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ae Institute of Space Technology [Fem # IST-F3704 we —— 08-MAY-2016 Lesson Plan MECH-THL-LP-00/02 Page No. DEPARTMENT & PROGRAM: B.S. Mechanical Engineering COURSE CODE-COURSE NAME: 2/4302 Thermodynamics Lab CR: 0. -1 COURSE DESCRIPTION: This lab is intended to provide essential background and practical de thermodynamics systems. ee PREREQUISITE: Nil CO-REQUISITE: 114339 Thermodynamics, I 214303 Thermodynamics II TEXT AND MATERIALS: Textbook: J. Applied Thermodynamics by McConkey Reference Material: J. Lab handouts RELEVANT PROGRAM LEARNING OUTCOME: ‘The designed course will target upon the following PLOs: 1. PLO-09: Individual and Team Work: An ability to work effectively, as an individual or team on multifaceted and/or multidisciplinary settings. 2. PLO-10: Communicatior in ability to communicate effectively, orally as well as in writing on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentations, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions. (COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon successfull completion of the course, ions i the series of experiments on the J. Follow the finstructions in the handout to perform 1 prescribed equipment, analyze and interpret data for valid conclusions. Tab reports individually in time and follow the set of instructions given while presenting the student will demonstrate competency by being able to: asked related to lab/course work in VIVA. ete ne aibiai, a Form # Institute of Space Technology oe crissue ——— 4 LP No: MECH-THLAp SS Lesson Plan Page No. 20f9 7 Equipment pai Reperinaits Name. | Reference 0. i veg | Changes of | Class * To study Boyle's law and Gay Lussac’s law at required) «ares of pee itions of temperature, volume and pressures. conditions of tempe iP Gases ees : Pressure cas * To determine the pressure measured with different pressure | io .emement ae ||| measuring devices and to compared the measured values al aig os Gas Manual 1 T= To demonsirate the application of temperature scales and | 7, Class 1 fei y remperature fixed points using mercury-glass thermometer, bimetallic | yp rearement | Lecture 5 thermometer, thermocouple, resistance temperature detector, |p nop & Lab | thermistor and vapor pressure thermometer. Manual Temperature | Class p , * To demonstrate the temperature dependent electrical | yombire ncn, | Lecture , potential produced by dissimilar metals in contact & Lab i Bench Manual Class ' = To demonstrate the resultant E.M.F. produced in a| Temperature Ta = ; cture thermocouple circuit and its application in temperature | Measurement | 7.45, 5 measurements, Bench Manual ; Te oe Class > | cH = To demonstrate the effects of introducing different metals into rie iy a Lecture A i ss a thermocouple circuit. BUENA he Lab Bench a - fanual ~ Temperature cas i + To demonstrate the application of the Law of Intermediate | x1” eee , | Lecture - 7 i Temperatures Peay & Lab Manual * Approximating the Adiabatic expansion of a gas to find out | 5; Class ‘ the Adiabatic Index and Also To prove the adiabatic equation | "P25" | reciure Fe and verify the relation between pressure, volume and eee os | & Lab temperature BY Manual Class * To investigate the relationship between pressure and the \ Mercet Lecture i temperature of a saturated steam in a constant volume tank | Boiler & Lab Manual ae Class investigate the flow of Steam through a Nozzle Performance | "eature 10 ‘epparatus Manual Institute of Space Technology | Form #_ IST-1 Date of Issue 08-MAY-2016 - LP No Lesson Plan Page No. MECH-THL-LP-00/02 3 of 9 Class Steam Power = To investigate the relation of thermal energy and its Lecture a conversion into mechanical energy by steam power plant Pana & Lab : Apparatus iamial, i 7 | Class: * Determination of Motor Brake Power (BP), Mechanical | '"? S78 — | Lecture el Efficiency and Isothermal Efficiency ah & Lab compressor | Samual rae al : Class Lagging Lecture a Determine the lagging efficiency of the pipe with and without Efficiency | @ rab wv. eee gen Steam Bench | anual Separating | Class and Lecture a * Determine the moisture content in the steam ofthe powerplant | roiting | &e Lab Calorimeter_| Manual = = Lab Demonsiration/ Viva “OURSE TARGETS : aa Learning | PLOs to fodule No. |CLO No ‘Teaching Methodology | Assessment Methodology | Domain With | target lLecture/Theoretical : ? ‘ a yammeai| =. pxetaeharal \Quizzes/Midterm/Final LV 1 |Practical Performance |Lab Demonstration/Performance | P-3 PLO-9 Theoretical Demonstration 2 HV SE cmmding Lab Reports. |? POT Ad PLO-10 \Discussion Viva Voce A? PLO-10 ‘exam/viva during the semester. In addition, A comprehensive final Examination, Viva and Performance of the sive f 4 selected course. Evaluation is competency based and student grades will be based on open ended lab may be given to Aa Lesson Plan ieve the desired learn: used to evaluate the rubrics of lab assessment which can a, ”Ct*C«éiee CCU The abilities of the students are assessed to ach: Part 1: a found in the 4, Following scale is <—o M 7.6-10-Very Good, 5.1-7.5=Good, 2.6-S=Fair, 0-2.5=Poor med Weightage | Marking Domain CLO; Categories Assessment Criteria % | main eo Level |* Very Good Objectives of the experiment(s) 1s |* Good ivare clearly defined |=) Fair [= Poor Complete description of pall ey Good, experimental procedures such as| 25 |" Good | labeled and concise peer | =~ Peer } = Very Good Lab Reports i = Good (s0%) Results & Analysis Bon Vee 44 | = Poor | * Very Good | Conclusions are made accordingly oo | = Poor | = Very Good Lab Report(s) is/are well written! 1) |= Good and in a specified format = Fair = Poor = Very Good Adequate knowledge of the oe [ | experiment performed ' Fair = Poor = Very Good Arrange equipment for the! 4, |* Good Lab conduction of experiment(s) "| Fair | Demonstration/ = Poor | P-: 1 | PLO | Performance | pay attention to relevant safety ap reoGood) 3 | aor] 5%) Precautions for handling of the 30 a vag equipment during experimentation Peete = Very Good) "| Good * Fair ies [IST Date of 08-MAY-2016 MECHTHL-LP-0002 _| Institute of Space Technology st Lesson Plan co ba ge No. | Soro Background knowledge on the = Very Good subject area and the experiment| 35 pce performed pia Fat, = Pow | i Knowledge of practical : Very Good applications relevant to the} 40 |e et experiment e a ; = Very Good oA ba = All replies‘answers — must be = Good . PLO- Viva (25%) | cieared, well-focused and brief 25 |e Fair AL | CLOS\ eng = Poor = Very Good ‘Adequate Inowiedge of the| 79 | Good experiment performed f + Fair = Poor art 2: Assessment through Quizzes/OHTs/Final/ Open Ended Lab Exams 145%] ; Teaming | CLOSS|ipriggt Categories “Assessment Criteria Se sca Domain to el Ps with Level_| target Juizzes 3 5-10% - - - DHT Exam é 5-10% : s S _ Final Exam i 10-15% - - E Fs per criteria mentioned in Part I related e : to Performance/Lab demonstration 2 ps) )clod | ee | pen Ended [AS per criteria mentioned in Part | related 53 = ner 5% 4-4 | CLO-2| PLO-10 ‘As per criteria mentioned in Part | related r ane 5% 42 | CLO-3| PLO-10 Annex A Performance Categories | Indicator Very Good (8-10) Good (5-7) Fair @-4) Poor (0-1) Objective(s) of the experiment | Objective is clear, concise and directly relates to the ab | Objective relates to the lab butis lengthy and wordy. Objective does not define the clear picture of the ‘experiment Objective is inaccurate in a sense that it vaguely describes lab purpose Objective doesn’t relate to lab and is unclear and prolix | All the procedures are | clesely written with labeled liagrams/drawings of Few procedural steps are not clear due to which the individual faces hurdle in Procedures are unclear but stil allow the individual to perform No understanding of written procedures - ‘Writing is confusing Description of | apparatus/devices used to performing the the experiment. Incorrect steps done with experimental | cay outthe experiment |Errcama Me Individual has the | no particular sequence Feeesiarasios| Masaa cea singramscavings are | dtc in Diggramsldrawings are Lab Reports appropriate detail wo repet_| propery akeles understanding the | not labelled experiment rcthoology, Diograms/rawings are (cLo2: Bee compere: The results areconect, | Therenutsareaccurte |The renuts re Resuls are incorret and PLO 10: Suny eensbleand | |ostontclety pees, | manly ccc tue | Sega it PEYELAG | Resa and |clewy presente inte da [Compasses aetsacta | maa eeu Presentation i not upto Amis fois: te [fomtgheadiecion fr [Coneaimccceay | Retain sata comparison beteca he insight made isin experimental and theoretical analysis is missing Sieara nue. A summary ofthe The conclsion The conclusion doesnt experiment is provided | summarizes he clearly describe the Which generalizes and experiment bt pooty | summa ste Conclusion addresses the questions ike | explain the findings ot | expences te cncacien | Gee experiment Itdoes not essential compongag investigated, findings of | throw ighton possible [anddocartengt ne experiment, sources oferror | soueesofenorsaor | finding the and defend the objective | defends the objective __| experiment port is legible and Report is legible but The figures lack ‘Writing is illegible and language use is choice of words and, ‘captions. The writing is} not neat, Figures are Frofésional and proper | sentence structure isnot | illegible, The language Language used Report Qualiey | sentence structure is good. The sequence of [used is substandard, | is not understandable and utilized, The sequence of | headings and content is has grammatical errors headings and content right, Ilustrations are right, Ulustrations are made_| made properly Course ___| The student isable wo apply |The concepts are clear but | The student applies and. Can’t relate the ated sete | aay filamallthe concepts | not related diretly tothe [relates very few ofthe _ | knowledge of subject to related t0 the | and laws correctly while | experiment ‘concepts correctly tothe | the experiment experiment | performing the experiment experiment | The experiment hasbeen | The experiment has been | The experimentwas | The students umble w conducted as per the conducted as per the conducted but not as per | conduet the Conducting of | standard procedures, All the | standard ‘Procedures. Few | the standard procedures. | and failed to adopt the experiment | steps mentioned inthe | steps were missed while ‘comect procedure. Lab | procedure are correctly | performing the ae followed. experiment. Performance Procedures are followed [Experimental instructions | Only few safety Safety procedures were ‘with fll attention to were followed with procedures were ‘ot followed at all (cto. Attention to relevant safety procedures. | superficial atention to | propery followed. FOLLOW: Safety relevant safety procedures | Improper handling of Procedures the apparatus was PEA. | ‘observed that could pose LEVEL P3) | threat to the student. ‘The results ofthe performed | The results of the The observations made | experiment are very clear, | demonstration are clear but | do not align to the easily understood and in| vaguely illustrates what is_| objective of the Results & | accordance with the eared from the experiment Observations | **gineering demonstration | Principles/concepts. | snudent correctly answers Student answers a few {questions incorrectly. Gets Student answers only a few basic questions ‘Student answers most of the questions incorrectly Il the questions related to Background | experiment, Has fll Confused in some trick correctly and fails to | and does not possess knowledge | command on the questions elaborate with correct | knowledge of the Viva information/knowledge reasoning experiment a | gained : (cLo [Answers are relevant and to | Some of the answers did | Most ofthe answers | None of the answers ANSWERS: Relevance | € Point. Nownnecessary | not aligned with the were deviating the point | were relevant. It misses Bo explanations are made | question asked the important relevant LEVEL) | ct conceptual information. Student uses clear voice | Student is clear, audible | Student incorrectly __| Student mumbles - Is pronounces terms. Lack | under-confident and poe I coeeaearsiien|| oro teatin aeeied Secret ee and confident, of confidence and has difficulty in maintaining eye-coniact. incorrectly pronounces the terms.

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