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ST2502 Objective : Setting up Fiber Optic Analog Link TOstudy a 650nm fiber optic analog link. In this experiment you will study the relationship between the input signal and received signal Theory : Fiber optic links can be used for transmission of digital as well as analog signals. Basically a fiber optic link contains three main elements, a transmitter, an optical fiber and a receiver. The transmitter module takes the input signal in electrical form and then transforms it into optical (light) energy containing the same information. The optical fiber is the medium which takes the energy to the receiver. At the receiver light is converted back into electrical form with the same pattern as originally fed to the transmitter. Transmitter : Fiber optic transmitters are typically composed of a buffer, driver and optical source. The buffer provides both an electrical connection and isolation between the transmitter & the electrical system supplying the data. The driver provides electrical power to the optical source. Finally, the optical source converts the electrical current to the light energy with the same pattem. Commonly used optical sources are light emitting diodes (LED s) and Laser beam. Simple LED circuits, for digital and analog transmissions are shown below. T Fig. 18 Fig 18 shows Trans conductance drive circuits for analog transmission-common emitter configuration. The transmitter section comprises of 1. Function generator 2. Frequency modulator & 3. Pulse width modulator block. The function generator generates the input signals that are going to be used as information ' to transmit through the fiber optic link. The output voltage available is 1 KHz sinusoidal signal of adjustable amplitude, and fixed amplitude 1 KHz squae Scientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd. — x ST 2502 ave signal. The modulator section accepts the information signal and converts it into suitable form for transmission through the fiber optic link. The Fiber Optic Link Emitter and Detector circuit on board form the fiber optic link. This section provides the light source for the optic fiber and the light detector at the far end of the fiber optic links. The optic fiber plugs into the connectors provided in this part of the board. Two separate links are provided. The Receiver The comparator circuit, low pass filter, phase locked loop, AC amplifier circuits form receiver on the board. It is able to undo the modulation process in order to recover the original information signal. In this experiment the trainer board is used to illustrate ‘one way communication between digital transmitter and receiver circuits. Procedure 1. Connect the power supply to the board. Ensure that all switched faults are off. Make the following connections. (as shown in fig. 19) a. Connect the 1KHz sine wave output to emitter I's input b. Connect the F.O. cable between emitter output and detectors input. ¢. Detector I's output to AC amplifier 1 input. wor 4. On the board, switch emitter I's driver to analog mode. 5. Switch ON the power. Observe the input to emitter 1 (tp5) with the output from AC. amplifier 1 (tp28) and note that the two signals are same. 26 OOD OPE eHanHanrannnnae...... , VCE EPEC EEE EEE GEE EEHEHE DS ip Veeeoovsoed ST2502 EXPERIMENT 2 Objective : Setting up Fiber Optic Digital Link TOstudy an 650nm fiber optic digital link. In this experiment you will study the relationship between the input signal and received signal. &. Fig. 20 Fig shows a simple drive circuit for binary digital transmission consisting a common emitter saturating switch. Procedure = ogies Pvt. Lad. - - 37 ‘Scientech Tee! ST2502 1. Connect the power supply to the board, 2. sure that all switched faults are off. FIBER OPTICS TRAINER + ae r wall nee! eo ae 0 on 000g Mee! er Ab peed go Usay # ol “sau | ven cz notyan's 900 | eo cove crise: Fig. 21 3. Make the following connections. (as shown in fig 21). a. Connect the 1 KHz square wave output to emitter I's input b. Connect the fiber optic cable between emitter output and detectors input. ¢. Detector I's output to comparator 1’s input. d. Comparator I's output to A. C amplifier I s input 4. On the board, switch emitter I's driver to digital mode. 5. Switch ON the power. 6. Monitor both the inputs to comparator 1 (tp13 & 14). Slowly adjust the comparators bias preset, until DC Level on the input (tp13 ) lies mid way between the high and low level of the signal on the positive input (tp14 ) 7. Observe the input to emitter ! (tp 5) with the output front AC. amplifier | (tp28) and note that the two si; Scieniech Technologies Pvt. LN. a a 4, Ge CPF FO GSES j ee TTT TTT dd dddde le ST2502 EXPERIMENT 3 Objective : Study of Intensity Modulation Technique using Analog input signal. TOobtain intensity modulation of the analog signal, transmit it over a fiber optic cable and demodulate the same at the receiver and to get back the original signal. Theory : Modulation: In order to transmit information via an optical fiber communication system it is necessary to modulate a property of the light with the information signal. This property may be intensity, frequency, phase with either digital or analog signals. The choices are indicated by the characteristics of optical fiber, the available optical sourees and detectors, and considerations of the over all system. Intensity modulation : In this system the information signal is used to control the intensity of the source. At the far end, the variation in the amplitude of the received signal is used to recover the original information signal. analog input analog outpt signal signal emitter detector Fig 22 ‘The audio input signal is used to control the current through an LED which in tum controls the light output. The light is conveyed to the detecter 1 circuit by optic fiber. The detector is a photo transistor which converts the incoming light to a small current which flows through a series resistor. This gives rise to a voltage whose amplitude is controlled by the received light intensity. The voltage is now amplified within the letecior circuit and if necessary, amplified further by amplifier circuit. The Analog Bius Veltage There are two problems using amplitude modulation with an analog signal. The first is to do with the signal itself. +v Fig. 23 ST2502 If you glance at the figure you will see that analog wave form moves positive & negative of the zero line. The second problem is that itis the shape of the wave form which carries the infoll l'&tion. Ideally the emitter characteristic would be a straight line. Even so we would loose the negative going half cycles as shown S insta onda wnasones eM socom seul Fig. 24 The answer is to superimpose the sinusoidal signal on positive voltage called the bias voltage so that both halves of the incoming signal have an effect on the light intensity. ‘The combination of linear characteristic would be ideal but the real characteristic is not completely straight. However it does have a straight section that we can use if we employ a suitable value of bias voltage. Fig 23 shows ideal and practical situations. ‘hea Charectrisie see Gatacrsne Fig. 25 Procedure : 1. Connect the power supply to the board, 2. Make the foilowing connections (as shown in fig. 26). a. Connect the FG output marked IKHz sire wave to input if emitter 1, b. Plug in a fiber optic link from output of emitter 1 LED to the photo transistor of the detector 1. ¢. Detector | output tp 10 to input of Amplifier tp 27. Scientech Technologies a ST2502 3. In the emitter 1 block switch the mode select to analog. 4. Tum the | KHz preset in function generator block to fully clockwise (maximum amplitude) position. 5. Switch ON the power supply. 6. — With the help of dual trace oscilloscope observe the input signal at emitter | tp 5 also; observe the output from the detector 1. It should carry a smaller version of the original 1 KHz sine wave, illustrating that the modulated light beam has been reconverted back into an electrical signal. 7. The output from detector 1 is further amplified by AC amplifier 1. [his amplifier increases the amplitude of the received signal, and also removes the DC component, which is present at detector output. Monitor the output of amplifier 1 tp28 and adjust the gain adjust 1 preset until the monitored signal has same amplitude as that applied to emitter 1 Input tp 5 . While monitoring the output of Amplifier 1 tp 28 change the amplitude of modulating sine wave by varying the 1 KHz preset in the function generator block. Note that as expected, the amplitude of the receiver output signal changes. 2h io. ttat ae id ctadny Seientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd, = = 1 ST2502 EXPERIMENT 4 Objective : Study of Intensity Modulation Technique using digital Input signal The objective of this experiment is to obtain intensity modulation of digital signal, transmit it over fiber optic cable and demodulate the same at the receiver end to get back the original signal Theory : Digital Modulation With digital modulation, discrete changes in light intensity are obtained (i.e. ON-OFF pulses) figure 27 shows a block schematic of a typical digital optical fiber link. Encoder LED Photo Amplifier Driver fo~ Transistor > t Fiber cable l er Decoder formation Di ut Source oe 4 Fig. 27 Initially, input digital signal from the information source is suitably encoded for optical transmission. The LED drive circuit directly modulates the intensity of the light with encoded digital signal. Hence, a digital optical signal is launched into the optical fiber cable. The photo transistor used as detector is followed by an amplifier to provide gain. Finally the signal obtained is decoded to give the original digital information Digital Bias Voltage: Incase of a digital signal the only information which needs to be conveyed is the ON state and OFF state. The digital Input signal is emirely positive going as shown in fig 28. FSV ov Fig. 28 So, there is no negative part of the signal to be lost and further more any distortion due to non-linearity of the characteristic is of no importance - all we need to know is Whether the signal is ON or OFF, There is no need there fore to generate a bias voltage Scientech Technologies Pvt. Lid, zy € ¢€ T en. Wer Ceecdeeeds 9 19 ecee fi © WOLEEOCIIIIIIN = <) » s » » > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > , , ’ ) ) ST2502 a really distarted characteristic stil a square wave input square wave signal Fig. 29 When amplitude modulation is used with a digital input we employ a comparator at the receiving end of the fiber to make the waveform square again called ‘cleaning it up’. Procedure 1, Connect the power supply to the board. 2. Make the following connections (as shown in fig. 30). a. Connect the 1KHz square wave socket in function generator block to emitter | input. b. Connect an optic fiber link between emitter 1 output & Detector 1 input with the help of connector provided, ¢. Detector output to comparator I's non-inverting (+-ve) input. 3. Switch the mode switch in emitter block to digital mode, This ensures that signal applied to the driver's input cause the emitter LED to switch quickly between ON & OFF states. 4, Examine the Input to emitter 1 tp 5 on an oscilloscope this 1KHz square wave is now being used to amplitude modulate emitter I emitter LED. §. Examine the output of detector 1 tp 10. This should carry a smaller version of original I KHz square wave illustrating that the modulated light beam has been reconverted back into an electrical signal. 6, Monitor both input to comparator 1, at tp 13 & 14 and slowly adiust the “Comparator bias 1 preset until the DC Level on the negative input tp 13 lies midway between the high & low level of the signal on the positive inpta tp. 14. This DC level is comparator's threshold level. Scientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd, 3B Q ST2502 7. Scientech Tee Examine the output of comparator! tplS Note that the original digital ‘modulating signal has been reconstructed at the receiver. Once again carefully flex the fiber optic cable; we can see that there is no change in output on bending the fiber. The output amplitude is now independent of the bend radius of the cable and that of length of cable, provided that detector output signal is large enough to cross the comparator threshold level. This illustrates one of the advantages of amplitude modulation of a light beam by digital rather than analog means. Also, non-linear ties within the emitter LED & photo transistor causing distortion of the signal at the receiver output are disadvantages associated with amplitude modulating a light source by analog means. Linearity is not a problem if the light beam is switched ON & OFF with a digital signal, since the detector output is simply squared up by a comparator circuit To over come problems associated with amplitude modulation of a light beam by analog means, analog signals are often used to vary or modulate some characteristic of a digital signal (e.g. freq. or pulse width.). The digital signal being used to switch the light beam ON & OFF. The next two experiments illustrate how an analog signal can be used to modulate two specific characteristics of a digital signal. FIBER OPTICS TRAINER Fa dO pyesh hy hoy Food eig aol) wees : Cosecey ba FF beth 45,05, 08 F388 Heevgoags ae min) nnnogn twee Ho in eae FF Q ally vo | M ST2502 EXPERIMENT 5 Objective : ‘The Frequency Modulation System Theory : In the traditional form of FM the carrier frequency is changed or modulated by the amplitude of the analog signal. This is not feasible in a fiber optic system since both our light sources, the LED and the LASER, are fixed frequency devices. In fiber optic systems FM is achieved by using the original analog input signal to vary the frequency of a train of digital pulses. “Nn —_frrmoueser]_ amen] sicvA MODULATOR It Finegornc 7 Lwoovearon] Usk N — ( asatoc ie fen" towns |_[> ad [ences | {rom-[ tox HE Lp — Sa Fig. 31 This is achieved by a circuit called voltage controlled oscillator usually abbreviated as VCO. The digital pulses are communicated through the optic fiber and squared up at the receiver by a comparator in the same way as it was in amplitude modulation system. At this point we convert the digital train back to the original analog signal by means of the phase locked loop detector (PLL). The PLL circuit performs a very simple function. It monitors an incoming signal and produces a DC voltage output, If the input frequency increases, the DC voltage increases. If the frequency decreases, the DC voltage decreases. In this way the original analog signal is recovered. The output of the PLL contains many unwanted frequency components. These are removed by a low pass filter and then finally the signal is amplified to the desired level. Procedure 1. Connect power supply to the board, 2. Ensure that all switched faults are OFF. 3. Make the following connections (shown in fig, 32 ) a, Connect Function generator IKHz sine wave signal to frequency modulator input. b. Frequency modulator output tp2 to the emitter 1 input at tp, Connect the optic fiber between the emitter | circuit and the detector | circuit, 4d. Detector | output tp10 to comparator | input at pl4 Scientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd, ” 35 ST2502 e - 7. 8. 9. 10. e. Comparator 1 output tp15 to the PLL detector input at tp23. f. PLL detector output at tp26 to the low pass filter 1 input at tp19 g Low Pass Filter 1 output tp20 to A C amplifier 1 input at p27 Switch emitter I's driver to digital mode. This ensures that fast changing digital signal applied to the drivers input causes the emitter LED to switch quickly between ON & OFF states. Tum the | KHz preset in the function generator block to fully anticlockwise (Zero amplitude) position. Switch ON the power supply. Monitor the output of the voltage controlled oscillators (VCO) in the frequency modulator block tp2 Note that the frequency of this digital signal is at present constant, since the modulating 1 KHz sine wave has zero amplitude. Examine the output of detector 1 (tp10 and check that the transmitted digital pulses are successfully detected at the receiver With the help of dual trace oscilloscope monitor both inputs to comparator!. Now adjust the bias 1 preset until the bias input at tp13 is halfway between the top and bottom of the square wave on tpl4. You will remember that the function of the comparator is to clean up the square wave after its transmission through the fiber optic link The output of comparator 1 drives th input of the PLL detector which produces a signal whose average level is proportional to the frequency of the digital stream, This average level is then extracted by low pass filter 1, and amplified by AC. Amplifier! to produce the original analog signal at the amplifiers output {p28. Examine tp28 and note that the output voltage is zero. This is expected since there is currently no modulating voltage at the transmitter. iS ST2502 ——_—— eee oe * GPG I GOS ob Fy OO aio | * eee oCoe?e HHH ++ Cees rh @ Fig. 32 While monitoring the input to the frequency modulator block tp] and the output nom AC. amplifier! tp28 turn the [KHz preset to its fully clockwise maximum. amplitude) position. Note that the modulating 1KHz signal now appears at the amplifiers output. If necessary, adjust the amplifiers gain adjust 1 preset until the two monitored signal are equal in amplitude. bein In order to fully understand how this frequency modulation transmitter/ receiver system works, examine the inputs and outputs of all functional blocks within the system, using an oscilloscope. (Cad eebe Scientech Technologies Pvt, Lad. 37 —- ST2502 EXPERIMENT 6 Objective = ‘The Pulse Width Modulation System. Theory Pulse width modulation (PWM) is an alternative to frequency modulation They are both digital transmission. In FM, you will remember, the incoming analog signal is sed to change the frequency of the digital stream. In pulse width modulation ee ‘width of the pulse is changed by the amplitude of the analog signal to be transmitted. Tis an extremely simple system of modulation. Assume a input signal at zero volts. The digital stream and the average voltage level would be as shown fig, 33, WAVEFORM A — ior svete Ltrs WAVEFORM B posiuve input f= soe srenge le WAVEFORM C saviroera . ae a Fee Fig. 33 If the input voltage moves to a positive value, the pulse width will increase and since the waveform is ON longer than it is OFF, the average value increases similarly, if the input signal goes negative the width of the pulse will decrease. ‘The average value of the digital voltage now decreases. You will now appreciate that the A VERAGE voltage level is increasing and decreasing in accordance with the input voltage. At the far end of the transmission system the digital pulses are cleaned up by the comparator and then simply passed through a low pass filter. The filter removes the square waves but the average level remains to form the output signal. At this -stage, the output signal is increasing and decreasing in step with the input, but you will remember that the 0 V input signal produced a DC level at the output. This DC level must now be removed. We do this by means of blocking capacitors at the input to the final amplifier. tech Technologies Pvt. Ltd. we © SESS Sere SEES E EET tT EE PE SOEEE EES EOR EEE ET OTTE CET TEETER Toe aE Teac ST2502 ‘err’ [Tian Fig. 34 Procedure 1. Connect the supply to the board 2. Ensure that all switched faults are set to off. 3. Make the following connections (as shown in fig. 35) a. FG's IKHz sine wave signal to the Pulse width modulator input tp3 b. Pulse width modulator output tp4 to emitter 1 input tpS c. Connect the optic fiber between the emitter | circuit and detector 1 circuit. d. Detector 1 output tp10 to comparator & input at tp14. e. Comparator | output tp15 to LPF 1 at tp19. f. LPF 1 output 1p20 to A C amplifier | input at tp27. 4. Switch emitter 1’s driver to digital mode. This ensures that fast changing digital signals applied to the drivers input because the emitter LED to switch quickly between ON & OFF states. 5. Tum the | KHz preset in function generator block to fully anticlockwise (zero amplitude) position, 6. Switch ON the power supply. 7. Monitor the output of the pulse width modulator block tp4. Note that the pulse width of this digital signal is at present constant, since the modulating 1 KHz sine wave has zero amplitude. 8. Examine the output Detector tp10 and check that the transmitted digital pulse are successfully detected at the receiver. 9. Monitor both input's comparator | tp13 & tp14 and if necessary, slowly adjust the comparator's bias preset, until the DC Level on the negative input tp13 lies midway between the high and low level of the signal on the positive input tp14. 10. The average Jevel of comparator I's output is extracted by LPF | and then amplified by AC amplifier which also removes the DC off set. Since the average level of the comparator output is proportional to the pulse width, the original analog signal appears at the amplifiers output tp28, Exumine tp28 and ‘Scientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd, 3” ‘ST2502 note that the output voltage is zero. This is expected since there is currently no ‘modulating voltage at the transmitter. IL. While monitoring the input to the pulse width modulator block tp3 and the output from AC amplifier | tp28 turn the 1 KHz preset to its fully clockwise (maximum amplitude position.). Note that the modulating IKHz signal now appears at the amplifiers output. If necessary. adjust the amplifiers gain adjust | preset until the two monitored signals are equal in amplitude. In order to fully understand how this pulse width modulation transmitter/ receiver system Works. examine the inputs and outputs of all functional blocks within the system using an oscilloscope, FIBER OPTICS TRAINER 4] 7 kak 46 res at wl i att 00g C0000 LI 4 a sities 60 ea > na nnnannrneereaenreeereerenkweegcnrneenrnenmeese 7°74 an aha af Scientec’: Technologies Pvt. Lid. wv oe _@ a ee ee ee ee ST2502 Objective : Study of Propagation Loss in Optical Fiber To measure propagation or attenuation loss in optical fiber. Theory : Attenuation is loss of power. During transit light pulse lose some of their photons, thus reducing their amplitude. Attenuation for a fiber is usually specified in decibels per kilometer. For commercially available fibers attenuation ranges from | dB / km for premium small-core glass fibers to over 2000 dB / km for a large core plastic fiber. Loss is by definition negative decibels. In common usage, discussions of loss omit the negative sign, The basic measurement for loss in a fiber is made by taking the logarithmic ratio of the input power (Pi) to the output power (Po). a (dB) = 10 logio where a is Loss in dB / Meter Procedure : 1. Connect power supply to board 2. Make the following connections (as shown in fig. 36). a. Function generator’s | KHz sine wave output to Input 1 socket of emitter | circuit via 4 mm lead. b, Connect 0.5 m optic fiber between emitter | output and detector I's input. ¢. Connect detector 1 output to amplifier 1 input socket via 4mm lead. 3. Switch ON the power supply. 4. Set the oscilloscope channel 1 to 0.5 V / Div and adjust 4 - 6 div amplitude by using X I probe with the help of variable pot in function generator block at input 1 of Emitter 1 Observe the output signal from detector tp10 on CRO. Adjust the amplitude of the received signal same as that of transmitted one with the help of gain adjust pot, in AC amplifier block. Note this amplitude and name it VI. 7. Now replace the previous FG enble with I'm cable without disturbing any previous setting. 8. Measure the amplitude at the receiver side again at output of amplifier | socket tp 28. Note this value end name it V2. Calculate the propagation (attenuation) loss with the help of follewisg formula, Visv2= @actistry Where w is loss in nepers / meter ‘Scientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd. ~~ an a ST2502 length of shorter cable (0.5 m) neper = 8. 686 dB = Length of longer cable (1 m) In LI L2 aR - nm aren nh hn hr RHR mK HH HK HK HHRARRHKRARKA anh ah ha tii hand “a a ST2502 EXPERIMENT 8 Objective : Study of Bending Loss. The object of this experiment in to study bending loss. Theory : When ever the condition for an; igle of incidence of the incident light is violated the losses are introduced due to refr: raction of light. This occurs when fiber is subjected to bending. Lower the radius of curvature more is the loss. Procedure : 1. Repeat all the steps from 1 to 6 of the previous experiment no.7 using im cable. ; 2. Wind the FO cable on the mandrel and observe the corresponding AC amplifier Output on CRO. It will be gradually reducing showing loss due to bends, ==] Fig. 37 FIBER OPTICS TRAINER zTit pe Lit “oes rag ype 2 Do aly o Van 4g oooano]f Scientech Technologies Pvt. Lid, ST2502 ol EXPER! jective : Measurement of Optical Power using Optical Power Meter To 9 measure optical power using optical power meter. Procedure : 2. 3 Connect the power supply to the board. Ensure that all switched faults are off. Connect the fiber optic cable between emitters 1's output & power meter's input. On the board, switch emitter I's driver to analog mode. Keep the power meter’s wavelength selector switch in 660nm Switch ON the power. Note the reading displayed in power meter. Switch the wavelength selector switch to 950nm position. & note the reading displayed on power meter. Perform the same experiment with emitter 2 also. FIBER OPTICS TRAINER -) Ti 0 i 00 ee Yond J seiner U gen 4 Seientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd, 4 CECE EE PFO FE Pe Ragga geneannnnnannnane 6 Peay eb CIDP T PPP RL LIISA IIa a a Whe EH di . ST2502 EXPERIMENT 10 Objective : Measurement of propagation loss using Optical Power Meter To measure propagation loss in optical fiber using optical power meter. Procedure : L Connect the power supaly to the main board. Keep the mode switch in emitter | circuit in analog mode 2. Connect the 0.5m fiber cable in between the emitter LED & I/P of power meter. 3. Switch on the instrument fiber optic trainer & power meter (Keep the wavelength switch in 660nm, position). Note the reading in power meter. 4 Replace the 0.5m fiber cable with the Im cables without disturbing any setting Again note the reading in power. This reading will be lesser then the previous one, indicating that the propagation loss increases with increase in length. Perform the same experiment with emitter 2 also. [— Ai h Qu onan 90000 LI 8 ientech Technologies Pvt. Lud, 12502 EXPERIMENT 1 Objective + Measurement of Numerical Aperture To measure to the Numerical Aperture (NA) of the fiber. Theory : Numerical aperture refers to the fiber end is very internally reflect f cone formed by the rotation of this angle along the axis of 1 acceptance of the fiber. The light ray should strike the fiber enc acceptance else it is refracted out of the fiber. maximum angle at which the light incident on the ‘ed and is transmitted properly along the fiber. The he fiber is the cone of d within its cone of Consideration in NA measurement : itis very important that the optical source should be properly aligned with the cable and the distance from the launched point & cable be properly selected to ensure that the maximum amount of optical power is transferred to the cable, Numerical Aperture measurement Jig. Procedure : 1. Connect power supply to the board 2. Connect the frequency generator's | KHz sine wave output to input of emitter 1 circuit, Adjust its amplitude at SVpp. Connect one end of fiber cable to the output socket of emitter 1 circuit and the other end to the numerical aperture measurement jig. Hold the white screen facing the fiber such that its cut face is perpendicular to the axis of the fiber. 4. Hold the white screen with 4 concentric circles (10, 15, 20 & 25mm diameter) vertically at a suitable distance to make the red spot from the fiber coincide with 10 mm circle. Fig. 41 5. Record the distance of screen from the fi i re 1m the fiber an and note the diameter iy of 6. Compute the m aperture from the formula given below w — 40 vo JSS _ ff” IHHFHH HSH HH HD , : ) 9 CC eddddis , 2 POCRte Re eee erry < ST2502 SiNOmax 7. Vary the distance between in screen and fiber optic cable and make it coincide with one of the concentric circles, Note its distance 8. Tabulate the various distances and diameter of the circles made on the white Seteen and compute the numerical aperture from the formula given above. Inferences: The N.A. recorded in the manufacturer's data sheet is 0.5 typical. The Variation in the observation is due to fiber being under filled the Acceptance Angle is given by 2sinOna. The deviation from the data sheet is again due to fiber being under filled EXPERIMENT 12 Objecti Characteristics of E-O converter using OPM To study of characteristics of E-O converter using OPM Procedure ; 1+ Conneet the power supply to the board. Ensure that al switched faults are off. 2. Put emitter 1 block in digital mode. Connect the bias 1 on comparator 1 block Preset {p13 to the emitter 1 UP at tp5. 3. Adjust the bias | preset to its minimum setting fully counter clockwise. Connect the F.O. cable between the emitter 1 LED & power meter, ‘+ Switch om the Instrument. Note the reading in power meter. Vary the bias preset 50 as to vary the voltage applied to emitter 1 LED 5S. Record the change in Power meter reading corresponding to change in forward voltage. Plot the graph between forward Voltage and power meter reading. 6. Perform the experiment with emitter 2 also, ST2502 “Gago Hine te PF cb 05 noe) n'a J 00000 «toy ns LZ ooal vnteciony EXPERIMENT 13 Characteristics of E - O converter ‘The aim of this experiment is to plot the characteristic of LED. Theory : LED's and LASER diodes are the commonly used sources in optical communication systems, whether the system transmits digital or analog signal. It is therefore, often necessary to use linear electrical to optical converter to allow its use in intensity modulation & high quality analog transmission systems. LED's have a linear optical ouiput with relation to the forward current overa certain region of operation. Procedure + 1. Connect power supply to the board. 2. Ensure that all switched faults are in OFF condition. 3, Put emitter 1 block in Digital Mode 4, Make connections as shown in fig. 43 a. Connect the bias 1 preset on comparator 1 (tp13) to the emitter 1 input at (tps) b. Adjust the bias 1 preset to its minimum setting fully counter clockwise. Now look dow the emitter 1 LED Socket and slowly advance the setting Scientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd. a Peueeeeeeerrorery ST2502 of the bias 1 preset until in subdued lighting the light from LED is just visible 5. Connect the DMM between + 12V supply and tp6, the cathode of LED. The DMM will now read the forward voltage (V f) 6. Measure the voltage drop across the 1k (R9) current limiting resistors by connecting DMM between tp6 and tp38. The forward current is given by dividing the readings by 1k. This If is known as threshold current. 1000 7. Vary the bias 1 preset so as to vary the forward voltage (as, the corresponding If (forward current). 8. Record these values of Vand ifiot the characteristic between these two. 1,3, 1.4...1.7), note RPRIISUL i lied OF O88 og] | Fhstaanmnys Wary Oe Nd he HaNND je 900000] enite Scientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd. ST2502 EXPERIMENT 14 Objective : Characteristics of F O communication Link The aim of experiment is to study the Vin (AC.) vers is Vo (AC). Procedure : 1. Connect power supply to board (as shown in fig. 44). 2 Make the following connections a. Function generator 1KHz sine wave output to input socket of emitter 1 circuit, Via 4mm lead b. Connect optic fiber between emitter I’s output and detector 1's input. ¢. Connect Detector 1 output to amplifier | input socket via 4nm lead. 3. Switch ON the power supply. 4. Set the amplitude of the function generator to 2 V p-p. 5. Observe the transmitted and received signal on CRO. Vo (output voltage) should be in the same order as Vin (input voltage). 6. Next set Vin to suitable values and note the values of Vo. Tabulate and plot a graph Vo versus Vin & compute Vo/Vin. FIBER OPTICS TRAINER bei“ eels ally 1 00g 00 | oooco}}. ‘Scientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Tu nonne non SAR PP PPP, cece ddd 9 ao CVTEFOPEE?? i a ct ell CCGG 6S Ceddddcdeds feu PPAR ST2502 EXPERIMENT 15 Objective : Setting up of FO voice link using Intensity Modulation TOstudy voice communication through FO cable using amplitude modulation. Procedure : Follow the steps from 1 to 8 as described in experiment no. 3 . 9 10. Disconnect the emitter 1's input to 1 KHz sine wave socket Make the following additional connections (as shown in fig. 45). a. Audio input block's input to microphone, b. Connect the output of audio input block to emitter I’s input. ©. AC Amplifier's output to input of audio output block. 11. Switch ON the power supply. 12. Observe that same audio output is available on the speaker as fed to the microphone. is pb. pt the ally Wo Scientech Technologies Pvt. Lid. I ST2502 EXPERIMENT 16 Objective : Setting up F.O. voice link using Frequency Modulation The objective of this experiment is to demonstrate voice transmission through optic fiber using F M Procedure : Follow the steps I to 12 as given in experiment no 5 13. 14, Disconnect the 1 KHz sine wave output from in put of F M block Make the following additional connections (as shown in fig. 46) without disturbing previous setting. a. Plug the Microphone in the input of Audio input block b. Output of Audio input block to input of FM block c. Output of AC Amp block to input of Audio output block Switch on the Power supply Speak in the Microphone and listen the same in the speaker / Headphone FIBER OPTICS TRAINER = -[— ad Cr ll 105.73 Og ely ase mn fy 000000 WW enasse Scientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd. pH DR HRA ANnKaaR nm + a ee LL Ln a pn pa pe | anf WOT See CeCe C CC ce CCC CCC CO ST2502 EXPERIMENT 17 Objective : Setting up of F. O. Voice Link using PWM To study voice transmission through Fiber Optic cable using PWM Procedure : Follow the steps 1 to 12 given in Experiment No 6 13. Disconnect the PWM input from 1 KHz sine wave socket 14, Make the following additional connection (as shown in fig. 47) without disturbing any previous settings a. Plug the microphone into input of audio input block b. Output of audio input block to input of PWM block €. Output of AC Amp block to input of audio output block 15, Switch on the power supply 16, Observe that the same audio sound is available in the speaker as fed to microphone FIBER OPTICS TRAINER fa Gago GOS Sin HF 6 CaN AT HT | ihe sugugHS “wl on 900 U ong | oe pra Scientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd, 3

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