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8/ arbeitbuch


What do you do?

I am a student, but I have a job as seller.

And what do you do? Do you study?

No, I do intern as expertmerchant.

Do you also study?

No, I work as a hostess. I want to see the world

Do you go to school?

Yes, I am in 12th grade now.


The computer is not expensive.

Yeah, but I want a television.

Pity I cannot come tomorrow. See you, see you Tuesday

Which word do you not understand?


When did you come to Dresden?

Since when have you lived in Deuchland?

How long is your mother already in Berlin?


When were you born?

Where were you born?

When did you come to America?

Since when have you studied in London?

When did you get married?

Have you met Martin again?


How long do you work on Friday?

Pity I cannot come at the weekend

How long do you already know Paolo? Only for a week

When do you go for shopping today?


Since when is Martin married?

Why do you tell me now?

Since when does he work as a doctor?


How long do you already learn german? When did you do german language course in Berlin?

When did you travel to Italy? Since when do you go to Italy every year?


Where were you then on Saturday?

I was at home.

W e was also at home, we had guest. My parents were here.

Where were you? Did you have a nice weekend?

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I was not there, I was stressed last week.

I had no time and I was tired on Saturday.

At weekend we were at the wedding.

What did they do?

Were you not in the sea last year?


What are you doing at weekend?

I want to go to Italy for two months

Mama when are you coming then?

At 3 oclock

In September I am going to USA for a year, I have found a job.

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Dear Sarah,

You have asked my new job. Generally I am not happy. I work since middle of July as at callcenter. Every day
I must begin my work at 6 oclock early morning till 5 pm. I don’t find this is good. In the evening I cannot
meet my friends. The work ist also boring. At the end of October I will begin my Ausbildung.



Sofia cannot come now. She must clean her room.

Peter, you go to your room now. You have to do your homework.

It is already 7 o’clock. You have to get up.


I have not understood this. Can you repeat this please?

Do you also want to do city tour?

I must to call my friend today evening.


Today I do not want get up early, I am totally tired.

He doesn’t want to go to course today, he must work.


Wait you a moment!

Come today at 5 oclock

Drink you more milk

Eat you an apple

Drink you a cup of coffee or go for a walk

We want to go theatre today.

Speak please slow

Do not eat so fast

Please call me

Please read the text

Sleep well

Do not work so much

I do not understand this exercise

Read the ads in the newspaper

Go home


What are we doing now?

Do not you have homework more?

Frau Muller, please sign here.

Mira and Sven, close the window

Marcel, be quiet

Timo, pay at the checkpoint

Wait you please a moment

Don’t you have a car? No please tame me too.


Frau Kurz, You should not forget tickets.

Enrique, you should not smoke here.

May I ask you something?

You should not call here in classroom.


Do you want to come to London with me?

No, I want to travel with Sussi to Vien

Do you always forget the words?

You want to see sightseeing.

You are a student, you must not pay entrance fee


Already three parrots are dead.

He does not need to go vet again.

He can stay at home.

Anja think koko has a dangerous illness.

30/ 37-38

Your hand looks so bad.

This helps against ache.

I have headache.

Your foot is so swollen. I have strong pain. Then go to the doctor.

31/ 39-40

Hello Anton, how are you? How is Corina?

Is your headache gone?

Yes, but now throat aches.

Oh poor.

I cannot read this. My eyes are not so good any more.

32/ 42

Be careful please


Do I have to take this medicine really?

Yes, the doctor has said you should take three tablette


I have read your advertisement and I find your offer very interesting.

I have insomnia
When does next course start?

You are often depressed and you want to probe light light yoga.

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I need an appointment for backmassage. I want to postpone the appointment. I want to cancel the
appointment. Do you have a free appointment on Thursday? Can I come today ? it is urgent?

I cannot come now. Pity that he cannot come.


Tobias, wait your friend is on the phone.


Jakob has bought a car, I find his car super.

Michel has no rucksack, he can take my rucksack.

Corina has an appointment at doctor tomorrow. She must not forget her appointment.

But I have my driving license with me.

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Do not go to bed so late!

Speak please slow

Please sign here.

Wait here please

You should listen to music in low voice

You sould not eat chocolade so much.

Hello mutti, here is jan. I come tomorrow. The doctor said I should drink a lot of water.

Where was Hanna with her Mum?

Hanna must buy something; her mother is waiting for her.


Can I go on foot?

First I go by metro.

Pity I am a foreigner here too.

Is the post in the vicinity here.


When will airplane arrive?

Which airport does it have?

Is the bus punctual?

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Sorry, when does the next train to Nuss?

A minute. There is no direct train. You must change in Dusseldorf

That is not problem.

I want a travel card to Berlin.

Single or return?

By the way the train to Berlin is delayed

How long?

About 20 minutes

Never mind,


What can I do for you?

My phone doesn’t work, it is broken.

Till when can you repair the phone?

Bern’s friend Rosa has birthday


Do you want to buy a new bike? We have cheep offer for you.

What is broken? I repair all, I am specially specialist on radio, tv. Call me

You are making 6 months german course in germany and now you want to earn money a bit. What can you
do? What do you want to offer?

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Turn off the tv, but tv is off

Close the door, but the door is close

Please turn off all light, but the light is off

Maybe is the radio on? No the radio is also off.


Ervin have you turned off the gas?

The gas is off

Have you closed the balkon door?

Sure, the door is closed

Aber the door is open, maybe I have not opened the door.

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Would You call soon please?

Could You come around?

Would you call me later please?

Could you give me light?

Would you book flight to berlin?

Could You turn off your phone here please?

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When can I call you?

After 8 oclock I am at work.

How long?
Till 12 oclock, after this I have lunch

How long do you need for the homework?

Till 4 oclok

I have to work after 5 oclock

In that case we can do something together till 5 oclock

When do you go to berlin?

On Monday. In a week

How long do you stay there?

Till Saturday

Hallo Tanya is there?

No she has course till 6 oclock,

In that case I call in an hour again.


Till when can you repair the tv?

Till Saturday

Do you take it today?

Yes in an hour

When do you come?

At 15 olcock. Are you at home?

Yes I am at home after 14 oclok?

When can I take the computer?

Our technicher repairs it till afternoon, you can take it after 17 oclock

We are open bis 19 oclock


When do you arrive?

On Saturday at 4 oclock

Nice, in that case I am taking you at the airport. How long do you stay in Sweden/
In bern I stay from Sunday till Friday, afterthat I travel to Zurich for three days.

How long are you then in Berlin?

Since two months

You speak in German very well

Thank you, I was in Germany a year ago. There I did german course.

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When does Bruno goes to Niko?

After work

Do you go to Cinema in the evening?

Before Sport

When do you read the newspair?

At breakfast

Do you go to swim?

Before work?

Do you watch tv?

At lunch

When do you take the tablet?

After meal

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Where have you bought the belt?

I have bought it in Epunkt.

Now are you going to germankurs?

No, it is at 6 oclock

Have you bought this bed for 200 or 360 euro?

This is for 500 euro

Do you want to rent the apartment in Gothestreet or not?

No, it is too expensive.


Here our bus is coming

No, this is not our bus, we cannt take it .

Do you find the computer very cheap?

No, I find it expensive

Your coat is very nice/

Yes I find it too, it was not expensive at all.

How was the weekend?

Since when do you have a car?

I have it for three months. I travel to Spain with that

Do you know Mario’s Friend?

No, I don’t know him

Should we buy the orangejuice? No it is not gut, take Apple juice

I need a pen. Take the one here.


No it doesn’t belong to me

I like it but it is expensive

It suits me super, but I don’t like the colour.

But this doesn’t suit You.


The bike doesn’t belong to me.

Does this car belong to him?

Do these books belong to us?

Does this house belong to martin und anna?

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Which bike belongs to you?

Which umbrella belongs to her

Which case belong to You?

Which book belongs to him?

Which bag belongs to them?


Which bike should I buy?

Which book do you like?

Which shoes should I wear?

Which camera do you think better?

Which case do you like more?

Which pizza do you want more?

Which wallet should I buy?


Do we go to cinema this weekend? Sure, which movie do you want to watch?

Which tasks should we do?

Which light do you want? This is here

Have you bought this book? Which book do you mean?

Which country is located in the west of german?

Which bus goes to the station? The number 5


Sorry, where can I find sport clothes? In upstairs

Which colour suits me better?

Sorry, where can I pay? In the cashier,

Do you have troursers in 37? No we have only this size

Can You help me please?

Pity we have only red colour, red colour suits you very good.


What a surprise, Nice that you call. But you know we celebrate just Sunana’s birthday. Can I call you back

She has exam in English, she is coming later, after that we eat together.

You must take these tablets three times daily after meal.

Do we meet at 6 oclock at station?

How , please not so early. It is also weekened, that is why I want to sleep.

In that case we meet at 12 oclock.

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Mister nehm can not buy the car, because he doesn’t have enough money

Miss nehm cleans the apartment, because today evenining guest comes

Steffi should not go to disko because she must do housework

Leo must not watch tv because it is so late.


I would like to buy a car but I do not have money

Do you come at three oclock or can you come at 5?

Do you drink coffee or would you like a cup of tea more?


I wish you and your wife happy new year. Today I am very tired, because I went to bed at 4 midnight.

In germany young people celebrate new year mostly with friends or family. Yesterday after midnight I was
with few friends in a great disko. We danced almost 4 hours and today my feet aches.

What did you do in new year? How do you celebrate new year?

Hopeful everything goes gut for you and we see each other soon again. Warm regards

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