Case Study: Reading G

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Do people bargain in your community? Do you know how to bargain effectively? Do you think
bargaining is a good practice?
Bargain is the action of negotiating the price of an object
Or a service before you buy it. This practice takes place in many parts of the world, mostly in
markets, where the seller and a buyer debate the price of an item until coming to an agreement.
However, if the negotiation is not successful, the sale doesn’t happen.
But bargaining can also happen in places where expensive items are sold, such as stores selling
antiques, cars, or art. In places like Indonesia, even children know how to bargain because
bargaining, happens everywhere, from street markets to expensive shops and hotels. In other
places, like in Southeast Asia, this practice is considered an insult, especially when it is related
to food. So when bargaining, consider where you are and be fair with the prices of the good
and / or service you want to buy.
Below is an example of bargaining. Read what happened at a bike shop when a lady wanted to
buy a bike for her son.
Jane: That bike looks cool. How much do you want
for it? Nick: Fifty dollars.
Nick: fifty dollars.
Jane: That’s too much! How about twenty dollars?
Nick: Hmm… I can give it to you for thirty dollars.
Jane: Is that your best price?
Nick: That’s my final offer.
Jane: Hmm… OK. I’ll take it.
Bargaining-or haggling, which is another name for this practice can happen in many different
places. However, keep in mind that it is not usually possible to bargain in certain types of shop,
such as supermarkets and chain stores. Also, remember to be polite and fair when bargaining.

1 Reading
GA. Answer the question with a classmate.
1. Why do people bargain? R= people haggle to take some product or thing
cheaper than its normal price
2. What does a person need to keep in mind when bargaining? R= the price and
how much is the maximum to which they can reduce it depending on how the
product is evaluated
2 Task
GA. Work with a partner to coplete the task.
1. You are going to write a conversation between a shop assistant and
a customer.
2. Discuss and decide the roles so that each person provides the ideas
and sentences needed for their part of the dialog. Your conversation
must include at least seven sentences,and must give the situation, the
item for sale, the price, and must include some bargaining. Then,
change roles and write out a new dialog.
3. Choose one of your conversations to share with your class.
4. Listen to your classmates' conversations and discuss which one
was most interesting and offered the best bargain.

lizeth was packing up her room to move house when suddenly she found
some original photos of billie eilish but she decided she wouldn't take them
as they took up a lot of space and she decided
to post them on facebook to sell them at their
original price.
After three hours, she called the first person of
hers interested in the paintings and asked if
they could see them somewhere for her to see
and evaluate to buy, and Lizeth gladly agreed.
In the individual parking lot:
camila: hello, good afternoon, litzh, how much
did you tell me, how much do the billie eilish
paintings cost?
litzh: the price of the paintings is one hundred dollars, look I'll show you.
camila: omg it's very expensive and the paintings have some tears, couldn't
you let me have it cheaper, like forty dollars?
lizeth: oh, it's not a very low price, you're right about the tears but they
don't differ much apart from the fact that I have to get some of my money
back, how about I give it to you for fifty? Dollars?
camila: hmmm... okay, I'll take them.
Both were able to negotiate well since they were both right, Camila
because of what she saw that some paintings were broken and Lizth
because she wouldn't be recovering even half of what they cost her, both
were satisfied.

3 Human Value Fairness

GA. Discuss the questions with a classmate.
1. How can fairness help you reach your goals?R= Well, it helps you both
get the same thing and it is convenient for both without doing less to one or
the other.
2. How important is fairness when negotiating something with or for
others?R= It is important so that everyone receives the same without any
3. How does being fair to others impact your ability to take decisions?R=
that you will not see injustice or any problema.
What is upcycling?
Welcome to our upcycling website! We know you care about the environment and want to help
save it. Here you will find useful information on upcycling, as well as creative ideas to recycle
everyday objects and reduce their impact on the planet. To explore the site, you can browse by
materials or everyday objects. We are sure you will find many cool ideas. Make upcycling your
new free time activity!
Do you have a good idea to share? Are you upcycling already? Write to us. We'll be happy to
share it with other readers. From the moment we wake up in the morning, until we lay at night,
we perform routines that can be as old as we are: we take a shower every day, we eat lunch
every day, we work and play every day. We also throw a lot of things away every day.
Sometimes, we discard these items without even thinking about giving them a second life. But
it's easy to make things useful again. For example, a glass bottle which is no longer useful as a
container can be reused as a flower pot or, with a little more creativity can be converted into a
lamp. This is what we call "upcycling", and by doing so we can contribute to the well-being of
our planet. There are many places to learn about what upcycling is and our website is one of

1 Reading
GA. Answer the question with a classmate.
1. What does upcycling mean?R= recycling
2. Do you consider upcycling a good practice?R= yes
3. Why is upcycling considered an important activity?R= to help the
environment and thus reduce its impact on the planet
4. What objects do you have that you could upcycle?R= plastic bottles,
glass jars, cardboard boxes, food containers

2 Task
GA. Use a graphic organizer (table, chart or
any other) to describe your daily activities
and those of a relative.
Divide your graphic organizer in two columns or sides. Write your daily
activities on the left and leave the right side for your relative.
Find out what your relative does every day, what his/her daily routines are.
Compare and share your and your relative's daily routines.
1. How many of your daily routines are the same?R= 1 what is soccer.
2. Which are different?R= 5 to go out for a work and also work
visitgrandpa and watch movies and videos
3. Do you have any daily routines that you do together or could do
together?R=train soccer and wath videos and go for work.
4. Do you and/or your relative ever upcycle?R= yes in a primary school job
i recycle plastic bottles.

Activity 6:00 7:00 10:20 1:20 4:00p 6:00 8:00 10:00 11:30
a. m a.m a.m p.m p.m p.m p.m p.m p.m
Wake up

Go to school

Go a work
Train soccer

Go to home


3 Human Value Fairness

GA. Discuss the questions with a classmate.
1. What can you do to take care of the planet? R=put into practice the three
R's, don't spend more than you don't need, don't buy unnecessary things,
among other things.
2. "When you care about the planet, you care about others." Do you agree
with this statement? Why not)?R= Yes, I agree, because if you don't throw
garbage there is no contamination and there are no diseases.
3. How can caring for the planet help you to be a better person?R= because
it helps us not to contract diseases.


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