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2. Imperfect tense used to describe actions that were ongoing in the past.

3. Passé composé used to describe completed actions in the past.

4. Futur simple used to describe actions that will happen in the future.
5. Conditional used to describe actions that would happen under certain conditions.
6. Subjunctive used to express doubt, emotion, or uncertainty.
7. Infinitive the basic form of a verb that ends in -er, -ir, or -re
8. Participe présent used to describe actions happening at the same time as another action.
9. Participe passé used to describe completed actions that have an effect on the present.
10. Reflexive verbs verbs that describe actions that are done to oneself.
11. Impersonal verbs verbs that do not have a specific subject.
12. Transitive verbs verbs that require a direct object.
13. Intransitive verbs verbs that do not require a direct object.
14. Verbs with prepositions verbs that require a specific preposition to be used.
15. Verbs with infinitive verbs that require another verb to be used in the infinitive form.
16. Verbs with gerund verbs that require another verb to be used in the gerund form.
17. Verbs with adjectives verbs that require an adjective to be used.
18. Verbs with adverbs verbs that require an adverb to be used.
19. Verbs with nouns verbs that require a specific noun to be used.
20. Verbs with pronouns verbs that require a specific pronoun to be used.
21. Verbs with expressions of time verbs that require a specific expression of time to be used.
22. Verbs with expressions of place verbs that require a specific expression of place to be used.
23. Verbs with expressions of manner verbs that require a specific expression of manner to be used.
24. Verbs with expressions of frequency verbs that require a specific expression of frequency to be used.
25. Verbs with expressions of quantity verbs that require a specific expression of quantity to be used.
26. Verbs with expressions of cause verbs that require a specific expression of cause to be used.
27. Verbs with expressions of purpose verbs that require a specific expression of purpose to be used.
28. Verbs with expressions of condition verbs that require a specific expression of condition to be used.
29. Verbs with expressions of concession verbs that require a specific expression of concession to be used.
30. Verbs with expressions of comparison verbs that require a specific expression of comparison to be used.
Verb Tense Verb Usage Spelling Changes
-er verbs: replace -er with -ais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -
aient<br>-ir verbs: replace -ir with -issais, -issais, -issait, -
issions, -issiez, -issaient<br>-re verbs: replace -re with -
Imperfect tense Used to describe actions that were ongoing in the past. ais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient
-er verbs: replace -er with -é<br>-ir verbs: replace -ir with
Passé composé Used to describe completed actions in the past. -i<br>-re verbs: replace -re with -u
Add the future stem (infinitive form of verb) to the
Futur simple Used to describe actions that will happen in the future. endings: -ai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont
Add the conditional stem (infinitive form of verb) to the
Conditional Used to describe actions that would happen under certain conditions. endings: -ais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient
-er verbs: replace -er with -e, -es, -e, -ions, -iez, -ent<br>-
ir verbs: replace -ir with -isse, -isses, -isse, -issions, -
issiez, -issent<br>-re verbs: replace -re with -e, -es, -e, -
Subjunctive Used to express doubt, emotion, or uncertainty. ions, -iez, -ent
Infinitive The basic form of a verb that ends in -er, -ir, or -re No spelling changes
-er verbs: replace -er with -ant<br>-ir verbs: replace -ir
Participe présent Used to describe actions happening at the same time as another action. with -issant<br>-re verbs: replace -re with -ant
-er verbs: replace -er with -é<br>-ir verbs: replace -ir with
Participe passé Used to describe completed actions that have an effect on the present. -i<br>-re verbs: replace -re with -u
Reflexive verbs Verbs that describe actions that are done to oneself. No spelling changes
Impersonal verbs Verbs that do not have a specific subject. No spelling changes
Transitive verbs Verbs that require a direct object. No spelling changes
Intransitive verbs Verbs that do not require a direct object. No spelling changes
Verbs with
prepositions Verbs that require a specific preposition to be used. No spelling changes
Verbs with
infinitive Verbs that require another verb to be used in the infinitive form. No spelling changes
Verbs with gerund Verbs that require another verb to be used in the gerund form. No spelling changes
Verbs with
adjectives Verbs that require an adjective to be used. No spelling changes
Verbs with adverbs Verbs that require an adverb to be used. No spelling changes
Verbs with nouns Verbs that require a specific noun to be used. No spelling changes
Verbs with

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