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Name: __________________________________________________

Student ID:
Grade 9 / Section: __________
Date: __________________________

Social Studies - Project Assignment: Performance Task

Third Trimester _ The Types of Renewable Energy

Standards Alignment :
- Learn about the types of renewable energy.

- Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative

products and processes.

- Students locate, organize, analyze,evaluate,synthesize,and ethically use information from

a variety of sources and media.

Objectives_(Learning Outcome):

The students are supposed to present a demo on Google Slides to highlight any TWO major

renewable energy sources.


Renewable energy is energy that is collected from renewable resources that are naturally

replenished on a human timescale. It includes sources such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves,

and geothermal heat. Some of the major renewable energy sources are : (1) Solar energy from

the sun, (2) Wind energy, (3) Geothermal energy from heat inside the earth, (4) Hydropower

energy from flowing water, (5) Biomass energy from plants.

The Task:

a- Goal : To highlight some of the types of renewable energy sources and how they help in

producing an alternative source of energy instead of oil.

b- Role : You are a specialist in renewable energy who is explaining the futuristic importance of

renewable energy as an alternative source of energy.

The Product :
You will prepare FOUR to SIX Google Slides to present a visual description about any TWO

renewable energy sources and their importance as alternative sources of power in the 21st


P.S.: Follow the rubric on Google Classroom to avoid missing any required component in the


P.S: Submit your work in the assignment portal on Google Classroom.

Audience : Scientists, environmentalists, and DJIS community.

Google Waffle Tools :

- Google Slides

- Google Classroom

Grading Distribution :

80% : Submission of the FOUR-SIX Google Slides about at least TWO of the major renewable

energy sources.

20%: A one-minute synchronous presentation in the class.

Submission Deadline :

Announced in the class and scheduled on Google Classroom

Evaluation :

The rubric is posted with the assignment on Google Classroom.

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