Integrated Farming Systems: July 2020

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Integrated Farming Systems

Chapter · July 2020

DOI: 10.1201/9780429346255-23


6 990

1 author:

John M. Holland
Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust


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John M. Holland
The Game Conservancy Trust, Fordingbridge,
Hampshire, United Kingdom


The system of agricultural production has undergone im- The driving forces where integrated farming has been
mense changes in the past three decades (1). Crop yields adopted vary between countries and farmers. The main
have increased through a combination of plant breeding, influences are outlined below.
intensive use of pesticides and inorganic fertilizer, and
greater mechanization. Farming systems based on high in- Legislation
puts of agrochemicals and intensive tillage are now rec-
ognized as being unsustainable because they cause soil The withdrawal of many pesticides (e.g., in Denmark) has
erosion, soil nutrient depletion, environmental pollution, led to some farmers having no option but to adopt in-
increased pest problems, and public health hazards. In tegrated or organic systems. Some countries (e.g., The
addition the profitability of cereal and oil crop produc- Netherlands) have set targets for national conversion to
tion also declined at the end of the 20th century forc- sustainable agriculture based on integrated farming (5).
ing farmers to examine ways of reducing their production
costs (1). As a consequence farming is facing economic, Economic Pressure
political, environmental, and social pressures that are Recent declines in cereal and oil seed values and price
forcing changes in the methods of crop production. In support has made European farmers look closely at their
response, a range of different production systems has variable and fixed production costs and therefore a more
evolved that try to address these issues. The most extreme integrated approach. Agrienvironment payments encour-
are the organic or biological systems in which agro- age better habitat management. Cross compliance, modul-
chemical use is almost eliminated. Various systems have ation, etc., if adopted may force more widespread changes.
been defined that are between the extremes, such as
integrated farming systems, and these aim to use lower Green Marketing Incentive
inputs and as such are regarded as being more sus-
tainable (2). Many definitions exist for integrated farm- Crop assurance schemes may include integrated practices.
ing but the most appropriate is all encompassed in the These may provide a premium over conventionally pro-
description by El Titi (3) ‘‘an holistic pattern of land duced food or are a requirement for the larger supermarket
use, which integrates natural regulation processes into retailers (5).
farming activities to achieve a maximum replacement of
off-farm inputs and to sustain farm income.’’ Integrated
farming therefore incorporates the principles of inte-
grated crop management (ICM) and integrated pest The widespread decline in farmland wildlife is now
management (IPM) but takes a long-term, whole-farm recognized by governments, farmers, environmental or-
approach that considers all aspects of crop production ganizations, and the general public (1, 6). To mitigate
and land management (2). The emphasis is on preserving some of these changes farmers are adopting some of
farm profitability by optimizing inputs, although conse- the principles of integrated farming, especially with
quently there may be ecological benefits and overall respect to pesticide use and management of their ecolo-
greater sustainability (4). gical infrastructure.

Encyclopedia of Pest Management 410

Copyright D 2002 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All rights reserved.
Integrated Farming Systems 411

Agronomic farming and are showing little sign of recovering (1). In all
When pesticide resistance reaches such levels that chem- farming system experiments weed, disease, and insect pest
ical control is no longer possible or economical then far- infestation levels were routinely monitored to aid crop
mers have to look for alternative solutions (7). protection decisions. Most studies reported lower disease
and insect pest incidence, but higher weed burdens in the
integrated system, although rigorous experimental apprais-

The integrated approach incorporates all aspects of farm

management and therefore requires knowledge of the in- PRINCIPLES OF INTEGRATED FARMING
teractions between components in the system, before the
concept can be promoted to farmers. In many countries, Arable crops are complex ecological systems (1) and con-
long-term farm studies have been conducted to develop an sequently a blueprint for their management using an in-
integrated system and in some cases economic and envi- tegrated approach cannot be applied universally. Each
ronmental comparisons were made with the conventional farm, crop, and even each field must be considered sepa-
approach (4, 8). Overall integrated farming proved equally rately based upon the previous history, current crop mo-
profitable (4, 8). Lower yields could be expected, but this nitoring, and the farmers’ individual objectives. There are,
loss was compensated for by using lower inputs of agro- however, some broad principles that apply (2, 3, 5, 7, 9).
chemicals and energy. In the United Kingdom results from
nine farm-scale studies in which integrated and conven- Multifunctional Crop Rotation
tional farming was compared were pooled for analysis. In
the integrated system substantial reductions in inputs Rotation is the core of any integrated system with a min-
were achieved without losing crop quality (Table 1). imum of four different crops, although a longer rotation
The reduction in agrochemical inputs is likely, but as may add more opportunities to build soil fertility and pre-
yet not satisfactorily proven to reduce the risk of pollution vent disease and pest carryover. Although the choice of
and toxic or sublethal effects to nontarget organisms. crops will depend on locality, markets, and prices, there are
Nevertheless, some environmental benefits were attained some broad principles. Crops that build soil fertility (le-
(1, 6). Some studies reported greater numbers and di- guminous crops and those with high inputs of organic mat-
versity of soil fauna where an integrated system was used, ter, e.g., grasses) must be alternated with those that reduce
although this was not always apparent. Beneficial insects soil physical and chemical fertility (root crops with low
vary naturally in their abundance between years, fields, input of organic matter, e.g., potatoes and sugar beet). The
and different crops and these fluctuations were usually sequence of each crop can also be used to ensure there are
greater than those between the two farming systems. In opportunities to control grass weeds in broadleaved crops
small-scale (often < 5ha) trials conventional inputs ap- and that pest organisms are kept below economic thresh-
peared to have few long-term, direct effects on nontarget olds by ensuring that no single type or group of crops are
arthropods, however, farm-scale monitoring in the United grown in succession. There may have to be compromises
Kingdom for the past 20 years has indicated that many and the rotation chosen will reflect the economic, agro-
arthropods have declined since the advent of intensive nomic, or environmental priorities of individual farmers.

Integrated Nutrient Management

Table 1 Integrated farming inputs and their costs as a
Inputs of inorganic fertilizers are essential to maintain
percentage of conventional systems
yield and quality but must be balanced to ensure supply
Input % Change in quantity of use % Change in cost does not exceed demand by more than 10%. Excessive
nutrient supply encourages weeds, pests, and diseases and
Fungicides 50 41
causes pollution. Application should maximize uptake by
Herbicides 42 32
Insecticides 40 42 the crop and minimize loss to the environment. Where
Fertilizers 18 15 possible inorganic fertilizer should be replaced with ani-
Seeds + 10 + 12 mal and green manures. This has many benefits:
Operational – 9
Improved soil nutrient supply and physical structure
(Adapted from Integrated Farming: Agricultural Research into Practice; Encouragement of beneficial organisms such as preda-
MAFF Publications: London, 1998.) tory invertebrates and microbials
412 Integrated Farming Systems

Lower cost Provide a refuge from which reinvasion may occur

Savings in nonrenewable resources after any adverse agricultural operations;
Prevent weed ingress into fields; and
Optimizing nutrient supply through judicious use of
Act as a source of biodiversity.
off-farm inputs, organic manures wherever possible, and
choice of a nutrient supplying crop rotation will generate These areas may be field margins, hedgerows, fence
economic benefits for the farmer and the environment, lines, grass, or herbaceous strips arranged to ensure the
especially water quality. maximum connectivity while keeping individual field size
to a minimum. A minimum area of 5% of cropped land is
Minimum Soil Cultivation recommended (3) although the ecological gains will be
dependent on the quality of these areas. Research has
Soil cultivations require high inputs of energy and ma-
identified the potential of different ecological areas to pro-
chinery, are damaging to beneficial soil fauna, and en-
vide pest control and act as buffer zones.
courage erosion and nutrient leaching. Adopting a soil
cultivation system to minimize these effects is an es-
Implementing an Integrated System
sential component of any integrated system. The type and
intensity of cultivation must be chosen according to soil The approach requires considerable knowledge and com-
type and agronomic concerns (e.g., weed species compo- mitment by the farmer. A whole farm evaluation helps the
sition). Conservation tillage/noninversion tillage in com- transition from high to lower inputs. On-farm trials may be
bination with mulching should be maximized thereby needed to ascertain the most effective system. Extension
concentrating soil organic matter in the upper soil layers. services are needed for the transition period and afterward
This improves soil structure and workability, decreases if it is to remain successful (2). New technology, such as
erosion and leaching, improves drought tolerance, and decision support and precision farming techniques, are
creates more favorable conditions for beneficial preda- advocated.
tory invertebrates, soil microorganisms, and earthworms.
Weeds may be encouraged but these may be overcome
by utilizing the benefits of rotation and targeted weed REFERENCES
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