Sequential Digital Systems: Memory Devices: Pinit Kumhom

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Sequential Digital Systems: Memory Devices

Pinit Kumhom

vLSI Design for embedded Systems with intelligence (vDeSi) Lab

Department of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering
Faculty of Engineering

King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi

September 16, 2016

Pinit Kumhom (vDeSi Lab, KMUTT) Memory Devices September 16, 2016 1 / 26
1 What are expected to be learnt?
2 Bistable Element
3 SR Type Memory Devices
Basic SR Latch
SR Latches with Enable (Gated SR Latch)
Mater-Slave SR Flip-Flops
4 D Type Memory Devices
D Latches
D Flip-Flops
5 JK Type Memory Devices
Master-Slave JK Flip-Flops
Edge-Triggered JK Flip-Flops
6 Toggle (T) Flip-Flops

Pinit Kumhom (vDeSi Lab, KMUTT) Memory Devices September 16, 2016 2 / 26
What are expected to be learnt after this learning session?
Be able to answer the following questions or describe the following terms from own

What is the basic element for all memory devices? How to

implement it using logic gates?
What are the basic control functions of a memory devices?
Be able to catagorize memory devices based on excitations.
Be able to read a function table or symbol of a memory device.
Be able to generate a function table and/or symbol of a memory
device given its name.
Be able to recognize logic circuits of basic memory elements.
Be able to derive the characteristic equation and excitation table of
a given memory device.

Pinit Kumhom (vDeSi Lab, KMUTT) Memory Devices September 16, 2016 3 / 26
To be able to remember a digital value (’0’ or ’1’), we need a bistable element.
In digital system, a bistable element can be achieved by the cross configuration of 2

Actually there are 3

stable states.
The metastable state
is the unwanted stable
If the device stays
there, it then may
change to either 0 or 1,
unpredictably or

Pinit Kumhom (vDeSi Lab, KMUTT) Memory Devices September 16, 2016 4 / 26
1 What are expected to be learnt?
2 Bistable Element
3 SR Type Memory Devices
Basic SR Latch
SR Latches with Enable (Gated SR Latch)
Mater-Slave SR Flip-Flops
4 D Type Memory Devices
D Latches
D Flip-Flops
5 JK Type Memory Devices
Master-Slave JK Flip-Flops
Edge-Triggered JK Flip-Flops
6 Toggle (T) Flip-Flops

Pinit Kumhom (vDeSi Lab, KMUTT) Memory Devices September 16, 2016 5 / 26
Want bistable element that can be set (S) or Reset (R), but the inverter cross
configuration is cannot do that.
Cross configuration of NORs or NANDs is such bistable element. It is called a SR Latch

Function Table
S R Q Qn Action
0 0 Qold Q̄old Rember
0 1 0 1 Reset
1 0 1 0 Set
1 1 0 0 Not allowed
Characteristic Equation: Q′ = S + R̄Q

Function Table
Sn Rn Q Qn Action
0 0 1 1 Not allowed
0 1 1 0 Set
1 0 0 1 Reset
1 1 Qold Q̄old Remember

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The characteristic equation of a memory device decribes next output, Q′ , as a
logic function of its excitation inputs and current output,Q.
It can be derived from the truth table (the characteristic table) describing how it works

SR Latch Characteristic Table Q′ = S + R̄Q

S R Q Q′ Operation
0 0 0 0 Rember
• Q′ is the next output
0 0 1 1 Rember
• Q is the current output
0 1 0 0 Reset
0 1 1 0 Reset • S and R are the excitation
1 0 0 1 Set
1 0 1 1 Set
1 1 0 − Not allowed
1 1 1 − Not allowed

The term “−” is called “don’t care” term ⇒ its value can be either ’0’ or ’1’.
Don’t care terms at an output ⇒ it can be assigned as either ’0’ or ’1’
during the synthesis process (e.g. Kmap, QM) based on the design

Pinit Kumhom (vDeSi Lab, KMUTT) Memory Devices September 16, 2016 7 / 26
Cross configuration of NANDs gives the active-low SR latch

Function Table
Sn Rn Q Qn Action
0 0 1 1 Not allowed
0 1 1 0 Set
1 0 0 1 Reset
1 1 Qold Q̄old Remember

Characteristic Equation:
Q′ = S̄n + Rn Q

For both active-low and active high, we can say that “SR-latch Operation or
Characteristics” is as follows:
If S is active and R is not active, Q is Set to ’1’.
If S is not active and R is active, Q is Reset to ’0’.
If both S and R are not active, Q stays the same as the previous value.
If both S and R are active, Q and Qn are the same, which is conflicted.
Hence, it is NOT Allowed.
Pinit Kumhom (vDeSi Lab, KMUTT) Memory Devices September 16, 2016 8 / 26
We control memory device output by controlling its excitation inputs.
SR Latch Excitation
For both active-low and active high, we state about “SR-latch excitation” as

To Set it to ’1’, activate S and deactivate R.

To Reset to ’0’, activate R and deactivate S.
To remember old value, deactivate both S and R.
Having both S and R active at the same time (conflicted order) is NOT

Excitation Table for SR Latch Excitation Table for active-high SR Latch

Changes Excitation Action Changes Excitation Action
Q→Q′ S R Q→Q′ S R
0 →0 Not active Not active Remember ’0’ 0 →0 0 0 Remember ’0’
0 →1 Active Not active Set 0 →1 1 0 Set
1 →0 Not Active Active Reset 1 →0 0 1 Reset
1 →1 Not Acitve Not Active Remember ’1’ 1 →1 0 0 Remember ’1’

Pinit Kumhom (vDeSi Lab, KMUTT) Memory Devices September 16, 2016 9 / 26
1 What are expected to be learnt?
2 Bistable Element
3 SR Type Memory Devices
Basic SR Latch
SR Latches with Enable (Gated SR Latch)
Mater-Slave SR Flip-Flops
4 D Type Memory Devices
D Latches
D Flip-Flops
5 JK Type Memory Devices
Master-Slave JK Flip-Flops
Edge-Triggered JK Flip-Flops
6 Toggle (T) Flip-Flops

Pinit Kumhom (vDeSi Lab, KMUTT) Memory Devices September 16, 2016 10 / 26
Problem with the basic SR Latches:
Sometimes, small gliches on S or R or both can lead to remembering (or
latching) a wrong data.
Solution: Adding a control input, denoted by C, to control the effect of S and R.

It is called Controlled SR Latch or Gated SR Latch or SR Latch with

It operates as follows:
The excitation input S and R are allowed (gated) only when C is active
(’1’); otherwise S and R is forced to not active.

Pinit Kumhom (vDeSi Lab, KMUTT) Memory Devices September 16, 2016 11 / 26
1 What are expected to be learnt?
2 Bistable Element
3 SR Type Memory Devices
Basic SR Latch
SR Latches with Enable (Gated SR Latch)
Mater-Slave SR Flip-Flops
4 D Type Memory Devices
D Latches
D Flip-Flops
5 JK Type Memory Devices
Master-Slave JK Flip-Flops
Edge-Triggered JK Flip-Flops
6 Toggle (T) Flip-Flops

Pinit Kumhom (vDeSi Lab, KMUTT) Memory Devices September 16, 2016 12 / 26
Master-Slave SR Flip-Flop is controlled by a pulse in place of level-controlled
method used in SR Latch.

Pinit Kumhom (vDeSi Lab, KMUTT) Memory Devices September 16, 2016 13 / 26
1 What are expected to be learnt?
2 Bistable Element
3 SR Type Memory Devices
Basic SR Latch
SR Latches with Enable (Gated SR Latch)
Mater-Slave SR Flip-Flops
4 D Type Memory Devices
D Latches
D Flip-Flops
5 JK Type Memory Devices
Master-Slave JK Flip-Flops
Edge-Triggered JK Flip-Flops
6 Toggle (T) Flip-Flops

Pinit Kumhom (vDeSi Lab, KMUTT) Memory Devices September 16, 2016 14 / 26
Problem with the SR Latches with Enable:
The case of both S and R active simultaneously still is possible.
Solution: Forcing S and R to always be opposite (inverting).

The result is called D Latch or Transparency Latch

It operates as follows:
- The excitation input D are gated by the contorl signal C. As a result,
- If C is active (’1’), the output Q is the same as the input D;
(“The output Q is transparent to the input D”).
- otherwise (C is not active (’0’)), the output Q is no change.

Pinit Kumhom (vDeSi Lab, KMUTT) Memory Devices September 16, 2016 15 / 26
1 What are expected to be learnt?
2 Bistable Element
3 SR Type Memory Devices
Basic SR Latch
SR Latches with Enable (Gated SR Latch)
Mater-Slave SR Flip-Flops
4 D Type Memory Devices
D Latches
D Flip-Flops
5 JK Type Memory Devices
Master-Slave JK Flip-Flops
Edge-Triggered JK Flip-Flops
6 Toggle (T) Flip-Flops

Pinit Kumhom (vDeSi Lab, KMUTT) Memory Devices September 16, 2016 16 / 26
Problem with the D Latches:
The glitches on D are also passed through the output Q during C =′ 1′ .
Solution: Applying the concept of master-slave doors to allow D to pass through only
during the small window.

The result is called D Flip-flop (D-FF)

The small window is during the edge of C, which will be referred to as the
“clock” signal, denoted by clk, instead.
We refer to this kind of control as edge-triggered control, which has two
- Positive edge-triggered: the triggers occur during the changes of
clk from L to H (the clk’s positive edges)
- Negative edge-triggered: the triggers occur during the changes of
clk from H to L (the clk’s negative edges).

Pinit Kumhom (vDeSi Lab, KMUTT) Memory Devices September 16, 2016 17 / 26
D Flip-Flops

Positive edge-triggered D-FF

Characteristic Equation: Q′ = D when triggered (the clk’s positive edges)

Negative edge-triggered D-FF

Characteristic Equation: Q′ = D when triggered (the clk’s negative edges)

Pinit Kumhom (vDeSi Lab, KMUTT) Memory Devices September 16, 2016 18 / 26
D Flip-Flops with Asynchronous Controls
D-FF with active-low asynchronous reset (R) or clear (CLR) and
active-low asynchronous set (S) or preset (PR).

Function Table Characteristic Equation: Q′ = D

CLRn PRn clk D Q Qn Action
when all asynchronous controls
0 − − − 0 1 Asynchronous clear
1 0 − − 1 0 Asynchronous preset
are not acive, and triggered
1 1 0 − Qold Q̄old Remember (clk’s positve edges)
1 1 1 − Qold Q̄old Remember
1 1 ↓ − Qold Q̄old Remember
1 1 ↑ 0 0 1 Synchronous reset
1 1 ↑ 1 1 0 Synchronous set

Pinit Kumhom (vDeSi Lab, KMUTT) Memory Devices September 16, 2016 19 / 26
D Type Memory Devices’ Characteristic Equation and Excitation Table

Characteristic Table Excitation Table

Inputs Outputs Action Changes Excitation Action
D Q Q′ Q→Q′ D
0 0 0 Reset 0→0 0 Reset
0 1 0 Reset 0→1 1 Set
1 0 1 Set 1→0 0 Reset
1 1 1 Set 1→1 1 Set

Characteristic Equation: Q′ = D

Pinit Kumhom (vDeSi Lab, KMUTT) Memory Devices September 16, 2016 20 / 26
1 What are expected to be learnt?
2 Bistable Element
3 SR Type Memory Devices
Basic SR Latch
SR Latches with Enable (Gated SR Latch)
Mater-Slave SR Flip-Flops
4 D Type Memory Devices
D Latches
D Flip-Flops
5 JK Type Memory Devices
Master-Slave JK Flip-Flops
Edge-Triggered JK Flip-Flops
6 Toggle (T) Flip-Flops

Pinit Kumhom (vDeSi Lab, KMUTT) Memory Devices September 16, 2016 21 / 26
JK Type Memory Devices:
Two excitation inputs, denoted by J and K, that is similar to S and R,
respectively, but causing Q to toggle when J and K are active simultaneously.
Matster-Slave JK Flip-Flop

Pinit Kumhom (vDeSi Lab, KMUTT) Memory Devices September 16, 2016 22 / 26
1 What are expected to be learnt?
2 Bistable Element
3 SR Type Memory Devices
Basic SR Latch
SR Latches with Enable (Gated SR Latch)
Mater-Slave SR Flip-Flops
4 D Type Memory Devices
D Latches
D Flip-Flops
5 JK Type Memory Devices
Master-Slave JK Flip-Flops
Edge-Triggered JK Flip-Flops
6 Toggle (T) Flip-Flops

Pinit Kumhom (vDeSi Lab, KMUTT) Memory Devices September 16, 2016 23 / 26
JK Type Memory Devices:
Two excitation inputs, denoted by J and K, that is similar to S and R,
respectively, but causing Q to toggle when J and K are active simultaneously.
Positive edge-triggered JK Flip-Flop

Pinit Kumhom (vDeSi Lab, KMUTT) Memory Devices September 16, 2016 24 / 26
JK Type Memory Devices’ Characteristic Equation and Excitation Table

Characteristic Table Excitation Table for JK Type Memory Devices

Inputs Outputs Action Changes Excitation Action
J K Q Q′ Q→Q′ J K
0 0 0 0 Remember 0 →0 0 − Remember ’0’ or Reset
0 0 1 1 Remember 0 →1 1 − Set or Toggle
0 1 0 0 Reset 1 →0 − 1 Reset or Toggle

0 1 1 0 Reset 1 →1 − 0 Remember ’1’ or Set

1 0 0 1 Set
1 0 1 1 Set
1 1 0 1 Toggle
1 1 1 0 Toggle

Characteristic Equation: Q′ = JQ̄ + K̄Q

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T Flip-Flop can be implemented by forcing a JK FF to be only in the Toggle
case, or by feeding back Qn of D-FF back to its input D.

T-FF with Enable

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