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Phone No: +251928523627




This is to certify that Umar Abdellah with ID No RAMIT/1194/11 has successfully
completed the work that was assigned to him as part of the internship program. I, Engineer
Tesfahun Dagemu on behalf of Sidama National Regional State Water and Irrigation Bureau
recommend this work as the fulfillment for the requirement of site and office training.


Engineer Tesfahun Dagamu

Phone No:

This is to certify that the internship report entitled ‘Tishishe Small Scale Irrigation Project’ is
prepared by Umar Abdellah under my guidance based on the regular reports that he had
submitted. I recommend this report to be submitted to the faculty of Water Resource and
Irrigation Engineering for evaluation.

Adviser’s name: Mr. Yohannes Smeneh sign _________________ date _____________

We, the undersigned examiners’ of this internship report entitled ‘Tishishe Small Scale
Irrigation Project’ have evaluated and approved the corrected version of the final report as
per the guideline of ArbaMinch Water Technology Institute.

1. Examiner Name ___________________________ Sign ____________ Date ___________

2. Examiner Name ___________________________ Sign ____________ Date ___________

3. Faculty IE Facilitator_________________________ Sign ____________ Date

First of all I would like to express my great thanks for almighty God, for allowing me on this
project from starting to the end of Internship program. Then I would like to say AWTI and
WRIE department; which gives me a chance to take this Internship program to develop my
practical skill. Special thanks for my advisors Mr. Yohannes Smeneh for their supports.

Next my great thanks forwards to project supervisor engineer Tessfahun Dagamu, site
engineer worku and all staff as well as site workers; for assistance what and how I have to do
this internship project.

Finally, I would like to express my great thanks to my family those supporting me financially
and morally during my internship and all those contribute their own advice and helps for
fulfillment of this report.


DB Division Box

D/S Downstream

FC Field Canal

H:V Horizontal : Vertical

HFL High Flood Level

MC Main Canal

SC Secondary Canal

U/S Upstream

WRIE Water Resource and Irrigation Engineering

TSSIP Tishishe Small Scale Irrigation Engineering



LIST OF FIGURES...................................................................................................................v


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.....................................................................................................vii

1 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................1

1.1 General Introduction about the Internship..................................................................1

1.2 General Background...................................................................................................1

1.2.1 Background of hosting company.........................................................................1

1.2.2 Organizational work flow....................................................................................2

1.3 Background of the Project...........................................................................................3

1.3.1 Project location and description...........................................................................3

1.4 Rationale of the Internship..........................................................................................4

1.4.1 Importance and requirements of the internship...................................................5

1.5 Major Activities Conducted During the Internship.....................................................5

2 MATERIALS AND METHODOLOGY...........................................................................6

2.1 Materials......................................................................................................................6

2.2 Methodology...............................................................................................................7

3 GENERAL OVERVIEW OF THE ACTIVITIES............................................................8

3.1 Description of Works at the Site.................................................................................8

3.1.1 Diversion headwork and related structures..........................................................8 Headwork site selection criteria...................................................................9

iii Purpose of diversion headwork....................................................................9

3.1.2 Irrigation system and related structures.............................................................12

3.1.3 Physical and Social infrastructures....................................................................15

4 ASSESSMENT OF THE INTERNSHIP.........................................................................17

4.1 Overall Benefits of the Internship.............................................................................17

4.1.1 Practical skill.....................................................................................................17

4.1.2 Improving theoretical knowledge......................................................................17

4.1.3 Communication and Social interaction skill......................................................18

4.1.4 Work ethics and Leadership skill......................................................................18

4.1.5 Team working skill............................................................................................19

4.2 Contributions for the Company.................................................................................19

4.3 Problems Encountered /Challenges during Internship Period..................................19

4.3.1 Measures that I have taken to overcome these challenge..................................19

5 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS..........................................................20

5.1 Conclusions...............................................................................................................20

5.2 Recommendations.....................................................................................................21

5.2.1 Recommendations for the project......................................................................21

5.2.2 Recommendation for the university...................................................................21


Figure 1.1 organizational flow chart.........................................................................................2

Figure 1.2 Location map of Tishishe Irrigation Project...........................................................4

Figure 3.1 TSSIP Diversion Weir............................................................................................10

Figure 3.2 Retaining wall of TSSIP........................................................................................11

Figure 3.4 Typical Cross Section of Tishishe Main Canal.....................................................13

Figure 3.5 off-take..................................................................................................................14

Figure 3.6 Typical Box Culvert drawing................................................................................14

Figure 3.7 division box...........................................................................................................15

Figure 3.8 Flume.....................................................................................................................15

Figure 3.9 Camping station.....................................................................................................16

Figure 3.10 Foot bridge..........................................................................................................16

Table 3.1 Dimensions of Weir body.......................................................................................10

Table 3.2 Dimensions of U/S Wing Wall...............................................................................11

Table 3.3 Dimensions of D/S Wall.........................................................................................12

This internship report contains five main sections each section concludes many sub-sections
in detail.

The sections in this report are listed below as follows;

The first section describes the introduction part, the historical backs ground of Tishishe small
scale project, project location, specific objective of project, organizational structure and area
of project location in the first chapter.

The second section deals with the material and methodology used.

The third section deals major activities of the project are construction of head work structure
main canals, secondary, divide wall, flume, culvert and foot path.

The fourth section deals with the assessment of the internship, work ethics related issues,
acquaintance acquired, Influences of Internship for Future Career, influences of internship
for future career and measures taken to overcome challenges of the project.

The last section deals with the conclusion, recommendation and reference

1.1 General Introduction about the Internship

An internship program is a pre-professional work experience which aim to develop special

skills related to the job. So it is an important way of remembering an academic educational
training which the students learned in the class during the past three and half years. It forms
the foundation for the development of capacity building and competitiveness of industries in
the field of Engineering and technology. Moreover it can give students to develop their three
and half year’s theoretical background to practical one. This program takes one semester long

This internship report has been written based on the internship conducted from July to
October 2022 which was taken at Sidama National Regional State Water and Irrigation
office. The report mainly addresses the knowledge that I have gained in terms of both
theoretical and practical experiences.

1.2 General Background

Sidama National Regional State Water and Irrigation bureau is one of the governmental
office which is located in the Government of National State of Sidama in Hawassa and
established public development enterprise in 2012. The office is mainly established in order
to promote clean water supply and irrigation of the Region. And the main customers of this
office are farmers and rural villages’ of the Region who had deficiency of water requirement
for their farm land and clean water for their drinks.

1.2.1 Background of hosting company

Sidama National Regional State Water and Irrigation bureau is governmental organization
and the objective is to solve the problem of water supply of the region and to promote the
productivity of the region by modernizing the irrigation system.

 Objectives of the organization

 To expand the modern irrigation system, in order to increase the productivity in the

 To increase employment opportunity.

 To construct water related infrastructures like: - canals, bridges, dams and others.

 To deliver quality, effective and efficient services to its customers.

 To convey river diversion works.

1.2.2 Organizational work flow

The organization flow chart of the section is in to two divisions (Irrigation and Water

Figure 1.1 organizational flow chart

 Main Products of Services

 Project study and design.

 Construction supervision, contract management and administration.

 Geophysical, geotechnical and hydrological investigation services.

1.3 Background of the Project

Using Tishishe River the local farmers practice traditional irrigation along the River at large
scale at different places. In Sidama Region shebedino wereda, Ramada Kebele, farmers are
one of the users of Tishishe River by traditional irrigation method for a long period of time.
Upgrading and increasing the efficiency of traditional irrigation system through modern and
well-designed system provision is the main objective of this modern small scale irrigation

1.3.1 Project location and description

The project is located in Sidama regional state, Leku district in Ramada Kebele at about
27km from Hawassa town (Region capital) and 3km from woreda capital leku. It is at about
307 Km from Addis Ababa out of which 304 Km is asphalt road, 4Km gravel road to
headwork.The area is elevated to 1920m a.s.l and can be categorized under temperate or
“Woyna Dega” climate. Farm lands dominate the land use of the area and have fair
vegetation cover. The area has good water resource potential mainly springs emerging at
various points. The soil of the area is dark brown silt clay in texture. It is deep, non-
expansive, firm and with low infiltration rate and high water holding capacity. There are
good attempts made by local community to practice traditional irrigations around the project
area. The area has good opportunity for diversification of crop production through modern
irrigation. Currently the farmers mainly grow Inset, coffee, cabbage and maize

Figure 1.1 Location map of Tishishe Irrigation Project

1.4 Rationale of the Internship

 Students in the university are expected to be well equipped both in theoretical concept
and practically in the field. Especially in science field, it is difficult to incubate
competent graduates at national and international level unless creating situations to
practice in the field for what they have been learning theoretically in the class. An
internship offers the chance to learn by doing in a setting where students are supervised
by work place professionals and have the opportunity to achieve their own learning goals
without the responsibility of being a permanent employee.

 An internship also offers students to the opportunity to work with someone who can
become a mentor not only in the internship but throughout our career.

 Until recent years most of students were graduated from universities without doing
internship practices which causes lack of good performances when they are employed
and become responsible to do tasks in the actual field work.

 In line with the aforementioned rational, internship practices have significant

implications and as ArbaMinch University we are offered to do internship practices
which meant great deal for us to carry out future career.

1.4.1 Importance and requirements of the internship

Internship plays very important role in site to apply theoretical knowledge what I have
learned in class. There are many reasons to pursue an internship: opportunity for “hands-on”
experience: while students may gather a great deal of information in their courses, there is no
substitute for direct experience in a professional environment. Internship allow students to
gain direct experience.

 The Main important and requirements of internships are listed below

 To share knowledge with worker,
 To get a feel for the work environment,
 To visit different irrigation structures,
 To develop team working skill like sharing idea friendly,
 To boost our confidence,
 To develop communication skill, etc.…

1.5 Major Activities Conducted During the Internship

 Site visit
 Data collection by interviewing the site Engineer and workers.
 Read available TSSIP design data documents.

2.1 Materials

During my internship period, there were different materials and equipment’s in both site and
office works which are necessary to understand the project and also to write this report.

 On Site work:- Construction materials like:

 Cement: the most and major useful construction material used in the construction of
large projects like dam, weir, canals, and also other different hydraulic and irrigation
 Sand: is a construction material exists in a small quartz form used for making
concrete and mortars when mixed with cement, aggregate and water.
 Aggregate: is a construction material used to prepare concrete when it mixed with
cement, sand and water.
 Water: the most important material for all constructional works mainly used for
mixing the above components.
 Masonry: used for constructing weir body, retaining wall, foundation, canal (wall),
 Wood (Scaffolding): is a temporary structure for workers to stand on while working
on a retaining wall.
 Panel: is a material used for construct a formwork, which helps us to place the
concrete and harden till it gets mature.
 Reinforcement bars (steel): a construction material used as a main component in the
construction of culvert and foot paths across the canal.

Construction equipment’s like:

 Concrete mixer: a rolling machine used to mix cement, aggregate, sand.

 Excavator: construction equipment or a vehicle, often on tracks, used to digging
(excavating) and lifting.
 Dump Truck: a heavy truck, used for transporting construction materials like cement,
sand, masonry, aggregate from quarry site and also for cart away after backfilling.
 Service Car: is a vehicle used to transport the workers from office to the site.

 On office work: some secondary data’s that gave good information about the project.
Such as :-
 AutoCAD and civil 3D files of the structures like headwork, canals, etc.…
 Detailed design data documents and also several monthly reports of the project.

2.2 Methodology

Some methodologies in this internship program that followed to get more knowledge:-

 Filed visit at the project site and collecting relevant data’s (like topographic condition of
the site, types of crop in that area...)
 By making group discussion with my friends on what we see and what we done at the site
and at the office, respectively as a team work.
 By asking questions which were not clear for us to the site engineer and to our supervisor.
 By referring previous studies and design data documents about TSSIP for further

During this internship period, I were done my work in two interrelated ways; by supervision
and collecting different data’s from the site and the other is organizing the collected data and
group discussion with our engineer and also writing daily and weekly activities at the office.

3.1 Description of Works at the Site

In this internship duration, there are several irrigation structures with their appurtenant works
at the site work which are listed below;

 Diversion headwork and related structures

 Weir body
 Retaining wall
 Under sluice
 Irrigation system and related structures
 Main canal
 Secondary and sub-secondary canal (not constructed)
 Road crossings
 Division Boxes and off takes
 Flumes
 Physical and Social infrastructures
 Camping
 Foot bridge/ foot path

3.1.1 Diversion headwork and related structures

Diversion weir was designed and constructed to raise the level of water in the river
sufficiently to the desired height for diverting the water in part through regulator into the
main supply canal for the development of irrigated agriculture.

TSSIP mainly comprises of diversion weir on Tishishe River, which is a perennial type of
river with relatively good base flow, for the diversion of flow of river Tishishe and network
of canal system for conveyance and distribution of the diverted irrigation water to the target
command area.

8 Headwork site selection criteria

The diversion headwork site selection was mainly done based on the following criteria’s:

i. The site which is closed to the command area of the off taking canal was selected.

ii. The site which gave most economical arrangement for the diversion headwork and
distributions works (canals) were selected.

iii. The site which have constant (smooth) flow with minimum slope and also the location
with narrow and well-defined river x-section were selected.

iv. The site which have suitable geological condition for the foundation according to
minimize the cost and in erodible soil type for the river banks were selected.

v. The site which is easily accessible to road were selected. And soon… Purpose of diversion headwork

TSSIP headwork serves the following purposes:

 Raise and keep the water level.
 Facilitate and regulates the supply of water in to the canal.
 Reduce the fluctuation of water level at the head of the canal.
 Controls the entry of silt in to the canal.
 The Weir

Weirs are differ in type and shape, but designed and constructed to serve the same purposes.
By taking into account the following points and other factors, Broad crested masonry weir
with 1:0.5 slope of d/s face and 1:10 slope of u/s face is selected and constructed for this
specific site. Based on:

 The availability of skilled manpower for implementing it.

 A weir with a shape that cannot easily be constructed by local manpower was
not considered in this project.
 Based on ability to safely pass boulders and other bed load material during
 Suitability of local materials and to minimize cost.

Figure 3.2 =TSSIP Diversion Weir

Table 3.1 Dimensions of Weir body (PLC, 2019)

Type of the weir Broad crested masonry weir

U/S slope 1:10

D/S slope 1:1

Effective crest length 13m

Weir height 3m

Top width 1.5m

Bottom width 4.5m

 Retaining wall

Retaining wall at the proposed weir site was provided for the following reasons:

 To prevent out flanking of the structure,

 To minimize cross flows through the weir,
 To prevent flooding by the river lands upstream,
 To provide favorable curvature of flow at the head regulator from the point of
Sediment entry into the canal, and
 To guide the river to flow axially through the weir.

Figure 3.3 Retaining wall of TSSIP

Table 3.2 Dimensions of U/S Wing Wall

U/s height of wing 5TRSm


On the water face Vertical

Outer face slope 1:2 (H:V)

Top Width 0.30m

Bottom width 3.0m

Foundation depth 1.0m

Table 3.3 Dimensions of D/S Wall (Fact Consulting Engineers, 2019)

d/s wing wall height 2.80m

On the water face Vertical

Outer face slope 1:2 (H:V)

top width 0.30m

bottom width 2m

foundation depth 1.0m

 Under sluice

Under Sluices are gate controlled openings in the weir with crest at low level. They are
located on the same side of off-taking canal. Its main functions are:

 To preserve a clear and defined river channel approaching the canal regulator.
 To scour silt deposited in front of canal regulator and to control silt entry in to
the canal.
 To lower the highest flood level.

Only one under sluice is provided in this specific site at the left end of diversion weir from
where canal off take near head regulators. The crest level of the under sluice was kept at an
average river bed (i.e. at 1858 m). The width of waterway is 1m. The under sluice was
provided with opening of 1.2m width by 1.2m height. The discharge passing through the
under sluice is 2.79 m3/s.

3.1.2 Irrigation system and related structures

Irrigation network of Tishishe Project has been planned for commanding the entire existing
area under traditional irrigation with the available head and irrigation water for the critical
crop–water periods. The main objective of the irrigation system is to provide the river to the
field units with efficient method. The irrigation system proposed consists of an open main
canal (MC) serving one secondary and sub secondary canals.

 Main Canal

The MC of Tishishe project is the largest size of the canal network capable of conveying the
flow of the system under favorable hydraulic conditions of flow velocity with minimum
losses. It has a rectangular shape and it is aligned along the exiting traditional main canal
route. It takes off from the head regulator located at the intake to the tail end where the last
field canal [FC-15] off takes. The designs discharge of the main canals at 12hrs irrigation
time is 0.121m3/s and has a total length of 1002m. The longitudinal slopes of the main canal
adopted is to follow existing canal bed level with minor cut and fill depending on existing

canal bed level of the selected traditional main canal. This (Main canal) is lined with

Figure 3.4 Typical Cross Section of Tishishe Main Canal

Table 3.4 Dimensions of Main canal (Fact Consulting Engineers, 2019)

Shape of the Canal Rectangular

Design discharge 0.12m3/s

Bottom width 0.60m

Depth of the canal 0.60m

FB 0.3m

 Off-take

The entire command area is divided into several segments by field canals, which get
irrigation water from off-takes through furrows. There are about 43 off-takes (i.e. 21 off
taking from MC and 7 off taking from SC). The locations of the FCs are mainly based on the
existing off take location.

Figure 3.5 off-take

 Road Crossings (Culvert)

Culverts are canal crossing structures used to facilitate easy access within the project site. As
we can see the main canal were crossed several roads and foot paths. At the location of major
road crossings a rectangular box culvert (6m length) were constructed and at the location of
foot path 2m and 4m 150mm precast RCC slab over the lined part of the canals is planed to
construct.[right now not constructed]

Figure 3.6 Typical Box Culvert drawing

 Division Boxes

Division box is provided in the system to control and quantify the volume of water supplied
to the various canal networks in accordance with their respective discharge required as per
the schedule. At different points of the main canal division boxes are provided.

There are about 20 division box (DB) along the main canal and 23 DB along Secondary
canal(as a plan) (SC), total 43 division boxes are diverting the irrigation water to the
respective off taking canals.

Figure 3.7 division box

 Flume

It is the structure which provided on a canal where an artificial canal crosses a natural
drainage channels like rivers, springs, and small streams.

In Tishishe project there are 3 flumes (above drainage) structures are constructed at the main

Figure 3.8 Flume

3.1.3 Physical and Social infrastructures

 Camping

A camping station for the construction crew such as the contractor and supervisor on the
project site is indispensable for efficient implementation of the project. During construction

and after construction stage, it can be serve as living room, store, engineer’s office, guard
house and also for toilet.

Figure 3.9 Camping station

 Foot Bridge

These are structures constructed on main canals at foot path crossing sites to allow easy
movement of inhabitants in the project area. There are 14 structures (6 & 8 along MC& SC,
respectively) of this type and are designed and constructed of reinforced concrete.

Figure 3.10 Foot bridge

4.1 Overall Benefits of the Internship

During my internship period, I have been able to gain a lot of knowledge about general work
function and it helps me to improve and apply my theoretical knowledge to the practical one.
In my duration, I could learn how to communicate with workers; in turn I could improve my
interpersonal communication skills. Besides, I was able to understand work ethics related
issues such as punctuality, team work, finishing a given work on time, etc.… on top of this I
learned how to come with a solution when challenges are facing during work time and I also
improve my team playing and leadership skills. I assure that the skills I gained in the
internship will actually help me to be efficient when I get into work after graduation because
I was already familiar with skills which are essential in working environment. In addition to
that, used to perceive things deeply and also to develop the ability to competence in the
construction of diversion weir and canal construction.

The major benefits that I got form the internship are listed and stated as below briefly:

4.1.1 Practical skill

During my internship period in TSSIP, I have tried to improve my practical skills by doing
different activities like supervision works in the site to control the work activity and report to
our supervisor in daily and weekly report form, understanding construction steps (specially
canal) from site clearance up to plastering.

4.1.2 Improving theoretical knowledge

In terms of upgrading my theoretical knowledge during my internship, I have been working

in the construction section. This section comprises of engineers, formans, daily labours and
personnels with different skills. From all these composition I got knowledge and experience
and upgrade my theoretical knowledge. And also by refering some softcopy materials for that
structure which I confused to got further information.

4.1.3 Communication and Social interaction skill

This internship program has a great benefit in terms of improving interpersonal

communication in addition to improving practical skill by enabling observing field work on
going and participating in activities.

In my duration, I may able to improve my communication skill by physically contacting our

supervisor and site engineer to ask different question about the project and also taking
advices from them and also by interviewing the farmers and workers at site by raising and
asking some points. These interpersonal communication skill gave me some benefits which is
mentioned below as followed:

 Increases self confidence

 Helps to have the ability to listen others
 It gave me a good knowledge to perform different task actions.
 It allows me to work together with employers cohesively and professionally.

4.1.4 Work ethics and Leadership skill

In terms of understanding about work ethics I could also learn to be punctual on work time
and not to be late. I also learned group norm, discipline and the value of hard working.

During my internship period I have tried to learn the following ethical issues flawlessly:

 Punctuality, I have to arrive on work place on time.

 Responsible for my action
 Respecting the rules and regulations of the company
 Solving conflict (believe in negotiation)
 Being an optimist person (problems solver)
 Respecting others opinion, thoughts and believes
 Cooperating with others
 Finishing a given work on time.
 Being present on the site during working time and
 Not to be absent without permission.

4.1.5 Team working skill

On my stay, I gained awareness on how participation in team contributes to development of

team behavior, improving communication among each other, solving problems and
increasing productivity.

I had also understood that team working increases self-confidence, moral and loyalty of
individuals. Team collaboration, self-development, continuous learning and access to
information is a few benefit of team playing skill.

Generally, team working skill can make individuals confident, effective in work, role model
for the others and sociable.

4.2 Contributions for the Company

My contribution to the company of Sidama National Regional State Water and Irrigation
Bureau was to control (supervision) the sit work and different kinds of work that done by
each labor with together the site engineer. In addition to these control the speed of their work
and reporting to our supervisor engineer in daily and weekly report form.

4.3 Problems Encountered /Challenges during Internship Period

 On the first time I am afraid to approach and communicate easily with the company
supervisor engineer, site engineer and regular workers to acquire the knowledge
where I got from them.
 The environmental condition was difficult for some health problems.
 Transportation problems especially the location of headwork is far from the main

4.3.1 Measures that I have taken to overcome these challenge

 It is my nature and I were fix it after about some days and after that I made most of
the workers like my friends by approaching them to ask different question concerning
about the project thus afraid have broken, all (site engineer, supervisor and also daily
workers) are willing full to share their knowledge.
 I took medical supports and after some days I were back to my work.
 Most of the time me and my friends choose to went by foot to the headwork location.

5.1 Conclusions

Tishishe irrigation project is an existing traditional irrigation project which is located at

Ramada kebele, Shabadino Wereda in Sidama Region. On the past time in this localized
project, water is supplied to the command area by traditional intake site from Tishishe River.
All the canals are constructed by traditional way & the water supply regime also based on
traditional way. Nowadays, by considering the potential of the river and the practice of the
farmers Tishishe diversion weir irrigation project is studied and constructed in modern
irrigation system to increase the crop production season in to two and to increase the yield
through the intervention of agricultural inputs, so as to change the existing living conditions
of the inhabitants and to improve the socio–economic conditions. This modern irrigation
project comprises 1.0m high diversion weir, one conveyance main canal, one secondary &
sub secondary canal & a number of field canals to irrigate a total of 109ha. Out of this area
the 64ha is smallholder irrigation and the remaining 70 ha is belongs to ELFORA.

Depend on my internship on the TSSIP, I can conclude that small scale irrigation projects are
becoming highly favored b/c of:

 They takes a short period of construction time as compared to large scaled ones.
 They brings about house hold food security.
 They reduces dependency on food aid economic growth.
 They reduces the dependence on rain fed agriculture.
 They also help farmers to get crop productions more than one per year.

5.2 Recommendations

From my overall my observations and internship durations at Tishishe irrigation project, I

have put the following recommendations:-

5.2.1 Recommendations for the project

 Every end user around the Tishishe irrigation project should develop the
construction of catch drain which helps them in protecting the main canal
from damage due to the incoming flood from catchment area.
 Proper management, maintenance when happen some problems of the project
should be given due consideration in order to make the scheme to operate
efficiently throughout its life period.
 Irrigation water should be applied to growing crops. In the proper time

5.2.2 Recommendation for the university

 The teaching-learning method to be more practical to make the students more

confident and more professional in the field of study
 Courses like AutoCAD should be given for the students before the intern period. B/c,
it helps them to easily understand CAD files of the project.

Fact Consulting Engineers, P. (2019). Final Feasibility & Detailed Design Report of
headwork and irrigation infrastructure design on Tishishe SSIP. Addis Ababa.


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