-02-2018-04-EN “Part 2: Requirements for Corrosion Protection

Like the previous standard, this modified Part 2 “Requirements for Corrosion Pro-
tection Systems” deals with the requirements made of corrosion protection sys-
Part 1 explains various corrosion protection options, provides information about
planning, the design of steel surfaces, as well as about the stress zones within
the scope covered by the standard. Part 3 defines the application of an initial
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coating, and Part 4 the design, operation and monitoring of galvanic and im-
pressed-current protection systems. Parts 5 and 6 are currently in preparation
and will be concerned with the topics of coating system repair and in-service in-
spection and monitoring.
This VGB/BAW Standard is made available for use free of charge. It has been
written to the best of our knowledge, but cannot fully reflect the state of the art for
every conceivable case. Any liability, also for the factual presentation of the con-
tents, is excluded. Also, the users themselves are responsible for clarifying the
situation regarding patents and other property rights. The VGB/BAW Standard is

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not in itself binding. Its application must be explicitly agreed between the con-
tracting parties.
Proposed changes can be sent to the email addresses
and To enable unambiguous allocation of the contents, the sub-
ject line should contain a brief designation of the document concerned.
The following institutions and associations submitted comments on topics ad-
dressed by this standard, which were adopted in the process of editing this
 Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH – German Maritime
and Hydrographic Agency), authority responsible for approving offshore
structures in Germany within the exclusive economic zone
 Bundesverband Korrosionsschutz (BVK – Federal Association for Corrosion
 Verband der deutschen Lack- und Druckfarbenindustrie (VDL – German
Paint and Printing Ink Association)
 Arbeitsgemeinschaft Offshore-Windenergie (AGOW – Offshore Wind Power
 Fachausschuss für Korrosionsfragen (Committee for Corrosion Issues)
of Hafentechnische Gesellschaft (HTG-FAKOR)
 WAB Windenergieagentur (WAB)
and other interested parties.

In cases of doubt, the current German version shall apply.

Essen, April 2018 Karlsruhe, April 2018

VGB PowerTech e.V. Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau (BAW)

Deilbachtal 173 Kussmaulstraße 17
45257 Essen, Germany 76187 Karlsruhe, Germany
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A grey bar at the side indicates changes compared to the 2nd edition 2017.
Revised pages in this document: p. 6

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Part 2 – Corrosion Protection Systems


1  General ...................................................................................................... 5 
2  Scope......................................................................................................... 6 
3  Corrosion protection systems................................................................. 7 
3.1  Classification of corrosion protection systems ............................................ 7 
3.2  General notes on the testing of corrosion protection systems .................... 8 
3.3  Production of test panels ............................................................................ 8 
4  Coating material analyses (wet sample) ............................................... 10 
4.1  Coating material analysis (wet sample) .................................................... 10 
4.2  Identity check on liquid coating material (fingerprint) ................................ 11 
4.3  Identity check on cured coating material (fingerprint) ............................... 11 
4.4  Details of the chemical composition of the components ........................... 12 

5  Tests following stress application in the laboratory and in nature.... 13 

5.1  No. 1 – Determination of adhesion (DIN EN ISO 4624 and
DIN EN ISO 16276-1) ............................................................................... 14 
5.2  No. 2 – Determination of impact resistance (DIN EN ISO 6272-1) ........... 15 
5.3  No. 3 – Immersion: resistance to liquids – Water immersion method
(DIN EN ISO 2812-2)................................................................................ 16 
5.4  No. 4 – Condensation test: resistance to humidity – Continuous
condensation (DIN EN ISO 6270-1) ......................................................... 18 
5.5  No. 5 – Salt spray test: resistance to neutral
salt spray (DIN EN ISO 9227) .................................................................. 19 
5.6  No. 6 – Cycle test (ageing resistance test according to ISO 20340;
where appropriate, ISO 12944-9) ............................................................. 21 
5.7  No. 7 – CP stability: testing for compatibility with
cathodic corrosion protection (CP) ........................................................... 23 
5.8  No. 8 – Determination of colour difference and colour fastness
(DIN EN ISO 16474-3).............................................................................. 25 
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5.9  No. 9 – Water vapour diffusion test on

free coating film (DIN EN ISO 7783)......................................................... 26 
5.10  No. 10 – Determination of abrasion resistance ......................................... 27 
5.11  No. 11 – Testing after stress application in nature –
Long-term exposure ................................................................................. 29 
6  Standards and codes of practice .......................................................... 31 
7  Literature ................................................................................................. 35 
8  Annexes .................................................................................................. 36 

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1 General
Unprotected steel corrodes in the atmosphere, in water and in soil, possibly giv-
ing rise to damage. To avoid such corrosion damage, steel structures are pro-
tected so that they can withstand corrosion stresses during the required service
life, usually at least 25 years.
The offshore structures are exposed to strong corrosive influences over a long
period, while the conditions for maintenance and repair are poor. Along with cor-
rosion protection systems that must meet the highest demands, the idea of a cor-
rosion protection strategy must be taken into consideration. This means, among
other things, that the specific stresses in the various areas of offshore structures,
but also the co-operation of several methods of protection, e.g. coatings, duplex
systems (passive corrosion protection), cathodic protection (active corrosion pro-
tection) and corrosion allowance (see DIN 50929-3 Supplement 1) in submerged
areas, must also be taken into consideration.
This standard is concerned with offshore structures made of steel. In its various
parts it takes into account all essential factors having significance for appropriate
corrosion protection.
Project owners, ordering parties/principals, planners, advisors, firms carrying out
corrosion protection measures, supervisory personnel for corrosion protection
work and manufacturers of coating systems require state-of-the-art information
on corrosion protection through corrosion protection systems, in condensed form,
to protect steel structures effectively against corrosion. Such information must be
as complete as possible and unambiguous and easy to understand as well so
that complications and misunderstandings are avoided between the parties in-
volved in carrying out the protective measures.
In regard to the minimum requirements for corrosion protection concepts, refer-
ence is made to the BSH Standard “Mindestanforderungen an die konstruktive
Ausführung von Offshore-Bauwerken in der ausschließlichen Wirtschaftszone
(AWZ)” (Minimum requirements for the design of offshore structures within the
exclusive economic zone) as amended from time to time.
This standard defines additional requirements supplementing the standards and
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codes of practice cited in chapter 6 hereinbelow.

In addition to this standard, the minimum requirements, rules and regulations ap-
plicable on the federal state level to the locations of wind turbines, wind farm
components and other offshore wind structures must also be considered for the
design of the corrosion protection. For the area of the German exclusive econom-
ic zone, the minimum requirements and regulations stipulated by the Bundesamt
für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH) are applicable.

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2 Scope
This standard, “Corrosion Protection for Offshore Wind Structures - Part 2: Re-
quirements for Corrosion Protection Systems”, specifies the requirements for ini-
tial coatings of offshore structures exposed to water and atmosphere as defined
in Part 1 "General", Chapter 2 Scope.
This standard "Corrosion Protection of Offshore Structures for the Use of Wind
Energy - Part 2: Requirements for Corrosion Protection Systems" describes the
requirements for the initial application of passive corrosion protection of the fol-
lowing corrosion protection systems:
 coating systems and
 duplex systems.
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3 Corrosion protection systems

In the offshore structures sector, only protection systems that meet the require-
ments stated in chapter 5, Table 4 hereinbelow may be used for passive corro-
sion protection.
Diverging requirements must be explained in the corrosion protection concept
and separately agreed.

3.1 Classification of corrosion protection systems

For each zone, the minimum requirements for the film thickness of the coating
system (NDFT – nominal dry film thickness) set out in tables 1a and 1b shall be
complied with. The nominal dry film thickness required for each zone is specified
in Tables1a and 1b, as applicable, depending on whether a sprayed zinc coating
is applied or not.
The dry film thicknesses stated in the table are defined as follows:
 values shown for zones 1 and 2 are minimum dry film thicknesses required
(which must not be fallen short of),
 values shown for zones 3 and 4 are nominal dry film thicknesses (80:20 rule).
Tables 1 – 5 in Annex 1 show by way of example suitable coating system struc-
tures for each of the zones classified in VGB/BAW Standard VGB-S-021-01-
2018-04-EN (Part 1, Figure 1 and Table 1).

Table 1a: Minimum number of coats (MNOC) and nominal dry film thickness (NDFT) required for the
coating system if no sprayed zinc coating/hot dip galvanized zinc coating is provided.

Zone Corrosive stress areas MNOC NDFT [µm]

- Seabed
1 - Underwater zone (UWZ) 1 600
external and internal in each case

– Splash zone (SZ)

2 – Tidal zone (TZ) 1 600
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– Low water zone (LWZ)

external and internal in each case

3 Atmosphere, external 3 360

4 Atmosphere, internal 2 300

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Table 1b: Minimum number of coats (MNOC) and nominal dry film thickness (NDFT) required for the
coating system if a thermally sprayed zinc coating/hot dip galvanized zinc coating is provided; sprayed zinc
coating incl. sealer or hot dip galvanized zinc coating, as the case may be, is not considered in the MNOC
and NDFT stated.

Zone Corrosive stress areas MNOC NDFT [µm]

3 Atmosphere, external 2 240

4 Atmosphere, internal 2 200

3.2 General notes on the testing of corrosion protection systems

The testing and inspection of corrosion protection systems shall be performed by
a recognised test centre, which issues a test certificate to the manufacturer after
successful testing. These test centres are:
 an independent testing laboratory accredited in this field as per DIN EN
ISO/IEC 17025 (e.g. accredited by DAkkS, Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle –
national accreditation body for the Federal Republic of Germany) or
 an in-house laboratory of a company which is an ordinary member of VGB.

Note: Upon introduction of the 2nd edition of the VGB/BAW Standard, the Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau in
Karlsruhe is no longer a recognised test centre within the meaning of this standard.

The subjects of testing are the requirements laid down in chapters 4 and 5 of this
The test methods cover the following points:
 coating material analyses,
 tests after application of stress in the laboratory (Nos. 1 to 10) and
 tests after application of stress in nature (No. 11).
The test certificates issued by the test centre serve to prove the suitability of the
corrosion protection systems.
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3.3 Production of test panels

All test panels required for inspection and testing shall be produced by one of the
recognised test centres/laboratories (see chapter 3.2) or by the manufacturer of
the corrosion protection system under the supervision of an independent, certi-
fied coating inspector of level C according to DIN CERTCO or comparable (e.g.
FROSIO Level III, NACE Level 3, etc.). The batches used are to be documented.
The assignment of the individual test panels to the tests is handled by a recog-
nised test centre/laboratory.

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The dimensions of the test panels to be used for the tests set out in chapter 5
hereinbelow are minimum dimensions; the specific dimensions are to be agreed
with the appointed test centre/laboratory.
Test panel preparation on unalloyed structural steel (e.g. S235) is performed by
blasting with the surface preparation grade B Sa 2½ (DIN EN ISO 8501-1). For
the blast-cleaned surface a medium roughness grade “medium G” as per DIN EN
ISO 8503-1 is required. For this purpose only angular abrasive (grit) is to be
used. Should other requirements be made of the roughness grade in the tech-
nical data sheet of the tested coating material, they must be taken into account.
The complete coating system is to be applied without intermediate weathering.
The details of the coating build-up shall be documented (as per Annex 2).
The film thicknesses specified in Annex 1, “Examples of suitable coating system
structures for each zone”, are to be understood as nominal film thicknesses
(NDFT) in accordance with DIN EN ISO 12944-5. The thicknesses of the individ-
ual coats and the overall coating system are measured according to ISO 19840.
If measured electronically, calibration takes place solely on a smooth surface.
The specified film thicknesses are defined as nominal dry film thickness. In diver-
gence from DIN EN ISO 12944-5 the following film thicknesses are permissible:
 film thicknesses  50 µm: maximum 150 % of the nominal film thickness
 film thicknesses > 50 µm: maximum 120 % of the nominal film thickness.
The minimum film thickness must be at least 80 % of the nominal film thickness,
the mean value at least 100 %.
The test panels are to be coated at room temperature (exception: hot spraying
systems). The application conditions shall be documented and signed by the ap-
plicator see Annex 3).
The test panels are conditioned for at least seven days in standard atmosphere
(23 °C/50 % relative humidity). Testing can start subsequent to this.
All test panels must be uniformly produced, i.e. at the same time with an identical
system build-up and application method. For laboratory testing, the panels are to
be coated on one side with the testing system, while the reverse side gets appro-
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priate corrosion protection. For long-term exposure tests the test panels must be
coated on both sides with the testing system.

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4 Coating material analyses (wet sample)

For each material the coating material manufacturer must prepare a certificate
containing the parameters (required values incl. tolerance ranges) listed in 4.1 to
4.4 below and must present this certificate to the recognised test centre. The
recognised test centre will attach such manufacturer’s certificates to the test cer-
tificate issued by the test centre.
Furthermore, the parameters listed in 4.1 and 4.2 will be checked by a recog-
nised test centre for conformity with the values stated in the manufacturer’s certif-
Additionally to be attached:
 safety data sheets,
 technical data sheets, and, if applicable,
 processing instructions.
The period of validity of the coating material analysis and identity check is 5

4.1 Coating material analysis (wet sample)

The tolerance ranges specified in Table 7 for each parameter must be observed.

Table 2: Parameters and tolerance ranges.

Parameter Tolerance range

Viscosity (e.g. acc. to Brookfield) see manufacturer’s data
Density ±0.05 g/cm3
Pigment and filler content ±2.5 %
Binder content ±2.5 %
Solvent content (volatiles) ±2.5 %
Pot life see manufacturer’s data
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The viscosity and density according to DIN EN ISO 2811-1 are determined from
the individual components.
The following procedure is employed to examine the quantitative composition of
the individual components of the coating material:
 The pigment or filler content is determined by weighing, after separation from
the resin, by means of centrifuging and drying in open air.
 The percentage of volatile components (solvent content) of coating systems is
determined after initial weighing (after mixing), cured 24 h at room tempera-


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ture and 50 % humidity, and subsequently the loss on drying, according to

DIN EN ISO 3251 (weight of sample 10 g, 105 °C, 2 h).
 The binder content is determined indirectly by subtraction.
For two-component coating systems the pot life is determined from the mixture.
The solvent content also is to be determined using the mixture.

4.2 Identity check on liquid coating material (fingerprint)

For the identity check on liquid coating material, depending on coating material
the following parameters (required values incl. tolerance ranges) are to be de-
 Epoxide equivalent (DIN 16945),
 Isocyanate number (DIN EN ISO 11909) and
 Amine number (DIN 16945).
Additionally, for each component
 Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)
is to be performed.
All determined parameters and the FTIR spectra (e.g. for pigment/filler determi-
nation) are to be attached.

4.3 Identity check on cured coating material (fingerprint)

For the identity check on the cured coating material, the following analyses incl.
their settings are to be performed:
 Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)
 Headspace gas chromatography (HS-GC)
o Tempering: at 130 °C for 1.5 h
 Thermogravimetry (TG)
o Single coat, 14 days drying at room temperature, weight of sample 5 to
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10 mg
o Heating rate from 30 °C to 700 °C: 10 K/min in pure nitrogen
o Heating rate from 700 °C to 1,100 °C: 10 K/min in technical air
All FTIR spectra and HS-GC chromatograms, along with the results of thermo-
gravimetry, are to be attached.


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4.4 Details of the chemical composition of the components

Information about the chemical composition of the following components of the
coating material being tested is to be attached (see Annex 2):
 Binders (for reactants, separately for each component)
 Possibly hydrocarbon resin contents in combination with the binder
 Pigment and fillers
 Solvent components and solvent contents
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5 Tests following stress application in the laboratory

and in nature
In Table 3 hereinbelow, the necessary testing procedures are identified and listed
together with the respective test duration and their respective validity periods in
years […]. Testing procedures 1 to 10 are laboratory tests, while test procedure 11
is a field test in nature. Tests 10 and 11 are optional tests until binding requirements
are available.
The validity period of the individual tests is 5 or 10 years. A validity period of 20
years is planned for the long-term exposure certificate.
Table 3: Testing procedures and period of validity.

Zone 2
Test/Rules Zone 1 Zone 3 Zone 4
No. (low water/
Stress zone (Seabed/UZ) (Atm. external) (Atm. internal)
tidal zone/SZ)

1 Adhesion X 1 [10] X 1 [10] --- ---

2 Impact strength X 1 [10] --- ---

3 Immersion (NaCl) 4,200 h 1,2 [5] --- --- ---

4 Condensation test --- 1,440 h 1 [10] 1,440 h [10] 720 h [10]

5 Salt spray test --- 2,160 h 1 [5] 2,160 h [5] 1,440 h [5]

6 Cycle test --- 4,200 h 1 [10] ---

Corrosion protection
(CP) stability
7 15 months [10] --- ---
(without colouring top
8 Colour fastness --- 2,000 h 1 [10] ---
Water vapour diffusion
9 (only for EP intermedi- 21 days 1 [5] --- ---
ate coats)
Optional tests (until binding requirements are available)

10 Abrasion X [5] --- ---

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Testing after stress

11 application in nature 5 years 3 [20] --- ---
(long-term exposure)
[5], [10], [20] validity period in years
A transitional period is specified until 01 January 2018; see Annex 5.
Passing of the salt spray test for zone 2 is considered an alternative to the immersion test for zone 1.
After 2 years, interim inspection, evaluation of blistering and the progress of corrosion at the artificial scribe
and on the surface.

The visual assessments must be made immediately after the end of the corrosive
The listed testing procedures are described below in chapters 5.1 to 5.11.


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5.1 No. 1 – Determination of adhesion

(DIN EN ISO 4624 and DIN EN ISO 16276-1)
To determine the adhesion/pull-off strength of coatings, a pull-off test based on
DIN EN ISO 4624 and DIN EN ISO 16276-1 is carried out and evaluated (Table
4). The test is carried out as
 zero test and
 test after specific stresses (Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7).
In the tests after corrosive stress, the test is carried out no later than 48 hours
after stress application ends.
Indenters (diameter: 20.0 mm) are affixed by gluing to the coated surface under
test. For steel panels of small thickness (< 5 mm), if pull-off takes place on one
side the reverse side is to be reinforced correspondingly. The test surface must
be degreased and slightly roughened beforehand. After curing, the test surface is
exposed down to the substrate with a cutting tool. The tensile testing machine
pulls while steadily increasing the force (continuous increase in tensile stress as
per DIN EN ISO 7500-1).
Adhesion (in MPa), separation (adhesive failure, cohesive failure), its location
(e.g. between primer coat and first intermediate coat), and the percentage in-
volvement of the respective layer position and interfaces are determined. Evalua-
tion preferably is performed by computer-assisted image analysis. However, es-
timation also is possible.
Table 4: Test requirements for zero test of adhesion (pull-off strength).

1 (seabed/UZ) /
2 (low water zone/tidal zone/SZ)
 not less than 150 x 75 x 3 mm (sand-
wich method or one-side method with
Size of test panels reinforcement of reverse side)
 not less than 150 x 75 x 5 mm (one-side
Number of test panels 2 (one per test temperature)

Determinations 3 per test panel

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Artificial scribe None

Special description Indenter: diameter 20.0 mm

Test temperatures (only for zero test) at 23 ±2 °C and at 5 ±2 °C

Zone 1: ≥ 8 MPa (A/B fractures ≥ 10 %
Adhesion – pull-off test* (DIN EN ISO 4624)
Zone 2: ≥ 5 MPa is not permissible)
* If results fall below the required values, in combination with an adhesive rupture, the tests may
be repeated.

Test requirements for the following tests are contained in the respective test de-


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5.2 No. 2 – Determination of impact resistance (DIN EN ISO 6272-1)

For simulation of real-life stresses, a ball stamper (mass: 1.0 kg) is allowed to
free-fall from a drop height of 60 cm onto an inflexibly mounted, coated test panel
(at least 150 x 75 x 4 mm).
After impact, a visual check for possible crack formation is carried out according
to DIN EN ISO 4628-4.
Testing of the coating for pores and cracks with high voltage (density test) is car-
ried out in accordance with DIN 55670 on the entire coated surface applying high
voltage after the required curing time. The test voltage is selected based on the
specifications of the coating manufacturer. If nothing is specified by the coating
manufacturer, the following test voltage is used:
- 0.5 kV/100 µm film thickness
relative to the mean value of the measured film thicknesses of a test area.
Spalling is not permissible. The test criteria are listed in Table 5.

Table 5: Test requirements for impact resistance.

1 (seabed/UZ) /
2 (low water zone/tidal zone/SZ)
Drop height, drop mass 60 cm, 1 kg

Size of test panels not less than 150 x 75 x 4 mm

Number of test panels 2 (one per test temperature)

Number of measurements 3 per test panel

Special description at 23 ±2 °C and at 5 ±2 °C

Requirements Spalling is not permissible

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5.3 No. 3 – Immersion: resistance to liquids –

Water immersion method (DIN EN ISO 2812-2)
As immersion medium a 5 % NaCl solution is used. Parallel to the longitudinal
side at a distance of at least 30 mm from the edge, an artificial scribe with a width
of 2.0 mm and a length of 50 mm is mechanically applied (by milling). In all, 3 test
panels with dimensions of at least 150 x 75 x 3 mm are needed. Pursuant to DIN
EN ISO 2812-1 the immersion method (method 1) is to be used. The test panels
are inserted into the apparatus to 3/4 of their length, tilted through 20°, 30 mm
apart from each other. The test liquid temperature over the entire duration of the
test (4,200 h) is 40 °C. Every three days at most the position of the test panels
must be changed. Provide for ventilation of the immersion medium.
Non-destructive tests are to be carried out immediately after exposure to the me-
dium has ended. Among other things, all damage criteria pursuant to DIN EN ISO
4628 such as blister, rust or crack formation, degree of flaking, embrittlement and
change in colour, etc. shall be recorded.
The loose and disbonded surface coating is removed with a suitable tool, and the
delamination and corrosion around the scribe are measured on the exposed sur-
Testing for adhesion with an X-cut is carried out 1 hour (wet adhesion) and
24 hours (dry adhesion) after exposure to the medium has ended. To test for ad-
hesion with a pull-off test, the indenters are affixed 24 hours after exposure to the
medium has ended. The test is performed no later than 48 hours after exposure
to the medium has ended. Two out of three test panels must satisfy the require-
ments. The test criteria (after exposure) are listed in Table 6.
As alternative to the immersion test for zone 1, the salt spray test can be carried
out (based on the test requirements for zone 2).
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Table 6: Test requirements for immersion

Zone 1 (seabed/UZ)

Duration of test 4,200 h

Size of test panels not less than 150 x 75 x 3 mm

Number of test panels 3

Special description 5 % NaCl solution at 40 °C


Degree of blistering (DIN EN ISO 4628-2) 0 (S0) ≙ m0/g0

Degree of rusting (DIN EN ISO 4628-3) Ri 0

Degree of cracking (DIN EN ISO 4628-4) 0

Degree of flaking (DIN EN ISO 4628-5) 0

Chalking (DIN EN ISO 4628-6) Zone 2: documentation of chalking

Delamination around a scribe (DIN EN ISO 4628-8)  2 mm

Corrosion around a scribe (DIN EN ISO 4628-8)  1 mm

Adhesion – X-cut (DIN EN ISO 16276-2)  Kt 2

 2.5 MPa
Adhesion – Pull-off test (DIN EN ISO 4624)
if A/B fracture ≥ 10 %, then ≥ 5 MPa
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5.4 No. 4 – Condensation test: resistance to humidity –

Continuous condensation (DIN EN ISO 6270-1)
For the test, 3 test panels with the dimensions of at least 150 x 75 x 3 mm are
needed. The test apparatus consists of a water bath (demineralised water) with a
roof formed from test panels; the sides of the roof form an angle of 60 ±5° relative
to the horizontal. The temperature at the test panels should be kept at a constant
38 ± 2 °C. The duration of the test is 720/1,440 h (Table 7).
Non-destructive tests are to be carried out immediately after exposure to the me-
dium has ended. Among other things, all damage criteria pursuant to DIN EN ISO
4628 such as blister, rust or crack formation, degree of flaking, embrittlement and
change in colour, etc. shall be recorded.
Testing for adhesion with an X-cut is carried out 1 hour (wet adhesion) and 24
hours (dry adhesion) after exposure to the medium has ended. To test for adhe-
sion with a pull-off test, the indenters are affixed 24 hours after exposure to the
medium has ended. The test is performed no later than 48 hours after exposure
to the medium has ended. Two out of three test panels must satisfy the require-
ments. The test criteria (after exposure) are listed in Table 7.

Table 7: Test requirements for resistance to humidity.

2 (low water zone/tidal zone/SZ)/

Zones 3 (atmosphere, external) /
4 (atmosphere, internal)
Zones 2 and 3: 1,440 h
Duration of test
Zone 4: 720 h
Size of test panels not less than 150 x 75 x 3 mm

Number of test panels 3

Air space temperature: 38 ±2 °C
Special description
Angle relative to the horizontal: 60 ±5°

Degree of blistering (DIN EN ISO 4628-2) 0 (S0) ≙ m0/g0

Degree of rusting (DIN EN ISO 4628-3) Ri 0

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Degree of cracking (DIN EN ISO 4628-4) 0

Degree of flaking (DIN EN ISO 4628-5) 0

Zones 2 and 3: 0
Chalking (DIN EN ISO 4628-6)
Zone 4: documentation of chalking
Swelling ≤ 5 % increase in film thickness

Adhesion – X-cut (DIN EN ISO 16276-2)  Kt 2

 2.5 MPa
Adhesion – Pull-off test (DIN EN ISO 4624) if A/B fracture ≥ 5 %, then ≥ 5 MPa
[see new issue of DIN EN ISO 12944-6]


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5.5 No. 5 – Salt spray test: resistance to neutral salt spray

(DIN EN ISO 9227)
The test liquid consists of an aqueous sodium chloride solution (5 % NaCl solu-
tion; pH: 6.5 to 7.2), which is maintained at a constant temperature of 35 ±2 °C
during the test (Table 8). Parallel to the longitudinal side at a distance of at least
30 mm from the edge, an artificial scribe with a width of 2.0 mm and a length of
50 mm is mechanically applied (by milling). The panels are positioned in the test
device at an angle of 20 ±5° relative to the vertical.
Non-destructive tests are to be carried out immediately after exposure to the me-
dium has ended. Among other things, all damage criteria pursuant to DIN EN ISO
4628 such as blister, rust or crack formation, degree of flaking, embrittlement and
change in colour, etc. shall be recorded.
The loose and disbonded surface coating is removed with a suitable tool, and the
delamination and corrosion around the scribe are measured on the exposed sur-
Testing for adhesion with an X-cut is carried out 1 hour (wet adhesion) and 24
hours (dry adhesion) after exposure to the medium has ended. To test for adhe-
sion with a pull-off test, the indenters are affixed 24 hours after exposure to the
medium has ended. The test is performed no later than 48 hours after exposure
to the medium has ended. Two out of three test panels must satisfy the require-
ments. The test criteria (after exposure) are listed in Table 8.
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Table 8: Test requirements for neutral salt spray (DIN EN ISO 9227).

2 (low water zone/tidal zone/SZ)/

Zones 3 (atmosphere, external) /
4 (atmosphere, internal)
Zones 2 and 3: 2,160 h
Duration of test
Zone 4: 1,440 h

Size of test panels not less than 150 x 75 x 3 mm

Number of test panels 3

Scribe 2 mm wide, at least 30 mm from the edge

Special description Test temperature: 35 ±2 °C


Degree of blistering (DIN EN ISO 4628-2) 0 (S0) ≙ m0/g0

Degree of rusting (DIN EN ISO 4628-3) Ri 0

Degree of cracking (DIN EN ISO 4628-4) 0

Degree of flaking (DIN EN ISO 4628-5) 0

Zones 2 and 3: 0
Chalking (DIN EN ISO 4628-6)
Zone 4: documentation of chalking
Delamination around a scribe
 2 mm
(DIN EN ISO 4628-8)
Corrosion around a scribe (DIN EN ISO 4628-8)  1 mm

Swelling ≤ 5 % increase in film thickness

Adhesion – X-cut (DIN EN ISO 16276-2)  Kt 2

 2.5 MPa
Adhesion – Pull-off test (DIN EN ISO 4624)
if A/B fracture ≥ 10 %, then ≥ 5 MPa
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5.6 No. 6 – Cycle test (ageing resistance test according to ISO 20340;
where appropriate, ISO 12944-9)
Parallel to the longitudinal side at a distance of at least 30 mm from the edge, an
artificial scribe with a width of 2.0 mm and a length of 50 mm is mechanically ap-
plied (by milling). The duration of the test is 25 weeks (equal to 4,200 h). The
weekly rhythm is as follows:
 three days, alternating every four hours, UVA radiation (= 340 nm; 60 3 °C)
and water condensation at 50 3 °C as per DIN EN ISO 11507
 three days salt spray test as per DIN EN ISO 9227 (35 2 °C)
 rinsing with demineralised water
 one day dry storage at -20 2 °C.
After exposure the 3 test panels are to be subjected to 24-hour conditioning at
room temperature. The requirements to be met to pass the test, in respect of ad-
hesion, corrosion around the scribe and surface phenomena, are listed in Table
9. For corrosion around the scribe, 4 mm is defined as uniform limit value for all
Non-destructive tests are to be carried out immediately after exposure to the me-
dium has ended. Among other things, all damage criteria pursuant to DIN EN ISO
4628 such as blister, rust or crack formation, degree of flaking, embrittlement and
change in colour, etc. shall be recorded.
The loose and disbonded surface coating is removed with a suitable tool, and the
delamination and corrosion around the scribe are measured on the exposed sur-
Testing for adhesion with an X-cut is carried out 1 hour (wet adhesion) and
24 hours (dry adhesion) after exposure to the medium has ended. To test for ad-
hesion with a pull-off test, the indenters are affixed 24 hours after exposure to the
medium has ended. The test is performed no later than 48 hours after exposure
to the medium has ended. Two out of three test panels must satisfy the require-
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ments. The test criteria (after exposure) are listed in Table 9.


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Table 9: Test requirements for cycle or ageing test.

2 (low water zone/tidal zone/SZ) /

3 (atmosphere, external)

Duration of test 4,200 h

Size of test panels not less than 150 x 75 x 3 mm

Number of test panels 3

Scribe 2 mm wide, at least 30 mm from the edge


Degree of blistering (DIN EN ISO 4628-2) 0 (S0) ≙ m0/g0

Degree of rusting (DIN EN ISO 4628-3) Ri 0

Degree of cracking (DIN EN ISO 4628-4) 0

Degree of flaking (DIN EN ISO 4628-5) 0

Chalking (DIN EN ISO 4628-6) 0

Delamination around a scribe
 8 mm
(DIN EN ISO 4628-8)
Corrosion around a scribe (DIN EN ISO 4628-8)  4 mm

Adhesion – X-cut (DIN EN ISO 16276-2)  Kt 2

 2.5 MPa
Adhesion – Pull-off test (DIN EN ISO 4624)
if A/B fracture ≥ 5 %, then ≥ 5 MPa
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5.7 No. 7 – CP stability: testing for compatibility with

cathodic corrosion protection (CP)
Six test panels with dimensions of at least 150 x 70 x 2 mm coated on both sides
are needed. The panels must have an insulated conductor (e.g. welding wire
terminal) to attach a cable for the electric connection with the potentiostat (also
refer to: STG-Richtlinie Nr. 2220, 1. Ausgabe 1988).
The soldered joints and edges must be sealed with coating material.
All test panels are prepared and tested in compliance with the criteria of Table
10. Two out of three test panels exposed to each medium must satisfy the re-
quirements stipulated in Table 11. The delamination is to be measured in ac-
cordance with Annex 4.
Application of the defined circular scribe (holiday) of the test panels (outer diame-
ter 30.0 mm with a width of 1.0 mm; full surface inner diameter 5.0 mm) in the
middle of the test panel down to the steel takes place immediately prior to the
test at the recognised test centre with an automatic milling machine.
The testing solution in each case is sparged with a continuous stream of air and
consists of the following:
 artificial sea water as per DIN 50905, Part 4.1
 artificial brackish water as per DIN 50905, Part 4.2

Table 10: Use of individual test panels in the CP test.

Test panel Preparation Use duration Medium
in months
holiday on one
Nos. 1-3 CP -930 ±5 mV 9 Sea water
holiday on one Brackish
Nos. 4-6 CP -930 ±5 mV 15
side water

The test criteria for cathodic protection compatibility are listed in Table 11.
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Table 11: Test requirements for CP test.

1 (seabed/UZ) /
2 (low water zone/tidal zone/SZ)

Duration of test 15 months

Size of test panels not less than 150 x 70 x 2 mm

Number of test panels 6 (3 for sea water and 3 for brackish water)

Circular scribe (holiday)

Outer circle: D = 30 mm, milling width 1 mm;
Artificial scribe
Inner circle: D = 5 mm, full surface, in the
middle of the test panel


Degree of blistering (DIN EN ISO 4628-2) 0 (S0) ≙ m0/g0

Adhesion – Pull-off test (DIN EN ISO 4624)  2.5 MPa
if A/B fracture ≥ 10 %, then ≥ 5 MPa
Assessment of delamination at fracture pattern  10 mm
Protective current, amperage  50 µA at end of test
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5.8 No. 8 – Determination of colour difference and colour fastness

(DIN EN ISO 16474-3)
Due to safety considerations the structures with a durable traffic yellow corre-
sponding to RAL 1023 (traffic yellow) must be tested to DIN EN ISO 16474-3.
The colour difference ∆E*ab is measured against the respective RAL card (colour
register HR) based on DIN EN ISO 11664-4, illuminant D 65, measuring geome-
try diffuse / 8°, 10° standard observer (measurement without gloss trap).
The test specimens are exposed to UVA radiation in the weathering device. The
artificial weathering is carried out according to DIN EN ISO 16474-3, cycle 1.
The test criteria are listed in Table 12.
Table 12: Test requirements for colour fastness

2 (low water zone/tidal zone/SZ) /

3 (atmosphere, external)

Duration of test 2,000 h

Number of test panels 2 (comparison sample and stressed sample)


Colour difference (∆E*ab)

Initial value versus RAL card

Colour difference (∆E*ab)

 3.5
Stressed sample versus initial value
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5.9 No. 9 – Water vapour diffusion test on free coating film

(DIN EN ISO 7783)
For the time being, the test is carried out only on EP coating systems. Tests for
other binder types are in preparation.
The test serves to determine the water vapour diffusion on a cured free coating
film. To this end the protective coating is applied as free film with a thickness of
approximately 400 µm. Testing may begin no sooner than seven days after cur-
The requirements must be satisfied in two out of three tests. The test criteria are
listed in Table 13.

Table 13: Requirements for diffusion test.

1 (Seabed/UZ) /
2 (low water zone/tidal zone/SZ)
Duration of test 21 days

Test device Permeability cup

Test surface 10 cm2

Demineralised water 2g

Test location Drying cabinet

Temperature in drying cabinet 40 °C

In-process checks After 7 days and after 14 days


Water-vapour transmission rate [g/(m2 × h)] ≤ 0.40

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5.10 No. 10 – Determination of abrasion resistance

Determination of abrasion resistance testing is optional until binding requirements
are available for abrasion resistance testing and evaluation.
Three test panels with dimensions of at least 300 x 200 x 4 mm coated on one
side are needed. The coating must not extend beyond the outer edges. The re-
verse side and the edges are to be protected with a primer.
All 3 test panels first are conditioned for 7 days in standard atmosphere. Then the
abrasion resistance is determined on the test panels.
The mechanical abrasion resistance of the pre-stressed test panels is determined
with a testing machine consisting of a drum with a horizontal axis. The drum is
filled with a water/crushed stone mixture (abrasive material) and rotated at 16
revolutions per minute.
The abrasive material has the following composition:
 2.0 kg crushed basalt , grain size 8/12 mm
 1.0 kg crushed basalt, grain size 5/8 mm
 1.0 kg crushed basalt, grain size 3/5 mm
 8.0 kg water
A test cycle consists of 40,000 drum revolutions. After every 5,000 revolutions
the direction of rotation is changed. The remaining film thickness is measured
after each cycle at not less than eight points on the test panel, defined by tem-
plate, using the magnetic induction technique (DIN EN ISO 2808 or ISO 19840).
Five test cycles in all are envisaged. If the coating is rubbed off before that, only
the number of cycles where a measurable film thickness was present at all
measuring points is taken into account. However, at least two cycles must be
completed in the test.
The abrasion value aw is calculated based on the formula below and indicates the
average decrease in film thickness (in µm) after 10,000 drum revolutions (R):
Sample calculation of abrasion value aw:
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Total film thickness reduction 450 µm

Total revolutions 200,000 R
450 µm × 10,000 R
aw = —————————— = 22.5 µm per 10,000 R
200,000 R
The abrasion value (aw) must satisfy the criterion stated in Table 14.


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Two out of three test panels must satisfy the requirements.

Table 14: Test requirements for abrasion resistance

1 (Seabed/UZ) /
2 (low water zone/tidal zone/SZ)
Size of test panels not less than 300 x 200 x 4 mm

Number of test panels 3


Abrasion value (aw)  40

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5.11 No. 11 – Testing after stress application in nature –

Long-term exposure
Testing after stress application in nature (long-term exposure) is optional until
binding requirements are available for such testing and test evaluation. It is rec-
ommended to expose coating systems, in parallel and in addition to laboratory
testing, also to natural weathering in the field in order to confirm their suitability.
Until the binding requirements are available, it is recommended that appli-
cants/operators require their suppliers to provide evidence of successful long-
term exposure tests over a period of 5 years for coating systems, as such long
term exposure tests serve to verify the laboratory testing results
(DIN EN ISO 12944-6, section 4.1).
The test criteria for natural exposure testing for immersion classes Im2 and Im3
are as follows:
At least 9 coated test panels of suitable size (3 test panels for zone 1 and 6 test
panels for zone 2) are required for exposure. The size of the test panels is speci-
fied by the operator of the supporting structure used for exposure of the panels in
the field. The undisturbed test surface (free of edges or drill holes) should have a
minimum size of 100 cm2 in order to be able to carry out subsequent tests. After
coating, a defined scribe (mechanical, with width 2.0 mm and length not less than
70 mm) is to be milled in by the testing laboratory down to the steel substrate
(middle of the panel). Optionally, a second scribe can be milled in at right angle
to and at sufficient distance from the first scribe.
The test panels are examined for damage around the scribe, such as blisters,
flaking, rust and the like. The coating systems are assessed after five years.
The test criteria after stress application are listed in Table 15. Assessment of the
mean corrosion around the scribe takes place after exposure of the surface in the
area of the artificial scribe. Reference values for corrosion around the scribe cor-
rosion are given in Table 15.
Long-term exposure tests should always be started in the autumn months, for
example October of a year. The start date also defines the end date of the test,
which must be adhered to as far as possible.
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The location must be chosen in such a way that the weathering area is as open
as possible. Undisturbed exposure to sunlight, surf, tides and spray are quality
characteristics in this respect.
Together with the coated test panels, standard specimens in accordance with
DIN EN ISO 9226 should also be exposed at the selected location and changed
annually in order to be able to document a progression of the stress intensity at
the location.


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Table 15: Test requirements for long term exposure testing.

1 (Seabed/UZ) /
2 (low water zone/tidal zone/SZ)
Duration of test - 5 years

Size of test surface at least 100 cm²

Test conditions for North Sea Zone 1 -underwater zone

- tidal zone
Test conditions for North Sea Zone 2
- splash zone
Scribe 2 mm wide, at least 70 mm long, milled

In-process checks Blister formation

Recommended requirements/characteristics:

Degree of blistering (DIN EN ISO 4628-2) ≤ 1 (Sx) ≙ m1/gx (x is not assessed)

Degree of rusting (DIN EN ISO 4628-3) Ri 0

Degree of cracking (DIN EN ISO 4628-4) 0

Degree of flaking (DIN EN ISO 4628-5) 0

Chalking (DIN EN ISO 4628-6) Zone 2: ≤ 2.5

Delamination around a scribe
 10 mm
(DIN EN ISO 4628-8)
Underwater ≤ 2.5 mm
Corrosion around a scribe
tidal ≤ 5.0 mm
(DIN EN ISO 4628-8)
atmosphere ≤ 2.0 mm
Adhesion – X-cut
 Kt 2
(DIN EN ISO 16276-2)
Adhesion – Pull-off test  2 MPa
(DIN EN ISO 4624) if A/B fracture ≥ 10 %, then ≥ 5 MPa
Neither crack nor separation (no fault in high-
Impact resistance test
voltage test, as in 5.2)
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6 Standards and codes of practice

This standard defines additional requirements supplementing the following series
of technical rules, some of which are cited in this standard:
DIN 16945 Testing of resins, hardeners and accelerators, and catalyzed
DIN 50905 Corrosion of metals; corrosion testing
DIN EN 23270 Paints, varnishes and their raw materials; temperatures and
humidities for conditioning and testing
DIN EN ISO 2063 Thermal spraying – Metallic and other inorganic coatings –
Zinc, aluminium and their alloys
DIN EN ISO 2409 ISO 2409: Paints and varnishes – Cross-cut test
DIN EN ISO 2808 ISO 2808: Paints and varnishes – Determination of film
DIN EN ISO 2811-1 Paints and varnishes – Determination of density – Part 1:
Pyknometer method
DIN EN ISO 2812-2 Paints and varnishes – Determination of resistance to liquids
– Part 2: Water immersion method
DIN EN ISO 3251 Paints, varnishes and plastics – Determination of non-
volatile-matter content
DIN EN ISO 4624 Paints and varnishes – Pull-off test for adhesion
DIN EN ISO 4628-2 Paints and varnishes – Evaluation of degradation of coatings
– Designation of quantity and size of defects, and of intensi-
ty of uniform changes in appearance – Part 2: Assessment
of degree of blistering
DIN EN ISO 4628-3 Paints and varnishes – Evaluation of degradation of coatings
– Designation of quantity and size of defects, and of intensi-
ty of uniform changes in appearance – Part 3: Assessment
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of degree of rusting
DIN EN ISO 4628-4 Paints and varnishes – Evaluation of degradation of coatings
– Designation of quantity and size of defects, and of intensi-
ty of uniform changes in appearance – Part 4: Assessment
of degree of cracking
DIN EN ISO 4628-5 Paints and varnishes – Evaluation of degradation of coatings
– Designation of quantity and size of defects, and of intensi-
ty of uniform changes in appearance – Part 5: Assessment
of degree of flaking


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DIN EN ISO 4628-6 Paints and varnishes – Evaluation of degradation of coatings

– Designation of quantity and size of defects, and of intensi-
ty of uniform changes in appearance – Part 6: Assessment
of degree of chalking by tape method
DIN EN ISO 6270-1 Paints and varnishes – Determination of resistance to hu-
midity – Part 1: Continuous condensation
DIN EN ISO 6272-1 Paints and varnishes – Rapid-deformation (impact re-
sistance) tests – Part 1: Falling-weight test, large-area in-
DIN EN ISO 7500-1 Metallic materials – Calibration and verification of static uni-
axial testing machines – Part 1: Tension/compression test-
ing machines – Calibration and verification of the force-
measuring system
DIN EN ISO 7783 Paints and varnishes – Determination of water-vapour
transmission properties – Cup method
DIN EN ISO 8501-1 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints
and related products – Visual assessment of surface clean-
liness – Part 1: Rust grades and preparation grades of un-
coated steel substrates and of steel substrates after overall
removal of previous coatings
DIN EN ISO 8503-1 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints
and related products – Surface roughness characteristics of
blast-cleaned steel substrates – Part 1: Specifications and
definitions for ISO surface profile comparators for the as-
sessment of abrasive blast-cleaned surfaces
DIN EN ISO 9227 Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres – Salt spray tests
DIN EN ISO 11664-4 Colorimetry – Part 4: CIE 1976 L*a*b* Colour space
DIN EN ISO 11909 Binders for paints and varnishes – Polyisocyanate resins –
General methods of test
DIN EN ISO 12690 Metallic and other inorganic coatings – Thermal spray coor-
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dination – Tasks and responsibilities

DIN EN ISO 12944-6 Paints and varnishes – Corrosion protection of steel struc-
tures by protective paint systems – Part 6: Laboratory per-
formance test
DIN EN ISO 14918 Thermal spraying – Approval testing of thermal sprayers
DIN EN ISO 14923 Thermal spraying – Characterization and testing of thermally
sprayed coatings


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DIN EN ISO 15711 Paints and varnishes – Determination of resistance to ca-

thodic disbonding of coatings exposed to sea water
DIN EN ISO 16276-1 Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint
systems – Assessment of, and acceptance criteria for, the
adhesion/cohesion (fracture strength) of a coating –
Part 1: Pull-off testing
DIN EN ISO 16276-2 Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint
systems – Assessment of, and acceptance criteria for, the
adhesion/cohesion (fracture strength) of a coating –
Part 2: Cross-cut testing and X-cut testing
DIN EN ISO 16474-3 Paints and varnishes – Methods of exposure to laboratory
light sources – Part 3: Fluorescent UV lamps
DIN EN ISO 17025 General requirements for the competence of testing and
calibration laboratories
ISO 19840 Paints and varnishes – Corrosion protection of steel struc-
tures by protective paint systems – Measurement of, and
acceptance criteria for, the thickness of dry films on rough
ISO 20340 Paints and varnishes – Performance requirements for
protective paint systems for offshore and related
structures (cycle test)
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Codes of practice (in the current version):

BAW Richtlinien für die Prüfung von Beschichtungssystemen für
den Korrosionsschutz im Stahlwasserbau (RPB)
BSH Standard Mindestanforderungen an die konstruktive Ausführung von
Konstruktion Offshore-Bauwerken in der ausschließlichen Wirtschaftszo-
ne (AWZ)
STG-Richtlinie Richtlinien für Prüfung und Beurteilung der Verträglichkeit von
Nr. 2220 Unterwasserbeschichtungssystemen für Schiffe und See-
bauwerke mit dem kathodischen Korrosionsschutzverfahren
ZTV-W LB 218 Zusätzliche Technische Vertragsbedingungen – Wasserbau
(ZTV-W) für Korrosionsschutz im Stahlwasserbau (Leistungs-
bereich 218)
VGB-S-021-01- VGB/BAW Standard “Corrosion Protection for Offshore Wind
2018-04-EN Structures – Part 1: General”,
ISBN: 978-3-96284-055-6 (3rd Edition 2018)
VGB-S-021-02- VGB/BAW Standard “Corrosion Protection for Offshore Wind
2018-04-EN Structures – Part 2: Requirements for Corrosion Protection
ISBN: 978-3-96284-056-3 (3rd Edition 2018)
VGB-S-021-03- VGB/BAW Standard “Corrosion Protection for Offshore Wind
2018-04-EN Structures – Part 3: Application of Coating Systems”,
ISBN: 978-3-96284-057-0 (3rd Edition 2018)
VGB-S-021-01- VGB/BAW-Standard „Korrosionsschutz von Offshore-
2018-04-DE Bauwerken zur Nutzung der Windenergie –
Teil 1: Allgemeines”,
ISBN: 978-3-96284-052-5 (3. Ausgabe, 2018)
VGB-S-021-02- VGB/BAW-Standard „Korrosionsschutz von Offshore-
2018-04-DE Bauwerken zur Nutzung der Windenergie –
Teil 2: Anforderungen an Korrosionsschutzsysteme”
ISBN: 978-3-96284-053-2 (3. Ausgabe, 2018)
VGB PowerTech - Public License Document - © 2018

VGB-S-021-03- VGB/BAW-Standard „Korrosionsschutz von Offshore-

2018-04-DE Bauwerken zur Nutzung der Windenergie –
Teil 3: Applikation von Beschichtungssystemen”
ISBN: 978-3-96284-054-9 (3. Ausgabe, 2018)
PÜZ Verzeichnis: Verzeichnis der Prüf-, Überwachungs- und Zertifizierungsstel-
len nach den Landesbauordnungen (List of Testing Laboratories, Inspection Bo-
dies and Certification Bodies in Accordance with the Building Codes of the Ger-
man Federal States)


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7 Literature
RWE-Spezifikation – Korrosionsschutz Stahlwasserbau, Ausgabe Februar 2013
– V2 (on request)
RWE-Spezifikation – Korrosionsschutz für fossil gefeuerte Kraftwerke, Atmo-
sphärischer Korrosionsschutz, Ausgabe September 2014 – V0 (on request)
Schröder, H. Th.: Abriebfestigkeiten der Korrosionsschutzbeschichtungen im
Stahlwasserbau, Werkstoffe und Korrosion 31, 866 (1980).
G. Binder, G.: Eignungsprüfung von Beschichtungsstoffen für den Stahlwasser-
bau – Langzeitauslagerung in natürlichen Gewässern,
Hansa 133 Nr. 2, 52-56 (1996).
Baumann, M.: Eignungsprüfungen von Beschichtungssystemen für den Stahl-
wasserbau – Kathodenschutzverträglichkeit von Beschichtungen,
Hansa 134, Nr. 2, 56–61 (1997).
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8 Annexes
Annex 1: Examples of suitable coating system structures for each zone
Table 16: Coating system structures in Zone 1 (seabed and underwater).

System Primer coat Intermediate/top coat Coating system

Material Number NDFT Material Number NDFT Number NDFT
type of coats [µm] type of coats [µm] of coats [µm]

1-01E 2K-EP-
1 50 2K-EP 1 550 2 600

1-02E 2K-EP-
1 50 2K-EP 2 550 3 600

1-03E 2K-EP-
1 50 2K-EP 3 550 4 600

1-04E 2K-EP-
1 50-100 2K-EP 3 500-550 4 600

1-05E 2K-EP 1 600 --- --- --- 1 600

1-06E 2K-EP 1 300 2K-EP 1 300 2 600

1-07E 2K-EP 1 200 2K-EP 2 400 3 600

1-08E 1K-
PUR- 1 50 1K-PUR 3 550 4 600

1-09E x x x x x x x 600
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Table 17: Coating system structures in Zone 2 (low water, tidal zone, splash zone).

System Primer coat Intermediate/top coat Coating system

Material Number NDFT Material Number NDFT Number NDFT
type of coats [µm] type of coats [µm] of coats [µm]

2-01E 2K-EP 1 450-490

1 50 + + + 3 600
2K-PUR 1 60-100

2-02E 2K-EP 2 450-490

1 50 + + + 4 600
2K-PUR 1 60-100

2-03E 2K-EP 3 450-490

1 50 + + + 5 600
2K-PUR 1 60-100

2-04E 2K-EP 3 400-490

1 50-100 + + + 5 600
2K-PUR 1 60-100

2-05E 2K-EP 1 500-540 2K-PUR 1 60-100 2 600

2-06E 2K-EP 1 250-270

2K-EP 1 250-270 + + + 3 600
2K-PUR 1 60-100

2-07E 2K-EP 2 320-380

2K-EP 1 160-180 + + + 4 600
2K-PUR 1 60-100

2-08E 1K- 1K-PUR 3 450-490

PUR- 1 50 + + + 5 600
Zn(R) 2K-PUR 1 60-100

2-09E x x x x x x x 600
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Table 18: Coating system structures in Zone 3 (atmosphere, external).

System Primer coat Intermediate/top coat Coating system

Material Number NDFT Material Number NDFT Number NDFT
type of coats [µm] type of coats [µm] of coats [µm]

3-01E 2K-EP 1 210-

1 50 + + 250 + 3 360
2K-PUR 1 60-100

3-02E 2K-EP 2 210-

1 50 + + 250 + 4 360
2K-PUR 1 60-100

3-03E 160-
2K-EP 1
2K-EP- 250
1 50-100 + + 3 360
div. +
2K-PUR 1

3-04E 210-
1K-PUR 1
1K-PUR- 250
1 50 + + 3 360
Zn(R) +
2K-PUR 1

3-05E 2 210-
1K-PUR- 250
1 50 + + 4 360
Zn(R) +
2K-PUR 1 60-100

3-06E 140-
80-100 2K-EP 1
Zinc 180
1 + Sea- + + 2* 240 *
coating +
ler 2K-PUR 1

3-07E x x x x x x x 360/240
* without zinc coat and sealer

Table 19: Coating system structures in Zone 4 (atmosphere, internal).

System Primer coat Intermediate/top coat Coating system

Material Number NDFT Material Number NDFT Number NDFT
type of coats [µm] type of coats [µm] of coats [µm]

4-01E 2K-EP-
1 50 2K-EP 1 250 2 300
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4-02E 2K-EP-
1 50 2K-EP 2 250 3 300

4-03E 2K-EP-
1 50-100 2K-EP 1 200-250 2 300

4-04E 80-100
1 + Seal- 2K-EP 2 200 2* 200 *

4-05E x x x x x x x 300/200
* without zinc coat and sealer


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Table 20: Abbreviations.

Components: Binders:

1K one-component (single pack) EP epoxy resin

2K two-component PUR polyurethane resin

Pigments Film thicknesses:

Zn(R) zinc dust (rich) NDFT nominal dry film thickness

div. diverse corrosion protection pigments (single coat/coating system)
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Annex 2: Sample for composition of coating

Manufacturer: .......................................................... Base component Hardener

Product designation: ................................................. ...................................... .......................................
Material groups: ........................................................ ...................................... .......................................
Identification: ............................................................ ...................................... .......................................
Additional info (colour etc.): ..................................... ...................................... .......................................

Coating type ☐ Primer coat

☐ Intermediate coat ☐ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3
☐ Top coat

Base component Hardener

Binder: ................ Mass% Hardener: ............... M.-%
Zinc: ................... M.-% ..................................... ............... M.-%
Other pigments and fillers ................... M.-% ..................................... ............... M.-%
Solvent: ................... M.-% Solvent: ................ M.-%
Density: ................ kg/dm³ Density: ............. kg/dm³

Mixture ratio (base component/hardener) Mass parts .............................................................

Details (base component/hardener)
Hydrocarbon resin: ................................................... Chem. name: .........................................................
Special additives: ..................................................... Chem. name: .........................................................

Pigments and fillers (base component) Pigments and fillers (hardener)

.............................................. ............ Mass% ............................................. ............... M.-%
.............................................. ............... M.-% ............................................. ............... M.-%
.............................................. ............... M.-% ............................................. ............... M.-%
Loss on ignition at ...............° C: ............... M.-%

Solvents (stating hazard class = Gfkl.) Solvents (stating hazard class = Gfkl.)
.............................. ....... Mass% , Gfkl. ......... .............................. .......... M.-% , Gfkl. .......
.............................. .......... M.-% , Gfkl. ......... .............................. .......... M.-% , Gfkl. .......
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.............................. .......... M.-% , Gfkl. ......... .............................. .......... M.-% , Gfkl. .......
.............................. .......... M.-% , Gfkl. ......... .............................. .......... M.-% , Gfkl. .......
Enclosure of EU safety data sheet, technical data sheet is obligatory.

............................... , (date) ....................................... .............................................................



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Annex 3: Conditions for execution of test panels

1. Name of customer/manufacturer: ........................................................................
Contact/tel. no.: ..................................................................................................
2. Substrate (steel grade): .....................................................................................
3. Surface preparation DIN EN ISO 8501: ..............................................................
4. Roughness range: Average roughness DIN EN ISO 8503-2:...... [µm]
Deviation: ..................... [µm]
5. Coating structure: Primer coat: ....................................................................
Intermediate coats: .........................................................
Top coat: ........................................................................
6. Coating record:

Drying conditions
Product names of indi- Batch [µm]
vidual coating materials number Tem- Relat.
(material type) (colour) perature humidity Date
[°C] [%]

Total film thickness

If addition of thinner is necessary, it must be done according to the coating mate-

rial manufacturer's specification. This shall be documented.
DFT: Dry film thickness
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Application method:
AS: Airless spraying PS: Pneumatic spraying
Br: Brushing R: Roller coating

....................... , (date) ............................... ..................................................



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Annex 4: Measurement of delamination after testing for cathodic protection suit-



Verletzung: Mittelkreis 30 mm Ø, 1 mm breit Scribe: Outer circle: diameter 30 mm,

Innenkreis 5 mm Ø, voll milling width 1 mm
Inner circle: diameter 5 mm,
full surface
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Nicht zu beurteilende Zone Area not to be considered for assessment

bei Blasengrad of degree of blistering

Schweißdraht anlöten Ø 3-5 mm solder welding wire (diameter 3-5 mm) here

Gitterschnitt cross cut

(5 mm Abstand) (5 mm spacing)

Schlagfestigkeit impact strength

Verletzung scribe

Haftabzug pull-off for adhesion testing


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Annex 5: Test methods

This table is to be used until 31.12.2017.
Zone 2 Zone 4
Test/Rules Zone 1 Zone 3
No. (low water/ (Atm. inter-
Stress zone (Seabed/UZ) (Atm. external)
tidal zone/SZ) nal)

1 Adhesion X II X II --- ---

Impact strength (with-

2 X II --- ---
out PUR top coats)
4,200 h III
3 Immersion (NaCl) --- --- ---
(3,000 h)
1,440 h III
4 Condensation test --- 1,440 h I 720 h I
( 480 h)
2,160 h III
5 Salt spray test --- 2,160 h I 1,440 h I
(1,440 h)

6 Cycle test --- 4,200 h II ---

CP stability x
7 (without colouring top 15 months I --- ---

9 Colour fastness --- 2,000 h II ---

Water vapour diffusion

10 (only for EP intermedi- 21 days II --- ---
ate coats)

Optional tests (until binding requirements are available)

8 Abrasion XI --- ---

Testing after stress

11 application in nature 5 years I --- ---
(long-term exposure)
Subject to the permission of the independent third party, deviations from this requirement are permissible in
justified exceptional cases from the above mentioned date (31.12.2017) until 30.06.2018 at the latest.
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I Compulsory proof of test methods shall be provided.

II Compulsory proof of test methods shall be provided as of 01.01.2018.

Compulsory proof of test methods with figures in brackets shall be

III provided, and as of 01.01.2018 proof of compliance with the higher


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VGB PowerTech e.V. Tel: +49  201  8128 – 200

Deilbachtal 173 Fax: +49  201  8128 – 302
45257 Essen | Germany |
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