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Information Technology

Prepared by :
Rebaz Raouf

Supervised by :
Lec. Sarhang
Headings Page no.

❖ IT Management overview ___________________ 1

❖ IT Management essential ___________________ 1

❖ Why IT management is important? ___________ 3

❖ Purpose _________________________________ 3

❖ IT managers ______________________________ 4
IT Management
Information technology management or IT management is the
discipline whereby all of the information technology resources of a firm
are managed in accordance with its needs and priorities. Managing the
responsibility within a company entails many of the basic management
functions, like budgeting, staffing, change management, and organizing
and controlling, along with other aspects that are unique to technology,
like software design, network planning, tech support.
Generally, IT is used by organizations to support and compliment their
business operations. The advantages brought about by having a
dedicated IT department are too great for most organizations to pass
up. Some organizations actually use IT as the center of their business.

IT management essentials
An IT environment consists of a multitude of hardware, network and
software components including computers, servers, routers,
applications, microservices and mobile technologies. An IT
infrastructure can be on premises, in the cloud or on a hybrid platform
that integrates both.
IT managers monitor and govern IT systems to ensure they’re always
available and function reliably. IT management responsibilities and
tasks include:
- Determining business requirements for IT systems.

- Managing IT budgets and costs.

- Monitoring safety and compliance.

- Controlling system and network security.

- Implementing new software, hardware and data systems.

- Providing technical or help desk support.

IT departments are usually headed by Chief Information Officers (CIOs).

They determine IT strategies and goals for the business and ensure
they’re implemented.
Many CIOs believe their roles will evolve in the next two to three years.
They expect to shift from maintenance and management to higher-
value, strategic activities. A key responsibility will be to “implement
meaningful digital change through the creation of new tools, solutions
and business models.
Why IT management is important?
IT underpins almost all enterprise activity. Automation, data processing
and always-on connectivity have opened the door to previously
unimagined capabilities and efficiencies.
It may be impossible to separate technology from daily business
At the same time, an organization is vulnerable when systems
underperform or fail.
A down network, lost data or malware can severely impact day to day
operations. The average cost of a data breach in the US, for example, is
USD 3.86 million.
IT management practices ensure that information technologies are
secure, highly available and perform at their peak.
CIOs also take a lead role in adopting new systems to improve

The central aim of IT management is to generate value through the use
of technology. To achieve this, business strategies and technology must
be aligned.
IT Management is different from management information systems.
The latter refers to management methods tied to the automation or
support of human decision making. IT Management refers to IT related
management activities in organizations
A primary focus of IT management is the value creation made possible
by technology. This requires the alignment of technology and business
strategies. While the value creation for an organization involves a
network of relationships between internal and external environments,
technology plays an important role in improving the overall value chain
of an organization. However, this increase requires business and
technology management to work as a creative, synergistic, and
collaborative team instead of a purely mechanistic span of control.

IT managers
IT managers have a lot in common with project managers but their
main difference is one of focus: an IT manager is responsible and
accountable for an ongoing program of IT services.

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