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Joshua Francis

Mrs Caven

Dear Covid Response


Dear Covid

I have no idea why I am writing this letter to you but I have to address this and let you know how

I truly felt about you. To be completely and utterly honest I hated you, you made my life

a living hell and that is something I never want to experience again. You killed and took

from so many and you really expect me to want to live with that? When I heard the things

you have done I didn't think is was that serious but you went to far, i could not my home

without thinking that I might be risking my life, I got scared every time my Sisters would

leave the house hoping that they don't run into you people could not go to the store with

others because of you, I couldn't see the rest of my family we were forced to stay inside

while you were roaming freely I went through the tragedies of losing family and couldn't

even attend their funerals all because of you, I now Learn that life is way too Short to be

looking for unnecessary things, am glad i went through that experience because I grow up

and learned from it and my mistakes but i would never want to go through that again i

wouldn't even wish that on my greatest enemy, Thank you for the experience of what life

truly is but I never want to see you again Goodbye.

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