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Archetypal Criticism – “Paradise Lost”


Garden of Eden

The Garden of Eden is the symbol of life, full of life and vigor, just like any
garden, it’s filled with plants, animals, and the heat and light from the Sun. It is the
Paradise mentioned in the title because it is the garden of happiness. Tree of
Knowledge God said to not eat the fruit of the tree. It suggests that they should not
eat from the tree because it is not their property. Just like mango trees from your
neighbor, do not take the mangos because it will be stealing.

Fruit of Knowledge

The fruit is portrayed as an apple because the word apple is translated to “malus”
in Latin. The word is very similar to “malice” and “malus” can be interpreted as a
word play. In Filipino, these two words are similar “mansanas” “masama”.

Golden Scales

The Golden Scales was shown in front of Satan and the two scales represent God
and Satan. God’s scale is heavier than Satan’s scale. This shows that God is higher
than Satan so he escaped instead of fighting.


Adam and Eve

They are the parents. They act as the Father and Mother. The Protector and
Caretaker. Adam is portrayed as the head of the household and decides for the
family. Eve is the Mother who takes care of the garden and acts feminine.

The Trickster. Satan is the evil person who would influence others to do bad
things. He is the type to never give up and deny others’ opinions. Jesus Jesus is the
savior or hero of the story. He protects and is very kind to people. When
everything is going down, he arrives to save the day

. God

God is another father figure but being God is already an archetype. God’s job is
being God. He watches from afar and see what His creations are doing. God being
The Father and creator of all and his Son Jesus Christ

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