Chapter 1 Intro

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Generally, customer expectations are a set of ideas about a product, service or a brand that a
customer holds in their mind. Customer expectations are what customers predict will happen
if they use a product or service. Before they decide to make a purchase, customers gather and
interpret information about the product, which influences how they view the product and its
quality. Customer expectations may also include their desired outcomes from using a product.
Customer expectations management can be very challenging indeed. Your clients and
customers will all have their own expectations of your business or organisation and these can
be enormously varied. Today's customers are more knowledgeable and more critical than
ever before. To meet their expectations businesses and organisations need to understand their
changing needs and demands and they need to have effective strategies in place that will
ensure high levels of customer satisfaction into the future. Ideally, businesses should be
anticipating and exceeding customer expectations before they are even expressed. Customer
expectation encompasses everything that a customer expects from a product, service or
organisation. Customer expectations are created in the minds of customers based upon their
individual experiences and what they have learned, combined with their pre-existing
experience and knowledge.Customers will have both explicit and implicit expectations
regarding the product or service which they have purchased. They will have performance
expectations which include a dynamic element due to anticipated changes to the product or
service over time. Importantly, they will also have interpersonal and service-level
expectations which relate directly to the customer relationship and interaction with a business
or organisation. Customer expectations refers to the expected perceived value, behaviour,
service or benefits that the customers seek when purchasing a good or availing a service.
They are the result of the 'learning' process and can be formed very quickly because even first
impressions matter a lot. Once established, these expectations can hold significant influence
in decision-making processes and can be very hard to change. Customer expectations are
similar to customer requirements but they exceed them. Requirements might be at a basic
level. Most successful companies seek to meet or rather exceed their customers' expectations
in every aspect right from product quality to service. Managing and fulfilling customer
expectations are of paramount importance for the success of any brand/company. Customers
often want more, better and faster. Expectations from high- performing products are always
rising Hence managing customer expectations is critical. Without understanding the market
trends and customer behaviour, we cannot understand the
customer expectations as they may be very different from expected customer requirements.
Customer satisfaction can be the difference between your business failing or thriving. If you
want your business to succeed, especially in these uncertain times, you have to maintain high
satisfaction levels throughout the customer journey. This guide gives you everything you
need to start putting your customers first. Exceeding your customers' expectations can inspire
them to make future purchases from your brand. Influence product sales: Customers who
have high expectations about your products or services may choose to shop with your brand,
helping you increase profits and meet sales goals.


The importance of customer satisfaction and support is increasingly becoming a vital

business ie as organization realize the benefits of customer relationship management [CRM]
for providing effective customer service. Professionals working within customer focused
business or those running call centres or help decks, need to keep informed about the latest
customer satisfaction techniques for running a valuable customer service function. From
small customer service departments to large call centres, the importance of developing a
valued relationship with customers using CRM is essential to support customer and long-term
business growth.



Chances are you have heard the mantra, "You don't know what you don't know." When it
comes to your small business, there are probably things you are unaware of or take for
granted. Surveys are a great way to step back. get honest opinions from your customers and
learn what you don't know. But remember, quality is more important than quantity: if you
want data you can use, its importance to ask the right questions.

Repeat Customers:

Satisfied customers are likely to purchase from you again. One easy way of knowing this is
through customer satisfaction surveys. Ask them to rate their satisfaction levels on a scale of
1 to 10 and see who will be happy to purchase from you in the future. Customers that rated
you 7 or more are satisfied and are likely to engage with your business again. A score of 6 or
below is cause for concern; these customers are unhappy with you and are a
huge attrition risk.
Competition differentiator:

Customer satisfaction is the key to making or breaking brands. In this competitive world of a
huge number of brands, customer satisfaction has to be focal to your customer strategy. No
amount of marketing campaigns and promotions will help you if your customers are not
satisfied. Brands that have low levels of customer satisfaction are likely to perish in the
future. Brands that have advocates are far likely to do better than brands that do not. You will
have brand advocates when you have satisfied customers. So, as you see, it all
begins and ends with customer satisfaction.

Decrease negative word of mouth:

According to McKinsey's research, an unhappy customer will tell about their experience to
anywhere between 9-15 people. Considering the number of dissatisfied customers you may
have, that's a lot of negative press. This will directly impact your business revenue and brand
reputation. Repeat business rides on customer satisfaction, and unhappy customer are
detrimental to your business. There will always be customer churn, but you do not want to
lose customers based on bad word of mouth. Conducting regular CSAT surveys will help you
measure customer satisfaction and identify factors that may be hampering your CSAT scores.


If you are a satisfied with this quo and "business and usual", customer satisfaction surveys are
not for you. But if your entrepreneurial spirit still burns bright and you are dedicated to
evolving as a brand, they can help take your company culture to the next level. By reaching
out, engaging your customers, gathering data, and then using the data to better their shopping
experience, you will be sure to gain a following as committed to your business as you are.


Collecting customer satisfaction data can help your company determine what is working well
with your products, services and internal processes, and what you need to improve or change
completely. Customer needs can be defined as the problems that customers intend to solve
with the purchase of a good or services Get closer than ever to your customers. So close that
you tell them what they need well before they realize it themselves". Knowing the customer
and his needs is most important for a successful business. The more you know about your
customers, the more effective your sales and marketing efforts will be. Customer needs can
be assessed by analysing the factor such as who they are, what they buy, and why they buy it.
customer satisfaction studies I realized how important it is for companies to understand the
needs of the customer, the challenges faced in using the products or services. This in turn
helps them bring about a change in their offerings and also in formulating future strategies.
your product or service needs to be a convenient solution to the function your customers are
trying to meet. When your customers get in touch with customer service, they want empathy
and understanding from the people assisting them. Customer satisfaction should be the main
focus of an organization because customers drive business. Collecting customer satisfaction
data can help your company determine what is working well with your products, services and
internal processes, and what you need to improve or change completely. It gives you an
opportunity to make right changes at the right time to improve upon the customer journey and
meet their needs.

Many companies are aiming for high satisfaction because consumers who are just satisfied
still find it easy to switch when a better offer comes along. Those who are highly satisfied are
much less to switch. High satisfaction or delight creates an emotional bond with the brand,
not just, a rational preference. The result is high consumer's satisfaction. To understand the
prevailing preference of the customers. It is imperative to investigate and suggest ways and
means to improve the customer satisfaction.


The study was carried out to find factors whack influence customer satisfaction level to
maximum level. The study projects that customer satisfaction level change with change in
various factors like during sales evaluation, during delivery of the vehicle and after sales
evaluation. This research is an attempt to provide feedback to motorcycle manufacturer.
Yamaha motors India hd. So, they can bring about changes in various departments of their
organization which help them in becoming number I motorcycle brand in India. For instance.
during research factors such as technology, maintenance, looks, style, brand image, behaviour
of dealers, timely delivery of documents and bike and proper information about the products
were considered.

 To study the relationship of the customer.

 To discover new customer and increase Customer retention.
 Attracting existing and new customer.
 To provide better services to the customer.
 To understand the expectation and requirement of customers.
 Increase individual customer margin by offering the right product at the right time.
 To study the customers awareness about JFA.
 To know the ideas, opinions and preference of the customer towards JFA.
 To study the satisfaction level of the customer towards after sales service of JFA.
 To offer valuable suggestion for improve the service quality.


 One of the biggest limitations with this project work is time factor. Since we had got
only a short period of time for doing this project.
 Questionnaire method involves some uncertainty of response. Co-operation on the
part of informants, in some cases, was difficult to presume.
 Inadequate disclosure of information.
 The project has to be completed within a short period of time and not sufficient to all
the factors in deep.
 The accuracy of the data is doubtful.
 It has limited applicability.
 Findings are based on sample survey.

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