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Study Guide for Quiz 1 Current

Using your textbook (pages 56-57 & 96-7) and your notes, know the answers to the following

1. The 6 Musical Elements found in all music are:

Timbres, Melody/Pitches, dynamics, rhythm, Harmonies/texture, Form.
2. Four Properties of musical sounds are: pitch, tone color, dynamics, durations.
3. Beginning and end dates of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance Eras in music?
4. When did monks begin adding a 2nd melody line to the chant? (Organum)
5. Most of the music was vocal in which Era?
6. Most of the scales used in early Middle Age Music were based on ancient “modes.”
7. The early plainsongs or chants were attributed to which Pope?
8. Another word for tone colors?
9. Musical Pitches correspond to scientific “frequencies.”
10. Frequencies of pressure changes reach our outer ear, then picked up by the ear drum,
converted into amplified vibrations in the middle ear and transferred to the cochlea,
filled with fluid causing waves of to activate hair cells which then send electrical signal to
the brain as sound/s.
11. What are dynamic accents? Crescendos? and Diminuendos?
12. What are the dates for Medieval Music and for Renaissance Music?
13. Most of the secular music in the Middle Ages was used for (singing or dancing)?
14. What was “organum?”
15. Most of the Gregorian chants were what type of texture? (monophonic, homophonic,
polyphonic or heterophonic)?
16. Where was the most music performed in the Middle Ages?
17. Music in the Renaissance was written mostly for dancing.
18. Weelkes was known for his describing lyrics of a song by musical description. “Word-
19. What groups in France wrote a large body of Secular (Non-Religious) music?
20. What does “a cappella” mean relating to choirs?
21. A sound that is pleasant and has a definite pitch is called a musical “tone.”
22. The highness or lowness of a musical sound is called?
23. In rhythm, what determines speed of the music?
24. Patterns of strong and weak beats within a measure such as 4/4 or ¾ time signatures are
referred to as m…..?
25. What was a Madrigal and where did that form of writing originate?
26. Who wrote madrigals in England during the Renaissance?
27. What is the name of the early electronic music composition by Varese?
28. Which 20th Century Song has been called the most “Positive Message” in the 2pth
Century by composers and publishers alike?

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