Creative Writing Secret Place of My Childhood

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Secret Place of My Childhood Creative Writing Paper Topics

Pages: 4 (1471 words) · Bibliography Sources: 0 · File: .docx · Level: College Senior · Topic: Urban Studies Paper Editing Service

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¶ … Special Place
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When I was about seven years old, my parents started sending me to visit my grandparents in their summer cottage Info / FAQ / Guarantee
in the country. Having been raised in the city, I really disliked it at first. My cousins and I used to arrive at the same
time and they felt the same way. There was no air conditioning and it seemed to us as though everything in there Email Us
was as old as my grandparents. There were no showers, just huge bathtubs with old-fashioned shower curtains
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around them. The faucets separated the hot and cold water so it was impossible to get warm water without cupping
your hands and moving them back and forth from the hot water faucet to the cold water faucet. My grandmother was Listen to our radio ad!
always making homemade foods and they never had any of the drinks that we liked at home, just various different
kinds of fresh fruit juices and most of them hat pits and pulp in them. The refrigerator was so old that it had a great Phone:
big handle on it and you had to close the door really hard or the handle would make the whole door bounce back 1-866-7O7-27З7
instead of staying closed. Sometimes, it would spring open because of that and make us spill what we had in our
hands when it hit us, as though it was mocking us because it knew that we hated being there. It was never cold Text (super fast):
enough either and my grandmother was always putting ice in our drinks so that they would be cold enough. 1-65O-585-OOO5

TOPIC: Creative Writing on Secret Place of My Childhood Assignment

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The whole house was also very loud, almost like it knew that we hated being there: the paper NOW!
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floorboards would squeak as though they were complaining that we were walking on them
and every door had its own sound. The house had a smell to it that was partly from the Code: Save10
unfinished wood and partly from something else that I could never identify; all I knew was that I didn't like it. None of
the windows slid smoothly; they required a two-handed effort just to get them open. You had to be careful because it
was easy to get splinters on the windows and I had to learn to walk without shuffling my feet on the floor if I was
barefoot or in my socks because those floors would always launch their little splinter spears at us otherwise. At
home, I was allowed to stay up until 11:00 o'clock on non-school nights but when we stayed at my grandparents, we
had to be in our bedroom at 9:30 even though we had no school all summer. My grandparents always went to sleep
before 10:00 and we had to be quiet talking because we knew they could hear us if we talked too loud or laughed.
During the day, we could talk louder but we didn't because the house was very small and the whole house had an
echo so that our voices could always be heard by my grandparents in their bedroom. Sometimes it felt like the house
was spying on us for them.

The only place where we felt comfortable talking and relaxing was in the large hammock that was tied between two
trees in the backyard. It was a perfect location because we could still see the house through the trees but nobody
could really see us until they approached within a few feet because of the bushes. My grandmother would always
call out "Boys? Are you OK?" from the house to make sure we were there and we would both answer at the same
time. "Yes, we're fine, Grandma!" We weren't allowed to cross the street so we would take turns going to the
neighborhood store to get soda that was already cold without ice and fruit punch without pits and pulp in it. If my
grandmother called while one of us was gone, the other would just yell back and she never noticed when it was just
one voice instead of two.

I don't remember exactly when it happened, but we must have changed our minds about being at "Grandma's"
because one summer she was sick and when we found out that we couldn't go we were both disappointed. The next 5-Day Trial
summer was a totally different feeling because we were happy to be there. Instead of talking about how much we
wished we were home, we spent hours in that hammock talking… [END OF PREVIEW] . . . READ MORE
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How to Cite "Secret Place of My Childhood" Creative Writing in a Bibliography:

APA Style
Secret Place of My Childhood. (2013, February 10). Retrieved February 21, 2023, from

MLA Format
"Secret Place of My Childhood." 10 February 2013. Web. 21 February 2023.

Chicago Style
"Secret Place of My Childhood." February 10, 2013. Accessed February 21, 2023.

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