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Name: Sayj Watson

Grade: Grade 11
What traits do you have that you feel would make you a good counsellor? Why
do these traits make you stand out among other applicants?

I believe that I would make a good counsellor because of my leadership skills and my
ability to make quick decisions in dire situations. These skills paired with my
organizational skills are some of my best qualities. I believe these qualities make me
stand out from the other applicants because these skills have been polished in my
SHSM class. The class has helped me fix my flaws and help me grow as a leader. Not
everyone has that experience so that is why I think I stand out from the rest.
What clubs, teams or activities have you been involved in? Or – how have you
worked to build connections between yourself and peers? How would this
experience benefit you as a counsellor?

I’m part of OCC, Live Loud(Christian Club), and SHSM, and I used to be on the soccer
team but the season has ended. I believe the experience I got from these clubs
benefits me as a counsellor because all of them require teamwork and
communication. In Live Loud we often have to communicate clearly to answer the
questions given to us. In soccer, we have to look out for each other and keep a level
head even during a stressful game. In SHSM and OCC, we often have to communicate
that we are having trouble and help each other out.

Why do you want to be a camp counsellor?

I want to be a camp counsellor because I had the opportunity to experience it last

year. Unfortunately, it was shortened to a day but the leaders, teachers and students
still made it an enjoyable experience. I made quite a few friends there as well so it’s
definitely a place that brings happiness.

Camp 2023 will be a brand new experience for everyone, even if you’ve been
to our Leadership Camp in the past. What ideas or approaches would you
suggest for our triumphant return to a full camp format?

Since it’s 4 days, I think we should have a theme for each day. All these themes will
relate to leadership. On the first day, we could have teamwork, we could ask them to
build something with given materials or play sports. This way they will be moving
and active after a ride off the bus. The second day could have conflict resolution as a
theme. On this day we could have many things surrounding the conflict. On the third
day, we could incorporate what they did last year with negotiation. Like the card
game last year where they had to trade pieces of a card to get a full one. The 4th day
could include something around empathy. Where we could give them several

What’s one past event or experience (outside of school & school activities) that
would equip you to be a good leader?

I think having a job is an important thing a good leader should have to experience.
Having a job helps you encounter all sorts of people and puts you in many situations
that you have to navigate through. It can provide you with some skills such as
negotiation, organization, persuasion, empathy, responsibility, time management,
conflict resolution, and more.

Please circle any days that you are usually AVAILABLE for camp meetings at lunch.
We will be meeting once weekly – be sure that you can commit to regular

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Make sure you fill these in, print and hand them back into guidance by
Friday November 4th at 2:15 p.m.!
Ms Aunger, Ms Morton, Ms Ordanis

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