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Resource Availability and Plant Antiherbivore Defense

Phyllis D. Coley; John P. Bryant; F. Stuart Chapin

&%g»cg, New Series, Vol. 230, No. 4728 (Nov. 22,1985), 895-899.

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22 November 1985, Volume 230, Number 4728

nature and quantity of plant defenses are

determined by the resources available in
the local habitat. We suggest that natural
selection favors plants with slow growth
rates and high levels of defense in envi-
Resource Availability and ronments with low resource availability
and that plants with faster growth rates
Plant Antiherbivore Defense and lower defense levels are favored
under conditions of high resource avail-
ability. We will first outline the proposal
Phyllis D. Coley, John P. Bryant, F. Stuart Chapin, III and present the evidence from natural
systems and then discuss how these
ideas compare with current theories on
plant apparency and the evolution of
Herbivores exert a major impact on herbivory on different species can range plant defenses.
plants, both in ecological and evolution- from 0 to 100 percent during herbivore
ary time scales. Insects have caused population outbreaks (4). This orders-of-
greater economic loss to American agri- magnitude range in herbivore damage Resource Limitation and Plant
culture than the combined effects of among species within a single communi- Growth Characteristics
damage from drought and freezing and ty is primarily a reflection of palatability
have caused greater tree mortality than differences among species. Although the All plants are dependent on the avail-
does logging. On average, more than 10 nutritional quality of leaves and twigs ability of light, water, and nutrients as
percent of the plant production in natural can influence herbivore food choice (5), essential resources for growth. In nature
communities is consumed annually by chemical and structural defenses are there is a continuum of habitat types,
herbivores (7). This loss to herbivory is generally the major determinants of leaf from resource-poor habitats that support
little or no plant growth, to resource-rich
habitats that can potentially support rap-
Summary. The degree of herbivory and the effectiveness of defenses varies widely id plant growth. This variation in habitat
among plant species. Resource availability in the environment is proposed as the quality can occur over long distances, as
major determinant of both the amount and type of plant defense. When resources are in the change from nutrient-poor white
limited, plants with inherently slow growth are favored over those with fast growth sands forests in the northern Amazon
rates; slow rates in turn favor large investments in antiherbivore defenses. Leaf basin to the nutrient-rich forests cover-
lifetime, also determined by resource availability, affects the relative advantages of ing southwestern Amazonia. Habitat
defenses with different turnover rates. Relative limitation of different resources also quality can also vary substantially over
constrains the types of defenses. The proposals are compared with other theories on only a few meters, as, for example, when
the evolution of plant defenses. one moves from a shady forest urider-
story, where plants are light-limited, to a
sunny light gap created by a fallen tree.
greater than the average allocation to and twig palatability (6, 7). Plants have The evolutionary response of plants to
plant reproduction (2), the investment evolved an extraordinary array of sec- resource limitation has been a suite of
that most directly determines plant fit- ondary metabolites which act as antiher- interdependent characteristics associat-
ness. Thus herbivores exert a strong bivore defenses and which appear not to ed with an inherently slow growth rate
selective influence on plants by increas- be waste products nor to serve any other (Table 1) (9, 10). There are many exam-
ing plant mortality and by removing bio- known function in the plant (8). Clearly, ples of inherently slow growth rates in
mass that might be allocated to growth or the production of defenses is only fa- species from infertile sites (77), in spe-
reproduction. vored by natural selection when the cost cies from shaded habitats (3, 12), and in
Herbivory, however, is not equally of production is less than the benefit of species and even populations growing in
distributed among all plant species. In a enhanced protection from herbivores. arid areas (75). Such plants grow slowly
tropical rainforest, insects remove from A major goal in the study of plant- even in the most favorable environments
0.0003 to 0.8 percent of the leaf area per herbivore interactions is to understand and have low capacities to photosynthe-
day, depending on the tree species (3). In why plant species differ in their commit- size and absorb nutrients (9,10, 14). The
arctic shrub tundra and boreal forests the ment to defenses and hence in their low respiratory and photosynthetic rates
frequency of both insect and vertebrate susceptibility to herbivores. If plants in these inherently slow-growing species
Phyllis D. Coley is in the Department of Biology,
have the potential to defend themselves are associated with low levels of leaf
University of Utah, Salt Lake City 84112. John P. effectively against herbivores, why do protein (75). Slow growth resulting from
Bryant and F. Stuart Chapin, III, are in the Institute many species suffer high levels of herbi- a low metabolic demand may confer a
of Arctic Biology, University of Alaska, Fairbanks
99701. vory? We present evidence that both the greater ability to withstand chronically
22 NOVEMBER 1985 89)
stressful environments and therefore to areas along rivers rather than on slowly sional species were preferred by slugs
outcompete more rapidly growing spe- growing species characteristic of the ad- (24), caterpillars (25), and several spe-
cies adapted to resource-rich environ- jacent resource-limited sites (7, 19, 20), cies of sap- and leaf-feeders (26).
ments (9, 70). In a neotropical rainforest, fast-growing The observations that inherently slow-
Because inherently slow-growing tree species are eaten 6 times as rapidly growing plants are less preferred by her-
plants occur in environments where re- by insects as inherently slow-growing bivores are consistent with both the
sources are not readily replaced, they species in the same microhabitat (3). amount and type of defenses (Table 1).
tend to have long-lived leaves and twigs. Leaf-eating Colobus monkeys from nu- The absolute concentrations of defenses
Slow turnover of plant parts is advanta- trient-poor forests in Africa avoid the in leaves of slow-growers from resource-
geous in a low-nutrient environment be- leaves of most tree species and rely more limited sites tend to be at least twice as
cause each time a plant part is shed, it heavily on seeds than do their congeners high as those in leaves of fast-growers
carries with it approximately half of its from forests on richer soils (21). Leaves from resource-rich sites (3, 21, 27-29).
maximum nitrogen and phosphorus pool that are eaten by Colobus come dispro- The defenses of slow-growers are pri-
(10). Similarly, in shady and perhaps in portionately from deciduous tree species marily chemicals such as lignins or poly-
cold or dry environments, where the as compared to evergreens (22). In feed- phenolic compounds that may have dos-
potential for energy (carbon) acquisition ing preference tests, fast-growing tem- age-dependent effects on herbivores (28-
is low, carbon loss can be minimized by perate plants from fertile soils were pre- 31). In addition, lignin, or fiber content
having a slow leaf turnover rate. ferred by snails (23), and early succes- serves as structural support in the leaf
In contrast, resource-rich environ- (32). These types of metabolites are most
ments such as agrpecosystems, old-field often present in large concentrations
habitats, and many tropical regions have (28-30) and exhibit low rates of turnover
High maximal growth rate
favored plant species that have the po- during the life of the leaf (33-34). In
tential for rapid growth (9, 10). These contrast, the chemical defenses of fast-
species exhibit a characteristic set of growing species include a myriad of di-
traits (Table 1) that include a high capaci- verse chemicals that are present and
ty to absorb nutrients and high respira- effective in lower concentrations (28, 29,
tory and light-saturated photosynthetic 35). These types of metabolites exhibit
rates. Such species generally show a high turnover rates (36, 37) and thus
biochemical and morphological plasticity represent a reversible commitment to
that allows them to take advantage of defense.
pulses in resource availability (9,10, 16).
Since photosynthetic rates decline with
age, and older leaves are often shaded by Predictions for Amount of Defense
younger ones, energy acquisition in high-
resource sites is maximized by a rapid Our resource availability hypothesis
turnover of leaves (10, 14, 17, 18). The suggests that the observed associations
inevitable nutrient and carbon loss asso- of inherent growth rates and antiherbi-
ciated with rapid turnover of plant parts Defense investment (g defense/g leaf) vore defenses of plants (Table 1) is one
is not a strong selective influence on of causality (38). We suggest that the
plants in a high-resource environment Fig. 1. Effect of defense investment on real- optimal level of defense investment in-
ized growth. Each curve represents a plant
because nutrients and light are more species with a different maximum inherent creases as the potential growth rate of
readily available. growth rate. Levels of defense that maximize the plant decreases (holding herbivore
realized growth are indicated by an arrow. pressure constant) for several reasons.
Realized growth (dCldt) is calculated as First, as potential growth rates become
dCldt = G*C*(1 - klT) - (H - mDp) where
Growth Rates, Herbivory, and G (g g'1 d-1) is the maximum inherent growth more limited by resource availability,
Antiherbivore Defenses rate permitted by the environment (without replacement of resources lost to herbi-
herbivores), C (g) is the plant biomass at time vores becomes more costly. Since this
In addition to differing in general plant Zero, D (g g"1) is the defense investment, k (g increases the relative value of limiting
d_1) and a are constants that relate an invest- resources, one would expect to see high-
and leaf characteristics, inherently fast- ment in defense to a reduction in growth. The
and slow-growing plants also have con- entire term (1 - kDa) is the percentage of er levels of defense in resource-limited
sistent differences in their antiherbivore reduction in growth due to investment in environments (39). Second, a given rate
characteristics (Table 1). Fast-growers defenses. The term H (g d"1) is the potential of herbivory (grams of leaf removed per
adapted to resource-rich habitats suffer herbivore pressure in the habitat (assuming no day) represents a larger fraction of the
defense). Potential herbivory is reduced by a
higher rates of damage from herbivores function of defense investment, (rtiD^), where net production of a slow-grower than
and have both lower amounts and differ- m (g d-1) and p are constants that determine that of a fast-grower. Therefore, because
ent types of defensive chemicals than the shape of the defense effectiveness curve. the relative impact of herbivory in-
slow-growing species. Observations in a The entire negative term (H - mD^) is the creases as inherent growth rate declines,
variety of communities have revealed reduction in realized growth (g d~') due to We would again expect higher defenses
herbivory. Since it is subtracted from growth,
that vertebrate and invertebrate herbi- this assumes herbivores consume fixed in slower growers. And third, a percent-
vores prefer feeding on fast-growing amounts of leaf tissue and not fixed percent- age reduction in growth rate due to the
plant species of resource-rich environ- ages of plant productivity. The model's re- cost of producing defenses represents a
ments (Table 2). For example, in boreal sults depend on the extent to which this greater absolute growth reduction for
assumption is true. To further conform to
systems, herbivory by vertebrates and biological reality, the herbivory term fast-growing species than for slow-grow-
insects is greatest on rapidly growing (H - mD®) cannot be less than zero, regard- ing ones (40). In other words, because
trees that colonize recently disturbed less of the value of D. the relative cost of defense increases as
896 SCIENCE, VOL. 230
growth rates increase, we would expect — Mobile defense *.L_ Immobile defense _*! as alkaloids, phenolic glycosides, and
advantageous 1 advantageous 1
lower levels of defense in resource-rich cyanogenic glycosides [qualitative de-
environments. fenses as defined by Feeny (25)], which
» 2 Mobile s
Our hypothesis that the level of de- defense/ are present in low concentrations and
fense investment increases as the plant's £ c

X therefore initially represent a low total
potential growth rate decreases can be » u
construction cost. Although the concen-
formalized mathematically (Fig. 1). We « "ra S*^ yy Immobile defense tration of these compounds in a leaf may
= 6
assume that in a world without herbi- E—i / s remain constant and small, the pool is
vores, the maximum potential growth / / continually turning over. For example,
rates would be determined by the re- / in several species of mint, the biological
source availability in the environment half-lives of mono- and diterpene de-
Leaf lifetime (months)
(modified slightly by allocation patterns fenses are 10 to 24 hours (42), and in
of individual species). As noted above, Fig. 2. The cumulative cost of defending a leaf several unrelated agricultural species,
evidence suggests that over evolutionary with a large amount of an immobile defense half-lives of various alkaloids range from
that has negligible turnover compared to a
time plants have adjusted their inherent small amount of a mobile defense that contin- 7.5 hours to 6 days (37). This high meta-
growth rates to match the degree of ues to turnover throughout the life of the leaf. bolic activity allows compounds to be
resource limitation in their preferred recovered from a leaf during senescence,
habitats. Let us now add herbivores to but also means that there is a continued
the model. We assume that they remove have longer-lived leaves than fast-grow- metabolic cost associated with turnover.
a biomass of plant material that is a ing species (Table 1) (18). We suggest Mobile defenses are therefore not ex-
function of the herbivore biomass and that there should be a relation between pected to be common in long-lived
therefore a fixed amount, rather than a the length of leaf lifetime and types of leaves, because the continued metabolic
fixed percentage of the plant's produc- defense. Defense compounds, such as costs summed over leaf lifetime would
tivity. Any plant that invests in defenses polyphenols and fiber [quantitative de- likely be larger than a fixed investment in
will reduce its losses to herbivores. The fenses as defined by Feeny (25)], are immobile defenses (Fig. 2) (43). These
resultant plant growth rate is the balance present in high concentrations and thus same arguments predict that mobile de-
between a growth reduction due to de- represent a high initial construction cost. fenses would be favored in short-lived
fense costs and a growth increase due to They are fairly inactive metabolically, so leaves. Furthermore, the metabolic turn-
better protection from herbivores. The that continued maintenance costs are over of mobile defenses may allow a
shape of this relationship between de- small. However, because of this meta- greater plasticity in the expression of
fense investment and actual growth rate bolic inactivity, these compounds are defense, as has been noted for some
is a curve with intermediate levels of immobile, being retained in senescent species (44, 45).
defense causing maximum growth rates leaves and lost to the plant upon leaf The types of resources available in the
(Fig. 1). Below this optimal defense level death (34). These types of defense, environment will also place constraints
(indicated by arrows), growth is reduced which we shall refer to as immobile on the types of defenses that will be
because of high losses to herbivores and defenses, would therefore be advanta- favored through evolutionary time.
above it, because of an excessively high geous in long-lived leaves which have Clearly, in extremely nutrient-limited en-
cost of defense. Figure 1 shows a family more time over which to spread these vironments, nitrogen-based defenses
of curves where only the maximum po- fixed costs (Fig. 2). Data from 41 tree would have high relative costs compared
tential growth rate permitted by the envi- species in a neotropical forest support to carbon-based defenses, and should be
ronment varies. The sharp peak in the this, showing a significant increase in rare (20, 46). Nitrogen-containing alka-
curves for fast-growing species (upper polyphenol and fiber content as leaf life- loids are unusually common in legumes
curves) suggests that deviations from the time increases (3, 41). with nitrogen-fixing symbionts. Desert
optimal defense levels have a larger neg- The other end of the defense spectrum shrubs growing under conditions of un-
ative impact on realized growth than is represented by mobile defenses such limited light frequently produce such
they would for slow-growing species
(lower curves). As the inherent growth
rate decreases (from upper to lower
Table 1. Characteristics of inherently fast-growing and slow-growing plant species.
curves), the optimal level of defense
increases, and the level of actual herbi- », ... Fast-erowine
Fast-growing Slow-err
vory decreases. These two predictions, species species
increased defense and decreased herbi- Growth characteristics
vore damage in slow-growing species, Resource availability in preferred habitat High Low
have not been explained by previous Maximum plant growth rates High Low
models and are the major patterns ob- Maximum photosynthetic rates High Low
Dark respiration rates High Low
served in nature. Leaf protein content High Low
Responses to pulses in resources Flexible Inflexible
Leaf lifetimes Short Long
Predictions for Type of Defense Successional status Often early Often late
Antiherbivore characteristics
Rates of herbivory High Low
Inherent growth rates of plants may Amount of defense metabolites Low High
influence the type of defense as well as Type of defense (sensu Feeny) Qualitative Quantitative
the amount. Because of the increased (alkaloids) (tannins)
conservation of resources, slow-growing Turnover rate of defense High Low
Flexibility of defense expression More flexible Less flexible
plants of resource-limited environments
22 NOVEMBER 1985 897
large quantities of carbon-based terpenes plants that separate the effects of appar- successional riparian habitats are wide-
that they perfume the air. Although spe- ency from resource availability. In the spread and predictable, it is difficult to
cies that grow in the forest understory, a following examples, differences in de- see that certain tree species would be
low-carbon environment, also often have fenses (Table 1) are observed between more apparent than others. However, a
carbon-based defenses, this may reflect plant species that have similar apparency gradient in resource availability and
a compromise with other nutrient limita- in time and space but occur along a plant growth rate is well correlated with
tions and the leaf lifetime considerations resource gradient. Grime (9) was one of palatability to vertebrate herbivores (7,
discussed above. Presumably because the first to identify this relation, noting 19, 20).
phosphorus is limiting in almost all envi- an increase in defenses in many British We suggest that resource availability
ronments, there are no naturally occur- plants associated with an increase in better explains the observed patterns of
ring phosphorous-based defenses. The environmental stress. In Cameroon, tree plant defense (Table 1) than apparency in
effectiveness of organophosphate pesti- species growing in nutrient-poor soils several ways. Apparency theory argues
cides probably arises from their novelty contain twice the concentration of phe- that apparent and unapparent plants
to herbivores. nolic compounds as species in similar have evolved different types of defenses
rainforest vegetation but growing in rich- as a result of differential pressure from
er soils (21), a pattern which is probably specialist and generalist herbivores.
Evolution of Plant Defenses repeated in many nutrient-poor areas However, this is not generally supported
(39, 47). In a neotropical forest, the by empirical evidence on the relative
Another model for the evolution of mature canopy is composed of fast-grow- effectiveness of defense types against
plant defenses was presented by Feeny ing shade-intolerant trees as well as specialists or generalists (26, 31, 49), nor
(28) and Rhoades and Gates (29). They slow-growing shade-tolerant species is it supported by the relative abundance
were the first to point out many of the (48). Although both groups of species of herbivore types on apparent and unap-
patterns of defense investment outlined have similar apparency, the fast-growing parent plants (50). Furthermore, appar-
in Table 1 and suggested that it was a species are eaten more by herbivores ency theory implies that all species
plant's apparency that influenced the and show lower concentrations of immo- should suffer similar rates of damage,
type of defense. They defined apparent bile defenses than do the slow-growing with some species avoiding damage by
plants as being distributed predictably in species (3). In boreal communities, escape and others by chemical defenses.
time and space, giving late successional where species diversity is low and early Although the mechanisms of apparency
species as an example. Because of their theory do not seem appropriate to ex-
predictability, it was hypothesized that plain the observed patterns of herbivory
apparent plants were easily discovered and plant defense (3, 51), the predictabil-
Table 2. Field studies of herbivore prefer-
by herbivores and should therefore show ences for fast- or slow-growing plant species ity of a plant in time and space may
a large investment in broadly effective in natural communities. Herbivory is ex- influence the degree of herbivore pres-
defenses (quantitative defenses). Unap- pressed as the relative consumption of fast- sure, particularly in comparisons of spe-
parent plants were defined as having growers over slow-growers, considering only cies having different leaf lifetimes. In this
mature plants.
ephemeral or unpredictable distributions sense, it should be included as a comple-
as, for example, those in early succes- Herbi- Refer- mentary factor when considering plant-
Herbivore vory ence
sional sites. Unapparent species were herbivore interactions. The resource
expected to rely on escaping discovery Tropical forest availability hypothesis, however, pro-
by specialist herbivores and therefore Insect 6 (3) vides a more general and comprehensive
needed only to invest in less costly Black Colobus monkey 20 (22) explanation of the differences between
chemical defenses (qualitative defenses) Boreal forest species in herbivory and defense.
effective against nonadapted generalist Moose (winter)
herbivores. The defense differences be- Alaska (M)
tween apparent and unapparent plants Newfoundland (34) Conclusions
Finland (M)
were suggested to reflect differential ef- Moose (summer)
fectiveness of qualitative and quantita- Alaska (*) Other investigators have recognized
tive defenses against specialist and gen- Snowshoe hare (winter) the importance of resource availability in
eralist herbivores and differential selec- Alaska 4 (20, 57) directing the evolution of a variety of
tion pressure by generalists and special- Michigan 10 (34) plant characteristics (10, 52), and Grime
Newfoundland 3 (34)
ists due to plant apparency. Snowshoe hare (summer) (9) has made specific reference to an
Because the extremes of resource Alaska (36) increase in plant defenses with an in-
availability are often associated with Mountain hare (winter) (30) crease in habitat stress. We extend this
habitat disturbance and successional Mountain hare (summer) 26 (39) idea and propose that resource availabil-
Caribou 57 (60)
stages, considerations of resource avail- Beaver ity in the environment is the major factor
ability or plant apparency often lead to influencing the evolution of both the
the same predictions. Both theories sug- Arctic tundra amount and type of plant defense. Re-
Insect (W) source limitation selects for inherently
gest that successional status should be Microtus «K)
correlated with defense investment; Dicrostonyx («) slow growth rates, which in turn favor
Feeny (25) and Rhoades and Gates (29) Lemmus («) large investments in defense. Leaf life-
attribute this pattern to an increase in Spermophilus («) time, also determined by resource avail-
apparency through time, whereas we Arctic hare (64) ability, affects whether mobile or immo-
Musk-oxen (63)
suggest that it is because of a decrease in Caribou (66) bile defenses will be more advantageous.
resource availability and, hence, inher- Reindeer (67) Further constraints on the types of de-
ent growth rates. There are, however, 'Little or no recorded use of slow-growing ever- fenses are imposed by the relative limita-
several studies of defense patterns of green species. tion of different resources.
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DC, 1983), pp. 21-36. might expect mobile defenses in long-lived Fairbanks (1984).
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(1985). A. Mooney, Oecologia 15, 65 (1974); H. Fluck, Kursar, and B. Stubblefield for discussions.
20. J. P. Bryant, F. S. Chapin, III, D. R. Klein, ibid. in Chemical Plant Taxonomy, T. Swain, Ed. Supported by NSF grant DEB-820 7170 (to
40, 357 (1983). (Academic Press, New York, 1963), pp. 167- F.S.C.) and by funds from the University of
21. D. McKey, P. G. Waterman, C. N. Mbi, J. S. 186; J. H. Lawton, Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 73, 187 Utah (to P.D.C.).

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