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Effect of thermocycling on the shear bond

strength of a cyanoacrylate orthodontic
Samir E. Bishara, BDS, D Ortho, DDS, MS,a Raed Ajlouni, BDS, MS,b and John F. Laffoon, BSc
Iowa City, Iowa

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of thermocycling on the shear bond strength of a
cyanoacrylate adhesive system, specifically 24 hours after bonding when the adhesive has achieved most of
its bond strength and after thermocycling. Forty freshly extracted human molars were collected and stored
in a solution of 0.1% (weight/volume) thymol. The teeth were cleaned, polished, and randomly separated into
2 groups: group I, cyanoacrylate adhesive debonded after 24 hours immersion in deionized water at 37°C;
and group II, cyanoacrylate adhesive debonded after thermocycling at 5°C and 55°C. The results of the t test
comparing the 2 groups (t ⫽ 6.84) indicated significant differences between them (P ⫽ .0001). The
cyanoacrylate adhesive at 24 hours had significantly greater shear bond strength (x៮ ⫽ 7.1 ⫾ 3.3 MPa) than
after thermocycling 500 times between 5°C and 55°C (x៮ ⫽ 1.5 ⫾ 1.4 MPa). The findings indicated that the
cyanoacrylate adhesive tested has clinically adequate shear bond strength at 24 hours after initial bonding
but loses about 80% of its strength after thermocycling. The clinician should consider all properties of the
adhesive, including no need for a curing light, working time of 5 seconds before the adhesive starts to set,
and the significant decrease in bond strength after thermocycling. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2003;

irect bonding of orthodontic brackets has been 6, 12, and 24 months. They found a 20%-30% reduc-
advocated since the late 1960s.1-5 With the tion in fracture toughness of the composites after 6
introduction of photosensitive (light-cured) re- months with very little change thereafter.
storative materials in dentistry, various methods have Ruse et al16 investigated the bond strength after
been suggested to enhance the polymerization of the cyclic shear loading test of cylinders of light-cured
materials used, including layering and more powerful hybrid composite resin (Scotch Bond Multi Purpose)
light-curing devices. In addition, other factors can bonded to flattened enamel surfaces of human teeth at
potentially contribute to the bond strength between the 1 hour and 1, 7, and 30 days. They found a significant
enamel and the orthodontic bracket, including type of increase in the shear bond strength between 1 hour and
enamel conditioner, acid concentration, length of etch- 24 hours. By the seventh day, there was a significant
ing time, composition of the adhesive, bracket base decrease that was maintained by day 30.
design, bracket material, oral environment, and clini- Because orthodontic adhesives are routinely sub-
cian’s skill.6-14 jected to thermal changes in the oral cavity, it is
Two critical factors that affect bond strength of important to determine whether these temperature vari-
adhesives are the times and the conditions at which ations introduce stresses in the adhesive that might
testing is performed after bonding. Ferracane et al15 influence its bond strength. Therefore, any new adhe-
evaluated the long-term effect of aging in water at 37°C sive should be tested both at 24 hours and after thermal
on the physical properties of composites for 1 day and cycling. According to Gale and Darvell,17 it is difficult
to measure the routine limits of temperature changes
From the College of Dentistry, University of Iowa, Iowa City. introduced by eating and drinking. This is because
Professor of Orthodontics. these activities are essentially erratic habits, and signif-
Private practice. icant variations occur between subjects and within the
Research assistant.
Submitted, April 2002; revised and accepted, June 2002. same person depending on the location in the same
Reprint requests to: S. E. Bishara, Department of Orthodontics, University of mouth. They suggested that air temperature, humidity,
Iowa, College of Dentistry, Iowa City, IA 52242-1001. and air velocity when breathing can also radically alter
Copyright © 2003 by the American Association of Orthodontists.
0889-5406/2003/$30.00 ⫹ 0 resting mouth temperature.17 Gale and Darvell17
doi:10.1067/mod.2003.1 pointed to the lack of agreement and standardization
22 Bishara, Ajlouni, and Laffoon American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
January 2003

between the various thermocycling studies they re- of 300 g with a force gauge (Correx Co, Bern, Swit-
viewed. zerland) for 10 seconds; then excess bonding resin was
Because of these difficulties, the International Or- removed with a sharp scaler. The teeth were placed in
ganization for Standardization has suggested specific distilled water.
criteria for conducting such tests to enable investigators Until the cyanoacrylate adhesive is placed on the
and industry to interpret and compare results.18 wet enamel surface, it will not readily set. Once it
More recently, a new adhesive was introduced that comes into contact with the wet enamel surface, the
does not require the use of a primer or a curing light clinician has 3 to 5 seconds to adjust the placement of
during bonding. In a recent study, Örtendahl and the bracket before the adhesive starts to set. According
Örtengren19 compared the bond strength of a cyanoac- to the manufacturer, the adhesive will be sufficiently set
rylate adhesive with 8 other adhesives. They found that in 3 to 5 minutes, when the initial archwires can be
after 24 hours the new adhesive performed as well as or
ligated. According to the manufacturer, the adhesive
better than the composite resins used for bonding both
attains 70% of its ultimate bond strength within 10
metal and plastic brackets. The cyanocrylate adhesive
minutes, 80% within 1 hour, and full strength within 12
has not been tested under conditions partially simulat-
ing the oral environment.
The purpose of this study was to compare the After bonding, the teeth were randomly divided into
effects of thermocycling on the shear bond strength of 2 groups of 20. The teeth in group I were debonded
a cyanoacrylate adhesive, specifically (1) after 24 hours after 24 hours immersion in deionized water at 37° C.
of conventional storage in water when it has achieved The teeth in group II were debonded after thermocycling.
most of its bond strength, and (2) after thermocyling According to the International Organization for
between 5°C and 55°C to simulate some of the tem- Standardization’s recommendation,18 test specimens
perature changes in the oral cavity. were prepared at 23°C ⫾ 2°C and stored in water at
37°C ⫾ 2°C before testing at room temperature. The
MATERIAL AND METHODS teeth were stored in water for 24 hours to discriminate
Forty freshly extracted human molars were col- between materials that can and cannot withstand a wet
lected and stored in a solution of 0.1% (weight/volume) environment.18
thymol. The criteria for tooth selection included intact The thermocycling test comprising 500 cycles in
buccal enamel, not subjected to any pretreatment chem- water, between 5°C and 55°C, was started after 24
ical agents (eg, hydrogen peroxide), no cracks from the hours storage in water at 37°C. The exposure to each
pressure of the extraction forceps, and no caries. bath was 20 seconds, and the transfer time between
The teeth were cleaned and then polished with baths was between 5 and 10 seconds.
nonfluoridated pumice and rubber prophylactic cups for Before bonding, the teeth were embedded in acrylic
10 seconds. placed in phenolic rings (Buchler Ltd, Lake Bluff, Ill).
Maxillary central incisor brackets were used to A mounting jig was used to align the facial surface of
bond all teeth (Victory Series, 3M Unitek, Monrovia, the tooth to be perpendicular with the bottom of the
Calif). The average surface area of the bracket base was mold; ie, each tooth was oriented so that its labial
determined to be 11.7 mm2.
surface would be parallel to the force during the shear
Smartbond adhesive (Gestenco International, Göth-
strength test. A steel rod with a flattened end was
enburg, Sweden) contains ethyl-cyanoacrylate. The
attached to the crosshead of a test machine (Zwick
bonding procedure followed the manufacturer’s in-
GmbH, Ulm, Germany). An occlusogingival load was
structions. A 35% phosphoric acid etch was applied to
the enamel for 10 seconds, and the teeth were washed applied to the bracket, producing a shear force at the
thoroughly for 20 seconds and air dried. A moist cotton bracket-tooth interface. A computer electronically con-
roll was used to wet the enamel surface before the nected to the test machine recorded the results of each
adhesive was applied. test. Shear bond strengths were measured at a crosshead
The manufacturer recommends 2 methods of apply- speed of 5 mm/minute.
ing the adhesive to the bracket base— either directly Descriptive statistics including the mean, standard
from the syringe containing the adhesive or with a deviation, and minimum and maximum values were
microbrush. In this study, the brush method was used calculated for each of the 2 groups tested. The Student
because it allowed for the controlled application of a t test was used to determine whether significant differ-
uniform thickness of the adhesive on the bracket base. ences existed between the 2 groups. The significance
Each bracket was subjected to a compressive force for all statistical tests was predetermined at P ⱕ .05.
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Bishara, Ajlouni, and Laffoon 23
Volume 123, Number 1

Table. Descriptive statistics and results of Student t light, (2) a relatively short working time of 5 seconds to
test comparing shear bond strengths of cyanoacrylate properly position the bracket before it starts to set, and
adhesive before and after thermocycling (3) a significant decrease in bond strength after ther-
Groups tested n x៮ SD Range
I. After 24 hours 20 7.1 3.3 1.4-13.2
II. After thermocycling 20 1.5 1.4 0.1-6.5
The present findings indicated that (1) Smartbond
cyanoacrylate adhesive has adequate bond strength 24
t test ⫽ 6.84; P ⫽ .0001. hours after initial bonding, but its strength decreases by
80% after thermocycling between 5°C and 55°C; and
RESULTS (2) the clinician must consider the properties of the
The descriptive statistics for the shear bond strength various adhesive systems available, including bond
are presented in the Table. The results of the t test strength and working time.
comparing the 2 experimental groups (t ⫽ 6.84) indi- REFERENCES
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Editors of the American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

1915 to 1931 Martin Dewey
1931 to 1968 H. C. Pollock
1968 to 1978 B. F. Dewel
1978 to 1985 Wayne G. Watson
1985 to 2000 Thomas M. Graber
2000 to present David L. Turpin

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