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Personality Attributes are personal characteristics or innate personality features that help

and promote soft skills. These abilities might set you apart from others or affect how successfully
you do a task or job. Employers frequently seek candidates with a certain set of personality traits
and soft skills that fit with the workplace culture or particular professions (Indeed Editorial
Team, 2021b). Personal qualities, however, cannot be learned through conventional instruction,
unlike technical abilities. In view of the possibility that employers would favor individuals who
possess particular qualities, it is crucial to emphasize your own qualities while applying for
employment. In order to accomplish effective negotiation it requires both a strong personality
and efficient communication.
Effective negotiating requires a captivating personality. Personality attributes can be
identified in many ways, a few of the ways are as followed:
1. Locus of Control
Locus of control is the degree to which individuals believe they have control over
situations and events. Individuals with an internal locus of control believe they
control their destiny. Individuals with an external locus of control believe what
happens is a matter of chance.
2. Self-Monitoring
Self-monitoring is the degree to which individuals adjust their behavior relative to the
changing demands of social situations; high or low.
3. Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
Refers to an individual's ability to understand their own and others' emotions
correctly and to use those emotions to produce personally and socially desirable
4. Data-Gathering (Thinking) Preferences
Is an individual's natural approach for collecting information.
And Lastly,
5. Decision-Making (Doing) Preferences
Is an individual's natural approach for choosing between alternatives.

Indeed Editorial Team (Ed.). (2021b, December 6). What Are Personal Attributes? Definition

and 20 Examples. Indeed. Retrieved February 15, 2023, from

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