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PD 6662:2010

BSI Standards Pu b lication

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Sch e m e fo r th e a p p licatio n o f
Eu ro p ea n sta n d ard s fo r in tru sio n
a n d h o ld -u p a larm sy ste m s

This pu blicatio n is no t to be re gard e d as a British Stand ard .


raising standards worldw ide ™


Pu blish in g a n d co p y rig h t in f o rm a tio n

The BSI co pyright no tice d isplaye d in this d o cu me nt ind icates w he n the
d o cu me nt w as last issu e d .

© BSI 2010

ISBN 978 0 580 62025 6

ICS 13.310

The fo llo w ing BSI re fe re nces re late to the w o rk o n this stand ard :
Co mmitte e re fe re nce GW/1
Draft fo r co mme nt 09/30203716 DC

Pu blica tio n h isto ry

First pu blishe d March 2000
Licensed copy:Skanska Construction Group, 22/09/2015, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

Seco nd e d itio n, A u gu st 2004

Third (prese nt) e d itio n May 2010

A m e n d m e n ts issu e d sin ce p u blica tio n

D a te Te x t a f f ecte d

Co n te n ts
Fo re w o rd ii
1 Sco pe 1
2 A bbre viatio ns 1
3 Sche me co nte nt 1
4 Claims o f co mpliance 4
5 Id e ntity card s 5
6 Risk assessme nt 5
A n n exes
A nne x A (no rmative ) UK speci fic reco mme nd atio ns 6
A nne x B (info rmative ) UK speci fic gu id ance 6
A nne x C (info rmative ) A d d itio nal gu id ance 8
Biblio graphy 10
Licensed copy:Skanska Construction Group, 22/09/2015, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

List o f ta ble s
Table B.1 – Du ratio n o f alte rnative po w e r su pply 7

S u m m a ry o f p a g e s
This d o cu me nt co mprises a fro nt co ve r, an insid e fro nt co ve r,
pages i to ii , pages 1 to 10, an insid e back co ve r and a back co ve r.

© BSI 2010 • i

F o re w o rd
Pu blish in g in f o rm a tio n
This Pu blishe d Do cu me nt is pu blishe d by BSI and came into e ffect
o n 31 May 2010. It w as pre pare d by Su bco mmitte e GW/1/2, Installed
alarm systems, u nd e r the au tho rity o f Technical Co mmitte e GW/1,
Electronic security systems. A list o f o rganizatio ns re prese nte d o n this
co mmitte e can be o btaine d o n re qu est to its secre tary.

S u p e rse ssio n
The pro visio ns o f this stand ard beco me e ffective imme d iate ly and can
be u se d as so o n as su itable pro d u cts are available to co mply w ith its
reco mme nd atio ns. Ho w e ve r, the technical co mmitte e reco gnizes that
su pplie rs o f pro d u cts and se rvice s w ithin the sco pe o f this stand ard
Licensed copy:Skanska Construction Group, 22/09/2015, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

w ill re qu ire time to co mply. Fo r this re aso n, PD6662:2004+A2:2006 w ill

be w ithd raw n o n 31 May 2012.

R e la tio n sh ip w ith o th e r p u blica tio n s

A se ries o f Eu ro pe an Stand ard s fo r intru sio n and ho ld -u p alarm
syste ms (I&HAS) is be ing pro d u ce d w hich w ill e ve ntu ally re place a
nu mbe r o f British Stand ard s fo r intru sio n and ho ld -u p alarm syste ms.
So me Eu ro pe an stand ard s in the se ries have be e n pu blishe d , o the rs
are in d raft fo rmat , and w o rk has no t starte d o n the re maind e r.
This Pu blishe d Do cu me nt has be e n d e ve lo pe d to e nable u sers,
speci fiers and insu rance co mpanies to specify, and secu rity co mpanies
to install , I&HAS’ to tho se parts o f the Eu ro pe an stand ard s w hich are
alre ad y pu blishe d and to tho se Eu ro pe an stand ard s w hich e xist in a
matu re d raft fo rm.
The pu blicatio n o f this d o cu ment is intend ed to enable the pu blished
Eu ro pean stand ard s and d raft stand ard s to be intro d u ced in a co ntro lled
and co nsistent w ay acro ss the ind u stry, inclu d ing BS EN 50131-1, A larm
systems – Intrusion systems – Part 1: System requirements
A tte ntio n is d raw n to BS 7671, The IEE W iring Regulations.

In f o rm a tio n a bo u t th is d o cu m e n t
This is a fu ll re visio n o f this pu blicatio n, and intro d u ces changes d u e
to the u pd ate o f Eu ro pe an stand ard s and the availability o f BS 8243
and DD 263.

Pre se n ta tio n a l co n ve n tio n s

The pro visio ns in this Pu blishe d Do cu me nt are prese nte d in ro man
(i .e . u pright) type . Its reco mme nd atio ns are e xpresse d in se nte nces in
w hich the principal au xiliary ve rb is “ sho u ld ” .
Commentary, explanation and general informative material is presented
in smaller italic type, and does not constitute a normative element.

Co n tractu a l a n d le g a l co n sid e ra tio n s

This pu blicatio n d o es no t pu rpo rt to inclu d e all the necessary pro visio ns
o f a co ntract . U sers are respo nsible fo r its co rrect applicatio n.
Co m p lia n ce w ith a Pu blish e d D o cu m e n t ca n n o t co n f e r im m u n ity f ro m
le g a l o blig a tio n s .

ii • © BSI 2010

1 S co p e
This Pu blishe d Do cu me nt d escribes a sche me w hich e nables I&HASs
to be installe d and maintaine d in acco rd ance w ith pu blishe d British
and Eu ro pe an stand ard s, Technical Speci ficatio ns and Drafts fo r
De ve lo pme nt .
The scheme d escribe d in this PD applies to IASs, HASs and I&HASs, w ith
w ire d interco nnectio ns and /o r w ire -free interco nnectio ns. Ho w ever, the
scheme d o es no t apply to exterio r IASs w hich are installe d in acco rd ance
w ith BS 4737-4.3, no r d o es it apply to po rtable ho ld -u p d evices w hich
re po rt d irectly to a mo nito ring ce ntre .
This Pu blishe d Do cu me nt is inte nd e d to be applie d in co nju nctio n
w ith the stand ard s and d o cu me nts liste d in Clau se 3.
Licensed copy:Skanska Construction Group, 22/09/2015, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

2 A bbre via tio n s

Fo r the pu rpo ses o f this Pu blishe d Do cu me nt , the abbre viatio ns give n
in BS EN 50131 and the fo llo w ing apply.
ARC A larm Rece iving Ce ntre
ATS A larm Transmissio n Syste m
BS British Stand ard
BS EN British Stand ard Eu ro pe an No rm
NOTE 1 This is a UK implementation of an EN. It is identical
to the EN except for the national foreword.
CIE Co ntro l and Ind icating Equ ipme nt
DD Draft fo r De ve lo pme nt
DD CLC/TS Draft fo r De ve lo pme nt Technical Speci ficatio n
NOTE 2 DD CLC/TSs are produced by CENELEC.
EN Eu ro pe an No rm
NOTE 3 A published European standard.
HAS Ho ld -u p A larm Syste m
I&HAS Intru sio n and Ho ld -u p A larm Syste m
IAS Intru d e r A larm Syste m
PD Pu blishe d Do cu me nt
NOTE 4 A document published by BSI which is not a
British Standard.
SPT Su pe rvise d Pre mises Transce ive r
TS Eu ro pe an Technical Speci ficatio n

3 S ch e m e co n te n t
NOTE Where there is contradiction between the requirements of
BS EN 50131-1:2006+A 1 and other referenced parts of the BS EN 50131
series, the requirements of BS EN 50131-1:2006+A 1 take precedence.

© BSI 2010 • 1

3.1 S y ste m sta n d a rd s

The fo llo w ing syste m stand ard s and d o cu me nts sho u ld be applie d
in the d esign, speci ficatio n, planning, installatio n, co mmissio ning,
o pe ratio n and mainte nance o f the I&HAS.
BS 8243:2010, Installation and configuration of intruder alarm systems
designed to generate confirmed alarm conditions – Code of practice
BS 8473:2006+A1:2008, Intruder and hold-up alarm systems –
Management of false alarms – Code of practice
BS EN 50131-1:2006+A1:2009, A larm systems – Intrusion and hold-up
systems – Part 1: System requirements
BS EN 50131-8:2009, A larm systems – Intrusion and hold-up systems –
Part 8: Security fog device/systems
BS EN 50136-1-1:1998+A2:2008, A larm systems – A larm transmission
Licensed copy:Skanska Construction Group, 22/09/2015, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

systems and equipment – Part 1-1: G eneral requirements for alarm

transmission systems
BS EN 50136-1-2:1998, A larm systems – A larm transmission systems
and equipment – Part 1-2: Requirements for systems using dedicated
alarm paths
BS EN 50136-1-3:1998, A larm systems – A larm transmission systems
and equipment – Part 1-3: Requirements for systems with digital
communicators using the public switched telephone network
BS EN 50136-1-4:1998, A larm systems – A larm transmission systems
and equipment – Part 1-4: Requirements for systems with voice
communicators using the public switched telephone network
BS EN 50136-1-5:2008, A larm systems – A larm transmission systems and
equipment – Part 1.5: Requirements for Packet Switched Network PSN
DD 263, Intruder and hold-up alarm systems – Commissioning,
maintenance and remote support – Code of practice
DD CLC/TS 50131-7:20081), A larm systems – Intrusion systems – Part 7:
A pplication guidelines
PD 6662 (A nne x A), Scheme for the application of European standards
for intrusion and hold-up alarm systems
NOTE See also A nnex B for UK specific guidance and A nnex C for
additional guidance.

3.2 Co m p o n e n t sta n d a rd s
The fo llo w ing co mpo ne nt stand ard s and d o cu me nts sho u ld be
applie d in the speci ficatio n o f the I&HAS.
BS 4737-3.0:1998, Intruder alarm systems in buildings – Part 3:
Specifications for components – Section 3.0: G eneral requirements
BS 4737-3.1:1977, Intruder alarm systems in buildings – Part 3:
Specifications for components – Section 3.1: Continuous wiring
BS 4737-3.2:1977, Intruder alarm systems in buildings – Part 3:
Specifications for components – Section 3.2: Foil on glass

1) A re visio n o f DD CLC/TS 50131-7 is in pre paratio n.

2 • © BSI 2010

BS 4737-3.3: 1977, Intruder alarm systems in buildings – Part 3:

Specifications for components – Section 3.3: Protective switches2)
BS 4737-3.5:1978, Intruder alarm systems in buildings – Part 3:
Specifications for components – Section 3.5: U ltrasonic movement
BS 4737-3.6:1978, Intruder alarm systems in buildings – Part 3:
Specifications for components – Section 3.6: A coustic detectors
BS 4737-3.8:1978, Intruder alarm systems in buildings – Part 3:
Specification for components – Section 3.8: Volumetric capacitive
BS 4737-3.9:1978, Intruder alarm systems in buildings – Part 3:
Specifications for components – Section 3.9: Pressure mats
BS 4737-3.10:1978, Intruder alarm systems in buildings – Part 3:
Licensed copy:Skanska Construction Group, 22/09/2015, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

Specifications for components – Section 3.10: V ibration detectors

BS 4737-3.12:1978, Intruder alarm systems in buildings – Part 3:
Specifications for components – Section 3.12: Beam interruption
BS 4737-3.13:1978, Intruder alarm systems in buildings – Part 3:
Specifications for components – Section 3.13: Capacitive proximity
BS 4737-3.14:1986, Intruder alarm systems in buildings – Part 3:
Specifications for components – Section 3.14: Specification for
deliberately-operated devices
BS EN 50131-2-2:2008, A larm systems – Intrusion and hold-up systems –
Part 2-2: Intrusion detectors – Passive infrared detectors
BS EN 50131-2-3:2008, A larm systems – Intrusion and hold-up systems –
Part 2-3: Requirements for microwave detectors
BS EN 50131-2-4:2008, A larm systems – Intrusion and hold-up system –
Part 2-4: Requirements for combined passive infrared and microwave
BS EN 50131-2-5:2008, A larm systems – Intrusion and hold-up systems –
Part 2-5: Requirements for combined passive infrared and ultrasonic
BS EN 50131-2-6:2008, A larm systems – Intrusion and hold-up systems –
Part 2-6: O pening contacts (magnetic)
BS EN 50131-3:2009, A larm systems – Intrusion systems – Part 3:
Control and indicating equipment
BS EN 50131-4, A larm systems – Intrusion and hold-up systems – Part 4:
Warning devices
BS EN 50131-5-3:2005+A1:2008, A larm systems – Intrusion systems –
Part 5-3: Requirements for interconnections equipment using radio
frequency techniques
BS EN 50131-6:2008, A larm systems – Intrusion systems – Part 6:
Power supplies3)

Mechanical sw itches o nly.
3) A t the time o f printing BS EN 50131-6:2008 is su bject to ame nd me nt to
harmo nize the co nte nt w ith BS EN 50131-3:2009.

© BSI 2010 • 3

BS EN 50131-8:2009, A larm systems – Intrusion and hold-up systems –

Part 8: Security fog device/systems
BS EN 50136-2-1:1998, A larm systems – A larm transmission systems and
equipment – Part 2.1: G eneral requirements for alarm transmission
BS EN 50136-2-2:1998, A larm systems – A larm transmission systems
and equipment – Part 2-2: Requirements for equipment used in
systems using dedicated alarm paths
BS EN 50136-2-3:1998, A larm systems – A larm transmission systems
and equipment – Part 2-3: Requirements for equipment used in
systems with digital communicators using the public switched
telephone network
BS EN 50136-2-4:1998, A larm systems – A larm transmission systems
and equipment – Part 2-4: Requirements for equipment used
Licensed copy:Skanska Construction Group, 22/09/2015, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

in systems with voice communicators using the public switched

telephone network
DD CLC/TS 50131-2-7-1: 2009, A larm systems – Intrusion and hold-up
systems – Part 2-7-1: Intrusion detectors – G lass break detectors
DD CLC/TS 50131-2-7-2:2009, A larm systems – Intrusion and hold-up
systems – Part 2-7-2: Intrusion detectors – G lass break detectors
DD CLC/TS 50131-2-7-3:2009, A larm systems – Intrusion and hold-up
systems – Part 2-7-3: Intrusion detectors – G lass break detectors

4 C la im s o f co m p lia n ce

4.1 S y ste m s
A ny claim that the sche me d escribe d in PD 6662 has be e n fo llo w e d ,
sho u ld state that the I&HAS co nfo rms to PD 6662 at the secu rity grad e
and no ti ficatio n o ptio n applicable to the syste m.
The alarm co mpany sho u ld be able to pro vid e e vid e nce that all
co mpo ne nts u se d are su itable fo r the secu rity grad e o f the installe d
syste m and fo r the e nviro nme nt in w hich the y are installe d .

4.2 Co m p o n e n ts
If a BS EN o r DD CLC/TS referenced in 3.2 is applicable to the co mpo nent ,
the co mpo nent sho u ld co nfo rm to that stand ard and be marked in
acco rd ance w ith BS EN 50131-1.
If a BS re fere nce d in 3.2 is applicable to the co mpo ne nt , it sho u ld
co nfo rm to that stand ard and be acco mpanie d by a state me nt fro m the
manu factu rer that the pro d u ct “ is su itable fo r u se in syste ms installe d
to co nfo rm to PD 6662:2010 at Grad e X and e nviro nme ntal class Y.”
If no stand ard w ithin the sche me co nte nt is applicable , the co mpo ne nt
sho u ld co nfo rm to the ge ne ric re qu ire me nts o f BS EN 50131-1 and be
acco mpanie d by a state me nt fro m the manu factu re r that the pro d u ct
“ is su itable fo r u se in syste ms installe d to co nfo rm to PD 6662:2010 at
Grad e X and e nviro nme ntal class Y.”

4 • © BSI 2010

5 Id e n tity ca rd s
Emplo ye es scre e ne d in acco rd ance w ith BS 7858, sho u ld be issu e d w ith
an id e ntity card w hich inclu d e s the fo llo w ing info rmatio n:
a) the name , ad d ress and te le pho ne nu mbe r o f the o rganizatio n;
b) the name o f the e mplo ye e and e mplo ye e ’s signatu re ;
c) the e xpiry d ate o f the id e ntity card (no t mo re than thre e ye ars
fro m the d ate o f issu e ); and
d) a cu rre nt pho to graph o f the e mplo ye e .
Emplo ye es sho u ld be instru cte d to carry the ir id e ntity card s w hile
o n d u ty.
Id e ntity card s sho u ld be fo rmally w ithd raw n fro m e mplo ye es re ne w ing
the ir card s o r le aving the o rganizatio n, and d estro ye d in a secu re
Licensed copy:Skanska Construction Group, 22/09/2015, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

manner, w hich sho u ld preclu d e any fu rther u se o f the w ithd raw n card .
A reco rd o f id e ntity card s issu e d sho u ld be maintaine d . This reco rd
sho u ld also ind icate the statu s and lo catio n o f w ithd raw n card s, e .g.
w he the r the y have be e n d estro ye d o r lo st , o r w he re the y are he ld by
the e mplo ye e /o rganizatio n.

6 R isk asse ssm e n t

The co nte xt in w hich the te rm “ risk assessme nt ” is inclu d e d w ithin
DD CLC/TS 50131-7 re late s so le ly to the d e te rminatio n o f the grad e
and the d esign o f the I&HAS. A su itable fo rm o f w o rd ing fo r inclu sio n
in d o cu me ntatio n re lating to the lo catio n (risk) su rve y fo r an I&HAS, is
as fo llo w s:
“ This assessme nt re late s so le ly to the grad ing and d esign o f the
I&HAS acco rd ing to DD CLC/TS 50131-7. The grad ing and d esign are
base d o n a su rve y o f the pre mises and info rmatio n available at the
time , inclu d ing any valu atio n(s) o r o the r info rmatio n pro vid e d by the
cu sto me r o r the cu sto me r’s re prese ntative (e .g. the insu re r).”

© BSI 2010 • 5

A n n e x A (n o rm a tive ) UK sp eci fi c reco m m e n d a tio n s

A .1 H o ld -u p d e vice s
Fo r I&HASs installed u nd er this scheme and w hich inclu d e ho ld -u p
d evice , these d evices sho u ld co nfo rm to BS 4737-3.14:1986, 3.2b) o r 3.2c).

A .2 Po lice re sp o n se
Syste ms that are installe d as Grad e 1 o r Grad e 2, O ptio n X (se e B.3),
sho u ld no t be u se d to initiate a po lice respo nse .

A .3 BS EN 50131-1:2006+A 1:2009, 8.3.1, Le ve l 2

a u th o riza tio n f o r le ve l 3 acce ss
Licensed copy:Skanska Construction Group, 22/09/2015, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

NOTE BS EN 50131-1 does not specify howlong level 2 authorization may

remain active or that it is required individually each time that level 3 access
is required. There is thus no time limit, and level 2 authorization may
remain in force until manually removed (see BS EN 50131-3:2009, 8.3.1).
If le ve l 2 au tho rizatio n re mains available u ntil manu ally rese t , w ritte n
agre e me nt is ne e d e d to co nfirm that the cu sto me r has agre e d to this,
in ad d itio n to the e lectro nic au tho rizatio n.

A .4 BS EN 50131-1:2006+A 1:2009, 8.8, In te rco n n ectio n s

A ll co nd itio ns that allo w an o ptio n o f “ fau lt ” o r “ tampe r” sho u ld
be pro cesse d as “ tampe r” co nd itio ns (se e BS EN 50131-1:2006+A .1,
Table 20).

A n n e x B (in f o rm a tive ) UK sp eci fi c g u id a n ce

B.1 Po rta ble h o ld -u p d e vice s

Fo r the pu rpo ses o f the PD 6662 sche me , inclu sio n in Grad es 3 and 4 o f
po rtable ho ld -u p d e vices and asso ciate d rece iving e qu ipme nt me e ting
Grad e 2 re qu ire me nts o f BS EN 50131-5-3 d o es no t re d u ce the o ve rall
grad e o f the I&HAS.

B.2 G ra d e 1, O p tio n T I& H A S

Fo r the pu rpo se o f this UK sche me , it is pe rmitte d to install a Grad e 1
I&HAS that inclu d e s an ATS w ith a re po rting time classi ficatio n o f T1,
pro vid e d the re is alw ays su pple me ntary me ans o f raising a lo cal
au d ible alarm.
It is esse ntial that the syste m co mplie s in all o the r respects to all o the r
Grad e 1 re qu ire me nts o f BS EN 50131-1. This syste m is d esignate d as
Grad e 1, O ptio n T.
Fo r Grad e 1, O ptio n T syste ms, the su pple me ntary w arning d e vice is
lo cate d w ithin the su pe rvise d pre mises insid e an e nclo su re that has
tampe r d e tectio n o f o pe ning by no rmal me ans. The minimu m so u nd
o u tpu t le ve l is 70 d BA @ 1 me tre .

6 • © BSI 2010

B.3 G ra d e 2, O p tio n X I& H A S

Fo r the pu rpo se o f this UK sche me it is pe rmitte d to install a Grad e 2
I&HAS that d o es no t inclu d e an ATS.
No ti ficatio n is pro vid e d by at le ast o ne se lf-po w e re d au d ible w arning
d e vice and the I&HAS co nfo rms in all o the r respects to Grad e 2
re qu ire me nts o f BS EN 50131-1. Fo r the avo id ance o f co nfu sio n, this
arrange me nt is re fe rre d to as a Grad e 2, O ptio n X I&HAS.

B.4 Po w e r su p p ly sta n d by ca p acity

Fo r the pu rpo se o f this UK sche me , BS EN 50131-1:2006+A1:2009,
Table 23 is re place d by Table B.1.

Table B.1 D u ra tio n o f a lte r n a tive p o w e r su p p ly

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Ty p e s o f G ra d e 1 G ra d e 2 G ra d e 3 G ra d e 4
p o w e r su p p ly
h h h h
Type A 12 12 24 24
Type B 24 24 120 120

B.5 A RC a d d re ss
Fo r the pu rpo se o f this UK sche me and to impro ve the safe ty o f ARCs,
the d o cu me ntatio n to be pro vid e d to the clie nt as reco mme nd e d
DD CLC/TS 50131-7:2008, 11.1 d o es no t inclu d e the ad d ress o f the ARC.

B.6 BS EN 50131-1:2006+A 1:2009, 8.3.5, Pre ve n tio n

o f se ttin g
DD CLC/TS50131-7:2008, inclu d e s the re qu ire me nt “ Whe n a
d e tecto r that is no t o n the e xit ro u te is activate d d u ring the se tting
pro ce d u re an ind icatio n sho u ld be pro vid e d and co mple tio n o f the
se tting pro ce d u re pre ve nte d .”
This re qu ire me nt is ad d itio nal to that inclu d e d in BS EN 50131-1, and
is the re fo re no t inclu d e d in the PD 6662 sche me .

B.7 BS EN 50131-1:2006+A 1:2009, 8.3.7, S e t sta te

The o ptio n in BS EN 50131-1:2006+A1, 8.3.7c) Grad es 1 and 2,
re qu ires an ind icatio n o f the se t/u nse t statu s, w hich is se parate fro m
the time -limite d ind icatio n o f co mple tio n o f se tting re qu ire d by
BS EN 50131-1:2006+A .1, 8.3.7. The ind icatio n o f se t/u nse t statu s
is inte nd e d to id e ntify that the I&HAS is in a se t co nd itio n prio r to
e ntry, and is thu s e xpecte d to be available at the po int o f e ntry to the
su pe rvise d are a.
U se o f BS EN 50131-1:2006+A .1, 8.3.7c) at Grad e 2 is no t co mpatible
w ith the reco mme nd atio ns o f BS 8243:2010, 6.4 and is no t pe rmitte d
in syste ms re qu ire d to co mply w ith BS 8243.

© BSI 2010 • 7

B.8 BS EN 50131-1:2006+A 1:2009,, En try p ro ce d u re

DD CLC/TS 50131-7:2008, inclu d e s the re qu ire me nt “ Whe n
a d e tecto r that is no t o n the e ntry ro u te is activate d d u ring the
u nse tting pro ce d u re an alarm co nd itio n sho u ld be no ti fie d .”
This re qu ire me nt co nflicts w ith that inclu d e d in BS EN 50131-1, and is
the re fo re no t inclu d e d in the PD 6662 sche me .

B.9 DD CLC/TS 50131-7:2008, A n n e x B.6, S y ste m d e sig n 4)

Fo r the pu rpo se o f this UK sche me it is pe rmitte d to d isre gard the final
ite m o f the list give n in DD CLC/TS 50131-7:2008, B.6 “ psycho lo gical
pro ble ms o f pe rso ns afte r ro bbe ry” .
Licensed copy:Skanska Construction Group, 22/09/2015, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

A n n e x C (in f o rm a tive ) A d d itio n a l g u id a n ce

C.1 In d ica tio n f o r in tru sio n d e tecto rs

Fo r the pu rpo ses o f this UK sche me , d e tecto rs w hich inclu d e pro cessing
capability are d e e me d to inclu d e , bu t are no t necessarily restricte d
to , the fo llo w ing d e vices: micro w ave Do ppler d e tecto rs; u ltraso nic
Do ppler d e tecto rs; stand ing w ave u ltraso nic d e tecto rs; aco u stic
d e tecto rs; passive infra-re d d e tecto rs; pressu re d iffere ntial d e tecto rs;
capacity vo lu me d e tecto rs; vibratio n d e tecto rs; be am interru ptio n
d e tecto rs; capacity pro ximity d e tecto rs; bre aking glass d e tecto rs and
se ismic d e tecto rs.

C.2 BS EN 50131-1:2006+A 1:2009, 8.3.9, R e sto re

re q u ire m e n ts
BS EN 50131-1:2006+A .1, Table 6 d o es no t specify the resto re
re qu ire me nt fo llo w ing a se qu e ntially co nfirme d alarm.
NOTE The recommendations of BS 8473 apply.

C.3 BS EN 50131-1:2006+A 1:2009, 8.5, In d ica tio n s

BS EN 50131-1:2006+A1, Table 7 d o es no t specify w he n ind icatio ns
sho u ld be available . This is speci fie d in BS EN 50131-1:2006+A1, 8.5.2
(Table 8 and Table 9).

C.4 BS EN 50131-1:2006, 8.5.2, A va ila bility o f in d ica tio n s

Ind icatio ns available to u sers w ho have accesse d an I&HAS at access
leve l 2, 3 o r 4 can be cleare d (e .g. manu ally o r by au to matic timer) so
that they canno t be see n by leve l 1 u sers. In these circu mstances an alert
ind icatio n is give n to sho w that these ind icatio ns are still available .

4) A re visio n o f DD CLC/TS 50131-7 is in pre paratio n w hich pro po ses re mo val

o f the final ite m o f DD CLC/TS 50131-7:2008, B.6.

8 • © BSI 2010

C.5 BS EN 50131-1:2006+A 1:2009, 8.6, No ti fi ca tio n

BS EN 50131-1 allo w s the re qu ire d me ans o f no ti ficatio n to be
su pple me nte d by no n-mand ato ry me ans o f no ti ficatio n in all
grad es o f I&HAS pro vid e d the o pe ratio n o f mand ato ry d e vices is
no t affecte d . A ll messages that are re qu ire d to be re mo te ly no ti fie d
w ill be transmitte d via o ne o r mo re co mpliant ATS(s). Su ch ATSs
are pe rmitte d to transmit ad d itio nal info rmatio n pro vid e d this
d o es no t affect the transmissio n o f the re qu ire d messages (se e also
BS EN 50136-1-1:2006+A .1, 6.2).
Where tw o ATS are speci fie d by BS EN 50131-1+A .1, Table 10, this co u ld
be tw o se parate ATSs w ith ind ivid u al SPTs o r a “ d u al -path ” single SPT
syste m w hich me e ts the re qu ire me nts o f the table fo o tno tes.

BS EN 50131-1:2006+A 1:2009, 8.7.2, Ta m p e r d e tectio n

Licensed copy:Skanska Construction Group, 22/09/2015, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

The re qu ire me nts fo r magne tic co ntacts [se e BS EN 50131-1:2006+A1,
Table 12 fo o tno te b)] are inclu d e d in BS EN 50131-2-6.

C.7 DD CLC/TS 50131-7:2008, S p eci fi c w ire d

in te rco n n ectio n s
Filte ring o f the mains inpu t to the IAS o r so me o the r co rrective
actio n in acco rd ance w ith DD CLC/TS 50131-7, is necessary o nly if the
prese nce o f e lectrical inte rfe re nce has cau se d , o r is e xpecte d to cau se ,
u nw ante d alarms.

© BSI 2010 • 9

B iblio g ra p h y
S ta n d a rd s p u blica tio n s
Fo r d ate d re fe re nces, o nly the e d itio n cite d applies. Fo r u nd ate d
re fe re nces, the late st e d itio n o f the re fe re nce d d o cu me nt (inclu d ing
any ame nd me nts) applies.
BS 4737-4.3, Intruder alarm systems – Part 4: Codes of practice –
Section 4.3 Code of practice for exterior alarm systems
BS 7671, Requirements for electrical installations – IEE W iring
Regulations. Seventeenth edition
BS 7858, Security screening of individuals employed in a security
environment – Code of practice
Licensed copy:Skanska Construction Group, 22/09/2015, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

10 • © BSI 2010
Licensed copy:Skanska Construction Group, 22/09/2015, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

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Licensed copy:Skanska Construction Group, 22/09/2015, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

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