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9 (a) Solve 6 sin 2 x - 13 cos x = 1 for 0° G x G 360° . [4]

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1 1
3 (a) Show that + = 2 cot x cosec x . [4]
sec x - 1 sec x + 1

1 1
(b) Hence solve the equation + = 3 sec x for 0° 1 x 1 360° . [4]
sec x - 1 sec x + 1

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tan x 1 + sec x
(ii) Hence solve the equation +
tan x
= 1 + 3 sin x for 0c G x G 180c. [4]
1 + sec x

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1 1
8 (i) Show that - = 2 tan x sec x . [4]
1 - sin x 1 + sin x

1 1
(ii) Hence solve the equation - = cosec x for 0° G x G 360° . [4]
1 - sin x 1 + sin x

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8 (a) Solve 3 cos 2 i + 4 sin i = 4 for 0° G i G 180° . [4]

r r
(b) Solve sin 2z = 3 cos 2z for - G z G radians. [4]
2 2

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10 Solve the equation

J rN r
(i) 4 sin KK3x - OO = 3 for 0 G x G radians, [4]
4 2

(ii) 2 tan 2 y + sec 2 y = 14 sec y + 3 for 0° G y G 360° . [5]

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10 (a) Solve the equation sin a cosec 2 a + cos a sec 2 a = 0 for - r 1 a 1 r , where a is in radians. [4]

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r r 4 tan y
(b) (i) Show that, for - 1 y 1 , can be written in the form a sin y, where a is an
2 2 1 + tan 2 y
integer. [3]

4 tan y r r
(ii) Hence solve + 3 = 0 for - 1y1 radians. [1]
1 + tan y 2 2 2

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10 Solve the equation

J rN r
(i) 4 sin KK3x - OO = 3 for 0 G x G radians, [4]
4 2

(ii) 2 tan 2 y + sec 2 y = 14 sec y + 3 for 0° G y G 360° . [5]

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cos i 1 - sin i
(b) (i) Show that + = 2 sec i . [4]
1 - sin i cos i

cos 3z 1 - sin 3z
(ii) Hence solve the equation + = 4 for 0° G z G 180° . [4]
1 - sin 3z cos 3z

Question 11 is printed on the next page.

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1 Solve 1 + 2 sin (x + 50°) = 0 for - 180° G x G 180° . [4]

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6 It is given that x = 2 + sec i and y = 5 + tan 2 i .

(a) Express y in terms of x. [2]

(b) Find in terms of x. [1]

(c) A curve has the equation found in part (a). Find the equation of the tangent to the curve when
i= . [4]

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Solve the equation cot b2x + l - 3 = 0, where - r 1 x 1 r radians. Give your answers in terms
of r. [4]

5 Find the possible values of the constant c for which the line y = c is a tangent to the curve y = 5 sin + 4.

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11 (a) Solve 2 cot ^z + 35ch = 5 for 0c G z G 360c. [4]

Question 11(b) is printed on the next page.

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5 The function f is defined, for 0° G x G 810° , by f (x) =- 2 + cos .
(a) Write down the amplitude of f. [1]

(b) Find the period of f. [2]

(c) On the axes, sketch the graph of y = f (x) . [2]

0 x
0° 90° 180° 270° 360° 450° 540° 630° 720° 810°


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3 (a) Write down the amplitude of 2 cos - 1. [1]

(b) Write down the period of 2 cos - 1. [1]

(c) On the axes below, sketch the graph of y = 2 cos - 1 for - r G x G 3r radians.

-r 0 r 2r 3r x





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1 (i) On the axes below, sketch the graph of y = 2 cos 3x - 1 for - 90° G x G 90° .


-90° -60° -30° 0 30° 60° 90° x





(ii) Write down the amplitude of 2 cos 3x - 1. [1]

(iii) Write down the period of 2 cos 3x - 1. [1]

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tan x 1 + sec x 2
6 (i) Show that +
tan x
= . [5]
1 + sec x sin x

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1 It is given that y = 1 + tan 3x .

(i) State the period of y. [1]

(ii) On the axes below, sketch the graph of y = 1 + tan 3x for 0° G x° G 180° . [3]

0 x
30 60 90 120 150 180

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2 The graph of y = a sin (bx) + c has an amplitude of 4, a period of and passes through the point
Jr N
KK , 2OO . Find the value of each of the constants a, b and c. [4]
L12 P

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sec i
(b) (i) Show that = sin i . [3]
cot i + tan i

sec 3i 3 r r
(ii) Hence solve =- for - G i G , giving your answers in terms of r.
cot 3i + tan 3i 2 2 2

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