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Natalia Cruz CRUND22022

Dr. Marilyn Simon


March 13, 2023

A Psychological Exploration of Fear and Isolation

The Haunting of Hill House is a story written in 1959 by American author Shirley Jackson that
has been adapted into several films and television shows, including a recent Netflix series of the
same name. As you get deeper into the reading, an unpleasant and uncomfortable dryness is
created that gives you chills due to the unpleasant, touching, and dark moments that occur in the
reading. The novel is known for its intricate psychological horror, building suspense and tension
throughout the story, turning the story into an unpleasant but significant piece of literature.

The story follows four characters who came by an invitation to Hill House, an old mansion
known for its supernatural activity, to investigate its alleged paranormal activity as they stay in
the house, they begin to experience strange and frightening occurrences that force them to
confront their own inner demons. It is based on Dr. John Montague who, with the purpose of
proving science about the paranormal, decides to stay in the Hill House for a few months since it
is said to be haunted. To carry out this experiment, he decides to invite people to live the
experience of horror. Still, unfortunately, most of his invitations were denied or ignored with the
exception of two people Eleanor Vance and Theodora, in the company of these three people
there is also the nephew of the owner of the house, since the condition of renting the house, the
owner asked that one of her relatives should be present, so she sent her nephew who would
become the heir to Hill House when his aunt passed away.

Jackson describes Hill House as a giant, gloomy and vile house, and that gives you the feeling of
walking away from there once you get to look at it, Hill House is described as a "monstrous"
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mansion that has been abandoned for years. It was built by Hugh Crain, a wealthy businessman,
in the 19th century. The house has a reputation for being haunted and has attracted the attention
of paranormal investigators and ghost hunters for decades. The house is described in detail, and
the description is one of the key elements of the novel's success. Jackson uses the house's
architecture and design to create an atmosphere of dread and foreboding. The house is built in a
Gothic style, with large, ornate rooms and a maze-like layout. The walls are lined with grotesque
carvings and the furniture is old and decaying. The house is also described as being "alive." It
creaks and groans, and the walls seem to breathe. The characters feel as though the house is
watching them, and they begin to feel trapped within its walls. The house becomes a character,
and its presence is felt throughout the novel.

The novel gets us to know follows four characters; Eleanor Vance, the main character of the
novel, is a troubled, lonely, and unhappy woman isolated figure of someone who craves love and
attention. She has suffered throughout her life due to her family's neglect and the lack of close
relationships and has spent most of her adult life caring for her sick and invalid mother. When
Dr. Montague invited her to the house, she sees the invitation as an opportunity to escape her
mundane life and start anew and finally find a sense of purpose. The second person that accepted
the invitation was Theodora. Even if she is another main character, we don’t have so much
information about her past, she doesn’t have a last name meaning that she doesn’t want to be
reminded of her past. She becomes fast friends with Eleanor and provides a much-needed source
of companionship for her. Theodora is a free-spirited artist who feels out of place in the world
and is searching for a sense of belonging. Luke Sanderson is the heir to Hill House. He is a
charming and handsome man who is initially skeptical of the house's supernatural activity.
However, he soon becomes a believer when he experiences strange occurrences himself. Dr.
Montague is a paranormal investigator who has been studying Hill House for years. He is the one
who invites the other characters to the house in the hopes of documenting its haunted history.
However, the house has other plans for them.

One of the keys is that the novel explores how these characters deal with their feelings with the
concept of isolation and how the haunted house amplifies these feelings, they struggle with
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isolation, making Hill House a place where they can all come together and confront their fears.
The four characters deal with their own issues of isolation and detachment. In the case of
Eleanor, her isolation is further reinforced by the haunting and oppressive nature of Hill House.
She has been cut off from the world for so long that she craves any form of human connection,
which intensifies her sense of loneliness and despair.

As the investigation begins, supernatural occurrences start to happen, strange events such as
doors slamming shut on their own and unexplained noises make the characters feel too subtle to
be terrifying. The characters begin to feel as if the house is alive and is playing with them. Doors
open and close by themselves, cold spots appear out of nowhere, and the characters hear strange
noises in the middle of the night. However, the most frightening aspect of the hauntings is the
psychological toll they take on the characters.

As the story progresses, it becomes clear that Hill House is not just haunted by ghosts but is also
a manifestation of the character's own fears and anxieties. Eleanor is affected by the hauntings in
a profound way. She begins to feel as though the house is calling out to her, and she becomes
increasingly isolated from the other characters. She experiences vivid hallucinations and
becomes convinced that the house is alive and trying to possess her.

Theodora is also affected by the hauntings but in a different way. She becomes increasingly
agitated and paranoid, and her relationship with Eleanor becomes strained. Luke is skeptical of
the hauntings at first, but he soon becomes a believer when he experiences a terrifying encounter
with a ghostly apparition. Dr. Montague tries to maintain a scientific perspective on the
hauntings, but even he begins to question his beliefs as the supernatural activity intensifies. The
novel's ending is ambiguous, leaving readers to draw their own conclusions about what happened
at Hill House. This ambiguity is a hallmark of Jackson's writing style and adds to the overall
sense of unease and tension that permeates the story.
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Shirley Jackson uses various symbols to add depth and meaning to the story. One of the most
significant symbols in the novel is the house itself. Hill House is described as having a
"cavernous" quality, with "cold spots" and "whispering corridors." This description reinforces
the idea that the house is alive and has a mind of its own. The house is also symbolic of the
character's internal struggles, with the rooms representing different aspects of their personalities.
Another significant symbol in the novel is the spiral staircase. The staircase is described as
"frightening" and "corkscrewing," which creates a sense of disorientation and instability. The
staircase symbolizes the characters' descent into madness and their inability to escape the
haunted house. Theodora's gloves are also a significant symbol in the novel. The gloves are
described as "daring and exotic," which represents Theodora's bold and unconventional
personality. However, the gloves also serve as a symbol of concealment, as Theodora uses them
to hide her emotions and innermost thoughts.

In conclusion, the Haunting of Hill House has become a classic of the horror literature genre,
inspiring numerous adaptations in film and television. Its exploration of psychological horror and
themes of isolation and loneliness have resonated with audiences for decades. Shirley Jackson's
masterful storytelling and intricate character development make this novel a must-read for
anyone interested in the horror genre.

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