Reflection Paper No. 2 - My Personal Ethical Dilemma - Gil Orense

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Reflection Paper No. 2 – My Personal Ethical Dilemma

Gil R. Orense

Innovating with Integrity: Navigating an Ethical Dilemma in Technology

The city was a beautiful place, full of life and energy, but it was also rife with corruption

and deceit. As a Founder and CEO of a technology company serving government

contracts, I had seen my fair share of shady deals and underhanded schemes. But

nothing had prepared me for the ethical dilemma that was about to confront me.

It started when an acquaintance city mayor approached me with a request for a software

that would monitor the daily activities of all city government employees and the city

council. This posed an ethical dilemma as it involved invading the privacy of individuals

and potentially violating their rights. I was torn between fulfilling the request of the mayor

and upholding my own personal principles of respect for privacy and individual rights. On

one hand, the software would help detect any fraudulent activities and improve efficiency

in the government. On another hand, it could lead to abuse and breach of privacy and

trust among employees. But the mayor was persistent, and I knew that turning down the

project could harm my company's reputation and bottom line. So, I agreed to take it on,

hoping that we could find a way to make it ethically responsible.

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As I delved into the project, I realized just how difficult it would be to balance the demands

of the mayor with the values and principles that were important to me. I thought back to

my childhood, when my parents had instilled in me a strong sense of honesty, integrity,

and transparency. These values were the foundation of my career, and I knew that

compromising them would be a betrayal of everything I stood for.

I gathered more information about the requirements of the project and the potential

consequences of creating such a software. I spoke with the city mayor regularly to

understand their reasons and consulted with legal experts to understand the legal

implications of such product. I also spoke with my employees to understand their thoughts

on the matter and the potential impact on their own work and privacy. I considered the

potential stakeholders involved, including government employees, citizens, and other

individuals who may be impacted by the software.

After gathering all the necessary information, I evaluated the potential consequences of

both fulfilling the request and denying it. I considered the ethical principles involved, such

as respect for privacy and individual rights, as well as the potential benefits of the software

in improving efficiency and preventing fraud.

I also considered the potential harm that could be caused by the software, such as a loss

of trust among employees and a breach of privacy. I weighed the potential consequences

and evaluated which option aligned best with my personal and professional ethical


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I explored different ways to achieve the goals of the city mayor without compromising on

ethical principles. I considered alternatives such as using the software in a limited

capacity or developing a different software that would not invade privacy.

I also considered alternatives such as collaborating with the city mayor and employees to

create a system that would promote transparency and accountability, while respecting

privacy and individual rights. After much evaluation, I decided to propose a compromise

in terms of the features of the product. I proposed that we develop the software with

revised functionality that would protect the privacy of the city employees and council

members. We would also implement strict security measures to prevent any unauthorized

access to the data. This would satisfy the ethical norms of transparency and

accountability while also respecting the moral principles of privacy and individual rights.

The pressure was mounting. The mayor was breathing down my neck, demanding

updates and progress reports. My employees were working tirelessly, putting in long

hours to deliver a product that met the mayor's demands. And I found myself torn between

my responsibilities as the CEO of my company and my duties as a citizen and a human

being. The demand of the mayor, was for a software that would monitor the daily activities

of all city government employees and the city council. It was a bold and ambitious request,

one that promised to bring a new level of transparency and accountability to the city

government. However, it also raised serious concerns about privacy and the potential for


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My personal values, were centered on honesty, integrity, and transparency. These values

were the foundation of my career and the bedrock of my personal identity. I knew that

compromising them could damage my reputation, my company's reputation, and my own

sense of self-worth.

My responsibilities as the CEO of a company, were to deliver products and services that

meet the needs of my customers and stakeholders. This meant balancing the demands

of the mayor, the expectations of my employees, and the values and principles that were

important to me.

The mayor’s demand, my personal values and my responsibilities to my company and

my shareholders were in conflict, and I found myself caught in the middle. I knew that I

couldn't simply dismiss the mayor's request out of hand, but I also knew that I couldn't

compromise my values and principles. I needed to find a way to reconcile these conflicting

demands and values.

One day, as I sat in my office, surrounded by mountains of paperwork and endless emails,

I felt my resolve crumbling. I couldn't keep going like this. I needed to make a decision,

and fast. I was seeking for guidance and clarity. Gathered the facts, researched heavily

and gathered more information. I consulted with my colleagues and experts in the field,

gathering insights and opinions. And slowly, ever so slowly, a solution began to emerge.

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It was a compromise, but it was one that I could live with. We would create a software

that would monitor the daily activities of city government employees and the city council,

but with strict limitations. We would not track their personal lives or private conversations,

and the software would be transparently available to the public if ever the official or

employee were involved in a wrongdoing. Furthermore, we would include a clause that

would not hold us liable if the software was used for unethical purposes.

It wasn't perfect, but it was a compromise that balanced the demands of the mayor with

the values and principles that were important to me. And when I presented it to the mayor,

I could feel the weight of the world lifting from my shoulders.

The project went ahead, and we delivered a product that was both functional and ethically

responsible. Initially, we used the software internally to test its effectiveness and ensure

that it was operating within the agreed parameters. It took some time, but eventually, we

were confident that the software was ready for public use.

At the launch, I stood before the mayor and his department heads, feeling a mix of nerves

and excitement. I explained the software’s features and limitations, emphasizing our

commitment to transparency and ethical responsibility. And when the demonstration was

over, the room erupted in applause. We launched the software without much fanfare,

keeping the initial release low-key and limited to select departments within the city

government. It was a slow and steady rollout, but over time, the software gained popularity

and was eventually adopted by the entire city government.

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But even as I basked in the glow of success, I couldn't help but wonder what the future

holds. Would the software be used for its intended purpose, or would it be misused for

unethical or illegal activities? It was a question that weighed heavily on my mind, but one

that I knew I couldn't answer on my own.

So, I made the decision to continue monitoring the implementation of the software, even

after it had been handed over to the city. With the permission of the mayor, I assigned a

team of experts to keep an eye on its usage, looking for any signs of misuse or abuse. It

was an added expense, but one that I felt was necessary to ensure that our company's

reputation remained untarnished.

After taking action and implementing the new system and program, it was important for

me to reflect on the decision-making process and evaluate the outcomes. This reflection

allowed me to identify areas for improvement and make any necessary adjustments to

ensure that my decision was effective and ethical. I looked back on my thoughts and

feelings during the process, considered what went well and what could have been

improved, and thought about how I would approach a similar situation in the future.

Through this reflection, I identified some of the challenges I faced in making this decision,

including the complexity of the issue and the conflicting values involved. However, I also

recognized the value of seeking feedback from key stakeholders and taking a

collaborative approach to decision-making.

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I also evaluated the outcomes of my decision, including the effectiveness of the new

system and program and its impact on all stakeholders involved. This allowed me to

identify any areas for improvement and make any necessary adjustments. Overall, the

reflection process helped me to further develop my personal and professional ethical

principles and improve my decision-making process for future ethical dilemmas.

In the end, the compromise allowed us to deliver the software while also upholding ethical

principles. The revised functionality of the software satisfied the stakeholders' concerns

while also meeting the project's goals. I reflected on the experience and realized that

ethical dilemmas are not always black and white. They require careful consideration of

conflicting values and interests and the willingness to compromise.

Over the years, the software proved to be a valuable tool for the city. It helped identify

inefficiencies and areas where improvements could be made, leading to increased

transparency and accountability. And while there were a few instances where the

software was misused, our team was able to point it early and address the issue with the

local government before any real damage was done.

The consequences of my decision were positive. The mayor appreciated my willingness

to listen to the concerns of the stakeholders and was pleased with the revised software.

As a result, my company was able to maintain its good reputation and continue to do

business with the city government.

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My significant others, including my family and close friends, were proud of me for standing

up for what I believed in and making a difficult ethical decision. They supported me

throughout the process and were relieved that the outcome was favorable.

In terms of my career, I received recognition from my board of directors for my leadership

and decision-making skills. This led to an increase in trust and confidence from all

shareholders. Overall, while this personal ethical dilemma was challenging and required

careful consideration, the outcome was ultimately positive. My decision to compromise

and uphold ethical principles not only benefited the stakeholders involved, but also had

positive consequences for my career and reputation.

Looking back on that experience, I am proud of the decision that I made. It wasn't easy,

and it wasn't without cost, but it was the right thing to do. And as I watch my company

grow and thrive, I know that we are doing so on a foundation of honesty, integrity, and

transparency. Because in the end, that's what really matters.

-END -

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