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Holiday Homework 2022

Science Lower Form III

Holiday Homework 2022 – Science Lower Form III

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Holiday Homework: Lower Form III



a. Differentiate between atomic and subatomic particles.
b. State two uses of nitrogen in plant growth.
c. Akram is testing a leaf for starch. He will need water to perform three tasks.
What are they? List them in order.
d. What is the role of xylem tissues in photosynthesis?
e. Differentiate between variegated and de-starched leaves.

2. Define the following terms.

a. Biodegradable
b. Density
c. Photosynthesis
d. Isotopes
e. Chloroplast
f. Pressure

a) The density of mercury is 13550 kg/m³. What do you think would happen
if the following solids were placed in mercury?

i. Steel (7900density/kg/m³)
ii. Gold (19320density/kg/m³)
iii. Lead (11350density/kg/m³)

b) What is the name of the group to which Magnesium element belongs?

c) Construct a word equation when Hydrogen reacts with Nitrogen.

d) Construct a word equation for the burning of Hydrogen.

e) What is the chemical property of Xenon?

4. Budi has three liquids: water, vegetable oil and maple syrup. He says
the water has a density of 1, the vegetable oil has a density of 0.92 and the
maple syrup has a density of 1.37.

He pours each one into a small tall jar. They settle in layers.

i) Which liquid is at the top?

ii) Which liquid is at the bottom?
iii) Explain your answer.

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5. Use the following table to answer the questions given below the table

Gas Density/kg/m³
Hydrogen 0.089
Air 1.29
Oxygen 1.43
Carbon dioxide 1.98
a) A hydrogen balloon floats in air but would it float in the atmosphere of
Mars, which has a density of 0.020 kg/m³? Explain your answer.
b) Could an air balloon float in the Martian atmosphere? Explain your
c) The Martian atmosphere is made up mostly of one gas given in the table
above. Which gas is it? Explain your answer.

6. Ali and Lily set up some data loggers around plants to measure the
amount of light, carbon dioxide. The graphs show the changes in the
amounts over a day, starting at midnight.

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a) Describe the pattern shown in graph A.

b) Describe the pattern shown in graph B.

7. Write down the chemical formulae of the following common names:

water, carbon dioxide, oxygen and carbohydrate.

8. Write the name of the element and its group corresponding to the
information given.


A pale yellow-green poisonous gas

B from bones and teeth
C combines with oxygen, silicon and aluminium to form an emerald
D used to make batteries
E forms the orange glow in some street lamps
F red-brown liquid with poisonous fumes

9. Draw the atomic structure of the following elements.

a) Ca atomic No. 20, b) Si atomic No. 14

10. How could you demonstrate to farmers that using dung on the soil
can improve their crops?

11. a) Write down the steps to calculate the density of a liquid.

b) Why do you think the temperature of water can be measured when the
value of its density is given?

c) How can gas density be used to explain why hydrogen rises in air and
carbon dioxide sinks?

d) Most people can just about float in water. What does this tell you
about the density of the human body?

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12. a) How is the rate of reaction measured in the following diagram?

b. Write the word equation of the given reaction.

c. Why do you think the production of hydrogen is estimated in a

different way to the production of carbon dioxide?

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Holiday Homework: Lower Form III



a. State any one use of nitrogen in plants.

b. What are three tasks performed to de-starch a leaf?

c. Differentiate between atomic number and atomic weight.

d. State two uses of phosphorus in plant growth.

e. Emma is planning an investigation to show that plants need water to

stay healthy. What does she need for her investigation?

f. Why do wind-pollinated flowers produce much more pollen than

insect-pollinated flowers?

2. Define the following terms:

a. Fertilisation
b. Displacement reaction
c. Nectaries
d. Carpel
e. Calyx
f. Carbohydrates
g. Hydraulic pressure
h. Respiration

a) Jacky’s pebble has a mass of 80g and volume of 25cm. What is its

b) What is helium used for?

c) Construct a word equation of photosynthesis.

d) Write two uses of hydrogen.

a) What do you think would happen if water and coconut oil were mixed

b) What do you think would happen if polythene is placed on water?

c) What do you think would happen if gold is placed in mercury?

d) How can gas density be used to explain why hydrogen rises in the air
and carbon dioxide sinks?

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e) What are the deficiency symptoms of magnesium in animals?

5. Plan an investigation to show how oxygen is produced during

photosynthesis. In your planning incorporate the following: material
required, steps to plan the investigation, result, conclusion

6. Draw the atomic structure of the following elements.

a) Ne atomic No. 10 b) C atomic No. 6

a) A block of material is 9cm long, 3cm wide and 2 cm high, and has a
mass of 46g. What is its density?

b) Convert the value you found for the density in part (a) to kg/m3.

c) What is the name of the group to which the element magnesium


d) Construct a word equation for the burning of hydrogen.

e) Write down one use of xenon.

8. Differentiate between the following terms.

a. Endothermic and exothermic reaction

b. Woodland and grassland
c. Incomplete and complete combustion
d. Pressure and weight

a) Write the word equation for the reaction of the following.

(i) Zinc carbonate and sulfuric acid

(ii) Magnesium carbonate and nitric acid
(iii) Aluminium carbonate and hydrochloric acid
(iv) Copper and sulfuric acid
(v) Calcium carbonate and nitric acid
(vi) Lead and hydrochloric acid
(vii) Magnesium and sulfuric acid
(viii) Calcium and hydrochloric acid

b) Write the chemical formula of the following compounds: water,

carbon dioxide, Sulfuric acid

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a) How would you investigate to show the importance of chlorophyll in
the starch production of a plant? Incorporate the following in your
investigation: material required, method, result

b) What happens to the minerals in a plant when it dies?

c) Draw a fully labelled diagram of an insect pollinated flower.

11. a) A class of students investigated plants growing under a shady

tree. They used line transect with five stations on it where they collected
data. The table shows the results of the growth of two plant species A
and B.

Station Plant species A Plant species B

1 1 0

2 5 2

3 6 3

4 4 12

5 1 14

i.Use the data to make the line graph of each species.

ii.Describe the relationship of light and the growth of species A and B.

b) Draw a circuit diagram for circuits that have

i.three cells, an ammeter, one lamp, and switch.

ii.two cells, a voltmeter, one lamp and a switch.

c) In b) above, compare how a voltmeter and an ammeter are connected

into a circuit.

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(i). What is the pressure exerted on the table by a box that has a weight
of 650 N and a surface area in contact with a table of

1. 2cm2 2. 12 cm2 3. 15 cm2

(ii) Draw a three dimensional box that has 2 cm width, 6 cm height and 8
cm length.

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Holiday Homework: Lower Form III



a. Why are hydraulic systems known as ‘force multipliers’?

b. Potassium is required for the human body. What is its importance?

c. When paraffin oil and water are poured into a container, they separate
and the paraffin oil forms a layer on top of the water. When water and
mercury are mixed the water forms a layer on top of mercury. What can
you conclude from these two observations?

d. What colour would you expect the ethanol to go after a leaf has been
boiled in it? Explain your answer.

e. How can you differentiate between the stigma and the stamen in the

f. How does a honeysuckle flower pollinate?

2. Define the following terms.

a. Fuse
b. Resistor
c. Exothermic reaction
d. Capacitor
e. Insulator
f. Quadrat
g. Line transect
h. Ammeter

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3. Look at the figure and answer the questions given below.

Flower A Flower B

Flower A Flower B

a) Which one of the two flowers (Flower A or B) is wind–pollinated and

which is insect–pollinated.

b) State any 4 differences between the insect–pollinated and wind–

pollinated flowers.

c) How could you arrange the unusual methods of pollination into


d) Construct a table using a ruler to summarise how fruits and seeds are
dispersed. Use the following terms: wind dispersal, animal dispersal,
succulent fruits, hooked fruits, hard fruits, parachute fruits, winged
fruits and explosive fruits. Give one example of each.

e) i. What is nectar?

ii. What is the name of the part of the plant that produces nectar?

4. The periodic table of elements is shown below.

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Use the table and answer the following questions.

a) Arrange the metals iron, potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium and

copper in order of their reactivity with water.

b) Write the word equations for the reactants of each of the following
metals with hydrochloric acid.

i. Magnesium:
ii. Iron:
iii. Zinc:

c) i. If an iron nail is placed in a copper sulphate solution, what change

will you observe?

ii. Explain your answer.

d) Give the information about the following elements.

Fluorine (Group 7); Calcium (Group 2); Beryllium (Group 2) Lithium (Group 1)
Sodium (Group 1) Bromine (Group 7)

5. a) Hovercrafts work by riding on a cushion of air above the ground or

water surface. What are the advantages of using a hovercraft as a
means of transport?

b) What pressure does a block of weight 600 N and dimension

1mx1mx3m, exert, when it is:

i. laid on its side? ii. stood on one end?

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6. a) What are the advantages of cross–pollination over self–pollination?

b) Why does iron displace copper from its solution?

c) Why do the feet of person wearing skis not sink in the snow?

d) A box has a weight of 480 Newtons and the bottom of the box is 12
m2. What is the pressure the box exerts on the floor?

7. A bronze statue weighs 6400 Newtons and has a base that is 4

meters by 8 meters. What is the pressure which the statue exerts on the

8. a) Most plants produce flowers that have both male and female
reproductive parts. How do these plants avoid self-pollination?

b) Some students took turns to record how many times bees visited
flowers in 2 minutes. In the table below their results are recorded.

Name Pink flower visits Purple flower Violet flower White flower
in 2 minutes visits in 2 visits in 2 visits in 2
minutes minutes minutes

Sana - - -- - - --- - - -- - - - - -- - -

Sara -- - - -- - - -- - - ----

Ali --- -- - - -- - - -----


i) Calculate the totals for each type of flower.

ii) Construct a labeled bar graph of the data on a graph paper.

9. a) Describe the use of the following apparatus in the preparation of

salt by reacting metal or metal carbonates with acid.

(i) Spatula
(ii) Evaporating dish
(iii) Gauze
(iv) Tripod stand

b) Redraw and label figure 1.1 and plan an investigation to show the
products of a burning candle using the given apparatus.

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Fig 1.1

10. a) State the importance of the following mineral salts for plants:
Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium
b) Fig. 1.5 is used for the production of hydrogen. Why can’t CO2 be
produced using the apparatus in fig 1.5?


c) Explain the process of conduction, convection and radiation with the

help of diagrams fig1.6, fig 1.7 and fig1.8.

fig1.6 fig1.7 fig1.8

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d) Simon has painted one tin can black and another one shiny. He has a
thermometer, measuring cylinder and a bottle of water. How could he
find out which surface absorbs most heat from the Sun?
i.Plan an investigation.
ii.Predict the result and explain it.
iii.Two cartons of milk were opened; one was left by a radiator while the other
was placed in a fridge. How and why will the milk in the two cartons differ
after three days?

e) Fig 1.9 gives a simple food web. Copy the table given below and
identify by ticks the feeding status of the organisms.


No. Organisms Producer Secondary Tertiary

Consumer Consumer
1. Fox
2. Robin
3. Sparrow hawk
4. Bark
5. Shrew
6. Owl

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Holiday Homework: Lower Form III



a. Calcium is required for the human body. What is its importance?

b. If you ride quickly down a hill on a bicycle your eardrums are pushed
in before they pop back. Explain why.

c. How does the length of a high resistance wire affect the flow of
current through the circuit?

d. What do you think might happen to strangler fig seeds that fall into
forks of branches high in the canopy, which have very little compost?

f. Which kind of dispersal by animals provides the seeds with mineral

salts? Explain your answer.

2. Define the following terms.

a. Corolla
b. Adaptation
c. Burning
d. Current
e. Swamp
f. Hydrocarbons

3. Study the diagram below and write the path of a male gamete nucleus
from the time it forms into a pollen grain in an anther until the time it
enters an ovule.

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4. An experiment is shown in the following diagram.

i) Name the chemical reaction.

ii) Which element is replacing which other element?
iii) Why does the element displace the other?
iv) Write down the word equation for the reaction.

5. Observe the diagram below and calculate the density taking the
values of the mass of the cylinder and the volume of the water.

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6. A girl wearing trainers does not sink into the lawn as she walks
across it, but later wearing high-heeled shoes, she sinks into the turf.
Why does this happen?

7. a) Why does a dam need a wall shaped like the one in the figure

b) Drivers in Iceland, when going out on the snow, let their tyres down
until they are very soft. Why do you think the drivers do this?

c) A block in the figure below has dimensions 2m x 4m x 3m and weight

400N. What will be the pressure exerted by the block?

8. Draw a block of 3-dimensions that has an actual length of 6 cm, the

actual width and height of 2 cm each. Its weight is 800 N.

i. What pressure does this block exert if laid on its side? ii.
What pressure does this block exert if stood on one end?

9. a) A bee visits the following flowers many times in 2 minutes. The

result is recorded in the table given below. Draw a bar graph to show
the number of visits.

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Blue flower Red flower Yellow flower Orange flower

xxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx


b) Describe the pattern of the graph in fig 2 (given below) for the
absorption of CO2, and the production of O2 at midday during the
process of photosynthesis.

Fig 2

10. Answer the following questions.

a. What adaptations would a tumble weed need so that the shoot did
not have to die to spread the seeds but could plant itself again?

b. How will designing more efficient stoves help conserve fuel?

c. Why does a rubbed balloon stick to the wall?

d. Explain what you see in figure 1.3.

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Fig 1.3

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Holiday Homework: Lower Form III



a. What are the reactants and products in the word equation for

b. Which halogen is a liquid at a room temperature of 20°C? Explain

your answer.

c. Why is concentrated acid solution used if there is no reaction with

dilute acid solution?

d. Write the word equation for the endothermic reaction that occurs in a
lime kiln.

e. State four uses of aerosol cans in the home.

2. Define the following terms.

i. Conduction
ii. Convection
iii. Radiation
iv. Biotic factors
v. Abiotic factors
vi. Dispersal

3. Differentiate the following terms.

a. Seed and fruit

b. Stigma and anther
c. Proton and electron
d. Stamen and carpel

4. a) Draw the distribution of electrons of the following elements.

S, 15P, 17Cl

b) What is the word equation for the reaction of each of the following
metals with hydrochloric acid?

i. Magnesium
ii. Iron
iii. Zinc

5. What is a displacement reaction? Give an example.

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6. Plan an investigation to show the importance of light to produce

starch. Follow these steps: Material required, Method, Result,

7. a) How would you measure the density of an irregular shaped solid?

b) The mass of a pebble was 96 g. The original volume of water in the

measuring cylinder was 45 cm3 and the combined volume of the water
and the pebble was 88 cm3. What is the density of the rock in the

c) What is the pressure exerted on the ground by an object that has a

weight of 60 N and surface area in contact with the ground of

i. 15 cm3 ii. 35 cm3

8. a) State whether the following reactions are endothermic or

exothermic reactions.

i. The cooking of food

ii. Photosynthesis
iii. Burning
iv. Respiration

b) Write the word equations for the reactions between the following
metals and acids to make salts.

i. Tin + nitric acid

ii. Aluminium + hydrochloric acid
iii. Lead + sulphuric acid

9. a) Explain the importance of reducing and increasing the pressure

using Fig 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5.

Fig 1.2 Fig 1.3

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Fig 1.4 Fig 1.5

b) A wire carrying a current of electricity can be described as being similar

to a stream carrying a current of water. In what two ways are the wire
and the stream dissimilar?

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Holiday Homework: Lower Form III



a. Do you think that flying fish is free from predators once it has left
water? Explain your answer.

b. State two ways in which losing leaves in the autumn helps deciduous

c. Do you think all metal salts can be prepared by adding the metal to an
acid? Explain your answer.

d. What happens to the carbon in natural gas when the gas burns in a
badly fitted gas fire?

e. Why are decomposers important?

f. How could you prevent a fire in the home being caused by an electrical

2. Define the following terms.

a. Series circuit
b. Salt
c. Calorimeter
d. Parallel circuit
e. Filtrate
f. Electrostatic charge

3. Complete the following chemical reactions.

i.Magnesium + Sulfuric acid → _____________________________

ii.Lead + Sulfuric acid → _____________________________

iii.Iron + Nitric acid →_____________________________

iv.Calcium + Hydrochloric acid → _____________________________

v.Aluminium + Hydrochloric acid →_____________________________

vi.Tin + Nitric acid →_____________________________

vii.Zinc carbonate + Sulfuric acid →_____________________________

viii.Copper carbonate + Sulfuric acid →_____________________________

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ix.Aluminium carbonate + Hydrochloric acid


x.Magnesium carbonate + Nitric acid →_____________________________

4.a) Write the electric symbols for the following devices: resistor,
battery, voltmeter, ammeter, buzzer, lamp

b) A block of material is 20 cm long, 4 cm wide and 5 cm high, and has a

mass of 60 g. What is its density?

c) Explain one use for each of the fuels listed below.

iii.Natural gas

5. a) Describe any 3 adaptations of monkeys living in a canopy in a


b) Write down two similarities and one difference between respiration

and burning.

c) How many electrons are there in each shell of an atom of calcium and
Ca (atomic number = 20) S (atomic number = 16)

6. Describe the process of photosynthesis to show the importance of

light in starch production with the help of a labeled diagram.

7. a) What is the name given to the way the bulbs are arranged in figure


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b) What is the name given to the way the bulbs are arranged in figure


c) In fig 1.1 above, how is the brightness of the first bulb affected when
the second bulb is connected? Explain why this happens.

d) In fig 1.2 above, how is the brightness of the first bulb affected when
the second bulb is connected? Explain why this happens.

e) An ammeter is connected to a series circuit at different points.

Describe the working of the ammeter at points A and B in fig 1.3.

fig 1.3

d) An ammeter is connected to a series circuit at different points.

Describe the working of the ammeter at points A, B, C and D in fig 1.4.

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fig 1.4

8. Why do the pieces of paper get attracted to the comb in the following
figure? Explain.

9. a) What is a calorimeter?
b) How does it work?

10. The table shows the temperature and rainfall records for a 12-month
period in one habitat.

Weather Ja Fe Ma Ap Ma Ju Ju Au Se Oc No De
feature n b r r y n l g p t v c
Temperatur 39 37 34 27 21 23 23 26 28 31 33 34
Rainfall/mm 43 31 27 10 9 7 5 7 9 21 32 39

a) Make a line graph of the data about the temperature.

b) Make a bar graph of the data about the rainfall.

Holiday Homework 2022 – Science Lower Form III

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